Special Beauty-guarding Master



1Ye Xue's hands came to a difficult stop as her fingers unconsciously slid across Ye Xue's back. This caused an instinctive reaction from Ye Xue.    


/p p "Okay."    


Ye Xue couldn't help but let out a low moan.    


She didn't understand why Zhang Zihui couldn't keep her cool when his fingers slid across her back!    


As for Zhang Zihui, when he heard Ye Xue's voice, his breathing suddenly became heavier!    


His breathing could be heard throughout the dressing room!    


In Zhang Zihui's heart, his calmness intensified!    


Especially after he heard Ye Xue's moans, he almost hugged her!    


However, Zhang Zihui suppressed it!    


Regardless of whether Bai Rongrong was in the next room or not, if he really did that, it would not only be to himself, but also to Ye Xue!    


/p /p Quickly, she zipped it up and helped Ye Xue pull it up.    


Then, Zhang Zihui quickly opened the door of the fitting room. After taking a quick glance and confirming that there was no one around, he ran out in a flash!    


At the moment, he couldn't be later than Bai Rongrong. Otherwise, he would be in big trouble.    


/p p And when Ye Xue became aware of the zipper being zipped and the fitting room being opened again,    


She could not react in time!    


In Ye Xue's heart, there was no denying that she wanted to have something happen with Zhang Zihui!    


This idea was a little strange, because in addition to the current situation, she had only met Zhang Zihui three times!    


Between the two of them, not to mention understanding, they had never even formally introduced each other before!    


However, such a thought truly did occupy her mind!    


Ye Xue felt that she fell in love with Zhang Zihui at first sight!    


However, he'd come a bit too late for this.    


That was because Zhang Zihui already had a girlfriend.    


After tidying up her slightly disappointed heart, Ye Xue started to straighten up her dress.    


Although it might be impossible for her and Zhang Zihui, she still wanted to show Zhang Zihui her beautiful side.    


Zhang Zihui quickly adjusted his breathing after getting out of the fitting room.    


However, from time to time, his gaze would wander to Ye Xue's dressing room, waiting for her to come out.    


Having tidied up her dress, Ye Xue put away the disappointment in her heart and walked out of the fitting room.    


When Zhang Zihui saw her, he became absent-minded for a moment!    


Zhang Zihui quickly adjusted his breathing after getting out of the fitting room.    


It was even more so for a perfect woman like Ye Xue!    


After changing into a light green dress, Zhang Zihui felt that Ye Xue had become a goddess of nature in the forest!    


It gave people a natural and refreshing feeling!    


"Ye Xue, you're so beautiful."    


Zhang Zihui praised sincerely.    


Looking at Ye Xue at this moment, Zhang Zihui's uneasiness disappeared from his heart!    


What replaced it was an increasingly stronger possession of Ye Xue!    


/p p "Thank you."    


Ye Xue lowered her head in embarrassment.    


Even though she was confident in her beauty, she still felt a little embarrassed upon hearing Zhang Zihui's praise.    


It just so happened that Bai Rongrong had also changed into a long white dress at this moment.    


When she saw Ye Xue in her green dress, she was also captivated by her beauty.    


However, she felt a bit uncomfortable when she saw Zhang Zihui and Ye Xue leaning together.    


"Zi Hui, how about I go with this dress?"    


Girls instinctively want to use their own beauty to attract the boy back. At the same time, it could also be considered a comparison of Ye Xue.    


While he was busy chatting with Ye Xue, Zhang Zihui didn't notice that Bai Rongrong had also come out.    


It wasn't until Bai Rongrong called out to him that he noticed.    


When Zhang Zihui looked at Bai Rongrong, he was dazed for a moment.    


When they were on the plane, Bai Rongrong was wearing a white dress. At that time, she gave Zhang Zihui the feeling of a lily, a pure white noble.    


But at this moment, Zhang Zihui could not believe his eyes!    


He actually saw traces of lovely eyebrows on Bai Rongrong's body!    


Zhang Zihui wasn't sure if there were any lilies in the world that could make people think that they were pretty, but at least he felt that way about Bai Rongrong!    


Was it because of Ye Xue?    


Zhang Zihui could not help but guess.    


As for whether this guess was correct or not, no one knew.    


"Rongrong, you always look good in white, of course it's beautiful."    


Zhang Zihui said.    


However, looking at Bai Rongrong and Ye Xue standing side by side, Zhang Zihui was amazed to find that the charm of the two beauties actually increased by a lot when compared to each other!    


This scene caused Zhang Zihui to have an absurd idea in his mind: Put the two beauties into his bag!    


/p p "Yes." "Thank you."    


Bai Rongrong smiled happily, walked up to Zhang Zihui and kissed him on the cheek.    


Bai Rongrong's actions surprised Zhang Zihui.    


But when he saw Ye Xue's slightly sad face, he understood: Bai Rongrong had done it on purpose.    


"Zi Hui, I'll be leaving first."    


Seeing that Bai Rongrong could kiss Zhang Zihui as she liked, Ye Xue felt a wave of discomfort in her heart.    


He immediately turned around and walked towards the changing room.    


"Rongrong, you …"    


Zhang Zihui wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.    


"Sister Ye Xue likes you and you like her, right?"    


