Special Beauty-guarding Master



1The two of them left the school and arrived at Zhuang Fangfang's residence. What made Zhang Zihui very surprised was that Zhuang Feiying's residence was actually in the same area as the mansion that Zhang Zihui bought!    


However, Zhang Zihui's villa was the central area, while Zhuang Feiying's was on the left side of the residential area.    




As soon as the two of them got off the car, four men dressed as bodyguards walked over and politely called out to Zhuang Fangfang, "Young Mistress."    


After that, he walked up to Zhang Zihui and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, please let us search you."    


As a group of bosses, it was necessary to be strict, and Zhang Zihui understood that.    


He nodded and stretched out his hands.    


One of the bodyguards took out something that looked like an airport detector and scanned Zhang Zihui back and forth. He nodded at Zhang Zihui and said, "Sir, you can go in now."    


After saying that, his other companion made a gesture of invitation.    


/p Zhang Zihui didn't delay any longer and followed Zhuang Fangfang into the mansion under the lead of the bodyguard. They went straight to the study room.    


The bodyguard knocked on the door and said to the inside, "Boss, Miss and the customer are here."    


"Let them in."    


A mature and calm voice came from inside.    


Immediately, the bodyguard opened the door, indicating that the two of them could enter.    


Naturally, Zhuang Fangfang was the first to walk in.    


Zhang Zihui followed behind her. After entering, he looked at the environment of the study.    


The furnishings in the study were not much different from those in other people's study rooms.    


However, the books on the bookshelves, Zhang Zihui's name was definitely read by people frequently.    


Although the books were clean, they weren't completely aligned. This meant that they had often been picked up by others. Moreover, some of the books still had bookmarks on them.    


Apparently, he had stopped halfway through.    


Looking around the study room, Zhang Zihui's gaze landed on the middle-aged man sitting in front of the desk, Zhuang Feiying.    


Zhang Zihui was very surprised. The Zhuang Feiying in front of him was not the muscular or ferocious looking person he had imagined. On the contrary, he had a head full of black hair, a soft face, and glasses. Accompanying his scholarly appearance, he looked just like a gentle man!    


Zhang Zihui never thought that a gang leader could be so gentle!    




The more venomous his heart was!    


Of course, whether Zhuang Feiying was such a person or not, Zhang Zihui had to come into contact with him before he could judge.    


Only after seeing the two of them enter did Zhuang Feiying put down the book in his hands. Zhang Zihui took a glance and saw that he was reading a modern poem.    


This surprised Zhang Zihui once again.    


/p "Dad, he's looking for your friend, as I said."    


Zhuang Fangfang introduced him a little.    


Zhuang Feiying looked at Zhang Zihui and sized him up. He couldn't help but nod slightly and smile, "So you're the Zhang Zihui that our Fang Fang always talks about." "Not bad, not bad!"    


Zhuang Feiying was very satisfied with what he said!    


/p p "Dad!" What are you thinking? We are just ordinary friends! I brought him here because he had something to talk to you about. "    


Hearing Zhuang Feiying's words, Zhuang Fangfang immediately reacted: How dare Qing's dad treat Zhang Zihui as her boyfriend!    


/p p "Looking for me?" Are you here to propose marriage? "    


Zhuang Feiying joked.    


/p p "Dad!"    


Zhuang Fangfang was a little angry now as she glared at Zhuang Feiying in dissatisfaction!    


/p p "Hehe, alright. Come on, go down and prepare lunch with your mother. Wait a moment, let Zi Hui accompany us for a meal. "    


Zhuang Feiying said.    


Zhuang Fangfang heard this and walked outside. However, when she opened the door, she turned around and warned Zhuang Feiying, "Dad, if you say anything more, I won't care about you anymore."    


After saying that, he closed the door.    


Hehe, this girl.    


Zhuang Feiying smiled lovingly, then looked at Zhang Zihui, "Zi Hui, sit down. Why are you looking for me? Just tell me. "As long as I don't immediately marry Fang Fang back."    


Zhuang Feiying didn't care about his daughter's warning and continued to tease her.    


It had to be said, from the looks of it, Zhuang Feiying gave Zhang Zihui quite a good impression.    


However, it was hard to say if the following matter would go smoothly.    


"I have come to find you because of the matter of Gulong Gang."    


Zhang Zihui went straight to the point.    


Hearing the three words "Gulong Gang", Zhuang Feiying's smile immediately disappeared, and he looked at Zhang Zihui sternly, "Gulong Gang? Zi Hui, what do you mean by that? "    


" " However, before that, I must first guarantee that the other two gangs will not take over Gulong Gang at this time.     


Since he said it directly, Zhang Zihui didn't hide anything.    


Besides, he was here to negotiate. It was inevitable that he would have to negotiate further.    


Saying this would increase Zhang Zihui's chances of continuing the conversation.    


However, Zhuang Feiying smiled again after hearing Zhang Zihui's words, "Young man, there are some words that sound similar to the truth, but do you think I would believe such words? How could a dignified Clan Master of the Gulong Gang be turned into a vegetable by a young man like you? If this isn't a joke, can you prove it with evidence? "    


Zhuang Feiying's words did make a lot of sense.    


