Special Beauty-guarding Master



1In the first ten meters, the distance was limited.    


Even the fastest handsome boy was less than half a meter away from Zhang Zihui.    


As for the other three, they weren't too far apart from each other!    


/p p Soon, the boy was the first to arrive at the iron chain bridge!    


He suddenly accelerated and entered from the middle of the metal chain bridge!    


With a step forward, he was halfway to the metal chain bridge!    


After that, he kicked with all his might and it was already past the iron chain bridge!    


It was extremely fast!    




Following that, the boy firmly stepped on the wooden stake as he landed. With a few consecutive steps, he easily passed through!    


After the boy went over, he even turned around and threw a provocative look at Zhang Zihui!    




Zhang Zihui looked at the boy indifferently. After arriving at the iron chain bridge, he also leaped up!    


However, he didn't land on the ground again!    


While he was in the air, he used his hands to accurately grab the iron chain, and with another burst of strength, he swung the chain in one breath!    


After that, Zhang Zihui landed accurately on the wooden stake while squatting, he suddenly jumped out like a cheetah!    


His arms were leaning on a wooden stake!    


He pulled his body back and forth, then moved forward and went straight over!    


His speed was actually slightly faster than that of the boy!    


The people around them were shocked by their performance!    


Such actions caused even the instructor to feel a sense of pressure!    


However, the one who was most stressed should be the boy in the last team!    


He did not want to lose like this!    


He still hoped that he would be able to show off his charm!    


He was attracting beautiful women!    


Hence, he sped up!    


However, just as he finished crossing the iron chain bridge, the two people in front of him had already crossed the trench and arrived at the wooden wall!    


At this moment, Zhang Zihui seemed to have caught up to the boy!    


As for the boy, after he noticed Zhang Zihui's performance, he became even more excited!    




His hands clawed at the wooden wall as he suddenly exploded with power!    


He turned his body to the right, then let go of his right hand and flipped over the wall.    


Then he quickly landed on the ground and his body exploded with power!    


He rushed towards the lone bridge!    


After that, he saw the two of them step onto the bridge and then fly across the bridge with an extremely fearful speed!    


The good balance caused the surrounding people to exclaim in admiration!    


However, Zhang Zihui's performance was even more shocking!    


Because, compared to the boy, his speed was even faster!    


The difficulty of the movement was also increased!    


Zhang Zihui was still more than a meter away from the wooden wall, so he decisively jumped and placed his hands on the wall!    


He bent his legs and stepped on the wall, then a burst of power erupted from both his arms!    


He raised his entire body up into the air!    


Zhang Zihui actually leaped into the air!    


They flew over the wall!    


/p p "Wow!"    


The surrounding people began to shout in shock!    


Zhang Zihui's arm strength was actually this terrifying!    


However, to leap over a three meter high wooden wall?    


How did Zhang Zihui land on the ground?    


Zhang Zihui's body curled up after leaping over the wooden wall. His right shoulder slightly tilted outward and he rolled forward after landing on the ground!    


After rolling twice, Zhang Zihui's right hand suddenly propped up the ground and his body instantly turned into a squatting position!    


Then, Shuangyue took a step back!    


His entire person once again exploded forth with extreme speed!    


He stepped onto the slope of the bridge and his body became like a cheetah once again!    


He pounced forward!    


Extend your arms!    


It landed heavily on the other side of the bridge!    


Then, he withdrew his body and Shuangyue moved her body forward!    


He had actually gotten away with it all of a sudden!    




As for Yao Songtuan and the other boy, they had just climbed up the wooden wall!    




Then there was the handsome boy!    


What was surprising was that the boy's speed was even faster than Zhang Zihui's!    


Instead, he caught up to half a body position!    


At this moment, everyone's attention was on Zhang Zihui and the boy!    


Even Instructor Ye and the rest couldn't help but hold their breaths!    


The abilities that the two of them had displayed were already one level higher than what they, the instructors, had displayed!    




Soon, the two of them came out of the web almost at the same time!    


And now, the final hurdle was right in front of them!    


However, to everyone's surprise, Zhang Zihui suddenly stopped!    


At this moment, many people were stunned!    


Including Instructor Ye, Su Yinyin, Xiao Qingying, and a lot of onlookers!    




The boy decisively sped up and jumped up!    


He stepped on the wall with his right foot and pulled on the rope with both hands!    


In an instant, he was three meters up!    


Then the boy clawed at the rope, his feet on the wall, and crawled quickly forward!    


Zhang Zihui, who had stopped after three seconds, started moving again!    


However, in just three seconds, the boy had already crawled four meters!    


How could Zhang Zihui still have the chance to chase up?    


However, for some reason, Su Yinyin looked at Zhang Zihui and felt that he would obtain the final victory!    


Actually, Zhang Zihui stopped because he suddenly wanted to test his physical fitness.    


In order to test himself, he had thought of a very abnormal climbing method!    


/p p They ran towards the concrete wall!     


Then he leaped up, and just like the boy, he stepped on the wall with his right foot and pulled on the rope to pull his entire body upwards!    


