Special Beauty-guarding Master



2"I'm fine."    


Bai Rongrong replied, "It's just that Lulu told me a few things about you. Then I knew I shouldn't have been angry with you. "    


< p > "My business?" She didn't say anything, did she? "    


Zhang Zihui was a little curious as to what Lulu had actually said.    


Lulu had grown up with him, she knew a lot of things.    


Besides, with her personality, it was hard to predict what she would say.    


However, Bai Rongrong actually smiled and said, "This is a conversation between girls, I can't tell you."    


< p > "Alright."    


Since Bai Rongrong had already said that, then it was obvious that she would not be able to get anything out of her, "Rongrong, are you really not angry?"    


Zhang Zihui asked again.    


< p > "Well, I'm not angry anymore. However, you still have to find a way for me to accept the others. Otherwise, I won't talk to them. "    


Although she was not angry, she did not. Just that, Bai Rongrong was able to open her eyes a lot.    


Who told her to not be able to get rid of Zhang Zihui no matter what?    


"Then why don't you have lunch with me?"    


Zhang Zihui said.    


His original intention was to make use of this opportunity to probe whether Bai Rongrong was not angry at him. Of course, he could also treat this as accompanying Bai Rongrong right?    


< p > "Sure!" However, you have to bring Yang Zhiyan along. "    


When Bai Rongrong suddenly said this, a crazy idea suddenly popped up in her mind.    


"Bring Zhiyan along?"    


Zhang Zihui was startled, "Then can I still bring along some other people?"    


He was not sure what Bai Rongrong was thinking at the moment, but if she brought his three roommates along, they might be able to lighten the atmosphere a little at a critical moment.    


< p > "Do as you wish."    


Bai Rongrong said indifferently.    


If Zhang Zihui didn't bring anyone else, it wouldn't affect her thinking.    


"Alright, I'll contact you again at noon." Oh right, Lulu, please help me watch over him for now. This little girl really likes to cause trouble.    


Zhang Zihui wanted Keck to bring Lulu back even more, but clearly, how could such a situation be possible?    


"Don't worry, Lulu is very obedient."    


Bai Rongrong casually said.    


These words made Zhang Zihui a little speechless: Lulu would be good?    


Are you kidding?    


However, no matter what was said, Bai Rongrong's anger had indeed dissipated, and to Zhang Zihui, this was already more than enough.    


After settling Bai Rongrong's matter, Zhang Zihui did not go back to his dorm anymore.    


It was already time for class, so he headed straight for class.    


When he arrived at the class, a bald male teacher in his fifties was on the podium explaining the basic rules and regulations for managing the class.    


Zhang Zihui naturally did not disturb him, and directly entered through the back door and sat in the last row.    


What made Zhang Zihui slightly embarrassed was that his three roommates were also sitting in the last row. The three of them were either playing games or reading novels on their phones.    


The three of you sure are carefree.    


Zhang Zihui whispered.    


These words gave the three people, who were focused on their phones, a fright.    


After realizing it was Zhang Zihui, he looked towards him with dissatisfaction.    


"Zi Hui, when did you arrive?" Didn't he say hello beforehand? You want to scare me to death! "    


Lu Ling said in dissatisfaction.    


< p > "Amount"    


Zhang Zihui was speechless, how could he greet him in advance?    


"Do you have anything to do at noon?" Come and have a meal with me. "    


Zhang Zihui invited.    



> "You're treating me to a meal?"    


Lu Ling asked, but then muttered to herself, "I probably won't go even if you treat. I coincidentally picked up a girl for my military training, I plan to treat her to lunch today."    


< p > "Holy shit!" Are you so lucky? "    


Chen Yixiong said in surprise, "Seems like you have luck with women! Inviting another day! "    


"A few school beauties are coming over, but you're not going as well?"    


Zhang Zihui said helplessly.    


He didn't want to say it himself.    


Only, if he were to manage the relationship between Yang Zhiyan and Bai Rongrong by himself, he would truly feel pressured.    


< p > "How many school beauties?" Which school beauties! "    


Upon hearing that the school beauties wanted to come together, Lu Ling immediately became spirited.    


< p > "I will bring Zhiyan over." After that, there's still Rongrong. Wang Xiaochun will probably come over as well. "    


Zhang Zihui said.    


< p > "Ouch!" Three school beauties! No! I must go. "    


Chen Yixiong said with a serious face.    


< p > "I'm going too!" If I have the chance to see the school belle up close, that would be a big deal! "    


Lu Ling said excitedly.    


"Yuting, you brat, come along as well. Our dorm will go over together! "    


< p > "I'm fine with anything."    


Yuting said indifferently, he continued to focus on reading the novels.    


< p > "Okay!" Zi Hui, let's go to our dorm together at noon! "    


Lu Ling continued to be excited.    


Perhaps, to him, admiring beauties was more important than many things.    


Inside the news department's society, in the president's office, there were still Shen Yun and Su Ming.    


"Shen Yun, how's the situation going?"    


Su Ming asked.    


As for Shen Yun's plan, he now understood it all.    


He had to admit, Shen Yun's move was indeed terrible. On the school's forums, many people had followed this thread to denounce Zhang Zihui, denouncing his actions of stepping on several boats!    


< p > "It doesn't seem to have reached the desired result."    


Shen Yun lightly rapped the fingers of his right hand on the table.    


