Special Beauty-guarding Master



1"Rongrong, this is already the seventh time you're asking this question!" I've got it, it's true! Otherwise, I swear to God! "    


Zhang Zihui took a bite of the hamburger in his hand and was depressed: "Why is there no trust in me just because I see it?"    


Actually, he understood Bai Rongrong's feelings.    


After all, spies were something that ordinary people found very mysterious, let alone having seen it with their own eyes.    


And the biggest reason why Zhang Zihui told Bai Rongrong his identity was because he wanted Bai Rongrong to understand him more.    


In other words, even he had feelings for Bai Rongrong.    


It was undeniable that the two of them had only known each other for less than four hours.    


However, what had happened in the past four hours, some people might not be able to see for the rest of their lives.    


Zhang Zihui didn't know much about the matters regarding Qing.    


However, he could not misunderstand his feelings: he did have feelings for Bai Rongrong!    


Moreover, Bai Rongrong had fallen for him as well.    


Otherwise, why would she do that to him?    


Of course, Zhang Zihui had also thought that Bai Rongrong would be tempted by the idea of a hero saving a beauty.    


But, wasn't this because she was moved by him?    


Furthermore, Zhang Zihui was confident enough in himself!    


He was confident that he would firmly hold Bai Rongrong in his palms!    


/p p "Don't!" I'm sure you can't? "    


Bai Rongrong hurriedly said.    


However, these words still made Zhang Zihui very depressed.    


"Zi Hui, you're a special agent, and your parents are special agents as well. Do you think they would despise me as an ordinary person?"    


Bai Rongrong suddenly asked with a nervous expression.    


/p p "Pu!" "Cough, cough."    


These words made Zhang Zihui so surprised that he didn't spit out what was in his mouth: The two had just started, but Bai Rongrong already thought of that far away place.    


After swallowing the food in his mouth with great difficulty, Zhang Zihui said seriously, "Rongrong, don't worry, my parents aren't that kind of person. And even if they do, I won't give you up. At most, I won't be a spy. "    


At the end, Zhang Zihui looked indifferent.    


/p p "Thank you."    


Hearing Zhang Zihui's words, Bai Rongrong felt that it was a promise he gave to her. She couldn't help but feel her heart beating wildly and her face heating up. She quickly lowered her head and pretended to drink a Coke.    


However, what Bai Rongrong didn't know was that this act of hers, in the eyes of a certain guy, gave him a sense of uncalmness. It was a completely different kind of beauty.    


After the two finished eating, it only took them half an hour. There was still an hour and a half before they could take off again.    


There was still time, so they decided to take a walk in the pedestrian area outside the airport.    




With a glance, he noticed that there were quite a few people strolling around, and he guessed that quite a few of them were people on the same plane as Zhang Zihui.    


The two walked over, holding hands.    


As soon as they arrived at the pedestrian area, the first store sold all kinds of scarves.    


From the outside, the long and short scarves of various colors looked very beautiful.    


Zhang Zihui thought for a while, then told Bai Rongrong to wait for him outside and walked into the yarn shop.    


Not long later, he bought a sky-blue veil.    


Gently, she put on the veil for Bai Rongrong. She was dressed in a white dress, and when matched with this sky blue veil, she was even more beautiful, with the aura of a fairy.    


However, at this moment, Zhang Zihui frowned slightly. His right hand quickly wrapped around Bai Rongrong's waist to pull her towards him, while his right foot extended forward a little.    


/p p "Bang!"    


A figure ran past Zhang Zihui!    


However, as he passed in front of him, the silhouette wobbled and fell to the ground.    


/p p "Aiya!" Are you alright? "    


Seeing someone fall in front of her, Bai Rongrong couldn't help but feel concerned.    


However, the person on the ground quickly propped himself up and ran away without looking back.    


/p p "This,"    


Bai Rongrong looked at Zhang Zihui in confusion.    


Zhang Zihui smiled and explained, "That guy is suitable for a pickpocket, he just wanted to make a move on you. And I deliberately tripped over him when he fell. "    


/p p "Ah?" "Really?"    


Bai Rongrong looked surprised.    


However, thinking that Zhang Zihui had once again protected him, he felt a wave of happiness in his heart.    


They continued shopping. The two of them took photos while walking down the street. Some of them even bought a lot of gadgets.    


After strolling for half an hour, the two of them walked into a small park on the pedestrian street. It was very quiet inside.    


The small park was not big, but there were not many people. There was a small fountain with a few unknown birds searching for food.    


The two of them found a place and sat down side by side.    


The moment he sat down, Zhang Zihui realized that his hand was blocked, and a head on his shoulder leaned over.    


/p p "Zi Hui, thank you. "If not for you, I might have …"    


Bai Rongrong felt a lingering fear as she recalled the scene on the plane.    


/p p "Why are you thanking me?" Didn't you already give me the most precious gift? "    


Zhang Zihui gently embraced Bai Rongrong's waist and gently carried her to his big moon retreat.    


Bai Rongrong let Zhang Zihui do what he wanted, so she asked curiously, "A present? Did I give you a present?     


"Hur hur, you!"    


Zhang Zihui smiled and placed the paper on Bai Rongrong's forehead. He looked at her gently and said, "Aren't you the best present?"    


At that moment, Bai Rongrong understood what was going on. Two alluring red clouds appeared on her face.    


