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C98 Ye Ling You Are so Shameless!

C98 Ye Ling You Are so Shameless!

4Guo Ming and the others were very unhappy when they heard this. He felt that this sentence made them lose their dignity.     4


"Alright, Mr. Ye." the seven men replied. They looked at Guo Ming and the others in unison as they answered. The older lawyer in the Legal Team nodded at Guo Xiao and said,    


Mr. Guo, I hope we can compete fairly. This is the first time the eight of us from the Legal Team have collaborated. " I hope the competition between the two of us will bring you a good experience. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, a solemn and solemn atmosphere filled the atmosphere of courtroom.    


What they said was really meaningful! Ye Ling could not help but sigh at the words of these elites. Not only him, even judge and jury could feel the unusual atmosphere between them. The competition between them was very intense.    


"Don't be arrogant! We have sufficient evidence. You guys are bound to lose." Guo Ming could not stand the provocation of others. He stood up and pointed at the eight top lawyers.    


Guo Ming had always felt that even if these eight lawyers came, they would not disturb them. Therefore, he was very disdainful.    


"Silence! Since both parties have arrived, let's begin the trial!" judge felt the atmosphere was heavy, so he knocked on the table and shouted.    


Soon both sides returned to their seats, and they began to compete. Ye Ling was not interested. What he wanted was the result, not the process. After ten minutes of debate, Guo Ming finally brought out the evidence. He looked at the Lawyer Wang and the others and smiled confidently.    


"Alright, didn't you all want to see medicinal witnesss? Then I'll let him come out to prove it. Hearing his words, you all know that you've lost! "Come in, Hee Tianhao!"    


When Ye Ling heard Hee Tianhao's name, he immediately woke up. He did not expect the witness to be him. This seemed to be without a doubt. Because he really had many enemies.    


Sure enough, after Hee Tianhao walked in, he looked at Ye Ling threateningly. He even said something to Ye Ling. Coincidentally, Ye Ling knew how to read lips. He naturally understood what he meant. He said he was finished.    


"I'm sorry, judge. He has a grudge with me, so he can't be a witness." Ye Ling pointed at Hee Tianhao and said to judge.    


"Really?" judge was surprised. He asked Hee Tianhao. judge did not expect the witness to have a grudge with Ye Ling. Then, Hee Tianhao's testimony was unreliable.    


When Hee Tianhao heard judge's words, he hurriedly explained,    


"judge, don't listen to his nonsense. I have never seen him before. I have no grudges with him."    


This confused judge. He did not know who was lying.    


When Ye Ling heard that Hee Tianhao didn't admit it, he couldn't help but sigh at his shamelessness. He looked at him coldly and said indifferently,    


"You are really shameless. You actually lied. I really admire you!"    


In the witness stand, Hee Tianhao heard Ye Ling scold him and sneered in disdain.    


"I won't argue with you now. I will teach you a lesson later."    


"witness, Hee Tianhao, are you sure there is no conflict between you and Ye Ling?" Guo Ming's lawyer asked Hee Tianhao.    


Hee Tianhao understood what he meant and quickly answered.    


"Of course I don't have any grudges with him..."    


At this moment, a voice resounded across the entire courtroom.    


Hee Tianhao stopped mid-sentence. Everyone turned to look at Hee Tianhao. Because everyone was attracted by this voice.    


A pair of shoes hit Hee Tianhao's face hard at some point in time. After the shoes fell off, a bright red shoe print appeared on Hee Tianhao's face.    


When Hee Tianhao came back to his senses, he was very angry. He said angrily,    


"Damn it! Ye Ling, I will take revenge!"    


The shoes were thrown by Ye Ling. He accurately smashed the shoe on Hee Tianhao's face. Ye Ling did not care about his threat at all. He turned his head to look at judge and said helplessly,    


"judge, did you see that? He has a grudge with me now."    


Oh my god!    


Ye Ling's words shocked everyone present. Ye Ling was really shameless!    


Hee Tianhao and Guo Ming were not the only ones who were angry. Even judge was shocked when he heard Ye Ling's words. They never thought that there would be such a shameless person in the world. Even Lawyer Wang and the others were shocked when they saw Ye Ling's actions. Lawyer Wang and the others could not help thinking, 'The boss is really powerful!' He even dared to hit people in courtroom! He is really formidable!    


"You..." Hee Tianhao was furious when he heard Ye Ling's shameless words. He was so angry that he could not speak for a while.    


"You still want to talk? Are you going to be hit by me again?" Ye Ling saw that Hee Tianhao still wanted to get angry. He immediately wanted to take off his other pair of shoes and beat him to death. However, he was stopped by the two bailiffs beside him. They stopped Ye Ling.    


Hee Tianhao was shocked by Ye Ling's actions. He quickly squatted down. It was very embarrassing. He only stood up when he saw the bailiff stop Ye Ling. He said proudly,    


"I'm going to sue you now. Everyone saw it. judge can also prove that you hit me. "You're finished."    


Ye Ling heard Hee Tianhao's arrogant words. He sneered and asked the Lawyer Wang beside him:    


"Lawyer Wang, can this be considered a beating? If this is considered a beating, what kind of punishment will I receive?"    


"Young Master Ye, this isn't even considered a light injury. If the damage is not determined to reach the standard of light injuries, you will at most receive administrative or civil compensation. " Lawyer Wang explained with a smile.    


