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C400 Breakthrough Process

C400 Breakthrough Process

4The 400th chapter of the breakthrough process. What about it?    2


Ke Lia was holding a cup of water with his claws. When he heard Lin Yaoyang's words, he instantly spat it out.    


Then he looked at Lin Yaoyang with a surprised face and said, "You, you, you? You have reached the Second Grade Martial Arts without making any noise? What about the process of breaking through? "    


Of course, Lin Yaoyang knew his own situation. The feeling he had when he broke through to the next realm was completely different from that of an ordinary person. Everyone else would have to experience a tremendous process of breaking through to the next realm.    


There is also the risk of failure at every turn, but Lin Yaoyang is different. He simply looked at the position of his grade in the system. The words on it changed, and he became a Second Grade Martial Arts.    


Lin Yaoyang could feel that the strength in his body had become stronger for no reason. The process of advancing to the next realm was considered complete. There was no such thing as a breakthrough.    


Not to mention, it was a grand event that didn't even exist!    


Lin Yaoyang naturally couldn't allow Ke Lia to reveal anything strange about him. He said to Ke Lia in an unpleasant tone, "How do you know that I don't have the process of breaking through? My movement is in my body. Do you know how big the movement was in my body last night? Good! You! You, who was by my side last night, didn't show any reaction at all! You're worse than me! I really misjudged you! "    


The more Lin Yaoyang spoke, the more excited he became. In an instant, he made it sound like Ke Lia had made a mistake.    


Ke Lia stared at Lin Yaoyang, who was trying to invert the truth between himself and Lin Yaoyang. For a moment, his mouth began to tremble with anger.    


He couldn't even speak clearly. If it was a verbal battle, how could Ke Lia be a match for Lin Yaoyang?    


For a moment, Ke Lia started to wonder if he really didn't notice Lin Yaoyang's movement.    


Immediately, Ke Lia rejected this idea in his heart. When he was cultivating, he knew very well that he was very sensitive to the outside world.    


If there was any movement from Lin Yaoyang and they were so close, Ke Lia would definitely be able to sense it in an instant.    


However, after meditating yesterday, Lin Yaoyang sat there like a rock, motionless, as if he was about to break through.    


Obviously, it was Lin Yaoyang who framed Ke Lia!    


Ke Lia's eyes widened. He knew that he definitely couldn't win Lin Yaoyang's argument. He might as well keep telling himself in his heart not to get angry with this guy, not to get angry with this guy. In the end, he would be the one at a disadvantage if he got angry.    


Ke Lia snorted and ran out of the room to start breathing the purple qi in the morning sun.    


Lin Yaoyang felt refreshed when he saw Ke Lia choking on his stomach. He only felt that his mood had become better after seeing this pig suffer for a day.    


At the same time, Lin Yaoyang was also a little shocked. A day had passed in such a short period of time.    


However, he had only guessed that it had only been a short while. How could it feel like the time when his eyes were closed and he opened them?    


No wonder some people were possessed after entering the meditative state, and never woke up again.    


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