Special Beauty-guarding Master



1Zhang Zihui who was outside naturally saw Bai Rongrong and Ye Xue enter the same fitting room.    


With regards to his girlfriend's actions, Zhang Zihui naturally did not have any objections. However, the two of them had gone in a bit too long, the other three girls had already been out for five minutes and none of them had come out yet.    


Could it be that Xue Er and Rong Rong were doing something?    


Zhang Zihui suddenly had such an evil thought.    


Of course, he knew it was impossible.    


The girls all chose their dresses. After all, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather would gradually cool down and it was very suitable for wearing long skirts.    


Of course, shorts and socks were also a good season.    


It was just that the girls by Zhang Zihui's side wore too many different outfits, so it was rare for Zhang Zihui to see a few of them dressed in this way.    


Su Yinyin chose to wear an orange five-pronged skirt that reached just to her knees.    


The dress was short-sleeved, with two bows on the sleeves, which matched well with her jade-like temperament.    


Xiao Qingying, on the other hand, wore a purple halter dress, with a pair of fake purple sleeves on her body. The matching combination made Xiao Qingying feel even more energetic.    


Compared to the Twins, this was her own style.    


Wang Xiaochun wore a light yellow dress, the kind that reached to her ankles.    


It did not have much decoration, and was just a simple type of ornament, but just so simple, on the contrary, it only added to Wang Xiaochun's noble temperament.    


It looked very natural and proper!    


The three girls all had their own unique characteristics, causing Zhang Zihui to feel a sense of pride in his heart when he saw them.    


These beautiful girls were all his girlfriends!    


As a man, how could he not be proud?    


"Strange, why haven't Rongrong and Sister Xue Er come out yet?"    


Xiao Qingying said in confusion.    


Just as he finished speaking, the two of them came out.    


Ye Xue walked out first.    


After changing into her sky-blue long skirt, her perfect feminine disposition became even more prominent!    


Moreover, the dress she chose was one of the more restrained type. Thus, her curvy figure was thoroughly revealed!    


Regardless of the left or right side, they could all see the S-shaped curve that would make other women jealous!    


Behind Ye Xue, was naturally Bai Rongrong.    


The white had always been very suitable for Bai Rongrong, and the long dress made of straps was also very suitable for her.    


The dress itself's strap was tied to her shoulder, revealing her snow-white shoulders and arms, causing Bai Rongrong to appear even more mischievous and adorable amidst the purity.    


There was also a special dress decorations at the mouth of the Lunar Hook. Although it somewhat influenced her display of her Lunar clan, it instead enhanced her pure temperament.    


The skirt covered the small half of Xiao Yue's back, revealing a section which similarly gave people a feeling that it was just right, allowing them to feel the aura of Bai Rongrong's youth.    


All five girls had changed their clothes by now.    


And being surrounded by them made Zhang Zihui feel dizzy.    


< p > "Wow!" Was this a gathering of long skirt beauties? This was too beautiful! "No, I have to quickly take photos and post them on Weibo!"    


A man with glasses said as he took out his cell phone and began to take photos with the girls. It was probably a Weibo account.    


"If only one of them was my girlfriend!"    


An ordinary boy who was very envious of them looked at the girls with a twinkle in his eyes.    


In the end, he didn't have to look for long before his girlfriend came over to pinch his ear and walked over to the side.    


< p > "What is the identity of that handsome guy?" From the looks of it, the five beauties were related to him! F * ck! This is way too envious, envious and hateful! "    


This was a man's retort.    


However, this was also what most people were thinking in their hearts.    


You guys are all beautiful beyond compare. I've been taken care of by the heavens, and now I have all of you at the same time.    


Zhang Zihui sincerely praised. At the same time, he was deeply moved that he was able to obtain the favors of these girls.    


< p > "Hee hee, it's good that you know this." "In the future, you must treat us very well. Otherwise, we will all ignore you."    


Xiao Qingying threatened while grinning.    


However, her threat did not make Zhang Zihui feel any pressure.    


Xiao Qingying just ignored him, not leaving him.    


"Alright, you guys should quickly switch back." It's about time for us to go back. "    


Zhang Zihui looked around, at this time, almost everyone in the clothing area was paying attention to them.    


Furthermore, many people took out their phones to take pictures of them.    


One had to know that it was still possible to see one or two top-notch beauties, but what if there were five of them?    


And all of them were wearing long skirts?    


That would be a rare occasion in his life.    


The girls also realized that a lot of people were paying attention to them.    


They were not unaccustomed to this.    


As school beauties, they had long since gotten used to being watched by others in school.    




They were all people who could perform on stage, so how could there be any discomfort in such a small scene?    


However, what Zhang Zihui said was not wrong.    


After buying the clothes and tasting the mooncake, he had nothing else to do, so naturally, it was better to go back.    


Although he didn't care about the gazes of others, he wasn't happy to be watched by others.    


The girls mostly just wanted to be together with Zhang Zihui.    


