Special Beauty-guarding Master



3"Beep Beep!" "Beep, beep, beep!"    


The sound of the car's horn always seemed to grow louder around the airport.    


At the same time, 'whoosh'    


Another plane took off.    


A taxi pulled up in front of the airport.    


A black-haired teenager who was about 1.75 meters tall and was wearing sunglasses got off the car carrying a backpack.    


After the youth paid the fare, he took off his sunglasses and a rather handsome face appeared in the sunlight: a head of black hair with a slanted fringe slightly covering the youth's left eye. The eyebrows were neither thick nor light, giving people a feeling that it was just right.    


His pair of eyes were bright and clear, and his pupils were actually a sky-blue color, just like a gem!    


Her nose was high and extremely beautiful.    


With an excited smile on his face, two dimples appeared on the sides of his cheeks.    


/p p This is our main character, Zhang Zihui!    


/p p Zhang Zihui, a hybrid.    


His father was Chinese and his mother was American.    


Because his parents' genes were very good, Zhang Zihui had been very smart since he was young. He could even help his parents share some of their hard work from the age of fourteen!    


And now, Zhang Zihui's ability had been acknowledged by most of his parents' colleagues!    


However, Zhang Zihui had always wanted to go back to his father's country to have a look.    


Although he had grown up in the United States, he had heard a lot about China from his father.    


This once filled him with all sorts of expectations for China, his half of the motherland.    


Now, at the age of nineteen, Zhang Zihui had made the biggest choice in his life: he was going to live in China!    


/p p Zhang Zihui's parents had no objection to this. In their opinion, Zhang Zihui had the ability to make his own decision.    


Looking at the airport in front of him, Zhang Zihui said excitedly, "New York airport! I'm coming! "    


With a loud shout, Zhang Zihui rushed in!    




Zhang Zihui quickly found his flight on the big screen: flight K6567. There was still half an hour left.    


/p p "Just in time!" "Oh, China, here I come!"    


Zhang Zihui threw his arms back in excitement!    


Along with this movement, Zhang Zihui's right hand collided with a very soft object!    


Before he could think about what it was, a girl's cry of pain came from behind him.    


/p p "Aiya!" Is there something wrong with you!? "    


Behind him, a pleasant voice rang out.    


Zhang Zihui turned around and saw a girl around his age.    


Her hair was loose and loose, and her face was oval in shape. Long eyelashes could be seen in her large clear eyes, and her small nose looked like the mini of a baby tree.    


The pair of pink lips, at this moment, was suffused with an uncomfortable curve!    


The young girl was nearly 1.7 meters tall. She was very tall. She wore a long white dress and a pair of white sandals.    


With such attire, together with the girl's snow-white skin and good figure, even Zhang Zihui, who had seen quite a few beauties before, felt his eyes light up!    


The young girl held a bag in her right hand, while her left hand gently rubbed the well-developed peak.    


/p p Now, Zhang Zihui didn't need to think to know what he had encountered.    


/p p "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."    


Zhang Zihui quickly apologized.    


Even though he didn't do it on purpose, he was the one who took advantage of the situation, no?    


/p p "Lunatic!"    


The girl glared at Zhang Zihui and walked into the airport without looking back.    


/p Suddenly, Zhang Zihui felt depressed: Isn't she just a beauty?    


Was there a need to be so arrogant?    


Didn't I just touch the Huns next month?    


But he didn't even have a chance to feel it!    


/p /p shook his head, and Zhang Zihui threw away all these useless things.    


Now, but the beginning of his journey to China!    


How can there not be a kind Qing?    


Thinking about living in China, a happy smile appeared on Zhang Zihui's face again!    




In about two minutes, Zhang Zihui arrived at the security checkpoint.    


He put his backpack into the detector and walked straight to the detection gate. Naturally, Zhang Zihui wouldn't bring anything dangerous with him.    


After Zhang Zihui walked over, Bald Blackman, who was nearly two meters tall, also came to the security check.    


The black guy was carrying a two meter long luggage. He walked to the detector and put the luggage on it.    


/p p At the same time, Zhang Zihui bent down to pick up his backpack.    


It was also at this time that his expression turned serious after hearing the sound of the box dropping!    


Picking up his backpack, Zhang Zihui squinted at the black man.    


The black guy seemed to have noticed Zhang Zihui's gaze and glared at him.    


/p After thinking for a bit, Zhang Zihui turned around and whistled as he walked towards the gate.    


Maybe they were just merchants.    


Zhang Zihui thought silently in his heart.    


/p p Check the tickets again and board the plane. Zhang Zihui quickly found his seat.    


