Special Beauty-guarding Master



0After a long discussion, the four decided to leave at 6: 30.    


At that time, it was just the right time to eat, so the amount of people eating this kind of snack from barbeque grilled food lessened by a lot.    


Before they set off, Zhang Zihui had only called Yang Zhiyan to inform her, but he had been forcefully dragged by the other three to call Zhen San.    


And this fight had directly brought the time to seven.    


< p > "F * ck me!" Are we still going to have barbecue? It's already 7 PM! "    


After another round of victories, Yuting realized that it was almost 7 o'clock.    


Time flies.    


Zhang Zihui was depressed: As expected, games are extremely easy to make people not notice the flow of time.    


"Hurry up and get ready to go!" The school belle Senior Sister must have been waiting for a long time! "    


Lu Ling also regained her senses at this moment!    


Ye Zichen hurriedly urged the other three people.    


Zhang Zihui did not need to pack up anything, and he did not bring his greetings.    


The other three specifically dressed up for a bit.    


However, was it necessary to have a barbecue?    


Ten minutes later, the four of them were downstairs.    


Zhang Zihui sent a message to Yang Zhiyan, telling her to come down.    


Not long later, the four of them arrived at the girl's dormitory. At this moment, Yang Zhiyan happened to be downstairs as well.    


"How will you compensate me for the lost time!    


Seeing Zhang Zihui, Yang Zhiyan complained as she grabbed onto his arm.    


"Senior Sister, you should answer this question yourself." Anyway, I promise you. "    


Zhang Zihui said with a doting smile.    


< p > "Alright!" "Then I want you to bring me tonight."    


Saying that, Yang Zhiyan moved closer to Zhang Zihui's ear and exhaled hot air, "Go get a room."    


These words made Zhang Zihui's Xiao Yue Fu suddenly feel a surge of warmth flowing inside his!    


"Senior Sister, I really don't dare to agree to your condition."    


Zhang Zihui said gloomily.    


< p > "Hee hee!" I knew it. "    


Clutching her lips lightly, Yang Zhiyan laughed. Then, she greeted Lu Ling and the others, "You three Junior s, you are my Junior's roommates, right? "Hello everyone."    


Hello senior sister.    


When the three of them saw Yang Zhiyan, they were stunned. Yang Zhiyan was just too lovely to look at!    


And then, the three started to envy Zhang Zihui's luck to actually have a beauty like Yang Zhiyan.    


< p > "Where are you going to eat barbecue?" This is the first time for me in Senior Sister to eat this kind of food! If it doesn't taste good, don't blame me for getting angry! "    


Yang Zhiyan said with a stern face.    


"Senior Sister, don't worry! We went to that barbeque store, and you'll definitely be satisfied with the smell! "    


Lu Ling said this with extreme confidence!    


< p > "Really?" Then let's hurry up and go! "    


Saying that, she pulled Zhang Zihui and walked to the front.    


The other three followed behind him and pointed out the way.    


As if you haven't done anything to him yet. "Is this true?    


On a street near the school, Su Ming and Li Qiang were eating barbecue and drinking beer at the most famous barbecue shop on the street.    


< p > "F * ck!" When this matter is brought up, I get very angry! "    


Li Qiang immediately drained a can of beer, and casually picked up a skewer of meat, and started to eat, "I wonder where that brat fell down from! More than a dozen people surrounded him, yet they did not even touch him! "    


< p > "What?"    


Su Ming opened his eyes wide, "Are you sure you didn't watch too many action movies? An illusion appeared? "    


Damn, I wish I'd seen too many action movies.    


Li Qiang's face was gloomy.    


If it was really an illusion, then it at least showed that it wasn't Zhang Zihui's fault.    


However, the truth was already in front of his eyes!    


< p > "Holy shit!" So powerful! "What's the kid's name?"    


Su Ming continued to ask.    


< p > "I don't know." Glasses-man, it's been a few days, but you still haven't found out anything about him, he's so damn useless! "    


Li Qiang said in annoyance.    


< p > "You!" It was just a Yang Zhiyan, so how about this year's School Beauty Leaderboard? There were quite a few beauties among the freshmen! First, second, fourth, fifth, seventh. Those are all freshmen! "    


After Su Ming finished his sentence, a wretched smile appeared on his face.    


"The quality of this term's junior sister is indeed very high!" Let's go try it out another day and see if we can get it. "    


Li Qiang suggested.    


< p > "That's a must!" Such a good junior sister, if I don't give her to protect, I won't be able to feel at ease with her safety anymore! "    


Su Ming suddenly said with a serious tone.    


However, the thoughts in his heart weren't necessarily serious.    


"One day, I have to look for that Shen Yun guy to gather some information on my junior sisters. That's easy to do. "    


Li Qiang opened up another can of beer and started drinking.    


< p > "This is required!" We are a female ugliness who has no information at all! "    


Su Ming said with a face full of confidence.    


However, just as he finished speaking, the expression on his face stiffened, "Qiang Zi, look, is that woman Yang Zhiyan!?"    


Su Ming pointed outside the shop.    


< p > "Where?"    


Li Qiang hurriedly turned around to look!    


As expected, they saw outside the shop, Yang Zhiyan was holding onto that brat's hands, and the two of them were talking and laughing.    


