Special Beauty-guarding Master



4The next day, Zhang Zihui still woke up full of energy.    


Although Ye Xue had temporarily left him last night, she had not suffered much after his comforting words.    


After settling Ye Xue's matter, Zhang Zihui sat on the couch and cultivated until dawn.    


In any case, for him, training was more beneficial than sleeping.    


/p p "Ha!"    


After getting up and stretching, Zhang Zihui washed up and went out of his room. Bai Rongrong and Bai Ye were already having breakfast in the living room.    


Obviously, Zhang Zihui was the last to wake up.    


"Uncle, good morning. Rongrong, good morning."    


Sitting at the dining table, Zhang Zihui greeted the two of them. He then carried a bowl of soy milk over, reached for another bun and took a bite.    


For Chinese style breakfast, Zhang Zihui felt that it was much better than American style breakfast.    


Perhaps it was because his father's genes were so homesick that Zhang Zihui was closer to China.    


Hmph, look at how greedy you are.    


Bai Rongrong rolled her eyes at Zhang Zihui in annoyance.    


She hadn't forgiven Zhang Zihui for what happened yesterday. She actually dared to hug and kiss Ye Xue!    


Although she had purposely given them both a chance, she didn't want the two of them to be that intimate.    


/p p "Amount"    


Hearing Bai Rongrong's words, Zhang Zihui didn't know if he should continue chewing the bun. With the bun still in his mouth, he looked at Bai Rongrong pitifully.    


This scene made Bai Rongrong smile.    


"Haha, Zi Hui, why do you look so much like a dog with a meat bun in its mouth!?" I can't take it anymore, I'm going to die from laughter! "    


As she spoke, Bai Rongrong was already laughing without care for her image.    


/p p "Hehe."    


However, Zhang Zihui ate the bun in a few bites and also smiled, "Rongrong, are you trying to say that you've fallen for a dog like me?"    


These words made Bai Rongrong unhappy. She rolled her eyes at Zhang Zihui. "Hmph!" Who would like you! "    


As he spoke, he lowered his head to continue eating his breakfast.    


However, the smile on her face didn't disappear.    


In Zhang Zihui's eyes, this scene was already pretty good.    


At least, Bai Rongrong wasn't that angry anymore, right?    


Bai Ye, who was sitting on the side, looked at the two of them and smiled. Since Rongrong came back from America, in just two short days, he had seen his daughter smile so happily several times.    


To him, this was a form of enjoyment.    


After all, his concern for Bai Rongrong was really unfounded.    




/p After breakfast, Bai Ye naturally went to work at the company.     


As for Bai Rongrong, with the policy of continuing to ignore Zhang Zihui, she took her phone and contacted her good friend, Xiaochun.    


The two girls were probably planning to go shopping again.    


Zhang Zihui originally wanted to join them, but before he could say anything, his phone rang.    


/p p Taking out his phone, it was an unfamiliar number.    


Zhang Zihui glanced at Bai Rongrong, who was still talking on the phone, then walked to the balcony and picked up the call.    


/p p "Hello, who are you looking for?"    


Zhang Zihui asked politely.    


/p p "Young Master, this is Keck. Master asked me to come over and help you take care of your affairs, and now I have already reached Hong City Airport. I wonder if you have the time to come and pick us up? "    


A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.    


/p p "Uncle Keck!"    


Hearing this familiar voice, Zhang Zihui was very surprised!    


He never thought that his grandfather would actually send Keck to help him!    


Speaking of Keck, Zhang Zihui's impression of him was no less than that of his parents and his grandfather.    


The reason was simple. When Zhang Zihui was young, all of his daily life was managed by Keck!    


Not only did Keck help him take care of his daily affairs, he also taught Zhang Zihui a lot of morals!    


It could be said that since Zhang Zihui didn't become a popinjay under his grandfather's care, the role that Keck played in it couldn't be ignored!    


"Uncle Keck, wait for me at the airport for half an hour. I'll pick you up right away!"    


The overjoyed Zhang Zihui did not notice the words "we" that came out of Wu Tie's mouth.    




"Rongrong, I'm going to take a trip to the airport. You can go shopping by yourself today."    


Zhang Zihui quickly rushed into the room and told Bai Rongrong.    


Then, without waiting for Bai Rongrong to say anything, he rushed out of the villa and into Bai Ye's garage. He picked up an Audi and started the car, "Peng!"    


With a shout, he rushed out of the garage!    


Bai Rongrong, who was still in the mansion, finally came back to her senses after hearing the sound of cars leaving.    


/p p "Stinky splendor!" I hate you! "    


Bai Rongrong suddenly shouted!    


Xinqing was extremely unhappy!    


/p p "Rongrong, what happened to you?" Who's the idiot Hui? "    


A girl's voice sounded out from Bai Rongrong's phone.    


This is so infuriating!    


