Special Beauty-guarding Master



0As he enjoyed the softness of Xuewen's hair, as well as the massage of a fist on his forehead, Zhang Zihui couldn't help but think of the past.    


At that time, he had been dealt with quite a few times by Xuewen.    


It was just that at that time, every time Zhang Zihui made a move on him, his face would turn completely red.    


But now, he could already treat it as enjoyment, and feel the feeling that he and Xuewen had never become lighter.    


Ji'er, who was standing to the side, only smiled at the two of them.    


However, the gaze she looked at Zhang Zihui with vaguely had something more than that. That kind of thing was called moving one's heart, and after being tidied up by Xuewen once again, the three of them left the airport and headed towards the villa.    


Initially, Zhang Zihui had planned to bring them to eat breakfast. However, it was still early when the three of them left the airport, and coincidentally, Meng Ziyi sent another message asking him where he had gone to.    


Hence, Zhang Zihui made Meng Ziyi and the others prepare two more breakfasts, and brought Xuewen and Ji Er back to the villa to eat breakfast. By the way, they could also get to know the other people in the villa.    


< p > "Brat, tell me honestly!" You are so handsome now, and have harmed so many innocent girls! "    


In the carriage, Xuewen would ask Zhang Zihui various questions from time to time, and many of them made Zhang Zihui feel depressed.    


For example, no matter how handsome Zhang Zihui was, he wouldn't go and harm the innocent girl!    


However, when he thought about how he had so many girls by his side, Zhang Zihui felt that he really was a bit of a disaster.    


"Sister Xuewen, am I that kind of person?"    


Zhang Zihui replied helplessly.    


"I'm looking at the statue."    


Xuewen answered very boldly, making Jia Er, who was beside her, cover her mouth and laugh.    


As for Zhang Zihui, he had a wry smile on his face: Xuewen still loved to joke around like before.    


Not long after, the three of them returned to the villa.    


As soon as he entered the villa, the others just happened to be having breakfast, and when Meng Ziyi saw Zhang Zihui bringing two beautiful women from a different world in, she inexplicably felt a burst of nervousness.    


"Brother Zihui, you're back."    


Meng Ziyi ran in front of Zhang Zihui and smiled, then looked at Xuewen and Ji Er who were behind him: "Brother Zihui, who are the two big sisters?"    


< p > "They're my sisters. This is Sister Xuewen, this is Sister Jier. "    


Zhang Zihui introduced.    


After Xuewen finished listening to Zhang Zihui's introduction, he immediately became dissatisfied, "Brat! What do you mean we're your sisters! "    


Xuewen stared at Zhang Zihui, then smiled at Meng Ziyi, "You're called Zi Yi, my name is Xuewen, I'm this brat's big sister. She's Ji'er, and she's also the little ghost's older sister. "    


< p > "Little ghost?"    


Meng Ziyi looked at Zhang Zihui in puzzlement.    


Zhang Zihui on the other hand, had a helpless expression.    


Originally, he was only shouting it out half a time. Later, when he got used to it, Zhang Zihui would have a tragedy.    


"Sister Xuewen, I'm almost twenty years old. Can you stop calling me that?"    


Zhang Zihui complained.    


< p > "What!" I can't just call you that! Now that he had grown taller, he had more confidence? "Daring to go against big sister!"    


Xuewen continued to glare at Zhang Zihui, and even went closer, the majesty of the moon eagle almost collided with Zhang Zihui!    


However, the height difference made Xuewen have to raise her head slightly to glare at Zhang Zihui.    


< p > "Amount"    


Zhang Zihui was gloomy, "Sister Xuewen, how could I do that? However, I've also grown up, can't you just change your title? "    


Zhang Zihui had the intention to plead.    


It was a pity that Xuewen completely ignored him, "Let's talk about it again, when I think of a new title for you."    


Xuewen said indifferently.    


Then, he pulled Meng Ziyi over to the table and said, "Zi Yi, what you're eating is a Chinese style breakfast, right? We haven't eaten yet, and it just so happens that for the first time, we've had a taste of Chinese breakfast. "    


As he said that, he already sat down with Meng Ziyi and drank a portion of soy milk.    


Ji'er looked at the depressed Zhang Zihui, smiled slightly, and also sat down to eat.    


She was indeed hungry ? After breakfast, she went to school and went to class.    


However, from what Lulu had revealed, Meng Ziyi and Meng Kexin had a good chat last night, and it was probably about that man.    


Thinking back to last night, Zhang Zihui started to cultivate right after he got entangled with the Fox Girl, so he reckoned that it wouldn't be too early for Meng Kexin to return home.    


After the others left, Zhang Zihui, Xuewen and Ji'er were the only ones left.    


"Zi Hui, Big Sister Luli said that your side of the problem is related to your girlfriend?"    


asked Jill.    


< p > "Right!" I really want to get up now, kid. You seem to have quite a few girlfriends! Also, Lulu and Zi Yi, are you two simple siblings? "    


Xuewen asked with a mischievous smile.    