After all, in his eyes, He Long was a gang leader and a subordinate, while Zhang Zihui was just a young lad who had just entered university.    


The two were on completely different levels.    


It was a pity that Zhuang Feiying didn't know that even though He Long and Zhang Zihui were not on the same level, Zhang Zihui was actually on a higher level compared to them!    


Zhang Zihui didn't explain much. What Zhuang Feiying said was indeed very realistic.    


Therefore, he intended to speak to him directly with facts.    


"Sect Master Zhuang, you should have Gulong Gang and Chen Tianhua's phone, right? Why don't you call him and I'll have a word with him and have him tell you about it? "    


Zhang Zihui said with a calm expression as if everything was under his control.    


/p p "Hm?"    


Zhuang Feiying slightly squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Zihui. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had underestimated Zhang Zihui.    


However, he did not believe what Zhang Zihui said at first. Since Zhang Zihui wanted to confirm it, then let him confirm it.    


Zhuang Feiying took out his cell phone, found Chen Tianhua's number, and dialed it.    


Even though the three gangs were competing and rubbing shoulders with each other, in this society where benefits were above all, violence was even more useless than communication!    


Of course, this was for those of a certain class, because there were also those who relied on violence to solve all problems.    


/p p Not long later, the call connected.    


Xiao Liu, I wonder how your gang is doing." If you have time some other time, you might as well go out and have a cup of tea and have a chat.     


Towards Chen Tianhua, Zhuang Feiying actually admired him a lot. For a Gulong Gang, many things were handled by him.    


On the other hand, Zhuang Feiying didn't have much contact with He Long himself.    


/p p "So it's Boss Ying, why did you suddenly think of me today?" What's the matter? "    


Chen Tianhua replied politely.    


These few days, he had been busy deploying his subordinates. He had to do his best to deploy before the news of He Long becoming a vegetable was spread out, in order to better stabilize his Gulong Gang.    


"Actually, saying that there's something on your mind doesn't mean anything. There's someone here who wants to talk to you and ask you to confirm something for him."    


Zhuang Feiying purposefully didn't make things clear. If that's the case, then he'll have to let Zhang Zihui say it himself later.    


However, Zhang Zihui naturally did not care about this.    


/p p "Oh?" Is there such a thing? "    


Chen Tianhua sounded surprised, "Boss Ying, give the phone to that person."    


/p p "Okay."    


Zhuang Feiying agreed and handed the phone over to Zhang Zihui.    


Zhang Zihui took the phone calmly and said, "Chen Tianhua, you should remember what happened between us, right? Right now, I'm talking about that with Boss Ying. Tell him about He Long. "    


After he finished speaking, he waited for Chen Tianhua to say, "Ok."    


Then, Zhang Zihui handed the phone back.    


With this, Zhuang Feiying was even more surprised. In his heart, he started to believe Zhang Zihui's words.    


However, whether or not it was true, there would be results soon.    


/p Receiving the call, he put it back to his ear and asked, "Xiao Liu, how was it? Is what that kid said true? "    


Zhuang Feiying went straight to the point.    


However, Chen Tianhua's next answer made Qing Shui's expression become more and more serious.    


Two minutes later, Zhuang Feiying hung up the phone and looked at Zhang Zihui very seriously.    


"Brat, since you're so capable, why did you come and find me?" Could it be that you also want to target my Green Hawk Gang? "    


Zhuang Feiying's gaze turned sharp!    


At this moment, Zhang Zihui felt the sharpness of an eagle hunting for its prey!    


"I'm not interested in gangs." The reason I attacked Gulong Gang was only because he touched the people around me. And in order to prevent the same thing from happening again in the future, I can only use Gulong Gang on a person who will not bring me any trouble. "    


Zhang Zihui explained it a little.    


/p p "Oh?"    


Zhuang Feiying's gaze did not change because of Zhang Zihui's words.    


"Then why did you come to find me?"    


/p p "Please help me with something." Or, rather, to talk business with you. "     3


Zhang Zihui smiled confidently.    


As long as Zhuang Feiying started to ask about his purpose, the following matter would be easy to deal with.    


/p p "Help?" Business? You can make it clear that I don't like to take the trouble to tell others what they are sure to tell me. That would be a waste of time on both sides. "    


Compared to before, Zhuang Feiying no longer gave off a gentle feeling.    


What was present was an overwhelming aura!    


It was like an eagle looking down on the earth!    


/p However, his aura naturally didn't give Zhang Zihui any pressure.    


This made him have even more thoughts about Zhang Zihui.    


"If the news of He Long becoming a vegetable got out, the Liu Steel Gang and the Viridescent Eagle definitely wouldn't miss such a good opportunity to divide Gulong Gang, right?" And the reason why I'm here, is because I want Boss Ying to give up on this opportunity, so that the Gulong Gang will not disappear from the face of the Hong City. "    


/p p     


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