However, when Zhang Zihui stepped on the wall while holding the rope, he stretched his arms forward, pulled with all his might and bent his body down!    


Following that, he exerted force with his legs and actually started running while sticking close to the concrete wall!    


In one breath, he ran two meters!    


/p p Everyone was shocked!    


Was this something a human could do?    


Wasn't this way too abnormal!    


Could it be that the main character in the wuxia novel was leaning on Zhang Zihui?    


Zhang Zihui, who had climbed to five meters in one go, was only half a meter away from the boy!    


As for Zhang Zihui, he still hadn't climbed up yet!    


He repeated the actions from before!    


He went up another two meters!    


It had exceeded the boy by more than a meter!    


The boy was stunned when he saw Zhang Zihui suddenly surpass him.    


And this time, Zhang Zihui had started running up once again!     2


He reached the top of the concrete wall in one breath!    


/p p "This,"    


The boy looked at Zhang Zihui, who was standing on the stage, in astonishment. He couldn't understand how Zhang Zihui could surpass him.    


One had to know that in such a clear environment, the only thing that could be used as leverage was the rope in his hand!    


/p p The boy was right.    


However, he did not know how abnormal Zhang Zihui's method of borrowing his strength was.    


/p However, no matter what, Zhang Zihui getting first place was already a fact.    


/p p "Phew"    


Su Yinyin heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Zhang Zihui get first place. But then, she suddenly realized why she was so nervous towards him.    


"Okay, I declare that the winner of this match will be the fifth team."    


Instructor Ye was the first to recover and announced Zhang Zihui's victory.    


However, his shock was not completely dispelled. After all, Zhang Zihui's performance was too abnormal!    


/p p "Pa Pa Pa!"    


Suddenly, there was applause. Then, everyone followed suit!    


It had to be said that this match was simply too shocking!    


And they, too, were enjoying the show!    


Especially for many girls, their gazes towards Zhang Zihui were already filled with pink admiration!    


However, Zhang Zihui had nothing to say about it.    


Firstly, he already had a girlfriend. Not only were they pretty, they were quite a few.    


Secondly, to him, these things really weren't much.    


/p p "Hmph!" How dare you be so arrogant! However, I won't admit defeat just like that! For tomorrow's firearms project, let's compete and test out a new set of guns! "    


The boy also went up to the concrete wall, looking at Zhang Zihui with an unyielding face, his eyes burning with fighting spirit!    


/p p "Do as you wish."    


Zhang Zihui was too lazy to say anything to the boy.    


In his heart, he did not reject the idea of having a match between the boy and himself.    


After the competition, the instructors allowed everyone to freely move about.    


You can choose to rest, or you can continue to pass through obstacles.    


Many of the boys gathered together to study the movements of the boy and Zhang Zihui with interest.    


Of course, they, who had not received any special training, only gave it a try. Seeing that the difficulty was too high, they gave up on it.    


As for the girls, they started to gather towards Zhang Zihui and the boy.    


They were both very handsome boys, especially Zhang Zihui. He was even more handsome than the boy!    


Many girls were tempted by him.    


Zhang Zihui naturally felt the girls' gazes on him, and felt a little helpless inside. He thought for a moment, then walked towards Su Yinyin.    


/p p "Can you do me a favor?"    


Zhang Zihui stood in front of Su Yinyin.    


At this moment, she was chatting with Xiao Qingying.    


When Su Yinyin heard Zhang Zihui's words, she looked at him in surprise and said, "What kind of help? I can definitely help."    


After all, the boy in front of her had helped her twice.    


/p p "Can I sit next to you?"    


/p p "Ah?"    


Su Yinyin was stunned for a moment before her face flushed red again.    


Zhang Zihui's request was more appropriate, and she could easily help him.    


But Su Yinyin hadn't had much contact with the boys yet.    


Although she and Zhang Zihui already had the experience of sitting together in the infirmary, there weren't many people at that time.    


And now, they were surrounded by people!    


If Zhang Zihui was sitting next to her, it would be easy for others to mistake him for something.    


While Su Yinyin was hesitating, Xiao Qingying suddenly spoke up, "It's okay, just sit down. Yinyin won't mind."    


"Xiao Ying."    


Su Yinyin muttered to Xiao Qingying.    


/p p "Can I?"    


Zhang Zihui asked again.    


Actually, Zhang Zihui only wanted to borrow Su Yinyin's attention to get rid of those girls.    


After all, Su Yinyin was the school belle ranked fourth!    


Of course, there was no need to mention how beautiful she was!    


However, it wasn't good for Su Yinyin if Zhang Zihui did this, so he only had the mindset of giving it a try.    


After all, Su Yinyin always seemed to be shy with him.    


/p p "Yes."    


Su Yinyin replied softly to Zhang Zihui's question.    


/p p "Thank you."    


Zhang Zihui smiled and then sat beside Su Yinyin.    


All of a sudden, the gazes that were focused on him had been greatly reduced!    


Sure enough, in front of the school belle, many people chose to leave!    




After dinner, it was time to rest.    


And so, the first day of military training passed.    


/p p     


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