Special Beauty-guarding Master



1Following the direction the receptionist pointed in, the three of them naturally passed by quickly!    


This time, Zhang Zihui was unable to determine which snack bar the two sisters visited. He had to ask them one by one, in order to ensure that the stall owner was willing to answer, he also had to fork out some money to buy a set of snacks.    


Three of the first five stalls indicated that they had seen the Twins and had even pointed out the direction for Zhang Zihui and the others.    


However, out of the last five, only one of them expressed that he had seen them before.    


At this time, Zhang Zihui could already confirm that when Meng Ziyi called the Twins, if anything happened to them, it wouldn't take more than ten minutes!    


In that case, the two of them must still be inside the Volkswagen Road!    


Thinking up to this point, Zhang Zihui couldn't help but start to find out who attacked the Twins.    


However, just as he was pondering, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.    


Boy, do you want another cup of bamboo shoots?    


Zhang Zihui turned his head to look. It was actually the lady who sold bamboo shoots and frozen stalks, whom he frequented with Meng Ziyi when he was shopping last time.    


Auntie, hello. I'd like to ask if you've seen a pair of purple-haired twins.    


Zhang Zihui asked with the thought of giving it a try.    


< p > But unexpectedly, this aunt actually lightly nudged him, and then gave Zhang Zihui an unexpected answer!    


"Kid, you know them?" I had actually seen a pair of purple-haired twins before. "Because I happened to see them pointing in my direction, so I thought they were probably coming over, so I looked at them a little more."    


"However, what I find strange is that another customer came at the time, and then I lowered my head to busy myself a bit, but when I raised my head again, they turned around and left, together with a few other men."    


Auntie's words surprised Zhang Zihui!    


He didn't think that he would coincidentally ask the most important person!    


Right now, Zhang Zihui could already determine that it was at that time that something happened to the Twins!    


In fact, there was already a possible goal in his mind!    


"Auntie, I still have something to do. Can you help me pack ten servings of sweet potato jelly first? I'll come over later to get them."    


As he said that, Zhang Zihui took out a hundred pieces of paper and placed it on Auntie's stall.    


Then, he turned around and brought Lulu and Meng Ziyi with him.    


Now, Zhang Zihui had to look for someone!    


A person who could help him find the target that he had determined in his heart!    


The twins lying on the couch didn't move at all, just like before.    


As for Jiang Zier, she still could not think of a way to get her phone, and she couldn't help but become anxious!    


After all, the longer they stayed here, the greater the chance that something bad would happen to them!    


"Elder sister, tell me, if something happened to us, would that Zhang Zihui be sad? At least we are his fiancee. "    


Jiang Yueer didn't even understand why she would think of Zhang Zihui at this moment.    


However, Jiang Yueer's question caused Jiang Zier to be slightly stunned for a moment, and the focus in her heart had eased up a little. "He should be sad, right? Although we don't have a good relationship with him, it's not really bad. "    


< p > "Really?"    


Jiang Yueer was a little unsure, "Big sister, tell me, if Zhang Zihui suddenly appeared and saved us, would we be able to repay him with our bodies and then fall in love with him?"    


Under this kind of situation, Jiang Yueer was still able to have such a strange thought, it truly made people feel weird.    


Jiang Zier also felt that something was wrong with his sister. Just as she was about to ask her if something was wrong, the door to the room was pushed open by someone!    


< p > "Squeak!"    


Following the sound of the door opening, a robust man with short hair appeared before the two siblings.    


The man looked to be in his thirties. He wore a simple short-sleeved shirt and looked quite energetic.    


The exposed arm had sudden muscles!    


Although his facial features were not considered handsome, they still gave off a mature feeling.    


However, the man's gaze on the two sisters was brimming with a desire to possess them!    


< p > "Who are you?" Why did you bring us here! "    


Jiang Zier looked at the man vigilantly.    


Clearly, this man was the mastermind.    


The man, however, didn't answer Jiang Zier's question. Instead, he gazed at the two siblings with an intense desire in his eyes.    


"Exquisite!" It really was the best! Besides, you'd better get out of here! That's great! "Alright!"    


With the man's eyesight, he was naturally able to see many things.    


< p > "Who the hell are you!" Do you know who we are? If you dare touch us, our parents will definitely not let you off! "    


Jiang Zier threatened!    


However, her threats were without any threat at all.    


< p > "Haha!" Even if I do, what can you do? This is my territory! No matter how strong and influential your parents are, you can only lie there waiting to be dealt with by me! However, rest assured, I will not make you feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, I will make you feel very comfortable, and let you know what it means to be happy as a woman! "    


As he finished speaking, the smile on the man's face became even more pronounced!    


At this moment, the two sisters also understood. This man had taken a fancy to the two of them!    


He was planning to ruin them!    