There were three other people beside him, and they were obviously with them!    


< p > "F * ck!" It was that stinking brat! This was really a narrow path for enemies to walk! We actually bumped into each other here! "    


Li Qiang twisted the empty beer can in his hand.    


"Li Qiang, the brat you mentioned was that person?"    


Su Ming's tone of voice was extremely surprised, but when Li Qiang turned around to look at him, he discovered that his expression was somewhat strange.    


< p > "What, you know him?" "Don't tell me you know him very well!"    


Li Qiang said in annoyance.    


< p > "How could I possibly be familiar with him! "Last time I was in a clothing store, he threw me out of the store in public!"    


Su Ming roughly described what happened that day.    


< p > "F * * k!" This kid is really hard to deal with! "    


Li Qiang complained!    


< p > "Hehe!" Actually, it might not be difficult to deal with! Even though I knew that he wanted to come to the Hongcheng University to study, I didn't know which faculty he belonged to at all. If I meet him now, I will definitely make things difficult for him! "    


Su Ming revealed a cold smile.    


< p > "What?" What method do you have to take care of this brat? "    


Li Qiang asked with anticipation.    


"The reason why we can't take care of him in school is because he's a student." But if it's outside, then it won't just be students! "    


With that, Su Ming took out his phone and waved it at Li Qiang.    


< p > "You mean, you want to find someone outside the school to take care of him?" Why didn't I think of it! Right, can you take Yang Zhiyan away later? I'll kill her tonight! "    


Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, but Li Qiang actually couldn't calm down and wanted to do what he originally didn't want to do!    


< p > "No problem!" However, I want to participate too! "    


Saying that, a smile appeared on Su Ming's face.    


< p > "No problem!" As long as we can get that person into bed, the two of us can kill her together! "    


Li Qiang said fiercely!    


< p > "Okay!"    


Su Ming answered excitedly, then quickly dialed a number and started searching for someone!    


In his heart, however, a wave of passion rose because he had the opportunity to crush Yang Zhiyan beneath his body.    


Under the guidance of his three roommates, Zhang Zihui arrived at the busiest street near the school.    


This was the place where the three of them would take Zhang Zihui for a barbeque.    


Before they even entered the barbeque store, the attractive aroma of meat had already drifted over to them.    


This immediately made Zhang Zihui become a bit more interested in the barbeque tonight.    


The few of them entered the barbeque store and found a relatively empty spot to sit down.    


Afterwards, the three roommates all stood up and headed over to the counter to order some things.    


Junior Brother, your roommate still doesn't know what she's doing.    


Yang Zhiyan said with a smile.    


"Senior Sister, what do you want to do?"    


Zhang Zihui supported his chin with his hand, looking at Yang Zhiyan with a smile on her face.    


< p > "Guess."    


Yang Zhiyan looked at Zhang Zihui with his lovely eyebrows, extended a jade finger, and gently pressed it against his lips.    


Zhang Zihui, however, opened his mouth wide and pulled Yang Zhiyan's finger in. He lightly bit on it and continued to look at her with some playfulness.    


As he felt the warmth from his fingers, Yang Zhiyan's face couldn't help but feel slightly warm.    


Although she had been stuck with Zhang Zihui for a long time, these few days, Zhang Zihui's actions of picking beans out of her mouth made her feel a little shy.    


< p > "Bad guy!"    


Her charming eyebrows rolled as she looked at Zhang Zihui, and Yang Zhiyan immediately retracted his finger, then placed it on her lips and said with dissatisfaction, "Hmph! You only know how to bully me! "    


After saying that, he turned his head to the side!    


However, just as she turned his head to the other side, Zhang Zihui grabbed her waist and with a burst of strength, pulled her towards his big moon retreat. Then, he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.    


"Zhiyan, if you continue to seduce me like this, I really won't be able to control myself and will eat you!"    


Zhang Zihui said gently, and then, he even gave Yang Zhiyan a light kiss on the neck.    


< p > "Hmph!" You've been around several times! I don't know when I'll dare to do that. "    


Yang Zhiyan snorted.    


However, her face was blushing even more.    


"I won't make you wait too long!"    


This time, it was Zhang Zihui who blew hot air towards Yang Zhiyan.    


< p > "Disgusting!" It's so itchy! "    


Yang Zhiyan turned her head to the side, and said with dissatisfaction.    


Just as Zhang Zihui was about to continue chasing them, the three people who had left some things behind were already walking back to him.    


< p > "Hurry up and let me go. When your roommate sees this later, don't you feel embarrassed?    


Yang Zhiyan was struggling.    


Zhang Zihui released his hand, allowing Yang Zhiyan to return to her seat. Then, he deliberately said, "Zhiyan, so there's actually a time when you're embarrassed!"    


< p > "You don't want to talk to me anymore!"    


Yang Zhiyan glared hatefully at Zhang Zihui.    


Yang Zhiyan was indeed embarrassed.    


She did not care about the way strangers looked at her, but she did not want her friends beside Zhang Zihui to have any different feelings towards her.    


In Yang Zhiyan's heart, she was only willing to release her lovely eyebrows for Zhang Zihui to see.    


To her, only Zhang Zihui was everything!    


< p >    


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