Following that, the girls all changed back into their own clothes, holding onto their chosen dresses, they got Zhang Zihui to pay for them.    


After that, he bought a few boxes of mooncakes that were more popular.    


This allowed the other girls to taste the mooncake first as well.    


In the end, they naturally went home, and squeezed Zhang Zihui's car to go back.    


This made Zhang Zihui felt that he had to get another car.    


Somewhere unknown, three men and a woman were sitting in a conference room, waiting for something.    


Where have you been with Cary lately? Why do I think you've become more attractive?    


One of them, an Asian man with a very thin body and face, spoke to the very sexy blonde opposite him.    


Next to the woman was a handsome man with long brown hair and a suit. He looked to be in his thirties, which was a good match for the woman.    


"Viper, Carrie and I are on our honeymoon everyday. "Being nourished by him every night, isn't it more and more tempting for me?"    


The blonde woman said with a smile.    


"Heh heh, Carrie truly has the ability to cause a ruckus with you every night. If it was me, I definitely wouldn't be able to do it. "    


The skinny man, or in other words, Viper, smiled embarrassedly.    


"Heh heh, do you think that Carrie is someone with that kind of backbone of yours? His ability is much stronger than yours. "    


The blonde woman covered her mouth and laughed.    


Although this guy looked like a skeleton, he had quite the ability in that aspect. He hasn't lost a third or two in the time we've been together.    


The silent man on the other side finally spoke.    


His eyes were black, and he should be Asian too. However, his body was extremely terrifying, and was not much different from Di Long's back then, where the strong muscles bulged the entire back of his body.    


< p > "Really?"    


Carrie then also opened his mouth, although he had to say that the handsome man's voice was also very pleasant to hear.    


"However, I am very curious about this mission. The organization will actually have all four of us act at the same time."    


Carrie's doubts were quite reasonable. The four of them teaming up was the number one group in the organization.    


The organization rarely allowed the four of them to take action at the same time, because they themselves were two or three groups of people. Most missions could be solved by just sending one of them.    


"Yeah, what quest is it this time?" You actually want the four of us to attack at the same time. You must know that the last time the four of us attacked together, it was over half a year ago. "    


Hua Li also followed up.    


"Hehe, we'll know what kind of quest it is later."    


Viper said.    


Just as he finished speaking, the big screen in the office suddenly lit up. Surprisingly, the screen was only a light gray color, as if it had not been opened yet.    


< p > "The four of you have been waiting for a long time, haven't you?" I think you're curious about how I've brought you together again. Of course, all of you should also be curious. After all, the strength that the four of you have gathered together is enough for a World (A) level mission. "    


A very low voice came from the screen. It sounded like a middle-aged man.    


And the World (A) level mission that he mentioned was the second most difficult mission in the world!    


He definitely wasn't someone that anyone could be qualified to do!    


And the four of them were already qualified to do so, it could be seen that their strength was not ordinary at all!    


Leader, we are indeed curious about this mission." "Don't let us down, we haven't moved together in a long time, you have to give us a chance to show off.    


The beauty covered her mouth as she spoke, her words expressing her anticipation for the mission.    


"Heh heh, this mission is actually quite difficult. Even if it's easy, it's not easy."     3


The mysterious voice purposely said something, but the four people didn't seem to be in a hurry to ask about it. Instead, they waited patiently for the mysterious voice to come out.    


The mysterious voice didn't say anything as no one asked.    


Of course, even if he had any sort of reaction, the four of them wouldn't be able to see it.    


However, there was no change in his tone when he spoke again.    


"Your task is to go to the Hong Cheng military region and help us retrieve the information on the Nuclear Aircraft."    


The mysterious voice finally announced the details of the mission.    


< p > "Hm?" Information on the Nuclear Aircraft? That thing is in the Hong City military region? "Looks like the organization's ability is pretty good. They even know about this."    


Carrie frowned, and slowly said.    


Our organization didn't know about this information, but due to some reasons, we accidentally found out about it. As for the details, I won't tell you. You don't need to know for now.    


The mysterious voice didn't explain anything.    


"However, Leader, if the Hong City Military Region really has such important information, their defensive capabilities must be very tight. The four of us probably won't be able to obtain it that easily, right?"    


Viper voiced his doubts.    


He did not know how strong the defenses of the Hong City and military area were, but without mentioning the information from the Nuclear Aircraft, he knew that it was extremely important.    


"You don't have to worry about that." The defense there shouldn't be too difficult for the four of you. It's just that I still can't be sure that the information is within the Hong City military region, so, if you guys were to enter and not get the information, you'll need to use another method to have the information sent out by the people from the military region. "    


The mysterious voice continued.    


His words, on the other hand, made the four of them puzzled. Another method?    


During their confusion, an electronic screen suddenly appeared on the conference table in front of everyone. Following that, it displayed the information of the two girls.    


"The two of them are the granddaughter of the commander in chief of the Hong City and the Deputy Commander, respectively. If you don't find any information in the military, you can make a move on them both. I don't think I need to talk about the specific method anymore, do I? "    


At this point, the mysterious voice stopped.    


