Special Beauty-guarding Master



3On the other side, Bai Rongrong ran out of the restaurant without looking in any direction. She was crying as she ran.    


After running for an unknown amount of time, he finally felt tired and stopped. Seeing a place nearby that he could sit on, he sat down and began to sob under his breath, not caring if it was clean or not.    


"Rongrong, don't cry." Such a flowery brat is not worth your tears. "    


Wang Xiaochun, who had caught up to Bai Rongrong from behind, sat beside her and patted her back as she consoled her.    


"Xiaochun, how could he do that!?" He didn't even tell me that kind of thing! I'll understand him as long as he tells me. But he's hiding it. Does he think I'm the kind of person who would cause trouble for no reason? "    


When Bai Rongrong thought about the fact that she gave Zhang Zihui a chance to deal with Ye Xue, he made her suffer again. As she thought about it, her tears started to flow even harder.    


/p "Rongrong, how many boys are good?" /p That Zhang Zihui, with a single glance, did not seem to be anything good! It was obviously a flower of a radish! Rongrong, you are right to leave him! "Don't get caught up in it again!"    


Wang Xiaochun said bitterly.    


It was as if she had a huge problem with Zhang Zihui.    


"Xiaochun, I don't want to go back tonight. I'll go to your house and spend the night there."    


At this time, Bai Rongrong didn't have the heart to go back to Zhang Zihui.    


/p p "Alright!"    


Wang Xiaochun agreed without hesitation.    


And it even seemed to be very excited.    


/p p "Yes." I want to sleep now. Let's go back. "    


At the moment, Bai Rongrong hoped to wake up after a good night's sleep. When she woke up, everything would be fine.    


The atmosphere in the car was still heavy.    


Other than the occasional navigation notification, the only other thing that could be heard was the noise coming from outside the car.    


"Uncle Keck, stop at the supermarket in front for a bit."    


Suddenly, Zhang Zihui said.    


/p p "Okay."    


Keck nodded and returned. Then, he stopped the car by the roadside.    


I'm going to go buy something. You guys wait a moment.    


As Zhang Zihui said that, he got out of the car.    


Jiang Zier, on the other hand, was curious to see if Zhang Zihui still had heart to go shopping.    


As for her younger sister, Jiang Yueer, she also looked at her older sister in confusion, wondering what had happened to her.    


/p Not long after, Zhang Zihui came back.    


In his hands, he was hugging a huge bear doll that was about one meter tall!    


Hmm, could it be that he was going to use this doll to make his girlfriend happy?    


Jiang Zier couldn't help but guess.    


However, when the word 'girlfriend' appeared in her heart, she felt a wave of discomfort.    




The two siblings, who had a good family background, could naturally tell that this villa was not cheap.    


/p Walking to the door, Zhang Zihui typed in his fingerprint and then recorded the fingerprints of the other three people.    


Soon after, everyone entered.    


/p As soon as he entered, there was no one in the villa. It was as if no one was staying in the villa.     


However, a few seconds later, a clear sound rang out from the second floor!    


/p p "Brother Zihui!"    


Why are you here?    


"On the second floor, Meng Ziyi looked at Zhang Zihui, who was carrying a big doll, with a face full of surprise and surprise.    


She originally thought that it was her mother who went out to buy vegetables, but she didn't expect that it was her beloved boy that came over.    


"Brother Zihui, are you not busy today?" Why are you looking for me so early? "    


Meng Ziyi quickly ran in front of Zhang Zihui and looked at him happily. However, she didn't notice the other people at the door.    


/p p "I'm not busy today."    


Zhang Zihui smiled and handed the figurine over to Meng Ziyi, "Come here. I said last time that I would bring you a present, and this big bear will give you a pillow. "    


/p p "So cute!" "Thank you, Brother Zihui!"    


Looking at her doll that she had never seen before, Meng Ziyi was very happy. She made a very bold gesture, raised her foot, and quickly tapped Zhang Zihui's lips.    


/p p "Amount"    


Zhang Zihui looked at Meng Ziyi, who lowered her head shyly after kissing him.    


At any other time, he would have been happy.    


But at the moment, his heart wasn't that good.    


However, he wouldn't show it in front of Meng Ziyi.    


/p p "Young Master, this lady is..."    


Keck, who was at the door, walked in.    


The moment she said that, Meng Ziyi noticed that there were three other people at the door. She suddenly remembered that she kissed Zhang Zihui in front of others, causing her face to turn completely red!    


"Uncle Keck, her name is Meng Ziyi, and her mother is the owner that I want to hire." "Yes, the reason I got grandpa to send someone over is to help Zi Yi's mother manage the store."    


Zhang Zihui introduced.    


/p p "Understood."    


Keck nodded and didn't say anything else.    


It was Meng Ziyi who noticed the purple Twins.    


/p p "Brother Zihui, who are these two sisters? "So beautiful."    


