Special Beauty-guarding Master



4Everyone was surprised to hear Wu Kang apologize.    


They naturally felt that Wu Kang's apology was sincere.    


This made them curious about the teacher Wu Kang was talking about.    


Of course, Xiao Qingying definitely knew about it. After all, it wasn't as if she didn't know about Wu Kang's identity as a teacher.    


/p p "Wu Kang, come back." It's okay, a single mistake is not enough to say that you were wrong in the end, and it's okay to correct yourself when you come back. "    


On the other end of the phone, the old man was still speaking neither hurriedly nor slowly.    


He had always treated Wu Kang like his own grandson. Naturally, he would try his best to accept Wu Kang before making irreparable mistakes.    


"Teacher, I, I understand."    


Wu Kang bit his lips and nodded slightly.    


Then he hung up.    


He looked at Zhang Zihui with a complicated expression.    


/p p "Sorry for the trouble." "I'll be leaving tonight. When Yinyin wakes up, I'll have to trouble you to tell me that I've let her down."    


Wu Kang's tone was very sincere.    


Obviously, he had realized his mistake.    


However, Zhang Zihui shook his head, "I think you should apologize to her yourself."    


Zhang Zihui suddenly felt that Wu Kang was actually very innocent. Perhaps he was too arrogant, but his feelings for Su Yinyin were real.    


However, he chose the wrong method to express this feeling.    


Wu Kang smiled helplessly, "I'll have to trouble you this time."    


After a pause, Wu Kang continued, "Also, Yinyin will have to trouble you to protect her from now on. Goodbye. "    


With that, Wu Kang turned around and walked out of the ward.    


Watching Wu Kang leave, Zhang Zihui felt that tonight was a good night for Wu Kang.    


At the very least, he had realized his mistake. And after that, the next time they met, he would definitely have made many changes.    


/p p However, he didn't know when he would meet Wu Kang again.    


Perhaps, they wouldn't have the chance to meet again.    


Wu Kang's departure made everyone in the ward quiet down.    


Wu Kang's final apology was accepted by them.    


However, such a departure still surprised some people, such as Xiao Qingying.    


/p p "Hm?"    


At this moment, Su Yinyin, who was lying next door, finally woke up.    


She turned her face to the side. When she saw Zhang Zihui and the rest, a confused expression appeared on her face. Then, she suddenly thought of what Wu Kang had done to her that day!    


/p p "Ah!" Me? Why am I here? "    


Quickly getting up, Su Yinyin couldn't help but shout out loud.    


Seeing that Su Yinyin had woken up, Xiao Qingying immediately came over and asked with concern, "Yinyin, you're finally awake."    


"Xiao Ying, why am I here?" I remember when I went to buy drinks and came back, I met Wu Kang and then. "And then …"    


At this point, Su Yinyin stopped.    


She couldn't quite accept that Wu Kang would do such a thing.    


Don't worry, it's all over.    


Zhang Zihui didn't want to talk about what had happened in the past, as he didn't want to scare Su Yinyin again.    


/p p "Okay."    


Su Yinyin nodded, but then asked, "Oh right, where's Wu Kang? I remember I ended up with him. "    


"Yinyin, Wu Kang is going back." What he did at night was clear, and he got Grandpa Su to call him back. "    


Xiao Qingying did not hide anything and told Su Yinyin directly.    


Then, he roughly explained the entire process.    


Of course, she skipped some of the more serious festivals.    


/p p "So it's like that."    


Hearing Wu Kang leave, Su Yinyin felt unexplainable discomfort in her heart.    


Ye Zichen glanced around the ward, and noticed that there were two people in the room she didn't know. He couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Ying, who are those two?"    


"Those two are the people who saved you." The boy is called Leng Feng, the girl is called Bi Bi, he's Zi Hui's teammate. "    


Xiao Qingying introduced.    


Hearing that Bi Bi and Leng Feng had saved her, Su Yinyin couldn't help but open her mouth to thank them. "Thank you for saving me."    


Although Su Yinyin didn't know what had happened to her, she still had to thank him.    


