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C166 Escape Failed

C166 Escape Failed

2Ke Lia tried his best to rub against the door bit by bit. He didn't care about the dirt on the floor. His face was covered in black paint.     1


He first went to borrow a stool on the ground and hooked the foreign object Lin Yaoyang had stuffed into his mouth. He used his boss' strength to pull out the clothes that made Ke Lia smell so bad that he was awake.    


After pulling it out, Ke Lia breathed heavily. It was like a person who had gone through a long period of suffering and struggle and finally saw the light. Ke Lia's heart was full of fighting spirit at this time. He only felt that he would be able to escape alive soon.    


After taking a few deep breaths, Ke Lia continued to advance forward. However, his speed was very slow. However, Ke Lia was incomparably patient at this moment. He was moving towards his goal bit by bit.    


His mind was filled with thoughts of what he would do to Lin Yaoyang after he escaped from this place. These were the things that supported Ke Lia. It gave Ke Lia the motivation to move forward. Chang Wushi had already opened his eyes. There was a trace of a smile in his eyes as he looked at Ke Lia. Chang Wushi knew that with Ke Lia's speed, there was no way he could escape from this house.    


Besides, the sky was going to be bright soon. If Lin Yaoyang woke up and found out that Ke Lia was still planning to escape, and that he had started to act, he was not sure how he would torture Ke Lia.    


Although Chang Wushi was already old, he still had a smile on his face when he thought of that scene.    




"Ah! Comfortable!"    


Lin Yaoyang got up from the bed and yawned as he touched his mouth. His eyes were very clear. Although he could not sleep for long, it was not because he was tired.    


It was because of his mentality that Lin Yaoyang needed sleep to calm down. Lin Yaoyang felt that he had not slept so well for a long time.    


He was a man who had a very regular schedule. He woke up naturally when the sun had just risen. After Lin Yaoyang straightened up, he looked at Chang Wushi's position. He saw that Chang Wushi was looking at him with his eyes wide open.    


Lin Yaoyang smiled and nodded at Chang Wushi. Chang Wushi also smiled back at Lin Yaoyang, then glanced at Ke Lia's position with his mouth.    


Lin Yaoyang was stunned for a second, then he looked at the bamboo stick he hung on Ke Lia's head before he went to sleep. He found that there was no trace of the pig there.    


There were only two broken pieces of the bamboo stick on the ground. Lin Yaoyang's face turned dark. This pig had actually fallen asleep and was causing trouble secretly. Was it trying to escape?    


Lin Yaoyang looked at the ground. There was no Fairy Bundle Rope. It seemed that Ke Lia could not run far. Lin Yaoyang flipped over and jumped off the bed. He casually put a piece of clothing on his body.    


The slight chill in the morning naturally did not affect Lin Yaoyang, who had already reached the Martial Arts.    


It was just a habit to put on a set of clothes.    


Lin Yaoyang searched the room, but he couldn't find anything. His heart sank. Could this pig really have run out?    


Lin Yaoyang turned around and walked towards the door. He was stunned. He saw Ke Lia lying motionlessly at the door.    


Ke Lia's pig face was pitch black. It was covered with dust and dirt. Obviously, it was ___. Because this guy's feet are all tied up, and it's basically impossible for him to walk. He could only rely on his pig mouth to slowly move on the ground.    


Looking at his motionless and closed eyes, could it be that he was too tired and fell asleep? Lin Yaoyang was somewhat speechless. This pig wanting to escape from prison was a little too much of a failure. How could it fall asleep in the middle of breaking out of prison?    


Lin Yaoyang wanted to walk up and wake Ke Lia up and teach him a lesson. However, when he turned around, he found that Ke Lia's eyes were still rolling under his closed eyes.    


It didn't look like he was sleeping at all. He was obviously pretending with his eyes closed. Lin Yaoyang walked up to Ke Lia and grabbed his curly pig ear. He dragged it up from the ground.    


Ke Lia knew that he had been exposed, so he started to scream with all his might! "Ahhhhhhhh! I know I was wrong! Don't kill me! Don't, don't, don't! I haven't achieved Ascendance yet, I can't die so early."    


" Pa! "    


Lin Yaoyang slapped Ke Lia's face without any hesitation. After that, he looked at Ke Lia with disdain and said, "You? Ascendant? Don't make me laugh with your behavior. "    


Lin Yaoyang said to Ke Lia with a dark face," It seems like I won't use any tricks on you! I won't be able to control you! "    


Ke Lia felt a little scared in his heart. He asked Lin Yaoyang weakly, "You, you, you... What do you want to do to me?"    


Lin Yaoyang did not answer her. Instead, he turned to Chang Wushi and asked, "Senior, can a Demonic Beast like him use the means of beast tamers to sign a contract with him?"    


Chang Wushi was stunned when he heard that. Instead of answering Lin Yaoyang's question, he asked Lin Yaoyang, "What is it? Are you still a beast tamer? There's such a method?"    


Lin Yaoyang scratched his head and said to Chang Wushi in embarrassment," Hehehehe! Having dabbled in it a little, it is not a brilliant method."    


Chang Wushi started to think highly of Lin Yaoyang once again. He nodded at Lin Yaoyang. It doesn't matter. No matter how powerful his race was, it was the fact that he was no match for the Demonic Beast. Your beast taming techniques can be used on him, and you can sign a contract with him. Speaking of which, you guys are the ones who are truly blessed by the heavens. To think that you would be able to sign an unfair contract with the Demonic Beast, but the Demonic Beast couldn't do the same to humans. Speaking of which, it's really unfair."    


Chang Wushi said with a sigh. Of course, he wasn't afraid that such a thing would happen to him. What a joke! He was an Eighth Grade Martial Saint, even if he signed the contract... How could it be his turn to serve others? ‘    


Lin Yaoyang chuckled a few times. He didn't want to get too entangled in this matter. Chang Wushi. He didn't ask any more questions. He just looked at Lin Yaoyang and Ke Lia quietly. However, most of his attention was focused on Lin Yaoyang. He wanted to see something from Lin Yaoyang's setup.    


Lin Yaoyang turned his head around.    


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