Pure Meng Ziyi was also attracted by Twins's beauty, so she didn't feel the coldness radiating from their bodies.    


"This is Jiang Zier, and this is Jiang Yueer." It's a friend of mine from the United States who came to China to study. "    


Zhang Zihui introduced each of them.    


Twins was surprised that Zhang Zihui could actually distinguish the two sisters.    


However, when he thought about it again, the hairpins on their foreheads were pointed in different directions. It wouldn't be difficult for people who were slightly more attentive to distinguish who was the elder sister and who was the younger sister.    


Good morning, sisters.    


Meng Ziyi smiled sweetly at him.    


/p p "Hello."    


What made Zhang Zihui surprised was that when Meng Ziyi greeted them, the two siblings both smiled at her in response!    


When Zhang Zihui saw the two smiling siblings, his heart inexplicably trembled. He lamented how the two sisters' smiles were so moving.    


Next, Twins and Meng Ziyi sat together and started chatting.    


Not long after, Meng Kexin, who went out to buy groceries, also returned.    


Looking at the few extra people in the room, she also felt a little surprised.    


After that, there was naturally another round of introductions and greetings.    


"Zi Hui, let's eat here today."    


It was only then that Meng Kexin finally opened her mouth and invited him in. It was just before noon.    


Auntie, I had it when I came, so there's no need to cook mine." I'm going up to take a rest. You guys eat slowly, don't worry about me.     


Zhang Zihui politely refused.    


He didn't have much appetite at the moment.    


As for Keck and Twins, they didn't push them away. Instead, they accompanied Meng Kexin and her daughter to eat some more.    


They hadn't had enough to eat in the hotel.    




Zhang Zihui laid down on the couch with his arms under his head and looked at the ceiling. No one knew what he was thinking about.    


/p p "Hu!"    


After a long while, Zhang Zihui suddenly let out a sigh of relief. He then took out his phone and started to edit the text.    


Rongrong, I know you're very angry.    


But I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would think too much.    


I don't want our feelings to be affected by their presence.    


/p p Rongrong, if you're not angry, please reply to me.    


I'll tell you about this in detail.    


/p p Soon, the information was edited.    


However, Zhang Zihui looked at the message and didn't know if he should send it.    


/p p After hesitating for a long time, Zhang Zihui finally pressed send.    


A few seconds later, the text message was sent.    


For the next half an hour, Zhang Zihui's phone did not make any sound. This caused Zhang Zihui, who was waiting, to slowly fall asleep.    


Downstairs, everyone had finished eating.    


After chatting for another half an hour, since they didn't know what was going on, they all went back to their own rooms to rest.    


"Elder sister, what happened to you today?" "Why did you suddenly say that?"    


Jiang Yueer who was sitting on the bed suddenly asked her sister.    


/p p "I don't know why."    



Jiang Zier shook her head and said, "However, when I heard Zhang Zihui say that we were his ordinary friends, I somehow felt uncomfortable."    


So it's the same for you, sister.    


Jiang Yueer said with a smile.    


"Speaking of which, it's really strange. It's our first time meeting Zhang Zihui. Why would we be so conflicted over the introduction of an ordinary friend?"    


At this point, Jiang Yueer showed a thoughtful expression.    


Sister, you feel the same way!    


Jiang Yueer was surprised.    


As expected, sisters all had something in common.    


"Sister, tell me, should I apologize to him?"    


Jiang Zier suddenly said.    


However, these words truly surprised Jiang Yueer!    


/p p "Sister!" How could you suddenly think like that! "Do you have feelings for Zhang Zihui?"    


Jiang Yueer looked at her sister in disbelief.    


/p p "Stupid girl!" What nonsense are you spouting! "    


Jiang Zier stared at her sister, "I just feel that if I didn't say that back then, nothing would have happened between Zhang Zihui and her girlfriend."    


Jiang Zier explained.    


However, even though he said that, Zhang Zihui appeared to be depressed at the restaurant again.    


"Elder sister, is that really the case?"    


Jiang Yueer tilted her head and looked at Jiang Zier with a smile.    


You damn girl, you did it on purpose!    


After saying that, she glared fiercely at Jiang Yueer before turning around and leaving the room.    


When she arrived outside Zhang Zihui's room, Jiang Zier raised her hand to knock on the door, but she hesitated.    


After some time, he finally made up his mind and knocked on the door.    




Jiang Zier frowned slightly and knocked again.    


However, there was still no response.    


/p p Could it be that he intentionally left the door closed?    


This thought made Jiang Zier uncomfortable. She took out her phone, edited a text and sent it to Zhang Zihui.    


When the two sisters went out, their parents gave them Zhang Zihui's cell phone number and specifically told them to save it well.    


/p The message was quickly sent out, and Jiang Zier went back to her room.    


However, she felt a trace of disappointment in her heart when she didn't apologize to Zhang Zihui?    


/p This thought stunned Jiang Zier. "What happened to me?    


/p p     


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