Special Beauty-guarding Master



0Wang Xiaochun's family could be considered wealthy. Her parents were both high-class white-collar workers, and they both earned tens of thousands of yuan a month, so they had their own apartment.    


At this moment, Wang Xiaochun was watching the television in boredom.    


However, Wang Xiaochun's attention was not on the TV. Her eyes were always on the second floor, where Bai Rongrong was sleeping in her room.    


Ever since the two of them had come back from Mintai Road, Bai Rongrong had entered her room to get some stone sleep. It was already 3.30 in the afternoon.    


Bai Rongrong hadn't even eaten lunch and had slept all the way till now!    


Wang Xiaochun couldn't help but worry if Bai Rongrong wouldn't be able to handle the excitement.    


When it came to the relationship between Wang Xiaochun and Bai Rongrong, it could be said that the two were even better than sisters.    


/p p They had known each other since the kindergarten.    


At that time, because Bai Rongrong had a single parent family and her father, Bai Ye, was busy with work, Bai Rongrong had a very introverted and shy personality.    


When they were in kindergarten, they didn't even talk much to their teachers, let alone the other children.    


It could be said that at that time, Bai Rongrong hadn't even existed in the class.    


/p p On the other hand, Wang Xiaochun belonged to the cheerful type.    


In addition, in the eyes of the teachers, he was a very obedient and sensible child.    


At that time, Wang Xiaochun could be said to be an influential figure in the class. If there was anything the teacher needed as an example, he would use her as an example.    


The reason why Wang Xiaochun noticed Bai Rongrong was because it was raining. After kindergarten was over, Bai Rongrong hid by herself in a corner of the corridor, waiting for her father to pick her up.    


However, Bai Ye couldn't pick up Bai Rongrong on time because of a meeting that day.    


It just so happened that Wang Xiaochun did some things for her teacher that day, so she came home a little later.    


It was at that time that she bumped into Bai Rongrong.    


/p p At that time, Bai Rongrong was powdered and a bit fleshy.    


Besides, she was waiting by herself in the corner. To Wang Xiaochun, she was like a stray injured kitten.    


Because of this, Wang Xiaochun accompanied Bai Rongrong that day when her father came to pick her up.    


During this period of time, Wang Xiaochun's parents came to pick her up.    


/p At this point, Wang Xiaochun and Bai Rongrong got to know each other.    


However, Bai Rongrong still rarely spoke. Most of the time, she just sat beside Wang Xiaochun.    


After /p p , their parents used their children as a bridge to get to know each other, and they got along well with each other.    


Therefore, sometimes Bai Ye couldn't pick up Bai Rongrong, so he let her go to Wang Xiaochun's home.    


After that, the two of them started from primary school, to junior high, and all the way to high school. They were in the same class.    


Under Wang Xiaochun's influence, Bai Rongrong gradually became more cheerful.    


/p p However, as the two got older, some things changed.     


Looking at the clock, which was almost four o'clock, Wang Xiaochun finally couldn't hold it in anymore. She decided to go up and see if Bai Rongrong was awake!    


He went upstairs to his room and gently pushed open the door.    


In the room, Bai Rongrong was lying on the bed, her right hand extended out from under the bed sheet, sleeping soundly.    


HuRong Rong can really sleep!    


Seeing that Bai Rongrong was still sleeping, Wang Xiaochun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.    


But in his heart, he still heaved a sigh of relief.    


When she entered the room, Wang Xiaochun thought about it and decided to wake Bai Rongrong up.    


After all, she hadn't even eaten lunch. If she were to continue sleeping, it would be the time for dinner!    


Wang Xiaochun smiled evilly as she sat on the edge of the bed, then she gently pinched Bai Rongrong's nose.    


After just 10 seconds, a trace of discomfort appeared on Bai Rongrong's face, then she instinctively reached out to push Wang Xiaochun's hand away.    


However, Wang Xiaochun had intended to wake Bai Rongrong up, so naturally, she wouldn't let go so easily!    


Thus, in less than 10 seconds, Bai Rongrong woke up with a start!    


