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C321 Return

C321 Return

0What shocked Red Sun Religion Master even more was that the surrounding mountains and trees were all neatly sliced in half.    


"Just what kind of slash could create such an effect? Who did it again? " Red Sun Religion Master was dumbfounded. However, she never thought that it was Ye Ling's doing. She knew that Ye Ling's strength was not up to this level.    


Looking at the Titanoboa that couldn't be any more dead, Red Sun Religion Master's face became serious. He couldn't help but wonder if there were more experts on the island, causing her to be on guard. She hadn't realized for a long time, which meant that the other party's strength was far above hers.    


While Red Sun Religion Master was making wild guesses, he had already returned to the wheel and looked at the half destroyed Devil Island.    


"Young master!" Don't we have to eliminate the roots? " Dai Weisi came to Ye Ling quietly and asked respectfully.    


"What decision did I make? When did it become your turn to point fingers?" Ye Ling was staring at the small island in the distance. Suddenly, an inappropriate voice rang in his ears. He couldn't help but turn his head and stare at Dai Weisi as he spoke.    


Being stared at like that by Ye Ling all of a sudden, Dai Weisi was so scared that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He nervously explained:    


"No …" No, that's not what I meant. "    


"Go down! "It won't be a problem." Ye Ling naturally understood Dai Weisi's meaning. People like him, who came from a underworld background, would always be afraid of getting revenge from the Chou family, and usually, they would have to get rid of the root of the problem, especially against this kind of ancient killer organization. If there were still people alive, then they would most likely face endless hunting, so Ye Ling gave him a guarantee.    


At this time, the giant wheel was already slowly moving away from the Demon Island. Ye Ling looked at the island that was gradually shrinking, and without the protection of the dense fog, he was afraid that his enemies would come knocking on his door in an endless stream! In fact, Dai Weisi's worries were unnecessary. Aside from Red Sun Religion Master, there were many other Red Sun Organization members on the island, and just the Red Sun Organization alone was too busy to deal with the external forces. How could they have the time to take revenge on Dai Weisi's group?    


"Guess who I am?" Suddenly, Ye Ling's vision turned dark, he felt two small hands pressing on his eyes, the pouting voice could be heard without anyone guessing.    


Ye Ling gently pulled away his tender and white hands, turned around and looked at Mei heezi.    


"Mei heezi, you can go back to Japan when you reach the shore."    


"No!" Mei heezi was initially happy to see Ye Ling safely return, but when she heard that Ye Ling wanted to drive her back to Japan, she pouted and said unhappily.    


Even though Mei heezi had used her trump card, acting like a spoiled child, in the end, Ye Ling still did not agree. He put on a forceful attitude and said,    


"You must go back. There's no discussion."    


Mei heezi stomped on Ye Ling's foot angrily and ran back to the cabin angrily.    


Just now, he had been informed by the system that the Indian Solomon Sect and the Vatican's second round of hunting had started, and that the people were already on their way to Africa. The two groups of people were both top powers in the world, and the degree of danger could be imagined, and it was even more dangerous than the Red Sun Organization. Perhaps the people on the ship were not enough for them to kill.    


As for the Fourth Elder, because of the appearance of the Titanoboa, he had disappeared, and Dragon One did not manage to find him in the end as well, which could be considered as the mission's failure. After hearing their report, Ye Ling nodded his head, it did not matter if the mission was completed or not, as the Red Sun Organization was already severely damaged, and it was hard to get up again, so the goal had been achieved.    


Just as he returned to his bedroom and was about to turn off the light to take a rest, a petite figure sneaked into his arms without saying a word. Ye Ling touched her smooth skin and was about to say something, but Mei heezi covered Ye Ling's mouth with her tender white hands and whispered:    


"If you want me to go back, then I'll talk about your win."    


After she finished speaking, Mei heezi took the initiative to kiss Ye Ling's mouth, as if she wanted to make Ye Ling lie on the bed.    


How could Ye Ling endure her teasing? He immediately turned around and became a slave to the local owner. Thus, the two of them fought a naked battle in the bedroom, from the bed to the floor and even the bathroom.    


When she met Ye Ling, Mei heezi's loss could only be said to be fated. According to the system's evaluation, with Ye Ling's current functional stamina, he could easily get 20 night guards, and he was on the rise continuously because Ye Ling was also becoming stronger. It could be said that after three hours of the battle, Mei heezi collapsed into Ye Ling's arms, lying on Ye Ling's chest without any strength to move at all.    


Looking at Ye Ling's complacent look, Mei heezi opened her cherry lips and bit onto Ye Ling's chest to vent her frustration.    


At this time, the ship had already arrived at the dock, but no one dared to disembark, as they were all waiting in a neat row. Their young master was still sleeping, and no one dared to disturb him, unless they wanted to die, so more than 3000 people were waiting for Ye Ling to wake up.    


When Ye Ling and Mei heezi walked to the deck, they found the boat had arrived at the dock, and more than three thousand people looked over in unison. They found Mei heezi hugging Ye Ling's arm.    