Following the appearance of the red clouds, a pair of warm lips swiftly landed on her jade lips!    


His lips were lightly rubbing against each other.    


However, Zhang Zihui was obviously not satisfied with this. He opened his mouth and covered Bai Rongrongyu's lips with his own, then used his tongue to gently stroke her lips!    


/p p "En!"    


Bai Rongrong instantly felt as if her body was being electrocuted!    


Not only was she not disgusted with it, but she also felt a sense of infatuation.    


However, Zhang Zihui's next action made her entire body stiffen up!    


This was because Zhang Zihui had actually poked out her lips and gently tapped on her white teeth!    


Zhang Zihui also felt that Bai Rongrong's body had become stiff.    


Actually, this was his first time doing such a thing and he was extremely nervous. He was worried that doing so would scare Bai Rongrong.    


However, Zhang Zihui was unable to control himself and did not do so. An inexplicable voice kept urging him to do so in his mind!    


/p Let go of her right hand. Zhang Zihui patted Bai Rongrong's back to stop her from getting so nervous.    


Bai Rongrong immediately relaxed, and her pearly white teeth loosened a little.    


Zhang Zihui, on the other hand, accurately took this opportunity to open up the last line of defense and entered the final destination!    


Very quickly, Zhang Zihui touched something slippery and sweet.    


However, before he could even think about it, something exploded in his mind!    


Zhang Zihui only felt a "hong" sound resound in his head.    


A loud sound echoed out!    


He instantly lost consciousness.    


After an unknown period of time, Zhang Zihui slowly regained his senses.    


At this moment, he realized that not only was Bai Rongrong gone from his side, but the surrounding environment was definitely not the same as the park from before!    


What replaced it was a vast expanse of white space that seemed to have no end.    


Zhang Zihui was stunned. Where was this place?    


After waiting so long, you brat, you've finally gotten your first beauty!    


A voice sounded from behind Zhang Zihui.    


He turned around and saw a handsome man in his early twenties standing behind him. He was wearing an ancient white robe and looked like an immortal.    


However, looking at this man, Zhang Zihui felt unrealistic, as if he wasn't real.    


As expected of their son, he can still feel that I'm not a real person.    


The man suddenly nodded.    


These words caused Zhang Zihui to be stunned: Can this guy read minds?    


/p p "What bastard!" I am an immortal! Did the deities know? "Also, that's not just some low-level mind reading technique, it's something that can directly see through your heart."    


The man suddenly said in annoyance.    


The Celestial Immortals?    


Zhang Zihui was unable to react, "You said you are an immortal? Then what is this place? What did you bring me here for? "    




The man looked around and continued, "This is your Immortal Soul stage. As for bringing you here, it's just to let you know that I want to give you something. "    


"Immortal Soul Stage?" What is it? "Also, what are you going to give me?"    1


Zhang Zihui felt like he was dreaming.    


"I'm going to teach you my cultivation method!" I'll let you cultivate to Immortal Ascension! "    


The man said with a complacent expression.    


However, Zhang Zihui's eyes were wide open as the corner of his mouth twitched: "This is a dream!"    


This must be a dream!    


But why did I dream of such a lunatic?    


/p p "Who are you calling lunatic!?"    


The man glared at Zhang Zihui and said, "If it wasn't for you being so powerless and getting your first female disgrace, I would have taught you the cultivation method long ago!"    


/p p "Is this really not a dream?"    


Zhang Zihui asked carefully.    


However, the man had a look of disdain on his face, "I can't be bothered to explain it to you!" You can digest it yourself! "    


As he spoke, the man waved his right hand and a golden light appeared from his sleeve!    


Inject into Zhang Zihui's body!    


Afterwards, Zhang Zihui was incomparably surprised to discover that a lot of things had suddenly appeared in his mind!    


All of these things were related to cultivation!    


For example, the evolution of energy, various spells, celestial spells, etc.    


Zhang Zihui looked at the man, speechless. Was this really a dream?    


"Kid, you should work hard from now on!" With your talent, if you were to spend one to two hundred years, you would probably be half an Immortal. "    


A hundred or two hundred years!    


Zhang Zihui looked at the man and was about to say something, but the man turned into a golden light and instantly disappeared!    


Following that, Zhang Zihui's consciousness became a bit blurry.    


When Zhang Zihui gradually regained his consciousness, he felt something soft slap against his mouth.    


Hurry up and come back, it's Bai Rongrong slapping him on the mouth of the moon!    


At this moment, the two of them were still in the deep kiss position. However, Bai Rongrong's expression showed that she was in great discomfort!     


A few hundred meters away from the airport was a pedestrian street.    


/p p "Phew!" Whoosh! "Hu!"    


As soon as they separated, Bai Rongrong took deep breaths.    


Who would have thought that Zhang Zihui would hug her and kiss her for more than ten minutes!    


This was her first time doing this, and her vital capacity wasn't as big as Zhang Zihui's. In the end, she naturally felt lack of oxygen.    


/p p "Bastard!" You want to suffocate me to death! "    


Bai Rongrongru scolded him angrily.    


These words made Zhang Zihui want to cry: from the beginning to the end, he didn't feel anything!    


/p p Immortal!     


This is my first time!    


Zhang Zihui shouted in his heart.    


/p p     


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