Special Beauty-guarding Master



4"Oh?" How do you know that I will definitely make a move against Gulong Gang? "And now, I know He Long is a vegetable. As long as I do something, you have the ability to stop me?"    


Zhuang Feiying asked, "And since you don't have the ability to stop me, then what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? And for what reason should I not intervene? "    




Between his words, he had completely forced Zhang Zihui into a corner!    


However, Zhang Zihui still had a faint smile on his face. There was no change at all.    


Boss Ying's words are a bit too much, aren't they?    


Zhang Zihui slowly said, "If there is a piece of cake, the owner of the cake is willing to give it to you for free in exchange for your refusal to help. There is another person who wants to work with you to get rid of the owner of the cake and then consider how to distribute the cake. But when you get rid of the owner of the cake, you will be injured. "If you are seriously injured, your partner may turn into Lady-killer in an instant, and you will be included in the cake.    


At this point, Zhang Zihui stopped and looked at Zhuang Feiying silently.    


/p p However, Zhuang Feiying wasn't that simple!    


/p "What if that person has a big appetite and likes to take risks and would rather get hurt than get more cake?"    


Zhuang Feiying's mouth curved into a cold smile.    


Zhang Zihui was still as confident as ever. He replied slowly, "Then I might as well tell you, the owner of the cake isn't someone you can deal with. If you make a move, not only will you not get any cake, you might even lose your own money. "    


/p p "Interesting!" I wonder if the owner of the cake still has any other tricks up his sleeve? "    


Zhuang Feiying still did not back down!    


"However, the people behind him are powerful enough to take care of all of you.    


Zhang Zihui's tone remained unchanged.    




Zhuang Feiying snapped!    


The aura within his body instantly erupted!    


It completely enveloped Zhang Zihui!    


However, Zhang Zihui was like a rock, unmoving!    


A kid without any influence!" What qualifications do you have to say such words!     


Zhuang Feiying's tone was sharp!    


And it was obviously filled with anger!    


Facing Zhuang Feiying's anger at the moment, the expression on Zhang Zihui's face finally changed!    


His smile gradually disappeared, and right after that was his imposing manner!    


If Zhuang Feiying's imposing manner could be described as a river or even a great river.    


Then, Zhang Zihui's imposing manner would be the great river and even the sea!    


Zhuang Feiying's imposing manner was not even worth mentioning in front of him!    


In an instant, Zhuang Feiying's imposing aura was completely suppressed by Zhang Zihui's imposing aura!    


Immediately, he felt an invisible pressure pressing down on his body!    


It was as if an invisible hand was holding him in the palm of his hand. As long as he tried to move his hand, he would never be able to breathe again!    


Zhang Zihui never thought that his imposing manner would become so powerful after entering Foundation Establishment!    


Fortunately, he only wanted to show his power to Zhuang Feiying, so he had restrained his momentum in just a few seconds!    


However, just these few seconds felt like hours to Zhuang Feiying!    


However, Zhuang Feiying was, after all, a gang leader. Even though Zhang Zihui's aura gave him a lot of pressure, when it was retracted, he immediately went back to his previous state.    


Boss Ying, I wonder if this kind of strength is enough for you?    


Zhang Zihui said lightly.    




After taking a deep breath, Zhuang Feiying suddenly smiled. That bright smile no longer gave off a sharp feeling like before.    


/p p "Haha, good!" Good! "Alright!"    


Zhuang Feiying said three good things in one go, which showed how satisfied he was with Zhang Zihui!    


After laughing for a while, Zhuang Feiying continued, "Brat, I accept your request. However, I do not need your conditions. "    


/p p "Hm?"    


Zhang Zihui was stunned. Could it be that Zhuang Feiying had other conditions?    


/p p "I want to set my own conditions." "Not much, just two."    


Zhuang Feiying looked at Zhang Zihui, but Zhang Zihui didn't intend to open his mouth.    


"Two conditions. First, the Viridescent Eagle and Gulong Gang were secretly allied. Not fighting against each other, and if necessary, helping each other. "    


/p p "No problem."    


This condition was evidently of great benefit to the Gulong Gang s in front of him.    


Zhang Zihui did not understand what Zhuang Feiying was planning.    


However, with such conditions, did he have any reason to reject?    


As for the second one." I want you to have lunch at my house.     


When he said that, Zhuang Feiying revealed a trace of a smile.    


/p p "Hm?" Eating? "    


Zhang Zihui was completely shocked by this condition!    


Is this a condition?    


It was just a treat, but it could be used as a condition?    


This time, Zhang Zihui was completely confused by Zhuang Feiying.    


/p p "Yeah, it's that simple. Just have a meal at my house. "    


Zhuang Feiying said with a relaxed expression.    


Then he looked at his watch, "I didn't expect time to pass so quickly. How about this, you go down and sit with Fang Fang for a while. I still have some matters to attend to here. Once they're done, I'll be going down. "    


/p p "This,"    


Zhang Zihui hesitated, but he still couldn't figure out what Zhuang Feiying was thinking.    