Bi Bi waved her hand nonchalantly. "You're the girlfriend of our captain, it's only right for us to protect you." No need to thank me. "    


Leng Feng also nodded with a straight face. This guy rarely had any other expressions.    


/p p "Anyways, thank you very much."    


Su Yinyin persisted.    


Zhang Zihui was slightly helpless and said, "Alright, it's too late now. I'll get Keck and the others to send the two of you back to the villa. With Bi Bi and Leng Feng, I will be fine. Besides, we haven't seen each other in a long time, so we can have a nice chat. "    


Zhang Zihui indeed wanted to have a good chat with Bi Bi and Leng Feng. Besides, he had other plans.    


/p p "Okay."    


Regarding Zhang Zihui's arrangement, the two girls naturally didn't have any objections.    


Now that Meng Kexin was living with Bai Ye, Zhang Zihui gathered all the girls that could be called over to the mansion.    


This would not only make it easier to protect, but it would also make it easier to meet girls, and girls could get along more often.    


/p p "Zi Hui, can I stay?"    


Jill came over to ask.    


Although Zhang Zihui said he had a way to help her, she was still prepared for the worst. Therefore, she was very willing to spend more time with Zhang Zihui.    


Watching Wu Kang leave, Zhang Zihui felt that tonight was a good thing for Wu Kang.    


However, he really didn't want Jill to be too tired.    


"Sister Jier, you should go back and rest as well." With the two of them there, I'll be fine. Also, you have to rest and recover your spirit. When I heal you, you will be able to recover even faster. "    


/p p "This. "Fine."    


Although he was still unwilling, since Zhang Zihui had already said so directly, Ji Er couldn't continue to force him.    


Following that, she brought Su Yinyin and Xiao Qingying back under Keck's guidance.    


"Bi Bi, you should know who Mercenary is, right?"    


Now that Su Yinyin had left, Zhang Zihui naturally had to find out who did this to Su Yinyin.    


"That guy is called Lei Tai, he's someone we chased for a long time." His abilities could be considered average, but his character was extremely lecherous. During missions, he would often do evil things to women who were related to missions. "However, this guy's ability to run is pretty good. We chased him a few times, but he always ran away."    


At this point, Bi Bi was already extremely furious.    


Although he was a lustful person, he wasn't someone who would act whenever he saw a beauty. He usually does it when someone else pays.     


The cold wind added.    


Zhang Zihui thought for a while.    


Lei Tai's appearance surprised him.    


Firstly, he could exclude Lei Tai from being sent by that organization.    


Although Lei Tai did succeed last night, he failed due to his actions in the end.    


Zhang Zihui believed that the organization would definitely not invite such a person. They could even send someone stronger than Lei Tai, so how could they fancy him?    


However, if it wasn't the person sent by that organization, then who could it be?    


If he wanted to invite Mercenary, the price wouldn't be low. Zhang Zihui thought about it carefully and didn't expect anyone to have that kind of economic strength.    


Watching Wu Kang leave, Zhang Zihui felt that tonight was a good thing for Wu Kang.    


Zhang Zihui thought.    


However, he wasn't sure if Lei Tai would dare to attack Su Yinyin again.    


"Oh yeah, why did the two of you chase after Lei Tai?"    


Zhang Zihui asked again.    


However, Bi Bi laughed. "Hee hee, captain, we are the hunters, Mercenary." It is our duty to deal with a scum like Lei Tai. "    


/p p "Huntress Mercenary?" "It seems like you guys have all improved quite a bit in the past few years. You guys have all become Mercenary's hunters."    


Zhang Zihui was well aware of the Mercenary Hunters, so he naturally knew how high its requirements were.    


/p p "Of course!" We've always had our goal of surpassing the captain! Naturally, he had to improve quickly. But for you, captain, I remember that you didn't even get any injuries before, but now that I've just seen you, you're lying in the hospital. "Captain, this step back isn't just a little bit."    


After she finished speaking, Bi Bi intentionally gave a mischievous smile.    


