Special Beauty-guarding Master



4When the sun rose another day, the sunlight fell from the window onto the three still snoring boys on the lower bunk.    


As for Zhang Zihui, he had already woken up.    


/p was the same as before, Zhang Zihui practiced for an entire night.    


/p p "Hu!"    


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Zihui's heart was a little excited. In the early morning, he had successfully entered the Foundation Establishment Stage!    


Zhang Zihui could feel the flow of energy in his body, and he could feel that his physical fitness had improved by a lot!    


However, what confused Zhang Zihui was that after Foundation Establishment, he should be able to expel the impurities from his body.    


But right now, he was not expelling anything, not even sweat!    


/p p What's the point of thinking so much?    


Anyway, it was enough as long as he had improved a lot!    


Zhang Zihui thought indifferently.    


He jumped down from the top bunk. When he landed, Zhang Zihui didn't make any noise at all.    


He could feel that his body had become a lot lighter.    


/p p "How amazing."    


Zhang Zihui sighed and then went to the bathroom to wash his face.    


Then, he stood on the balcony, enjoying the warm sunlight.    


Ye Zichen looked down the stairs. There were already quite a few people who had woken up and were coming and going. Some were carrying a few books, while others were carrying a portion of breakfast.    


/p p "Beep, beep."    


Zhang Zihui's phone vibrated. He received a message.    


He took it out and saw that it was Yang Zhiyan's.    




Zhang Zihui smiled. He looked at his three dorm mates who were still sleeping soundly and wondered if he should bring them breakfast later.    


He went downstairs to the girls' dormitory, where Yang Zhiyan was already waiting for him.    


Today, she was wearing a simple white blouse with blue jeans and a pair of black shoes. She looked a bit less charming and sunny.    


It's been a long day.    


Yang Zhiyan walked over and naturally held Zhang Zihui's hand.    


/p p "The three of them are still asleep, so it'll be soon."    


Zhang Zihui joked.    


/p p "Three lazy pigs."    


Yang Zhiyanru chuckled.    


While her daughter was smiling, three other girls walked over to them.    


/p p "Ouch!" Zhiyan, did you have a good relationship with Junior early in the morning? "    


Yu Wenwen came over to tease him.    


/p p "Move aside!" "If you're envious, go and find one yourself."    


Yang Zhiyan glared at Yu Wen Wen Wen.    


"Then forget it. It'll probably be hard to find another Junior that good." I don't want to waste any more time. "    


Yu Wen Wen Wen said.    


"Are you going to have breakfast?" Then let's enjoy the world of the two! Xiao Ting, Yuan'er, and I will go have breakfast together. "    


/p p "Go!" Go! Do you think that I will let you live!? "    


Yang Zhiyan said in an adorable manner.    


/p p "Aiyo?" A long temper? Since Junior is here today, I'll let you off for now. I'll deal with you later tonight. "    


Yu Wen Wen Wen said.    


Following that, he brought the other two girls to the cafeteria.    


/p p "Hmph!" "Dead Wenwen!"    


Watching Yu Wenwen leave, Yang Zhiyan pouted.    


Zhang Zihui looked at Yang Zhiyan, but found her cute. "Senior Sister, where are we going for breakfast?"    


Although there were many canteens in the school, there were more places for breakfast than canteens.    


/p "Let's go for breakfast and tea."    


Yang Zhiyan had already made up her mind. "The food there is delicious, but the price is so expensive!" Junior, you'll have to pay for it later! "    


/p p "Yes."    


Zhang Zihui didn't care.    


/p p "Good!"    


Yang Zhiyan said happily as she carried Zhang Zihui towards the breakfast and tea shop.    


In just ten minutes, the two of them arrived.    


However, Zhang Zihui's phone rang the moment the two entered the shop.    


He picked it up and saw that it was Bai Rongrong's.    


"Rongrong, what's the matter?"    


Zhang Zihui asked gently after the call.    


Zihui, come and have breakfast with me.    


On the other end of the phone, Bai Rongrong had a hint of the scent of a girl, Joe.    


/p p "Amount"    


Zhang Zihui was stunned. He turned his head to look at Yang Zhiyan. At this moment, disappointment had already appeared on her face. She had also heard Bai Rongrong's words.    


This made Zhang Zihui feel inexplicably that he couldn't let her down!    


"Rongrong, I'm already eating. How about I accompany you next time?"    


Zhang Zihui said.    


After he finished speaking, he could clearly feel that Yang Zhiyan was looking at him with a pleasantly surprised expression.    


/p p "So it's like that." "Then let's wait for the next time."    


Bai Rongrong didn't think too much into it and hung up immediately.    


/p p "Zi Hui, thank you."    


Yang Zhiyan looked at Zhang Zihui with watery eyes.    


/p p Actually, even though the relationship between Yang Zhiyan and Zhang Zihui had been confirmed.    


Yang Zhiyan was still hidden from the beginning. In the past few days, Zhang Zihui had been unable to accompany her because he wanted to be with her.    


For a girl, especially a girl who was in love and wanted to spend more time with her beloved boy, it was very easy for her to feel that her heart was lighter than another girl's!    


