Special Beauty-guarding Master



1It was a good thing that although the two sisters found it embarrassing to start cooking for Zhang Zihui, they still had Lulu to help them out.    


As the mischievous Lulu, although she might not know what the Twins was thinking, she would definitely not let go of any opportunity to increase their relationship with Zhang Zihui!    


Brother Zihui, let me give you some food." Here, try this beef with the iron plate. This was something big sister Zi Er did. "And the prawn was cooked by elder sister Yue'er.    


Lulu said as she ate.    


Zhang Zihui naturally understood Lulu's thoughts. He did not order the stone skin and picked up the food in the bowl, placing it in his mouth.    


Needless to say, the iron-clad beef that Jiang Zier had made tasted very good, and the temperature of the beef was also very good.    


Not old, not young, just right.    


As for Jiang Yueer's drunk prawns, they also tasted quite good!    


The freshness and sweetness of the prawns brought with it a strong aroma of wine, giving one the feeling that they had drunk a great deal of wine.    


< p > "That's great!"    


Zhang Zihui simply spat out two words, but this was enough to explain the workmanship of Twins.    


After dinner, the group had a good time eating.    


However, as far as Zhang Zihui was concerned, he couldn't just forget about some people.    


For example, Bai Rongrong.    


Halfway through dinner, Zhang Zihui decided to leave. The reason was simple, he had to go back and accompany Bai Rongrong.    


Otherwise, if Bai Rongrong was alone at home, she might not even have eaten dinner.    


Because of this, Zhang Zihui packed a sumptuous dinner in the kitchen and brought it back.    


After returning to Bai Rongrong's villa, the entire place didn't have any lights.    


This caused Zhang Zihui to unconsciously frown. Could it be that Bai Rongrong had gone out?    


He got off the car, took the dinner bag with him, and entered the villa. After switching on the lights, Zhang Zihui immediately shouted, "Rongrong, I'm back."    


< p > "Okay."    


A weak reply came from upstairs.    


Zhang Zihui naturally quickly went upstairs and entered Bai Rongrong's room.    




"Rongrong, are you alright?"    


Zhang Zihui walked over to the bedside and asked softly.    


It's alright. You can continue to accompany your fianc?e." Don't worry about me, I won't die.    


Bai Rongrong's tone was flat, but her words were obviously filled with anger.    


< p > "Are you angry?"    


Putting down the food in his hands, Zhang Zihui sat on the side of the bed and hugged Bai Rongrong tightly.    


Let go of me. Go back and accompany your fianc?e.    


Bai Rongrong struggled.    


Zhang Zihui, however, had no intention of letting go. Instead, he placed his head on Bai Rongrong's shoulder, exhaled a breath of hot air towards her neck, and softly said, "If you really want me to go, then I'll really go."    


Bai Rongrong's body trembled because of the hot air coming out from Zhang Zihui's mouth, and immediately quietened down.    


However, after hearing Zhang Zihui's words, she snorted with dissatisfaction.    


I know it's not right for me to come back so late, so I brought you something nice to eat.    


Zhang Zihui took the food box and opened it, and a burst of fragrance immediately wafted out!    


< p > "Hmph!" At least you still have the heart to know that I'm hungry. "    


Looking at the delicious food inside, Bai Rongrong felt even hungrier.    


She hadn't eaten yet.    


Here, eat a prawn first.    


Zhang Zihui consciously peeled a prawn from Bai Rongrong's skin and brought it to her mouth.    


When Bai Rongrong opened his mouth, it actually bit into Zhang Zihui's finger!    


However, she only gently touched it with her teeth before letting go. As she ate, she hatefully said, "Next time, I'll definitely eat you!"    


Zhang Zihui only smiled gently, and did not say much as he continued to peel another prawn for Bai Rongrong.    


While Zhang Zihui was accompanying him, in the Hongcheng University, in the press club, and in the president's office, Shen Yun was sitting on an office chair. In front of him, was Su Ming.    


"Shen Yun, I heard that you have taken a fancy to the number one school beauty, Bai Rongrong? "Well, have you made any progress?"    


Su Ming looked at Shen Yun and said.    


< p > "No progress."    


Shen Yun said indifferently.    


< p > "No progress?" You must be joking! You, the number one gentleman in Hongcheng University, would still meet a girl that you can't handle? "    


Su Ming said in surprise.    


This Shen Yun was also an influential figure within the Hongcheng University!    


Not to mention his status in the school, even if it was him, he himself was still ranked first in Hongcheng University, you handsome guy!    


And with his exceptional qualifications, he actually couldn't handle a school beauty?    


Su Ming really couldn't believe it.    


"Bai Rongrong already has a boyfriend."    


Shen Yun explained, and then added, "Her boyfriend is in no way inferior to me, his name is Zhang Zihui."    


< p > "What?" Bai Rongrong's boyfriend is Zhang Zihui? "    


Su Ming was stunned: Isn't Zhang Zihui a pair with Yang Zhiyan?    


"What, you know this Zhang Zihui?"    


Shen Yun asked.    


At the moment, he really wanted to understand Zhang Zihui's thoughts.    