Zhang Zihui looked at Bi Bi in amusement. "You talk too much." Do you want to try it now? I'll let you go with Leng Feng. "    


Even though Zhang Zihui hadn't fully recovered, with his improvement after training, he could easily deal with the two of them even if he only recovered half of his strength.    


"Captain, are you joking?"    


Bi Bi looked at Zhang Zihui in surprise.    


Zhang Zihui was currently injured, while the two of them were in their best condition.    


It was a 2v1, Bi Bi didn't think Zhang Zihui would be their match.    


/p However, Zhang Zihui's words were rarely false.    


In other words, he might actually have the ability to deal with the two of them!    



/p p "I'm not joking with you guys." However, this place is not suitable for us to fight. If there's an opportunity in the future, let's try out your progress. "    


Zhang Zihui smiled and said, "Oh yeah, how are the others? Don't tell me he also became a Steel Hunter? "    


Thinking about the others in the team, Zhang Zihui suddenly reminisced about the past.    


"Xiao Bing and Tang En are getting together. The two of them started a restaurant in Hong Kong, and Dalong ran over to help them." Of course, we all know that he went there for the sake of Xiao Bing's craftsmanship. "    


As she spoke of the three of them, Bi Bi also showed a look of yearning.    


"Of course, the three of them are just bored. In reality, they have been secretly searching for the captain's information."    


Leng Feng added.    


Zhang Zihui nodded. "I see." Can you contact them? I plan to regroup the team. "    


Zhang Zihui's previous thought was to gather the team once again.    


Zhang Zihui was very clear about the strength of his teammates. With them, the girls' safety was guaranteed even more.    


/p p "Really?" That's great! If the three of them heard the news about their captain, they would definitely be overjoyed. "When the time comes, our team will be able to be together again!"    


Saying that, Bi Bi's expression suddenly darkened again, "Unfortunately, Big Sister Yayi is no longer here. If she is, then we will be."    


"Yayi is fine, she's in my house right now." So, as long as the three of them come back, we'll have seven people gathered together again. "    


Zhang Zihui directly said.    


/p p "This. "Really?"    


Bi Bi looked at Zhang Zihui in surprise. She couldn't believe that it was true!    


/p p "When did I lie to you?" Tonight you will stay here for the night, tomorrow I will have Yayi come to meet you. Oh right, Yayi is a little surprised right now. "    


Zhang Zihui then told the two of them about Cao Yayi's amnesia, and Cao Yayi was temporarily called Yi Yue.    


Although Bi Bi and Leng Feng were surprised by this, as long as Cao Yayi was alright, calling her elder sister Yayi or elder sister Yi Yue didn't have much of a relationship.    


That night, Bi Bi contacted the other three people. When they heard that Bi Bi had found Zhang Zihui, the three of them were very excited!    


He immediately said that he would fly over tomorrow.    


Inside the villa, Jiang Zier and Jiang Yueer were lying on the couch and chatting.    


Jiang Zier had never completely forgotten about what happened that night. After all, she was just an ordinary girl. How could it be so easy for her to forget?    


"Elder sister, are you still scared?" Rest assured, that guy has already been taken care of by Hui Hui. There won't be any other matters for us to settle. "    


Jiang Yueer consoled her sister when she saw her nervous expression.    


Jiang Zier smiled. "Yue Er, I'm fine." "However, Yue Er, I suddenly want to go home. Can you accompany me?"    


Jiang Yueer couldn't help but be stunned by Jiang Zier's sudden suggestion.    


After a while, she finally reacted.    


"Elder sister, why do you suddenly want to go back when you're fine?" What's wrong? "    


Jiang Yueer asked with concern.    


"I, I want to go back and discuss some matters with my parents. Moreover, I feel that our development with Zi Hui is a bit too excessive and we need some time to cool it down."    


Jiang Zier said slowly after a moment of hesitation.    


/p p "Hm?"    


What Jiang Zier said confused Jiang Yueer. What's so bad about getting along with Zhang Zihui too quickly?    


For some reason, Jiang Yueer felt that her sister was acting strangely at night.    


Suddenly, she thought of something.    