The four of them naturally understood the words that he did not speak out.    


When he saw the photos of the two girls, a peculiar look flashed through his eyes. "Cary, are you interested in these two ugly women?    


Naturally, she understood Carrie very well, and knew that he actually liked flirting.    


Of course, he was only playing around with his prey, and she knew that he had always been sincere to her.    


This could be considered as a rare existence in their organization.    


On the other side, Viper was also extremely moved when he saw the two girls' beautiful appearances.    


Just as he said, although he was thin, he was actually very interested in women, especially beautiful women like them.    


Before he came back, he would have a huge battle with three women every three days, and each time he knocked all of them out!    


From this, it could be seen how terrifying his ability was!    


< p > "It seems like our mission this time isn't too difficult, right?" Leader, you should just tell us where the crux of the problem lies. "    


He didn't have much interest in women, so he immediately realized something.    


He's still as calm as ever.    


The mysterious voice praised, following that, the screen flashed again, and information about a boy appeared, it was Zhang Zihui!    


"This boy is number three in that mysterious organization in the United States. He and his two targets are male and female friends, so if you want to make a move against your target, you must definitely fight him. "    


< p > "Tupperware?" It sounds like it, but the four of us are also D-rank agents, so dealing with him is definitely not a problem. Moreover, he's only a kid that's not even twenty years old yet.    


Carrie's tone was a little disdainful.    


In his opinion, there must be something wrong with Zhang Zihui's Ding page-level special agent strength. After all, Ding page-level special agent strength was not something that could be obtained that easily.    


Cary, your underestimation of your enemy is happening again." This kid is not as simple as you think. I don't mind telling you, Dillon already laid down on this kid's hand.    


The mysterious voice suddenly became somewhat indifferent.    


< p > "What!"    


This sentence shocked all four of them!    


Di Long's overall strength could not compare to any of them, as all four of them could easily defeat Di Long.    


However, Di Long's fearsome body and power was not something that they could easily deal with!    


If it were not for the fact that their abilities had coincidentally restrained Di Long to a certain extent, they might not have been able to fight Di Long at all.    


Di Long punched out with all his might. Other than it exploding, the other three died instantly!    


"What a surprise, Di Long was actually taken care of by him."    


He frowned.    


Carrie and Viper also had serious faces.    


However, as she looked at Zhang Zihui's photo, the corners of her mouth curled into a enigmatic smile. It was unknown as to what she was thinking in her heart.    


"Alright, you guys should set off as soon as possible in the next few days." "Bring the information over as soon as possible, otherwise the Toulouse Family might get the information first."    


The Tulu Clan was the clan of Lincoln and Mitte.    


However, from the tone of the mysterious voice, it seemed that the Toulouse Family wasn't doing this for them.    


Clearly, there was still competition between the two sides!    


< p > "The Toulouse?" Haha, how could a second-rate family have the strength to compete for this valuable information? What a joke, there's actually someone else who can get them to help out. "    


Carrie said in disdain.    


But what he didn't expect was that this disdain of his wouldn't be for long before it paid a price.    


"Alright, as for identity funds and the like, I don't need to help you prepare them, do I?" Let's set off as soon as possible. "    


The mysterious voice repeated itself again, and the screen went back to its previous black.    


The four of them saw this and did not continue to do so. They got up and walked outside.    


In their hearts, they started to look forward to his mission this time.    


It had been far too long since they had fought.    


At the same time, in that mysterious organization in the United States, Luli was currently discussing some things with Zhang An in her office.    


Hubby, in a few days it'll be the Mid-Autumn Festival. Should we go over and have a nice reunion with Darling?    


It had already been almost a month since Zhang Zihui last used the Hong City, so Luli still missed this a lot.    


< p > "What?" You miss your son? However, we can't leave no one on our side. "Why don't you go over by yourself? When the time comes, I'll talk to you guys remotely for a bit."    


Zhang An did not miss Zhang Zihui much.    


In his heart, men would always go out to make their own world. Just like him, he had walked step by step from being a spy until now. Although it was filled with twists and turns, but with the help of some people, he had succeeded.    


Aiya, to sit in such a high position, there doesn't seem to be much fun in it. I can't even make a trip out.    


Hearing that Zhang An did not plan to go over, Luli was still very disappointed.    


"Hehe, that's not true either. If your father is willing to come out again, then we can do whatever we want."    


Zhang An laughed.    


What he said was true. After all, with Eru's qualifications and ability, he was not that much weaker than him.    


Luli shook her head helplessly. "Aiya, if Father had asked you to help, then don't even think about it. He doesn't want to meddle in all this trouble anymore."    


When Eru retired, he had already planned to rest well. If there wasn't an absolute necessity, he didn't plan on participating in any more affairs.    


Of course, he would not reject a matter that could be solved with a single word. After all, he would not allow anyone to harm the people around him.    


< p >    


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