He also did not notice that there was already someone sitting on the left side of his seat.    


Once again, Zhang Zihui's hand hit something very soft.    


Immediately after, a slightly familiar voice rang out!    


/p p "Ah!" You're a lunatic... Ah? It's you again! "    


"Hur hur, hur hur, hello."    


Zhang Zihui laughed dryly.    


Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that he would be sitting in a row with a beauty he had met earlier!    


What was even more unexpected was that he actually touched the Moon Eagle Tribe again!    


And on the other side!    


Zhang Zihui didn't know what to say.    


Was this a romance after all?    


Or was he out of luck?    


/p p There was no answer to Zhang Zihui's question.    


However, for a beauty, it was obviously not a happy thing to meet Zhang Zihui.    


The thing that could be seen the most was that after meeting Zhang Zihui, her Lunar Hawk that no one had touched before was taken away by him for the first time!    


The beauty glared at Zhang Zihui. At this moment, she really wanted to slap him!    


And then another seat!    


However, she, who had received a good education since childhood, was not used to doing this sort of thing.    


Furthermore, she could tell that Zhang Zihui didn't do it on purpose.    


/p p However, this didn't mean that she wasn't angry.    


/p p "You'd better behave for me later!" If there's a third time, I'll just shout 'molest'! "    


The beauty threatened fiercely.    


After saying that, he took out a laptop and started watching movies.    


/p p "Amount"    


Zhang Zihui had nothing to say to this.    


She was a pretty lady after all, wasn't she?    


Zhang Zihui immediately took out his PSP and began to play the game.    






The white clouds outside indicated that he was already on his way to China!    


Zhang Zihui withdrew his gaze and snuck a peek at the beauty beside him.    


It was undeniable that having such a beautiful woman by his side was very pleasing to the eyes.    


It would be even more wonderful if he could continue to chat with beauties!    


It was a pity that Zhang Zihui's hands had already wiped away all chances of them having a conversation.    


Helpless, he lowered his head and focused on the game again.    




In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed.    


Radio broadcasts from within the plane rang out once again, reminding passengers of some of the free services offered by the plane.     0


The flight attendant pushed the small cart back and forth inside the plane.    


At this moment, in front of Zhang Zihui, seven to eight people, who were seated close to each other, stood up at the same time.    


This action immediately attracted the attention of many passengers and air stewardesses.    


/p p "Everyone pay attention!" I now declare that this aircraft has been hijacked by us! "    


Suddenly, Bald Blackman, who was nearly two meters tall, took out a Desert Eagle and shouted!    


The other people beside him also took out their M4 submachine guns one after another!    


It quickly spread out!    


/p p Immediately, everyone was stunned!     


What followed was waves of fear!    


It's obvious that these people are afraid!    


/p p "Don't move!" We are the police! "    


In the back row, two middle-aged men suddenly stood up, a pistol in their hands!    


/p p However, they had just finished speaking.    


/p p "Bang!" Boom! * Boom! * "Bam!"    


Bald Blackman's reaction was very fast. The Desert Eagle in his hand quickly fired at the two police officers!    


After only four shots, the two policemen were already dead. Their clothes were instantly dyed red!    


/p p "Ah!" "Ahhh!"    


He saw someone die with his own eyes, and he heard the ear-splitting gunshot!    


Some of the more cowardly people began to scream out loudly!    




/p p "You guys, watch here." Candy, come with me to the cab. "    


After Bald Blackman made some arrangements, he brought a lackey to the driver's seat.    


On Zhang Zihui's side, he held his forehead helplessly and muttered to himself, "How annoying! If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have let this guy up at the airport! "    


/p p "Hm?"    


These words were heard by the beauty beside him.    


Although the beauty's face was filled with panic, she still cast a suspicious gaze at Zhang Zihui.    


Zhang Zihui quickly pretended that he didn't feel anything and lowered his head to continue playing the game.    


However, wasn't playing games in such an environment even more suspicious?    


/p p "Buzz!" Weng! * "Buzz!"    


At a special institution within the United States, the alarm suddenly sounded!    


Very soon, the high ranking members of the organization gathered in the meeting room.    


/p p "What happened?"    


At the main seat of the meeting room, a man with black hair and a stern expression asked.    


This person was Chinese. Not only was he the biggest manager of the organization, he had also conquered and married off the number two manager of the organization.    


"Ann, two hours ago at the airport in New York City, a plane heading for Hong City was hijacked by a group of fearful people."    


The one who spoke was a blue-eyed white beauty with long blue hair.    


This person was the number two manager of the organization, the wife of the man she called Ann.    


/p p /p p     


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