/p "Elder sister, have you recovered?"    


Jiang Yueer finally felt that Jiang Zier had recovered her memories!    


Could it be that the stimulation from that night's incident caused her sister's memory to recover?    


Jiang Yueer guessed.    


Jiang Zier didn't expect her sister to realize this so quickly.    


That's right, she had indeed recovered her previous memories. After recovering, her recent memories with Zhang Zihui did not disappear.    


This made Jiang Zier's thoughts extremely complicated.    


I, I don't know how to face Zi Hui." I just feel really weird in my heart.     


Jiang Zier didn't try to cover it up as she spoke the truth.    


Jiang Yueer was silent for a long time before she finally spoke again. "Elder sister, do you like Zi Hui now?"    


/p p "Okay."    


Without any hesitation, Jiang Zier nodded and admitted it.    


"Then why did you leave?" Since you like Zi Hui, why not stay by his side? "    


Jiang Yueer asked, puzzled.    


/p p "I,"    


Jiang Zier hesitated for a moment. "I just don't know how to accept it." When I recovered, the scenes that flashed through my mind told me that Zi Hui and I were progressing too quickly, to the point that I couldn't accept it. That's why I wanted to leave for a while, so that I could overdo it. "    


/p It had been less than half a month since Jiang Zier's memories had been messed up and she had recovered.    


In this half a month's time, she had called out to Zhang Zihui's husband, even though nothing really happened, it was enough for her to clarify the relationship between the two of them!    


Besides, it was a beautiful morning the next day!    


After hearing what Jiang Zier said, Jiang Yueer couldn't help but laugh.    


Indeed, the speed at which the two sisters and Zhang Zihui were developing was too fast.    


However, which girl beside Zhang Zihui wasn't like that?    


Who among them didn't fall by Zhang Zihui's side in a short period of time?    


"Big sister, actually, you don't want to leave Zi Hui, right?" However, you are afraid that he will know that you have recovered your memories and will feel different about you. Hehe, how about this, we can wait for Zihui to come back in a few days and then go to his room.    


Jiang Yueer said in a bewitching manner.    


/p p "Sister!" What nonsense are you spouting! "Sleep, sleep, sleep!"    


Jiang Zier's face instantly turned red as she urged Jiang Yueer to sleep.    


However, in her heart, she was truly unable to calm down and wanted to do as Jiang Yueer said.    


Watching Wu Kang leave, Zhang Zihui felt that tonight was a good thing for Wu Kang.    


On the other side, Bi Bi and Lei Tai who ran away from Leng Feng's group worriedly returned to Steward Mori's residence.    


"Huff, huff.    


After returning to his residence, Lei Tai finally felt relieved.    


Thinking that he should get Steward Mori to find a female ugly one for him later, he felt refreshed and relaxed his body and mind.    


Lei Tai was thinking about what posture to play next, but the room was suddenly pushed open by someone. The one who came in was none other than Steward Mori.    


"Lei Tai, where is the person that Young Master wants?"    


Steward Mori didn't have much of an expression towards Lei Tai, with a cold expression on his face.    


In his heart, he disliked people like Lei Tai the most!    


If he didn't happen to be needed, Steward Mori wouldn't even want to look at him.    


Lei Tai was also used to Steward Mori's attitude towards him and said nonchalantly, "Don't mention it! He had met two Steel Hunters, but they had messed up his plan and failed. I almost had to explain myself. Oh yeah, Steward Mori, bring me two ugly women. I need to relax. "    


At this moment, Lei Tai planned to play Sanpang again.    


/p p "So, the quest has failed?"    


Steward Mori's eyes widened slightly.    


Don't worry, I'll take care of you later.    


Lei Tai waved his hand and said with a relaxed expression.    


However, when he saw Bi Bi and Leng Feng, he had to worry about whether he would be able to escape, let alone take action.    


Naturally, Lei Tai definitely wouldn't say such things out loud. He was still hoping to earn that three million dollars.    


As long as Bi Bi and Leng Feng left, he would still have plenty of opportunities to get Su Yinyin.    


/p p     


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