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C388 The Culprit

C388 The Culprit

3The instigator of chapter 388.    


Lin Yaoyang found out that this Non-tribulation Godly Tiger was obedient to Guo Yuehong. It really treated her like a mother.    


If Guo Yuehong said to head east, she would definitely not head west. At first, Lin Yaoyang thought that it might be because this little thing had just been born and was still ignorant. It did not have the ability to think on its own.    


But right after that, Lin Yaoyang found that the small Non-tribulation Godly Tiger was secretly sizing them up. Its eyes were shining with a divine light.    


Lin Yaoyang felt that it was even smarter than Ke Lia! It was obvious that other than being unable to speak, he was no different from an ordinary person.    


Lin Yaoyang had just walked in a little bit and carefully observed this terrifying Demonic Beast and Non-tribulation Godly Tiger. After all, although there was a powerful Non-tribulation Godly Tiger at that time, it was an existence at that level. Could it be something he could observe?    


A single slap was enough to kill him.    


Lin Yaoyang hadn't even moved his body when he saw the small Non-tribulation Godly Tiger's eyes immediately reveal a vigilant light. It let out a low roar at Lin Yaoyang.    


Obviously, it was very worried about Lin Yaoyang. Lin Yaoyang was also shocked in his heart. The strength of this Non-tribulation Godly Tiger was just a little too strong.    


Lin Yaoyang hadn't paid attention to it before, but now that he had focused his attention on it, he realized that the plaque on his head had the words Level Three Martial Arts on it.    


That was a lot higher than him. Lin Yaoyang wasn't afraid of this Non-tribulation Godly Tiger, but he was surprised by how fast this Non-tribulation Godly Tiger's strength was increasing.    


It must have been hatched in just one or two days, but its strength was actually so terrifying!    


Indeed, this was a race that was blessed by the heavens.    


Standing beside Lin Yaoyang's feet, Ke Lia also discovered the strength of the opposite Non-tribulation Godly Tiger. After he discovered that the opposite Non-tribulation Godly Tiger actually had the strength of a Martial Arts.    


Ke Lia's mouth was wide open, and he didn't say anything for a long time. Then, he shouted angrily, "F * ck! Why?! This is too f * cking unfair, isn't it? I hatched it with him. On what basis is his strength so much higher than mine?"    


Lin Yaoyang thought for a moment and suddenly thought of something. When Ke Lia hatched, it seemed like a big hole had been opened in his Large Cocoon. The pure energy inside the Large Cocoon kept flowing out.    


Lin Yaoyang had absorbed all of the pure energy, and he had even used his cultivation technique to forcefully press on the big hole on the Large Cocoon and absorb it with all his might.    


From the looks of it, if there was nothing wrong with Ke Lia, he would likely reach the Martial Arts level just like this Non-tribulation Godly Tiger after hatching. It was not to the extent that he would be so weak that he would only be a martial master.    


Lin Yaoyang was the cause of this incident. He suddenly felt as if he had done something wrong, and his voice became softer. He pretended to be looking at the scenery and ignored Ke Lia.    


Lin Yaoyang then thought about what he felt guilty about. Anyway, he had just opened a hole. If he didn't absorb it, wouldn't it be a waste? Seriously.    


Thinking of this, Lin Yaoyang suddenly felt a lot more comfortable in his heart. The guilt in his heart was also much less.    


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