/p p "Xiaochun!" What are you doing! "    


Opening her eyes, she noticed that Wang Xiaochun was the one who had woken her up. Bai Rongrong grumbled in dissatisfaction.    


/p p "Aiya!" "My lady Bai, I called you up for your own good!"    


Wang Xiaochun released her hand with a wronged look on her face, "Do you know what time it is? It was almost four o'clock! You didn't even get up for lunch, and slept until now. If I don't wake you up now, you might turn into a mummy. "    


"Xiaochun, who did you say was a mummy?!" You will become a mummy yourself! "    


Bai Rongrong retorted angrily when she heard Wang Xiaochun say that she would become that kind of ugly thing.    


/p p "Good good good good!" Let's not talk about this anymore. Miss Bai, don't you feel hungry now? "    


Wang Xiaochun changed the topic decisively.    


"Mm, now that you mention it, I'm really hungry."    


Bai Rongrong sat up and rubbed her belly. "Xiaochun, I'm hungry!" Hurry up and get me something to eat! "    


Bai Rongrong actually held Wang Xiaochun's hand and pulled her up!    


/p p "Alright!" Since Miss Bai has spoken, of course I'll immediately do it. "    


Wang Xiaochun said in a serious tone, "Alright, get up and wash your face first. I'll go down and cook a bowl of rice noodles for you."    


/p p "Okay."    


As soon as she heard that there was something to eat, Bai Rongrong got up and went to the bathroom.    


As for Wang Xiaochun, she smiled and went downstairs as well.    


Not long later, Bai Rongrong also went downstairs.    


There was an attractive fragrance coming from the kitchen, which made Bai Rongrong, who was already hungry, even hungrier.    


"Xiaochun, hurry up!" I'm so hungry! "    


Bai Rongrong shouted to Wang Xiaochun from outside the kitchen.    


My Miss White!" No matter how fast I am, I have to mature it! Are you going to eat something that isn't cooked?     


Wang Xiaochun replied rather helplessly.    


/p p "Alright."    


Bai Rongrong pouted and went into the living room to sit and watch TV while she waited for something to eat.    


Fortunately, the rice wire was quickly cooked. In less than five minutes, Wang Xiaochun came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of steaming hot rice wire in her hands.    


Miss Bai, please have a taste of my cooking skills.    


Wang Xiaochun made a gesture of invitation.    


Bai Rongrong, who was starving to death, didn't care about these things. She picked up her chopsticks and started to fight with the food!    


"Xiaochun, the food you cook is so delicious!"    


Chewing the food in her mouth, Bai Rongrong praised Wang Xiaochun with a slightly hoarse expression.    


"Rongrong, before you speak, swallow the thing in your mouth first. Otherwise, it'll be bad if you choke."    


Wang Xiaochun was concerned.    


/p p "Oh."    


Bai Rongrong swallowed the food in her mouth and said, "Xiaochun, you're pretty and you know a lot of things. And you have such a good personality, anyone who marries you in the future will definitely be very happy."    


Bai Rongrong said seriously.    


However, Wang Xiaochun's reply surprised Bai Rongrong. "I'm not planning on getting married."    


/p p "Ah?" Why? Are you planning to be single for the rest of your life? "    


Bai Rongrong was puzzled.    


/p p "What's good about men?" That Zhang Zihui today is not a good person either. Didn't he make you sad? I say! Men... "Rongrong."    


At this point, Wang Xiaochun suddenly realized that she had said something she shouldn't have.    


As expected, after hearing Wang Xiaochun's words, Bai Rongrong's spirit dimmed.    


The speed at which the chopsticks in his hand fell slowed down by quite a bit as well.    


"Rongrong, don't think too much into it. I'm not saying that you have a bad eye." But... "But …"    


At this point, Wang Xiaochun didn't know how to explain herself.    


"It's alright. Actually, I know that you're doing this for my own good."    


Bai Rongrong said indifferently, but her mind couldn't help but think of Zhang Zihui.    


Bastard Hui, you actually didn't find me!    


