Special Beauty-guarding Master



2The three boys didn't notice Zhang Zihui's entrance and were still focusing on the game.    


Zhang Zihui took this opportunity to observe his three roommates for the next few years.    


The one on the left was about 1.7 meters tall. He had dark skin and a crew cut, so he was quite handsome.    


/p p The boy in the middle was also 1.7m tall, but slightly taller than the boy on the left.     


However, he was extremely thin and had a sharp face. He looked very ordinary.    




He wore glasses, had a pot hairstyle, some dark circles under his eyes, and an ordinary appearance.    


/p p "Zhuge, are you serious?!" I'm going to fly a kick! "    


The one on the left suddenly spoke.    


On his screen, it was copied to be a white Beastman infantry soldier. The name displayed was Zhang Fei.    


/p p "It's been done a long time ago!" Kick five of them! "    


The one on the right answered.    


On his screen, there was a character in a white robe with the name Zhuge.    


/p p "Hey, hey, hey!" Wait two minutes for me! I'm going to grind it! "    


The boy in the middle said.    


On his screen, there was a character wearing a green robe and holding a stone sabre. His name was Guan Yu.    


/p p "Tch!" When you grind them, we will push them away! "Zhuge, I got a flying kick!"    


The boy on the left shouted suddenly. The character on his screen flashed and appeared in another location. He spread open his arms and a red ring of light burst out. Several infantry and four heroes were stunned by him!    


/p p "Okay!" Kick four! Look at my light! "    


The boy's character on the right flickered as well. Following that, several rays of blue and white light shot out!    


He had instantly taken care of the few heroes on the opposite side!    


/p p "Okay!" Zhuge quickly pulled the car over and pushed them! "    


The one on the left commanded again!    


Immediately, on the screen of the boy on the right, a dozen or so catapults rushed into his screen and threw rocks at the building across from him!    




Just half a minute later, with the collapse of the huge tent, the screens of the three of them showed the small box of victory.    


/p p "Yeah!" It's all settled so easily! "    


The boy on the right said happily.    


"Eh? Who is this guy? "Are you kidding me?"    


Only now did the boy notice Zhang Zihui.    


The other two boys also discovered that there was an additional handsome guy in the dorm.    


This handsome guy should be our dorm mate, right?" Speaking of which, why does it look so familiar!     


The boy in the middle said.    


The boy on the left carefully looked Zhang Zihui up and down, then said, "Isn't he the guy who brought the school beauty, Senior Sister, into the class?"    


Hearing what he said, the other two guys revealed looks of envy towards Zhang Zihui!    


"Hello, my name is Zhang Zihui."    


Zhang Zihui introduced himself politely.    


/p p "Hello, my name is Yuting."    


The boy on the left said.    


/p p "My name is Chen Yixiong, how are you?"    


The boy in the middle said.    


My name is Lu Ling. How did you get the school beauty, Senior Sister?" Give us some experience!     


The boy on the right pushed his glasses.    


This kind of thing is about fate." It should be yours, it can't be anyone else's.     


Zhang Zihui said casually. He couldn't possibly say that Yang Zhiyan chased after him, right?    


"Right, what kind of game are you playing?"    


Zhang Zihui changed the topic.    


"This is the True Third Demon Beast!" The Three Kingdoms' competition map in the Beast Battling Arena is even more fun than the Magical Beast Saber Tower! "    


When it came to games, Lu Ling's performance immediately became popular. She told Zhang Zihui about it for five minutes straight!    


From Heroes to all sorts of items, equipment, and even True Three Li's experts.    


/p p "F * * k!"    


Can you stop now, kid?    


"Do you have to say that about me?" "Also, Yi Xiong, if you don't accept this, then let's fight to the death!"    


Lu Ling said in a bad mood.    


"I've only played for a little more than two months, yet you're asking me for help? Do you really have the nerve to say that?"    


Chen Yixiong looked at Lu Ling with disdain.    


/p p "You guys are pretty bored."    


Yuting was unfazed.    


This immediately caused Chen Yixiong and Lu Ling to complain.    


When Zhang Zihui saw the three of them arguing, a smile slowly appeared on his face. He could feel that the feeling between the three of them was very good. In the next hour, Zhang Zihui and the three of them had a preliminary understanding of each other after a brief encounter.    


Yuting, Chen Yixiong, and Lu Ling were high school classmates. They had known each other since that time and had been together for three years.    


And so they all came to the same university.    


However, the reason the three of them were able to enter Hong City was mainly because of Chen Yixiong's father's help.    


Chen Yixiong's father was the deputy mayor of Hong City, so arranging for two people to enter Hong City University wasn't a problem for him.    


Yuting's family background was also pretty good. His family was in business, so he could be considered a fake rich second-generation.    


Lu Ling's family background was quite average.    


His parents were both working. Although their incomes were stable, they didn't have much savings at the end of the year. There was also his older sister, who had just graduated from university and was currently a teacher.    


As for Zhang Zihui himself, when he heard that Zhang Zihui was of American nationality and of mixed blood, coupled with the fact that he was handsome and seemed to be a son of a rich family, he was truly a noble and handsome man!    