However, Zhang Zihui had rejected Bai Rongrong because of her!    


Although he didn't say anything about her existence, that was more than enough!    


At least, Yang Zhiyan knew that her position in Zhang Zihui's heart was not much lower than Bai Rongrong's!    


"Alright, let's hurry up and order something to eat." I'm hungry. "    


Zhang Zihui smiled gently and pulled Yang Zhiyan over to the counter.    


She looked at Yang Zhiyan beside her. This morning, she had experienced the feeling of happiness once again.    


"Rongrong, isn't your boyfriend coming?"    


A clear and melodious voice rang out. It was a very elegant girl, giving off the impression that she was from a small family.    


"He's already eating. Let's go eat by ourselves."    


Bai Rongrong put away the phone and dragged the girl down the stairs.    


When they got downstairs, Wang Xiaochun was standing beside a very delicate looking girl.    


"Rongrong, is that Zhang Zihui coming?"    


Wang Xiaochun asked.    


Naturally, she didn't want Zhang Zihui to come.    


He's already eating. He won't come.    


Bai Rongrong answered directly.    


/p p "Hmph!" Probably with some beautiful lady? "    


Wang Xiaochun said with dissatisfaction. This naturally caused Bai Rongrong to feel discontent.    


"Xiaochun, why do I feel like you're very against Rongrong's boyfriend?"    


The gentle girl spoke up.    


As for her gentle and weak appearance, her voice also gave off a kind of soft and weak feeling.    


/p p "Tch!" That fellow was a flowery guy! "He already has two fiancées, and he's still coming to entangle with Rongrong."    


Wang Xiaochun said in dissatisfaction.    


/p p "Huh?" Really? Then wouldn't he be a playboy? Rongrong, how could you like a boy like this? "    


The weak looking girl looked at Bai Rongrong in surprise.    


The girl beside Bai Rongrong also looked at her.    


"Don't listen to Xiaochun's nonsense." Zi Hui was actually a very good person. It was just that she didn't understand him. Furthermore, Zi Hui's fiancee was a child's relationship that his parents had when he was young. He doesn't even know anything about it. "    


Bai Rongrong explained.     0


/p p "So it's like that."    


The weak girl nodded lightly. However, she didn't understand what Zhang Zihui was going to do with his fiancee and Bai Rongrong.    


He had to choose one, right?    


Wang Xiaochun snorted in dissatisfaction and didn't say anything else.    


However, the expression on her face was obviously extremely unhappy.    


/p p "Aiya!" Xiaochun, don't be like this! "I haven't had breakfast in the morning yet!"    


Bai Rongrong purposely told her daughter, Qiao Qiao, to come.    


Wang Xiaochun slowly loosened her grip on her face.    


Thus, the four girls finally went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast.    


After accompanying Yang Zhiyan and finishing breakfast, Zhang Zihui walked with her for another half an hour before sending her off to her class and then returning to the dormitory alone.    


When Ye Zichen returned to his dorm, it was already around 9 o'clock.    


Today, at ten o'clock, everyone had to gather in class.    


Distribution of textbooks, as well as a number of related circulars.    




Helpless, Zhang Zihui still had to wake them up!    


Otherwise, being late on the first day of school or even skipping class was not a fun thing to do!    


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Zihui shouted at the three people who were still sleeping, "It's dawn! If you go back to sleep, you might even oversleep! "    


However, what surprised Zhang Zihui was that the three guys didn't wake up!    


Because of this, he could only shake them one by one.    


He finally woke the three of them up.    


The three people who woke up didn't eat their breakfast after washing up. They directly went to class with Zhang Zihui.    


When he arrived at the class, he found that almost everyone was there.    


At the right time, Old Liu came.    


Having just entered, he did not say much and directly ordered a few guys to move the textbooks away.    


After half an hour, everyone received their textbooks.    


"Alright, we've finished distributing the textbooks. In the afternoon, all of you should pack up and pay your respects. Tomorrow morning, we will be leaving for the military training. By then, I don't want anyone to be late."    


Old Liu informed him after he had finished distributing the books.    


Zhang Zihui was somewhat surprised by the turn of events, which made it necessary for him to bring something back in the afternoon.    


Old Liu left after a little more than ten minutes.    


Up till now, Old Liu gave Zhang Zihui a feeling of coming and going like the wind.    


After Old Liu left, Zhang Zihui took out his phone and called Bai Rongrong.    


After all, just like Zhang Zihui, she did not bring any greetings with her.    


After a simple call, Zhang Zihui went to pick up Bai Rongrong later.    


Then he texted Yang Zhiyan, telling her he couldn't spend the afternoon with her.    


Yang Zhiyan wasn't disappointed in this.    


After all, Zhang Zihui still had his own matters to attend to.    


After returning to the dorm with their textbooks, the three roommates were already discussing what they were going to eat for lunch.    


However, before that, they planned on playing a few more rounds of True Three.    


Zhang Zihui naturally did not have the time to accompany them.    


This made the three of them rather disappointed and jealous: if Zhang Zihui went out, he would definitely go with a beauty!    


Plus, he had called Bai Rongrong previously, so it wasn't hard to guess that he was going to find her.    


/p p     


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