Special Beauty-guarding Master



2Di Long's fist was about to land on Jin's body!    


Jin could only watch as Di Long's fist gradually approached!    


There was no possibility of dodging!    


However, just as Di Long's fist was about to hit Jin, a figure suddenly flashed past!    


Di Long had lost his target!    


Jin had disappeared from his sight in an instant!    


/p p "Hm?"    


Di Long was acutely aware that the figure that flashed past stopped not far behind him.    


He quickly turned around and saw a young man supporting Jin, passing it to Keck.    


And this young man, other than Zhang Zihui, who else could he be?    


"Young Master, this guy is a bit weird."    


The injured Jin looked at Zhang Zihui and reminded.    


At the moment, Zhang Zihui would definitely make his move.    


While Zhang Zihui was carrying Ye Xue upstairs, his Perceptual Power had already discovered Di Long's arrival.    


However, Zhang Zihui didn't pay much attention to it at that time.    


With Jin and Keck's strength, they weren't someone that anyone could defeat.    


However, Zhang Zihui didn't expect Di Long's body to be so terrified!    


His strength was even more shocking!    


Especially Di Long, his overall strength had increased by more than half from his original level!    


The strength of Di Long was much stronger than Jin and Keck!    


However, Di Long only had such a big advantage when fighting in close combat with nothing else.    


Keck and Jin were also D-level agents, so they knew more comprehensive things.    


If there was a dagger in Jin's hand, it would definitely have been Di Long!    


If there was a gun, Di Long would probably be in even worse shape!    


However, there was no point in thinking too much right now.    


Jin was already injured by Di Long, while Keck was also slightly affected.    


"You must be Zhang Zihui."    


Seeing Zhang Zihui, Di Long revealed a cold smile. This made Zhang Zihui feel uncomfortable.    


An energy was helping Jin heal his injuries. Zhang Zihui looked at Di Long and asked, "Who are you?" What are you looking for me for? "    


"Hehe, you don't need to know who I am. You only need to know that I'm here to deal with you. That's enough."    


Di Long sneered, and the weird aura on his body increased by another 20 percent.    


Then, he charged straight at Zhang Zihui!    


Taking into account Jin and Keck behind him, Zhang Zihui naturally wouldn't fight with Di Long in this direction.    


His steps sped up as he moved diagonally towards Di Long, causing Di Long to change directions with him.    


However, when Zhang Zihui saw the dead Di Long, his brows tightened even more!    


Although Di Long didn't say who he was, Zhang Zihui could easily guess who he was when he thought of Fox Girl's suggestion that combined with Di Long's strength, it wasn't difficult for Zhang Zihui to guess who he was.    


However, the aura from Di Long's body was quite surprising to Zhang Zihui!    


/p p The power of ghosts!    


A kind of negative energy, an energy suitable for a female heavenly ghost to cultivate in!    


According to what Zhang Zihui had in mind, the power of ghosts could not be used by humans.    


After all, humans were a combination of yin and yang. Once the yin and yang in one's body became unbalanced, they would die very soon!    


It was just like how a pure Yin girl and a pure Yang man tended to have short lives.    


If they couldn't find each other, then there was simply no way to save them!    


With Zhang Zihui's speed, he could easily dodge Di Long's attacks.    


While dodging, Zhang Zihui noticed something strange: although Di Long was using the Ghost Power, his method of using it required as much energy as he could absorb into his body!    


This way, he was not in any danger at all.    


However, Zhang Zihui couldn't understand Di Long's method of absorbing the ghost's power.    


In the current world, there shouldn't be anyone who would understand how to use energy that belonged to the cultivation level!    


Why does Di Long know how to use it?    


Furthermore, judging from how he was using it so skillfully, it was clear that he had used it many times!    


Could it be that it was taught to Di Long by that organization?    


Zhang Zihui didn't exclude the possibility that Di Long would have a similar experience to him, which would allow him to know how to cultivate. It was just that the female Sky Ghost usually wouldn't teach the human being how to cultivate.    


Because the further he went, the more ghost power he used. It was not something a human could withstand, even if Di Long had such a special way of using it!    


The reason was simple, Di Long could now use 1% of his energy. What if it reaches 100%?    


A thousand?    


Ten thousand?    


His body could not withstand it at all!    


/p p "You should be Di Long, right?" Your aura is truly strange. "    


Zhang Zihui tried to test Di Long by avoiding another punch from Di Long.    


/p p "Hehe."    


It was unknown if it was due to the influence of the ghost's power, but Di Long laughed sinisterly when he heard that, "Brat, you are still so fast. However, I have bad news. To me, speed is not an advantage at all! "    


After saying that, the cold aura from Di Long suddenly enveloped Zhang Zihui!    


Before Zhang Zihui could react, Di Long's punch had already come straight at him!    