< p > "Don't mess around!" I'm warning you, my fianc? is a D-rank special agent! If you touch us, he will definitely not let you go! "    


Jiang Yueer opened her mouth to speak!    


The man was stunned, but only for a moment.    


As far as he was concerned, they were just making it up to scare him.    


< p > "Hehe, so what if you're a D-rank special agent? This is my private hair salon. Can he find his way here? Furthermore, even if he can find them, by the time he comes, all of you will already be mine! "    


After saying that, the man slowly walked towards the two sisters!    


Immediately, the two girls tensed up!    


< p > "Hello!" I say, you're going to take our first time like this? "    


Jiang Zier suddenly asked.    


"This question caused the man to stop. He looked at Jiang Zier with a mocking smile on his face," If you think that you can only delay for a bit, then I advise you not to think about it. There are over twenty of my subordinates downstairs. Even if the police are here, they can't just come up as they please. "    


The man's words made Jiang Zier surprised!    


But in the blink of an eye she recovered, "That's not what I meant. Look at us sisters, we can't even move a muscle right now. If you were to do that to us, we'd definitely be no different from corpses. Do you think that makes you feel good? "    


After saying this, Jiang Zier felt a burst of shame in her heart.    


But the situation was such that she had no choice but to say so.    


< p > "Hehe!" Interesting! "Interesting!"    


The man sneered.    


He naturally understood Jiang Zier's intentions. She wanted him to remove the sexual effects of the two of them.    


Honestly speaking, he was not afraid of the two sisters being able to move. With his strength, if he could not even deal with the two girls, then his life would be in vain!    


I was looking forward to seeing what surprises you guys could bring me." However, if you all are unable to escape, then I will follow my own plan to find excitement!    


Saying this, a greedy smile appeared on the man's face.    


As he spoke, he retrieved a bottle of white powder from his bosom and sprinkled it on the two sisters!    


A slightly pungent smell entered their noses, but it was soon followed by a clear feeling that both of them had recovered their strength!    


Immediately, the two sisters struggled to sit up at the same time as they looked vigilantly at the man.    


If that's all you're going to do, I'm going to do it!    


A smile of desire gradually appeared on the man's face. At the same time, he walked towards the two sisters once again!    


The two siblings immediately became nervous again!    


Get back on the couch!    


At the moment, they had only just recovered. Although they could move, their strength had not fully recovered!    


However, no matter how big the bed was, it was only that long.    


The two sisters quickly retreated to the headboard with their backs pressed against the cold wood.    


"It seems like you guys have indeed disappointed me."    


The man shook his head slightly. With both hands, he began unbuttoning his shirt before he took it off.    


Immediately, the man's muscular body was exposed!    


Except, in the eyes of the two sisters, there wasn't any feeling of being good-looking at all!    


On the contrary, he felt very disgusted with it!    


The man took off his shirt and walked over to the two sisters.    


However, they had no way out!    


Jiang Zier knew that they had to find a way to escape!    


Moreover, it had to be a success!    


< p > Hands on the pillow behind your back.    


Seeing that the man was getting closer, Jiang Zier suddenly threw the pillow towards him with all her strength!    


Then, one of the lamps that was holding the head of the bed quickly stood up. It charged towards the man and smashed down with all its might!    



Jiang Yue'er, who was at the side, was shocked by her sister's actions!    


She didn't think that her elder sister would have such an explosive ability at such a critical moment!    


However, what made people despair was that the man raised his right hand and caught the pillow that was thrown over, and then threw it backwards. He also accurately caught Jiang Zier's small hand with her claw!    


Using just a little bit of strength, Jiang Zier could not help but let go of the lamp and fall onto the bed.    


This kind of delicate hand is really exquisite.    


The man praised, at the same time, he moved closer to Jiang Zier's hand to smell it, and his face revealed an intoxicated expression, "The real scent of a virgin."    


< p > "Let go of me!"    


With regards to the man's actions, Jiang Zier felt extremely disgusted!    


He struggled to break free from the man's restraints.    


While Jiang Zier was struggling, she suddenly let go of her hand. Jiang Zier's body became unstable, and she immediately fell backwards!    


Before Jiang Yueer could react, Jiang Zier had already fallen!    


His head slammed into the bed!    


< p > "Dong!"    


With a sound, Jiang Zier directly fainted!    


Jiang Yueer was stunned for a moment, then reacted and quickly moved closer, only to see her left forehead was completely bruised!    


It all looked very scary!    


< p > "This?"    


The man was also stunned. He had never thought that his sudden release would be like this!    


His plan for the evening was to have a few hundred rounds of battle with the twins!    


The man quickly walked over and placed his index finger under Jiang Zi'er's nose.    


Only after sensing that her breathing was even did he heave a sigh of relief!    


< p >    


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