The three of them were very envious of him!    


After all, Gao Fujun was a very popular man in China!    


/p p "I say, Zi Hui!" That school belle Senior Sister, how did you fall to the ground and get her? It is said that she has never had any relationships with anyone in the Hong City University! "    


Even when Lu Ling talked about beauties, there was a lot of heat.    


This really is fate.    


Zhang Zihui didn't want to talk about Yang Zhiyan anymore.    


/p "Forget it if you don't want to tell me." However, that Senior Sister was really pretty and charming! Zi Hui, you have to be careful! "Senior Sister, who's such a charming girl, might have been robbed just like that.    


Chen Yixiong said.    


/p p "Tsk, so what if you say so?" Do you think it's a TV show? "Dog's blood."    


Yuting said in disdain.    


"Don't worry, I still have the ability to keep her safe."    


Yang Zhiyan and Zhang Zihui weren't worried that she would escape from their grasp.    


"It looks like he really is an experienced player!" Honestly speaking, Zi Hui, just how many girls have you harmed! "    


Lu Ling asked with a pained expression.    


You really know how to think.    


Zhang Zihui felt a bit helpless.    


/p p "Hello!" Lu Ling, from the looks of it, Zi Hui isn't someone who would harm young girls. It must be a calamity to young women! "    


Chen Yixiong smiled evilly as he raised his eyebrows.    


Zhang Zihui was speechless.    


These two fellows were truly treasures!    


He really had all sorts of thoughts in his mind!    


Two for nothing.    


Yuting stepped back a little, "Why do I only know these two?"    


/p p "F * * k!" Who are you calling a fool! "    


Chen Yixiong and Lu Ling spoke at the same time!    


/p p "I'll say whoever stays here for nothing."    


Yuting's face was filled with contempt.    


/p p "Scram!"    


The two of them spoke up once again!    


And as the words of the two of them fell, they even raised their middle fingers towards Yuting!    


"The two of you are courting death!"    


Yuting was also unhappy, "Come! In the middle, I will fight one against two! "    


/p p "Cough cough …" Zi Hui! Don't you usually play games? "    



Hearing Yuting's words, the two of them chose to ignore him and continued to chat with Zhang Zihui.    


What a joke, Yuting's skills are much better than the two of them!    


A one against two battle was enough to crush them!    


"I only occasionally come in contact with them."    


Zhang Zihui answered.    


/p p "Then copy with us!" I still have a laptop here! "    


As Chen Yixiong said that, he took out a laptop from the cabinet and placed it on the table.    


/p p "Let's talk about it later." I have to go out again later. "    


Since there was nothing to do later, Zhang Zihui had to accompany Yang Zhiyan a lot more.    


It was possible that Bai Rongrong would also look for him.    


/p p "Ouch!" It's time to go on a date with school belle Senior Sister again, right!? "    


Lu Ling revealed a "I understand you."    


A smile.    


/p p "I guess so."    


Zhang Zihui didn't deny it either.    


Speaking of which, the school's forums have updated the rankings of the new school beauties.    


Yuting suddenly said, while Lu Ling quickly logged out of the game and went into the forum. Soon, she found the post for the School Beauty rankings.    


/p p "F * ck me!" He clicked on more than 2 million! He had replied with over 30,000 yuan! It's really explosive! "    


When Lu Ling saw the replies to the post, she could not help but complain!    


Zhang Zihui glanced over and saw that it was a new school belle ranking called "The new school belle of Hong City University".    


the post.    




/p p "Wow!" The first place is actually a pair of Twins! "    


Lu Ling suddenly exclaimed, "The elder sister's name is Jiang Zier, and the younger sister's name is Jiang Yueer." Look at their purple hair! How beautiful! Aiya! Their eyes were also purple! It's too enchanting! "    


Lu Ling looked at the photos of the two of them with a pig-like expression.    


Zhang Zihui looked over and it was indeed Twins.    


The picture in the thread showed the two sisters walking on the road. It was probably secretly taken by someone else.    


/p p "Eh?" These two sisters were actually from America! And it's a hybrid! "    


Lu Ling's face was filled with surprise. Chen Yixiong, who was beside her also went over to take a closer look.    


"Zi Hui, you don't know these twins, do you?"    


Lu Ling asked.    


This question immediately caused both Chen Yixiong and Yuting's gaze to fall on Zhang Zihui.    


/p p "Yes."    


Zhang Zihui admitted it directly.    


/p p "Ah!" I really do know him! What is your relationship? Introduce me to them some other day! "    


Lu Ling came over with a face full of anticipation.    


/p p "There's no need to introduce you." They are my fiancées. "    


Hearing that Lu Ling wanted to know Twins, Zhang Zihui directly mentioned his relationship with the two sisters.    


/p p "What!"    


The moment he said that, the three people in the dorm looked at Zhang Zihui in shock!    


"Tell me, are you Twins's fiancé?" Are you for real? "    


Lu Ling asked in disbelief.    


/p p "Really."    


Zhang Zihui nodded.    


/p After receiving Zhang Zihui's affirmative answer, Lu Ling's entire body collapsed!    


/p p     


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