Bai Rongrong did not reply to the girl's question on the phone, "Xiaochun, let's go to Mintai Street later! I want to have a feast! "    


Apparently, the angry girl was trying to vent her anger by turning it into appetite.    


Unexpectedly, a girl's laughter rang out from the phone, "Rongrong, you aren't afraid of getting fat if you eat too much, but I'm worried that I'll get fat! Also, how much can your little stomach hold? "He even ate a huge meal …"    


/p p "King!" Dawn! "Spring!"    


Bai Rongrong shouted into the phone word by word to show her extreme displeasure.    




Although he was currently very excited, it was not enough for him to just go racing.    


Moreover, from the villa area to Hong City Airport, it had only been a little more than twenty minutes.    




He quickly parked the car in the parking lot, took out his phone and called Keck.    


"Uncle Keck, I'm already at the airport. Where are you?"    


The moment the call connected, Zhang Zihui couldn't wait to ask.    


/p p "Young Master, we are at exit 6 of the airport, standing under the notice board at the exit."    


Keck said a sign that was easy to find.    


/p p "Okay!"    


Zhang Zihui quickly ran towards exit # 6.    


In just two minutes, he saw Keck, who was standing under the notice board.    


However, what made Zhang Zihui slow down was, beside Keck, stood a pair of purple-haired twin girls wearing a purple-coloured dress!    


Just by looking at the bodies of the twins, Zhang Zihui could tell that they were also beauties from the temperament they emitted!    


Furthermore, it was the type of a super beauty!    


"Uncle Keck, I'm here."    


Walking up to Keck, Zhang Zihui greeted him.    


However, his words immediately attracted the attention of the two purple-haired beauties.    


/p p So beautiful!    


Seeing the appearances of the two beauties, Zhang Zihui was amazed!    


His chin wasn't as sharp as before, giving off a feeling of being just right.    


His eyes were not big, at least not as big as Meng Ziyi's, but they were round and clear.    


And, what surprised Zhang Zihui was that the two beauties had purple pupils!    


Her nose was straight, but it still made people feel like she was small and cute.    


Her thin lips, on the other hand, were slightly pursed.    


The two beauties were both about 1.65 meters tall. They wore identical purple cheongsam with purple sandals. Their long purple hair was casually spread out, and the bangs on their foreheads were pushed to the side with a little hairpin made from Redbud Flower.    


However, one was not on the left side, while the other was on the right.    


/p p "You are Zhang Zihui?"    


A beauty with a hairpin on the left asked Zhang Zihui.    


But the expression on her face was extremely cold.    


/p p "Hello, I'm Zhang Zihui. May I ask who you are …"    


Zhang Zihui asked curiously.    


He had never met these two beauties before, but they knew Zhang Zihui.    


However, based on her question, she should only know Zhang Zihui's name and not have seen him before.     1


The beauty didn't answer Zhang Zihui's question, but after beating him up for a while, she finally said, "Hmph! "So you're Zhang Zihui. You look just like a normal person."    


The beauty said with slight disdain.    


What he said made Zhang Zihui depressed: if this was considered normal, then what kind of person wasn't normal?    


After two days of training, Zhang Zihui could clearly feel that his charm had increased!    


It was very obvious that the two beauties either had their eyes too high or had said it on purpose.    


Zhang Zihui felt that the probability of the latter was at least eight levels!    


"Uncle Keck, who are those two!"    


Since the beautiful lady clearly had an opinion of him, Zhang Zihui could only ask Keck.    


"Young Master, these two are your fiancées, Jiang Zier and Jiang Yueer."    


Keck introduced Zhang Zihui respectfully.    


Zhang Zihui was shocked. Fiancee?    


Since when did he have a fiancee?    


And it was such a beautiful twin!    


How could their parents agree that their two daughters should marry the same person, to say nothing of anything else?    


Zhang Zihui looked at the two beauties in disbelief.    


Unexpectedly, in the eyes of the two beauties, his kind of expression looked more like the kind of appearance one gets hit by money while walking on the road!    


He didn't even have time to react!    


/p p "Hmph!" Elder sister, look at his appearance, he is obviously not a good person! "How could Mom and Dad be willing to betroth us to such a guy!"    


Another beauty said in disdain.    


/p p "Amount"    


Zhang Zihui finally understood. It wasn't until these two beauties were Zhang Zihui's fiancee that they dared to act like this!    


No wonder he had such a huge problem with Zhang Zihui!    


However, Zhang Zihui also felt a headache looking at the two beauties: two fiancées appeared out of nowhere before he could solve Bai Rongrong's and Ye Xue's problem!    


If Bai Rongrong knew that he had two fiancées, Zhang Zihui couldn't imagine how angry she would be!    


He might even dump him in a fit of rage!    


/p p Zhang Zihui has a headache!    


This was truly a headache!    


/p p     


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