Just a moment ago, his underling had reported everything that happened to Zhang Zihui in the female dorm to him in detail.    


< p > "What?" Did not achieve the desired result? Could it be that Zhang Zihui is really that charming? Even if he knows how many boats he is on, does Bai Rongrong not care? "    


Su Ming was very surprised.    


"Maybe, maybe not."    


Shen Yun said indifferently.    


He did not care about the success of his plan. Even if he did not succeed, it would only increase the difficulty of the task.    


However, he was more interested in difficult matters.    


< p > "Then what do we do now?"    


If the plan did not achieve the desired result, then no matter how big the commotion in the forum was, it was useless!    


If the school belle doesn't care, what qualifications do you passersby have to say anything?    


< p > "Now we have to wait." Let's see how Zhang Zihui will react before we make any plans. "    


Shen Yun smiled in anticipation.    


He really wanted to know if Zhang Zihui would come and cause trouble for him.    


The lesson passed quickly, especially for those who hadn't attended the lecture like Zhang Zihui.    


He didn't feel anything, and the lesson ended just like that.    


In the lecture, Zhang Zihui took out his phone and called Yang Zhiyan.    



"Hey, Junior, do you miss me?"    


On the other side of the phone, Yang Zhiyan spoke in a feminine voice.    


She really missed Zhang Zihui. After all, they could still be considered to be in a period of love.    


"Zhiyan, you haven't been to the forums, right?"    


Hearing the tone of Yang Zhiyan's words, Zhang Zihui was sure that she still did not know about what was happening on the forums.    


< p > "What's wrong with the forum?"    


Yang Zhiyan asked in confusion.    


She wasn't a person who liked the internet either. She only watched movies from time to time, not on the forums.    


Someone posted our story on the forum.    


Zhang Zihui then explained the content of the invitation to Yang Zhiyan.    


Furthermore, he told her the relationship between the two of them.    


"You mean your real girlfriend already knows about our relationship?"    


Yang Zhiyan said somewhat anxiously.    


In her heart, she was still afraid that her relationship with Zhang Zihui would be found out by Bai Rongrong.    


Although Zhang Zihui said that he already had several girls by his side, she still jumped in midway.    


"Yeah, she already knows." And she told me to take you to lunch. "    


Zhang Zihui said.    


< p > "Eating together?"    


Yang Zhiyan could not help but become nervous. Could it be that Bai Rongrong intended to show her some respect?    


Then wouldn't that be making things difficult for Zhang Zihui?    


"Don't worry, Rongrong is actually a very good person."    


Zhang Zihui said.    


He had naturally sensed Yang Zhiyan's nervousness, and more or less, understood the reason behind her nervousness.    


Then, I'll come and find you at noon.    


Yang Zhiyan hesitated for a moment, but eventually agreed.    


"It's fine, I'll come and find you when the time comes."    


Zhang Zihui said.    


He was still used to taking the initiative to pick up girls.    


< p > "Okay."    


Yang Zhiyan replied as the bell for the class rang again.    


The two of them exchanged a few more words before hanging up the phone.    


The next thing to do was to pass the class time in boredom and then wait for noon to come.    


Lu Ling and the other two were still facing the phone, while Zhang Zihui was quietly sitting there, thinking about something.    


The lesson passed quickly, especially for those who hadn't attended the lecture like Zhang Zihui.    


"The three of you should go to the school gate and wait for me. I'll go fetch Zhiyan."    


Not long ago, Zhang Zihui sent a message to Bai Rongrong to inform him to eat outside the academy. After all, there were too many people in the canteen.    


< p > "Okay!" You have to hurry! I'm rushing to see the other school beauties! "    


Speaking of school beauties, Lu Ling had an impatient look on her face.    


However, there wasn't any unsuitable expression on his face. To him, he merely liked to admire beauties.    


"Don't worry, we're only going to pick up Zhiyan. It won't be long."    


As Zhang Zihui spoke, he had already walked a long way ahead.    


In less than ten minutes, he arrived near Yang Zhiyan's class. Along the way, many people looked at him with hostility, disdain, or loathing.    


But to Zhang Zihui, he ignored all of these things.    


< p > "Zi Hui!"    


Not far away, Yang Zhiyan waved and shouted at Zhang Zihui, then jogged over to his side.    


< p > "I didn't make you wait long, did I?"    


Zhang Zihui held Yang Zhiyan's hand and asked.    


After not seeing her for a few days, he had indeed missed her.    


No, I just finished class not long ago.    


Yang Zhiyan replied.    


Afterwards, Zhang Zihui was allowed to lead her to the school gate.    


There were a lot of passers-by left in shock: What is this?    


Why was Yang Zhiyan still with Zhang Zihui?    


Could it be that Zhang Zihui ditched Bai Rongrong?    


The passersby, however, had no idea what was going on. They brought Yang Zhiyan to the school gate. Other than his three roommates, they didn't see any trace of Bai Rongrong. It was likely that she had delayed some matters.    


Hello senior sister.    


Seeing Zhang Zihui and Yang Zhiyan coming over, Lu Ling and the other two all greeted them.    


How are you guys? Are you going to eat together with me?    


When she saw the three of them, Yang Zhiyan was somewhat surprised, but she quickly understood: Bringing the three of them over would help to ease the tension.    


However, no one knew that this meal would not have any kind of tense atmosphere.    


< p >    


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