Super Resolution System

C69 100 Forging

C69 100 Forging

269th chapter, 100% forging?    


Lin Yaoyang agreed without hesitation. Originally, to Lin Yaoyang.    


Spiritual Force Weapon was an incomparably precious thing, an existence that he could only dream of.    


In his opinion, there would still be people who would regret making the Demonic Core after the Spiritual Force Weapon was completed. How could they not be retarded? Furthermore, Lin Yaoyang had lived for such a long time.    


He had never heard of a blacksmith who could separate a weapon from the Demonic Core after the Spiritual Force Weapon was completed. That was something that he had never heard of before.    


Therefore, Lin Yaoyang did not take this matter seriously. He only thought that the system was humane and needed to repeatedly remind the user.    


After Lin Yaoyang responded to the system, the system did not continue to speak. Both of Lin Yaoyang's hands lit up with a ray of light.    


That ray of light was very strange. It was a color that Lin Yaoyang could not describe with words.    


Lin Yaoyang's eyes were dazzled by the light in his hands. Suddenly, Lin Yaoyang's expression tightened. He quickly asked in his mind, "What is the success rate of making Spiritual Force Weapon? It will not fail!"    


Lin Yaoyang felt nervous in his heart. Although these were two First Grade Demonic Core, it was still the first Demonic Core he had obtained after living for so long.    


If it was really destroyed because of the forging failure, it would be a lie if Lin Yaoyang said he didn't feel sorry for it.    


Lin Yaoyang waited anxiously for the system's response. The light in Lin Yaoyang's hand was getting brighter and brighter. At the same time, the system said in Lin Yaoyang's mind, "Forging Spiritual Force Weapon, success rate, 100%!"    


The system said this in a domineering manner, and its tone was full of confidence.    


Lin Yaoyang immediately gasped. The system said that the success rate of forging a Spiritual Force Weapon was 1%, but it did not say what grade of weapon it was forging.    


Did it mean that the Spiritual Force Weapon used by a rank-7 or rank-8 powerhouse also had a success rate of 100%?    


Thinking about it this way, it was really too terrifying. In this continent, there was no blacksmith who dared to say that the weapon used by a level seven expert had a success rate of 100%.    


Moreover, the system had never mentioned anything about this fellow. Since that was the case... Lin Yaoyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva heavily. A 100% success rate in forging a Spiritual Force Weapon was just too terrifying.    


Ordinary people wouldn't even dare to think about such a thing. After hearing the system's confident words, Lin Yaoyang finally felt relieved.    


It seemed like he didn't have to worry about wasting two First Grade Demonic Core for nothing. Lin Yaoyang laughed self-deprecatingly, feeling that he was a little useless.    


His current family property was more than ten million. If it was given to an ordinary person, it might not even be used up for tens of thousands of years.    


It was too useless for him to be so calculative about a First Grade Demonic Core. Lin Yaoyang thought and looked at his hand.    


The two indescribable lights in his hand were getting brighter and brighter. It almost made Lin Yaoyang unable to open his eyes.    


Finally, the rays of light seemed to have risen to a peak. Lin Yaoyang felt the iron sword in his hand. The other injured Demonic Core was wrapped by the white light. All of them had left his palm and were now floating in the air.    


Lin Yaoyang was a little surprised when he saw this strange scene. Someone had seen the Spiritual Force Weapon before. It was made in this way.    


Usually, the blacksmith would carefully choose a well-made ordinary weapon to make the embryo. Then, the blacksmith would use the forging hammer to forge the weapon using the unique forging method of the blacksmith.    


After processing the weapon to a strange state, the blacksmith would then use their secret technique to transform the Demonic Core from solid to energy. Then, the blacksmith would carefully inject the energy into the Spiritual Force Weapon.    


This process required extreme care. If there was even the slightest mistake, the entire weapon would be destroyed, and the Demonic Core would be completely wasted.    


The best result would be to create a semi-finished Spiritual Force Weapon. If one was not careful when making a high-level Spiritual Force Weapon.    


It was even possible that one would lose both their money and their life in this process. However, the method of making this Spiritual Force Weapon in front of Lin Yaoyang was something that had never been seen before, and had never been heard of before.    


What Lin Yaoyang had imagined was that the system would transform into a phantom and then use a hammer to hammer it.    


But now, it seemed like it was completely different.    




Lin Yaoyang heard a clear cracking sound coming from the Demonic Core.    


Lin Yaoyang's heart tightened. Could it be that the Demonic Core was damaged? Lin Yao quickly turned his eyes to the Demonic Core that was wrapped in a strange light.    


"Swish ~!"    


A thin line of powder suddenly seeped out from under the light. It was a dark green color. Lin Yaoyang's heart sank. Wasn't this the color of Snake King with green Scale's Demonic Core? Could it be that the Demonic Core was really broken?    


Lin Yaoyang could not help but doubt the system in his heart. No way. Didn't they say that the success rate of making the Spiritual Force Weapon was 100%?    


But now, it seemed like he hadn't even succeeded in making a First Grade Spiritual Force Weapon. The Demonic Core looked like it was rotten.    


Lin Yaoyang didn't open his mouth to ask. He continued to watch the situation unfold. What if this was the method he had never seen before? It was better to wait until everything was revealed before asking.    


Lin Yaoyang felt an itch in his heart, as if a hand was constantly scratching his itch. He really wanted to ask.    


However, Lin Yaoyang's composure was still pretty good. He forcefully suppressed his curiosity and just calmly watched everything that was happening.    


Suddenly, the two things in the sky showed a zero boundary point. The ball of light was wrapped in a ball of light. No one knew what kind of Demonic Core it was now.    


Suddenly, it flew straight towards the iron sword that was wrapped by the strange light. When it flew, the strange light that wrapped the Demonic Core and the iron sword disappeared.    


Only then could Lin Yaoyang clearly see what had happened to the Demonic Core.    


The Demonic Core of the Jade Ridge Snake Empress had already turned into a ball of strange green light.    


It had now turned into a straight line, flying straight towards the iron sword beside it.    


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