Big Sister Ji Er, the main problem is that they live in the girls' dormitory and I can't protect them, so I've asked you to come and help.    


Zhang Zihui directly ignored Xuewen's question.    


< p > "They?" Ah! Brat, how many innocent girls have you harmed!? Hurry up and tell me! I will punish you properly for them! "    


Xuewen continued to ask!    


Unfortunately, in exchange, Zhang Zihui still ignored him.    


Hearing Zhang Zihui's words, Ji'er thought for a while, then took her luggage. There was an electronic lock on top of it, which could only be opened by entering ten numbers of passwords!    


As the trunk was opened, Zhang Zihui could not help but be surprised: The inside of the trunk was filled with all kinds of special instruments!    


"If you want to protect them, I have a positioning adhesive and a thermal energy sensor."    


Jill took out several sheets of film and a few thumb-sized objects.    


She was indeed hungry. After breakfast, she went to school and went to class.    


Its characteristics are thus plastered on the body and not easily discovered, and the traditional positioning device is often useless as long as it is ordered to change clothes.    


< p > The function of thermal energy sensing is the same as its name.    


However, it was actually something similar to a radar device. It relied on sensing heat to scan a certain area. This benefit was useless regardless of whether the other party was good at lurking or not.    


< p > "These two are pretty good."    


With these two things, he could indeed play a good role in protecting himself. However, Zhang Zihui still felt that it was not enough.    


Even though Xuewen and Ji Er's abilities were good, they could not rule out the unexpected situation.    


Therefore, Zhang Zihui would still continue to think of a better method.    


Of course, at the moment, Jill's support was pretty good.    


"Sister Jier, what other things do you have here?"    


Seeing so many things in the luggage, Zhang Zihui had never used some of them before.    


Jill smiled. "Actually, there's not much. It's just some electronic gadgets." For example, detection eyes, blockers, regional satellites, stealth devices, and more are all used on computers.    


Her specialty was computers, so she didn't bring any weapons. Other than her favorite pair of specially designed silver desert weapons, she had ten rounds of ammunition.    


"What about you, Big Sister Xuewen? You're not the same as before, are you? "    


Looking at Xuewen, Zhang Zihui said with some lingering fear.    


She was indeed hungry. After breakfast, she went to school and went to class.    


Laughing, he took his suitcase and put it on the table. "Bang!"    


Clang! Zhang Zihui had already determined that the contents of the box were not clear!    


Xuewen did not say much as she entered the password and opened the trunk, revealing the things inside.    


When Zhang Zihui clearly saw what was inside, he could not help but support his forehead as he shook his head.    


Xuewen's luggage was filled with all kinds of firearms!    


And they were all specially custom-made!    


The door of the luggage was a mini rocket launcher!    


The caliber was fifteen centimeters. Beside it were five artillery shells.    


There were two MP5 submachine guns that followed after, which was naturally custom-made for that purpose. However, the two guns that Xuewen liked the most were the ones.    


Furthermore, based on the size of the luggage, Zhang Zihui was sure that there was still another level below. didn't even need to guess to know that the things inside were definitely grenades and grenades.    


"Sister Xuewen, you're planning to go to the battlefield. "And bring so many other guys over as well."    


Zhang Zihui looked at Xuewen, extremely speechless.    


However, Xuewen laughed without care, "This is only something I brought over temporarily. I still have Big Sis Luli's trunk of support behind me! But it's all thanks to you! If you didn't have any discussions with the people from the Hong City Army District, bringing these things here would have been troublesome. "    


< p > "A big box?"    


Zhang Zihui opened his eyes wide!    


Although he had negotiated with Xiao Tianmu before, he shouldn't have sent such a big box over!    


"Hee hee, Zi Hui, it's not like you don't know Xuewen's personality, you're just a violent person.    


Jill teased.    


Just that, those words sounded really scary. A good beauty carrying a gun and a Bomb when she went out, who knew if someone went out with her, they would probably chat unhappily and pull out a gun and shoot the person.    


Zhang Zihui suddenly felt that asking his mother to help him out without any restrictions was a mistake!    


However, it was already too late for regret.     4


Although she felt that asking Xuewen to come over was not the right decision, she could not make any changes to the situation. Furthermore, Xuewen was rather capable, so naturally she had arranged for two people to go to the Hongcheng University to protect the girls.    


< p > This isn't a problem, as long as Keck makes some arrangements.    


After that, the two of them had to protect a portion of the girls.    


Xuewen was responsible for the Twins and Ji Er was responsible for the four of them.    


This kind of arrangement was only made after Zhang Zihui had thought about it.    


As for the specific reason, there was no need to elaborate any further.    


The next two days were arranged by Keck. Zhang Zihui arranged for Xuewen and Ji Er to enter the female dorms, and even allowed them to live next to the girls to ensure that they would be protected immediately.    


As for the surroundings of the dorm, Ji'er had installed a heat detection system to ensure that she could be the first to notice the other person when he approached.    


After a few days of arrangements, the girls' reunion party was already here.    


< p >    


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