< p > "Yes." But I did have a grudge with him. "    


Su Ming recounted his past conflicts with Zhang Zihui, and also mentioned that Zhang Zihui was together with him.    


< p > "Oh?" Are you saying that Zhang Zihui is also Yang Zhiyan's boyfriend? "    


Shen Yun frowned slightly.    


Then, he suddenly thought of something. He immediately turned on his computer and quickly copied it.    




"No wonder I felt that this Zhang Zihui looked a little familiar. So he was Yang Zhiyan's boyfriend. I didn't expect that I would be able to miss something as well. "    


Shen Yun said with a faint smile.    


Just as he finished saying this, his mailbox prompted him to receive an email.    


Shen Yun opened the mail, and when he saw the mail, the expression on his face was first surprised, and then followed with a mocking smile.    


"Su Ming, this Zhang Zihui is even more charming than we thought!"    


Shen Yun revealed a mysterious smile.    


< p > "Hm?" "What's going on?"    


Su Ming asked.    


Shen Yun did not answer him, but directly turned the computer screen towards Su Ming.    


< p > On the screen was a picture.    


In the picture, there was a man and woman kissing the most in front of the crowd.    


The girl, was actually the school beauty, Su Yinyin, ranked fourth!    


And that boy, was none other than Zhang Zihui!    


< p > "I'll go!" This Zhang Zihui, does he even have that much charm! "He actually even took care of the 4th school beauty?"    


Su Ming was shocked!    


This Zhang Zihui had already taken down the number one, third, and fourth school beauties!    


If Su Ming knew that the twin school belle who was ranked second was Zhang Zihui's fiancee, how would he feel?    


"I really didn't think that this Zhang Zihui was actually Young Master Hua. It looks like there are a lot of articles to do here. "    


Shen Yun smiled.    


< p > "Oh?" Shen Yun, you plan to make a move on this Zhang Zihui? "    


With Su Ming's understanding of Shen Yun's abilities, if Shen Yun really wanted to attack Zhang Zihui, Zhang Zihui would definitely be done for!    


However, his unilateral judgment might not necessarily be correct.    


"It's not enough." However, what I want must fall into my hands. Therefore, I must first break the two of them apart. "    


Shen Yun still had a nonchalant look, as if his act of spoiling someone's heart was just a small matter.    


When Su Ming, who was standing beside her, heard this, he felt a lingering fear in his heart. In his heart, he silently decided that nothing unpleasant would happen to him!    0


< p > A day was neither long nor short.    


But that was the end of it.    


A new day had begun when he opened his eyes.    


After finishing breakfast, Zhang Zihui brought Bai Rongrong and Wang Xiaochun to the Hongcheng University.    


Only, what made Zhang Zihui puzzled was that on his way to the dorm, many people had cast strange gazes at him, and some even directly pointed at him.    


Zhang Zihui was puzzled about this, but he did not care too much about it.    


Soon, they arrived at the dormitory.    


However, what surprised him was that the three people in the dorm rarely didn't play the third game. Furthermore, when the three of them saw Zhang Zihui come in, they all looked at him with the same strange expressions.    


< p > "Do I have flowers on my face?" "Why is it that all of you are the same as the people I met on the way here, all of you have this kind of expression."    


Zhang Zihui felt that he had to figure out what was going on.    


"Zi Hui, do you really not know anything?"    


Lu Ling hesitated for a while before replying.    


< p > "What should I know?"    


Zhang Zihui frowned, as though something had happened but he did not know.    


< p > "Come over and take a look yourself."    


Lu Ling sat in front of her computer and quickly entered the school's discussion board. On the discussion board, there was a title: "Freshman handsome brother actually steps on several boats!"    


At the same time, it was related to many school beauties!    


The post was placed at the end of page D.    


Lu Ling clicked on the thread and when she saw the first picture in the thread, her eyes narrowed!    


The first photo was shockingly taken when he and Bai Rongrong were singing at the military training party!    


And right after that, was the scene of him and Yang Zhiyan publicly kissing in school!    


And further down, there was the scene of him and Su Yinyin punishing each other with his lips while they were playing tacit understanding!    


What was written on the thread was that Zhang Zihui was related to the three school beauties at the same time.    


Moreover, he even wrote Zhang Zihui as an extremely flowery young master!    


To the three school beauties, this was simply a game.    


These words immediately caused many people to have a very poor impression of Zhang Zihui!    


Even a few rational people instantly became targets of criticism!    


< p > "This post must have been posted by a journalistic society!"    


The last name of the post was Hongcheng University News Society.    


It was not hard for Zhang Zihui to guess that this matter definitely had something to do with Shen Yun!    


However, just as Zhang Zihui was about to go and settle the score with Shen Yun, he suddenly recalled his phone.    


He took it out and saw that it was Bai Rongrong's number.    


The phone was picked up, but what surprised Zhang Zihui was that the voice that came out of the phone was actually Wang Xiaochun's!    


< p > "Bastard!" Hurry up and explain to me! This time, Rongrong is very sad! "    


Wang Xiaochun's voice was filled with anger!    


Zhang Zihui even heard the words Bai Rongrong told him not to pass.    


It was obvious to Wang Xiaochun.    


< p >    


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