"Don't worry, although I, Zhuang Feiying, am a hoodlum, my words still have weight. I will never break my promise." I will tell Xiao Liu about the alliance with the Gulong Gang. You just need to remind him beforehand. "    


As Zhuang Feiying said this, he lowered his head and looked at the book in his hands.    


Zhang Zihui thought for a while, but he didn't say anything in the end and retreated out of the study.    


Just when he went out, Zhuang Feiying put down his book. He looked at the door with a smile on his face as he left the room. Coincidentally, Zhuang Fangfang wanted to go upstairs to see how the two of them were talking.    


"Zi Hui, how is the discussion with my dad going?"    


Zhuang Fangfang didn't know what Zhang Zihui and Zhuang Feiying were talking about, and she was smart enough not to ask about those things.    


She felt that if he wanted others to know about the conversation between men, he would say it himself. If he didn't want others to know, it wouldn't matter even if he asked.    


It might even make a man dislike you.    


"Everything went smoothly. Your father is a nice guy, and we can talk really well."    


Zhang Zihui said with a smile.    


All in all, he and Zhuang Feiying had a good conversation.    


However, there were still a lot of things that Zhang Zihui did not understand.    


/p p "Then that's good." By the way, my mom is almost done with lunch. You can go down and sit down for a while. "It's about time for dinner."    


Zhuang Fang replied.    


/p p "Okay."    


Zhang Zihui didn't refuse and walked downstairs. He temporarily went to the living room to watch TV.    


Zhuang Fangfang naturally wanted to follow as well. However, just as she was about to turn around, Zhuang Feiying's voice came from the study room.    


Zhang Zihui came downstairs, so Zhuang Fangfang's mother placed some fruits in front of Zhang Zihui.    


Zhuang Fangfang's mother wasn't considered very pretty, which meant that she was a mediocre woman.    


However, Zhang Zihui could tell that she was very virtuous. Otherwise, with her identity, why would she need to cook for herself?    


After chatting with her, Zhang Zihui got to know her mother better and treated her warmly.    


However, Zhang Zihui had the nagging feeling that Zhuang Fangfang's mother was looking at him with something else in her eyes.    


The two chatted for a while before Zhuang Feiying and Zhuang Fangfang finally came downstairs.    


The moment he got down, Zhuang Feiying laughed heartily, "Haha! How about it, ma'am? Zi Hui, this brat isn't that bad, right? Handsome and mature. "    


Zhuang Fei praised.    


Zhuang Fangfang, who was beside him, suddenly blushed.    


However, Zhang Zihui didn't notice it at the moment.    


/p p "He's a really good young man."    


Zhuang Fangfang's mother also nodded and stood up, "Alright, since you guys are already here, then let's eat. After making Zi Hui wait for so long, he must be hungry too. "    


As he spoke, he ordered the servants to prepare the food.    


/p p "Right!" "Eat first, eat first."    


Zhuang Feiying agreed.    


Thus, the several of them walked to the dining table and sat down.    


Zhuang Feiying and his wife sat on the left while Zhang Zihui and Zhuang Fangfang sat on the right.    




However, what made Zhang Zihui surprised was that Zhuang Fangfang was actually cooking for him!    


This really made him confused.     4


However, it was just a meal anyway, so Zhang Zihui didn't pay much attention to it … While everyone was eating, another car stopped outside Zhuang Feiying's mansion.    


A boy in a white suit got out of the car with a big bouquet of roses in his hand.    


Afterwards, he was brought into the villa after the bodyguard searched his body.    


/p p "Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"    


The boy rang the bell and adjusted his collar before opening the door.    


/p p "Who is it?"    


The servant inside asked.    


/p p "It's me." Young Master Meng Qi. "    


That's right!    


The boy in front of him was none other than the boy who had gone to the amusement park with Zhuang Fangfang and had already lost face under Zhang Zihui twice.    


/p p "Squeak."    


The servant quickly opened the door and said respectfully, "Master Meng Qi, is the master and mistress having dinner with their guests? Will you go there yourself? "    


/p p "Go ahead." I can go there myself. "    


Meng Qi waved his hand.    


Then he walked into the restaurant.    


However, the moment he stepped into the restaurant, he saw someone he didn't want to see the most!    


That person was sitting right next to Zhuang Fangfang, who happened to be cooking for him!    




He, Zhang Zihui, already had so many school beauties by his side!    


Why did he appear here!?    


Furthermore, his relationship with Zhuang Fangfei was already not bad!    


However, the current situation was not suitable for him to get angry.    


He came today because he had something to do!    


Meng Qi quickly suppressed his emotions. He raised the rose in his hand and shouted, "Fang Fang, I'm coming!" Today, I will solemnly confess to you! to propose to you!     


/p p     


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