Therefore, more than three thousand people bent down and shouted at Ye Ling and Mei heezi.    


"Young master!" "Hello, Young Mistress!"    


Hearing the underworld member call Mei heezi like this, Ye Ling wanted to explain himself. After all, Mei heezi was still a teenager, and seeing Mei heezi's delighted look, Ye Ling could only helplessly agree. Forget it, she would be happy.    


Their leader was actually the young master's woman, which meant that their Black Dragon Society would definitely rise greatly under the young master's influence. Furthermore, they had all seen Ye Ling's abilities, so the rise of his Black Dragon Society was only a matter of time. It would be strange if they were unhappy.    


Dao Ba and Dai Weisi and Bao Luo couldn't help but be envious. They regretted not having a sister of their own, but they thought of their sister-in-law, so their shining eyes once again focused on Ye Ling.    


"Cough cough, get off the boat!" Then, each of you can go back to your own turf. At that time, I'll give you five billion dollars as a reward. " When Ye Ling saw that Dao Ba and Dai Weisi seemed to be planning something, he immediately gave Ye Ling a bad premonition. They couldn't be sending him a woman, right? He immediately coughed lightly to cut them off.    


When Ye Ling's reward of five billion dollars was announced, the three thousand underworld members cheered. Even many of the injured underworld members tried their best to resist the pain as they cheered.    


After all, nothing was as practical as money, and a hundred times was less than a hundred thousand dollars.    


"Of course, the dead members and the seriously injured unable to take care of themselves, I will reward each of them with an extra 5 million USD." Of course, the dead members and the seriously injured unable to take care of themselves, I will reward each of them with an additional 5 million USD. While everyone was cheering, Ye Ling said again.    


The moment he said that, a lot of the underworld members started crying. How could there be such a great boss in the world? Suddenly, everyone felt that being able to follow Ye Ling was a blessing they gained from their previous life.    


Dao Ba, Dai Weisi and Bao Luo saw this situation and expressed their helplessness. They knew that their underlings had wholeheartedly sided towards Ye Ling, but this was also a good thing. As long as Dao Ba, Dai Weisi, and the others did not betray Ye Ling, any underworld organization in the world would not be able to surpass Dao Ba and Dai Weisi.    


At Cairo airport, Ye Ling watched Mei heezi leave before turning his head to order Bao Luo to accelerate the unification of Egypt and Africa. As for manpower, material and financial resources, Ye Ling would give him his full support.    


Just when he was discussing the plan with Bao Luo on the extended Lincoln edition, Zhao Yan suddenly called and said that the South African government seemed to want to destroy the agreement or add another fifty billion US dollars to the Lingtian Group.    


Hearing Zhao Yan's words, Ye Ling sneered. An additional 50 billion dollars, what a big dream for him! As long as he could completely mine the mine and process it, he would earn at least three hundred billion dollars. How could Ye Ling let that go, most importantly, the South African government actually looked down on his Lingtian Group, if he did not retaliate, then Lingtian Group would not be able to gain a foothold abroad.    


"Zhao Yan, you tell the South African government, if they dare to unilaterally break the agreement, then prepare them to bear the anger of the Lingtian Group. Especially the South African president, tell them to be careful of the head." Ye Ling instructed Zhao Yan, who was on the phone. A cold aura was emitted from Ye Ling's body.    


"Young Master Ye, could it be that …" Zhao Yan was still worried.    


"I'm fine!" "Do as I say." Ye Ling said lightly.    


When Bao Luo heard Ye Ling's words, he was stunned. It was only at this moment did he realize that their young master was so overbearing that he even dared to threaten the President.    


Of course, Bao Luo didn't believe that Ye Ling was a fool. To casually threaten a country's president, he must have had a way to make that claim. Thinking of this, Bao Luo was even more determined to follow Ye Ling's plan.    


After hanging up the phone, Ye Ling continued to discuss the plan to lay out Africa with Bao Luo. After knowing Ye Ling's capabilities, Bao Luo was even more careful than before, afraid of offending Ye Ling.    


Half an hour had passed since the discussion about the plan, and Zhao Yan was just about to call.    


Young Master Ye, the South African government still has us, there is no room for negotiation. Also, our army in South Africa's diamond mining, the South African government, has left regardless of the agreement. Right now, only our people are still at the mine. Zhao Yan said angrily. It was obvious that she had been greatly angered by the South African government's hooligan tactics.    


Ye Ling didn't get angry. Instead, he listened quietly to Zhao Yan's report. After hearing it, Ye Ling comforted her.    


"Zhao Yan, you handle European affairs. Leave Africa matters to me."    


Zhao Yan knew Ye Ling would take care of it, so she didn't worry too much. She said a few more sweet words before hanging up the phone.    


"Prepare as planned!" Ye Ling said to Bao Luo after hanging up the phone.    


Bao Luo nodded and got off the car. After Bao Luo got off, Ye Ling told the driver to drive the car back to the airport. At the same time, he called the captain and told him to prepare a private plane to go to South Africa.    


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