He didn't even make a phone call!    




I hate you!    


Bai Rongrong complained incessantly in her heart.    


What she didn't know was that Zhang Zihui was also sleeping soundly.    


Besides, Bai Rongrong had forgotten that her phone was still upstairs.    


"Xiaochun, I'm full."    


Putting down the chopsticks, he still had half a bowl of rice noodles.    


/p p "Rongrong, don't you want to eat more? You haven't even eaten half of it. "    


Seeing Bai Rongrong put down her chopsticks, Wang Xiaochun couldn't help but regret her words.    


It's fine. We'll have dinner in a while anyway.    


Bai Rongrong said indifferently.    


Wang Xiaochun could only helplessly accept this.     3


He cleaned up the tableware.    


Following that, the two of them sat on the sofa and watched the TV in silence.    


Soon, the sky turned dark.    


"Rongrong, why don't you go take a bath first?"    


Wang Xiaochun said.    


/p p "Okay."    


Bai Rongrong nodded.    


After that, Wang Xiaochun took out a nightgown for Bai Rongrong to change into.    


The two girls were similar in stature, and they used to dress casually in each other's clothes.    


Bai Rongrong took the nightgown and went to take a bath.    


About half an hour later, Bai Rongrong finished washing up.    


The hair of the girl who had just come out of Bath Room was still wet. It had been casually scattered, and a few strands of it were still stuck to her forehead.    


Wearing a thin nightgown, one could even vaguely see Yiyi, who was hidden underneath the girl.    


"Rongrong, you're so beautiful."    


Wang Xiaochun looked at Bai Rongrong in a daze.    


Obviously, Bai Rongrong was one of them!    


/p p "What are you talking about?" You are no worse than me yourself. "Alright, I'll be going up first. Hurry up and take a bath."    


With that, Bai Rongrong went upstairs.    


Looking at Bai Rongrong's back, Wang Xiaochun's thoughts became even more intense.    


About half an hour later, Wang Xiaochun also took a shower and entered the room wearing the same nightgown.    


Inside, Bai Rongrong was lying on the couch, her chin propped up, thinking about something.    


"Rongrong, what are you thinking about?"    


Wang Xiaochun went over and asked.    


/p p "Nothing." I'm just bored. "    


Bai Rongrong turned to look at Wang Xiaochun.    


At such a close distance, Wang Xiaochun could clearly ask Bai Rongrong about the scent of a young girl.    


"Rongrong, are you thinking about that Zhang Zihui again?"    


Wang Xiaochun suddenly asked.    


/p p "Ah?" None... "No."    


Bai Rongrong shook her head in denial.    


But in reality, she was indeed thinking about Zhang Zihui.    


After taking a shower, Bai Rongrong went back to her room. When she picked up her phone, she found that Zhang Zihui had sent a text message.    


After looking at the received time, Bai Rongrong knew that Zhang Zihui cared about her a lot.    


/p However, when she replied, Bai Rongrong only answered with a "hmm" on purpose.    




He planned to make Zhang Zihui anxious for a while longer.    


Unexpectedly, after the message was sent, there was no reply.    


However, Wang Xiaochun and Bai Rongrong had grown up playing with each other. Wang Xiaochun could tell that Bai Rongrong was not serious.    


Wang Xiaochun felt uncomfortable whenever she thought about Bai Rongrong thinking about another boy!    


"Rongrong, stop thinking about that Zhang Zihui!" Break up with him! I will take care of you in the future! "    


Wang Xiaochun said seriously.    


/p p "Ah?"    


Bai Rongrong looked at Wang Xiaochun with a puzzled expression.    


Wang Xiaochun took a deep breath and looked at Bai Rongrong with a gentle expression.    


/p p "Rongrong, I love you!" Since high school, I have been deeply infatuated with you! Promise me! Let me take care of you for the rest of your life! "    


/p p "What..." "What!?"    


Bai Rongrong looked at Wang Xiaochun in shock. She didn't know what to say as her body stiffened slightly!    


/p p     


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