Bai Rongrong suddenly looked at Zhang Zihui with a serious expression.    


/p p "Rongrong, I, I …"    


Zhang Zihui wanted to deny it, but he didn't know how to deny this fact.    


Moreover, he was not good at lying to his beloved girl.    


Zhang Zihui's performance caused Bai Rongrong's expression to darken as she looked at him with resentment.    


After a long while, he finally said, "Why do I have to fall in love with a flowery guy like you?"    


Then, without waiting for Zhang Zihui to say anything, he turned around and walked towards the changing room.    


As Zhang Zihui watched Bai Rongrong's back, his mind was in a mess.    


He really didn't understand what was going on with him.    


Ever since he came to China, it seemed like his feelings for beautiful women had changed a lot!    


However, he didn't know what kind of change it was.    


/p p "Squeak..."    


When Ye Xue came out of the changing room, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Zihui.    


As for Zhang Zihui, he also heard the door open and looked towards her.    


Their gazes met once again.    


However, this time's intersection ended in less than three seconds.    


Ye Xue was the first to lower her head and walk towards the counter.    


Her back view made Zhang Zihui's heart ache inexplicably.    


Not long later, Bai Rongrong also came out.    


He walked quietly to Zhang Zihui's side and pulled him towards the counter.    


When she arrived at the counter, Ye Xue had already paid and was about to leave. Coincidentally, she was face to face with Zhang Zihui and Bai Rongrong.    


Looking at the two holding hands, Ye Xue felt even more uncomfortable.    


He lowered his head slightly and sped up.    


Zhang Zihui's gaze shifted slightly towards Ye Xue as he watched her change.    


All of this was in Bai Rongrong's eyes.    


Zhang Zihui quickly adjusted his breathing after getting out of the fitting room.    


However, after Ye Xue walked past them, she suddenly stopped and turned around to look at their backs.    


"Zi Hui, I'm going to the washroom. You just wait here for me."    


As she approached the counter, Bai Rongrong suddenly spoke up.    


Actually, she didn't need to go to the bathroom, but she felt that she should leave first, even though there was no reason for that.    


/p p "Go ahead, I'll wait for you."    


Zhang Zihui nodded, his tone was plain.    


Bai Rongrong didn't say anything else and walked towards the bathroom.     1


However, when she turned to the side, she glanced at Ye Xue. This glance did not contain any provocation or provocation. Instead, it was filled with encouragement!    


Ye Xue felt Bai Rongrong's gaze on her, but she didn't understand. What did Bai Rongrong mean by this?    


However, even though she didn't understand it, a very bold thought uncontrollably emerged in her mind under this kind of encouraging gaze!    


/p p Once again, he slowly walked towards Zhang Zihui.    


At this moment, Zhang Zihui had his back facing her and did not notice her approach.    


Very quickly, she arrived behind Zhang Zihui and quietly watched his back for a few seconds. Then, regardless of whether it was a counter or a waiter, she ignored the other customers that came in and out!    


Ye Xue moved her head closer to Zhang Zihui's, her lips slightly parted in front of his ear.    


/p p "Zi Hui, I like you!" I fell in love with you at first sight! "    


/p p That's right!    


The thought in Ye Xue's mind was to confess to Zhang Zihui!    


No matter how Zhang Zihui answered her, at the very least, she wanted him to know that she liked him!    


Zhang Zihui was stunned as he felt the sudden heat in his ears. He had not expected Ye Xue to have such a bold side!     


Immediately after, Zhang Zihui quickly turned around and wrapped his arm around Ye Xue's waist. He ignored the looks of everyone around him and fiercely smacked Ye Xue's lips!    


/p p "En!"    


Ye Xue widened her eyes in shock!    


Feeling the warmth on her lips, she suddenly felt that it wasn't realistic!    


After more than ten seconds, Zhang Zihui finally loosened his grip on Ye Xue's lips. His blue eyes looked at her tenderly, "I declare that you're mine."    


/p /p The soft voice said the words as if it was an order.    


The only thought in Zhang Zihui's mind was to take Ye Xue for himself!    


Ye Xue looked at Zhang Zihui in disbelief: "Was this really a dream?"    


/p p "Zi Hui, I …"    


Ye Xue suddenly didn't know what to say.    


/p p "I know you're having a hard time accepting it. Even I have not yet thought of how to take you and how to face Rongrong. However, I promise you, I will do my best to solve everything! At that time, I will eat you up! "    


At the end of his sentence, Zhang Zihui did not conceal his infatuation and desire for Ye Xue.    


After all, people have desires. The key is how you deal with them.    


However, when Ye Xue finished listening to Zhang Zihui, her face suddenly turned dark.    


/p p "What's wrong?"    


Zhang Zihui asked with concern.    


"Zi Hui, I … I … I shouldn't have said that to you."    


After struggling for a while, Ye Xue finally couldn't say what she wanted to say.    


/p p "What a pity you already said that."    


Zhang Zihui smiled without a care, "Give me your phone."    


/p p "Okay."    


Ye Xue nodded slightly and took out her phone from her bag.    


Zhang Zihui took the phone and dialed his number, "This is my number. In the future, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must call me immediately. I will rush to your side as fast as possible."    


Zhang Zihui promised gently and not long after, he fulfilled this promise.    


/p p     


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