/p p Damn it!     


He had locked onto her!    


Zhang Zihui was surprised.    


However, he didn't slow down at all. Since he couldn't dodge anymore, he might as well test how strong Di Long's body was!    


An energy flowed from Zhang Zihui's body to his right hand to protect himself.    


When Di Long saw Zhang Zihui's punch, he was stunned for a moment. Then, a disdainful expression appeared on his face. "Comparing physical strength to strength is pure suicide!    


One big and one small, two fists that seemed out of proportion collided heavily!    


The collision of power caused a "bang" to ring out in the air.    




At the same time, both of them retreated five or six steps back!    


/p p "How is this possible?" How can your body be so strong and strong! "    


Feeling the numbness coming from his right hand, Di Long looked at Zhang Zihui in disbelief!    


Di Long's own body's strength and strength were created through the special nurture of the organization. Now, the organization taught him a special method to increase his strength.    


In his eyes, Zhang Zihui was just an ordinary person. How could he have the same level of physical strength and strength as him?    


It was a pity that Di Long did not know that Zhang Zihui's body had improved after two rounds of training, and he was even slightly stronger than Di Long!    


Zhang Zihui slightly shook his arm. Di Long's strength was indeed terrifying!    


It was no wonder that Jin would be beaten to such a state.    


It was Zhang Zihui's first time encountering such a terrifying opponent. However, he was more surprised at his own physical strength.    


In this direct confrontation between the two, other than a slight numbing sensation on his arm, there was nothing else that made him uncomfortable!    


/p p "Phew." "You are indeed strong, but you do not seem to be a threat to me."    


Zhang Zihui heaved a sigh of relief when he confirmed that Di Long was not much of a threat to him.    


Of course, this was the prerequisite for not getting hit by Di Long directly, otherwise, he would also be injured.    


/p p "This is impossible."    


Di Long growled. His eyes turned red again as he rushed towards Zhang Zihui with big steps. His huge fist was once again thrown with full force.    


Since his body could take it, Zhang Zihui decided not to dodge anymore. He raised his fist and started punching Di Long!    


Thus, a scene that shocked Jin and Keck appeared: Zhang Zihui and Di Long, the two disproportionate people, were competing physically with their strength at a close distance!    


The two of them punched out at full speed!    


The collision of each fist caused the air to vibrate!    


It made the two of them tremble!    


According to what Zhang Zihui had in mind, the power of ghosts was not something that could be used by humans.    


The speed of more than a second of punching!    


It was hard to imagine the strength of the bodies of the two people fighting in such a terrifying battle!    


/p p "Damn it!"    


Di Long growled. He punched again with all his strength!    


Zhang Zihui naturally also went straight for the punch!    


The fist collided once again, and the both of them retreated a few steps at the same time.    


/p p "This is impossible!" Unless you are not human! Otherwise, how could you be so terrified! "    


Di Long could not accept the fact that Zhang Zihui was fine after clashing with him for so long!     2


Even his own arms had gone completely numb from this exchange of blows!    


What Di Long said made Zhang Zihui depressed: Unless he wasn't human.    


He was just cultivating, how could he be as exaggerated as Di Long said?    


However, Zhang Zihui was also surprised that his body had improved so much.    


/p The moment he clashed with Di Long, his arm would still feel a little numb at first, but after exchanging over fifty punches, the energy in his body flowed towards his arm without Zhang Zihui needing to drive it.    


Moreover, the independent energy not only protected Zhang Zihui's arm, but it also gradually strengthened it!    


In the end, he didn't even feel a bit uncomfortable fighting Di Long anymore!    


/p p "You'd better give up your mission or you won't be able to leave here tonight."    


Zhang Zihui said coldly.    


Since the other party was from that organization, there was no need to keep Qing Qing.    


/p p "Hmph!" Do you think you have to live with me? "    


Di Long stared at Zhang Zihui with half-closed eyes.    


In fact, Di Long really did not take the Hu Hu House for a full month to exchange with Zhang Zihui. Just in terms of speed, he was already inferior to Zhang Zihui.    


However, he couldn't lose out in words.    


/p p "Really?" You can try. "    


Zhang Zihui said with a cold expression.    


However, halfway through his words, his brows slightly raised.    


/p p "Hmph!"    


Di Long did not say anything and actually turned around and ran!    


Within a few seconds, his speed had reached a corner a hundred meters away.    


However, to Keck and Jin's surprise, Zhang Zihui didn't move at all.    


Did Young Master get hurt as well?    


The two of them had guessed it.    


However, just as the two of them were guessing, Zhang Zihui turned around and said to a dark corner, "Come out."    


Along with Zhang Zihui's voice, a beautiful figure appeared from there. It was an extremely charming woman.    


Other than Fox Girl, who else could it be?    


/p p     


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