"Hee Tianhao, did you hear that? "Your injuries are too light. You can't sue me. " I'll pay you ten thousand yuan for your medical fees. Hurry up and see a doctor! " Ye Ling said to Hee Tianhao with a smile. He took out the money from his clothes and threw it at Hee Tianhao.    


At that moment, Hee Tianhao was looking at Ye Ling with the other side of his face. As a result, the other half of his face was hit by the money Ye Ling threw out. For a moment, judge and the others couldn't help but mourn for Hee Tianhao. They were all saddened that he had provoked Ye Ling. He deserved to be beaten up.    


Hee Tianhao's face was in extreme pain. Hee Tianhao finally realized the humiliation. He had been beaten twice in a row. He felt very ashamed. However, when he looked at Ye Ling, he was suddenly very afraid. He was worried that Ye Ling would hit him again.    


At this time, Guo Ming could not bear to watch anymore. Initially, he and Hee Tianhao had discussed about sending Ye Ling to prison, but now Ye Ling did not go to prison. Instead, Hee Tianhao was bullied by Ye Ling.    


"Ye Ling, you have gone too far!" Guo Ming stood up and cursed.    


At this time, the two bailiffs no longer believed in Ye Ling. They each grabbed one of Ye Ling's hands and stopped him from throwing things. So when Ye Ling heard Guo Ming's words, he said with an innocent face,    


"I didn't go too far! Didn't you see the two bailiffs holding my hands tightly?"    


"Silence! The medicinal witnesss begin to state." judge felt that he had wasted a lot of time just now and shouted.    


Hee Tianhao let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Ye Ling had no chance to attack again. He slowly talked about how Ye Ling beat Guo Ming. He exaggerated the story of Ye Ling beating Guo Ming. He exaggerated that Ye Ling beat Guo Ming badly, but he did not mention Guo Ming pointing a gun at Ye Ling.    


Their witnesses were not enough. Eight top lawyers attacked at the same time. Guo Ming's lawyers did not have the slightest ability to refute. They had just taken out a piece of evidence when they were interrupted by Lawyer Wang and the others. They had no choice.    


Although these two lawyers were very powerful, Ye Ling had a lot of lawyers. They had no choice but to ask Guo Ming for help.    


"Mr. Guo, if we don't have solid evidence, we can't convict him. Do you have any more direct evidence? "    


After Guo Ming heard what the two of them said, he thought of a conclusive evidence. That was the scene captured by the surveillance camera. Of course, he had deleted the scene of Guo Ming pointing a gun at Ye Ling. He only left the scene of Ye Ling hitting someone. So he immediately took out the USB drive and handed it to the two lawyers. He smiled sinisterly and said,    


"There is evidence of Ye Ling beating me in here. This evidence is sufficient to convict him."    


The two lawyers were very happy when they heard this news. If they had solid evidence, then it would be very easy for them to win the lawsuit. Very quickly, they submitted the USB drive to judge.    


"The plaintiff's lawyer said there is a direct evidence here. This evidence can prove that defendant really hit plaintiff. Now, let's start broadcasting the video." judge said to the people below.    


Video? Ye Ling was puzzled. He remembered that he had asked the system to delete the video. Why did they have a video?    


"system, what's going on now?" Ye Ling couldn't help but ask.    


"Maybe they already copied the video when I deleted the evidence. That's why I didn't delete their evidence. " The system explained coldly.    


I understood the system's explanation. It was because Ye Ling was captured and brought to the police station that the system deleted the video. If the Guo Family wanted to frame Ye Ling, they would have kept the evidence. Therefore, Ye Ling was a step too late this time.    


"system, please remove the evidence for me." Ye Ling ordered the system secretly.    


The system quickly completed the mission after Ye Ling gave the order. Then, the system coldly said,    


"The evidence has been deleted."    


While Ye Ling was talking to the system, a table had already been placed in the middle of courtroom. There was a TV on the table. The staff was about to insert the USB and play the content.    


At this time, Guo Ming looked at Ye Ling arrogantly. He felt that as long as judge played the video, Ye Ling would be finished. Guo Xiao praised Guo Ming from the side.    


"You did great!"    


Guo Ming was enjoying his father's praise. Suddenly, the moans of a man and a woman came from courtroom. At this time, the TV was playing the scene of a man and a woman making love. This shocked everyone present.    


Guo Ming was blocked by Guo Xiao, so he could not see anything. He just felt that something wasn't right. At this time, it was probably a video of Ye Ling beating Guo Ming. However, he felt that what was playing at this time seemed to be a pornographic movie. Furthermore, Guo Ming felt that the man's voice in the video was very similar to his own. He could not help but become curious.    


"This posture is really good!" Ye Ling looked at the video and commented with a smile. After hearing his words, many focused judge and lawyer were very shy. The girls present were even more shy. They all turned their heads.    


"Guo Ming, you're very powerful! This posture is not bad! If you have the time, teach me!" Ye Ling turned his head and teased Guo Ming.    


Guo Ming suddenly felt something was wrong. He seemed to have realized that something bad had happened. Just as he wanted to see what kind of video it was, Guo Xiao turned around. Without saying a word, he slapped Guo Ming's face. At this moment, Guo Ming was stunned.    


"unfilial son! You..." Guo Xiao was so angry that he had nothing to say. He looked at Guo Ming angrily.    


Guo Ming was slapped by Guo Xiao and took a few steps back. He finally saw the man and woman in the video clearly. He widened his eyes in surprise. The video was playing him having sex with his father's lover. He was both panicked and puzzled. Although he had an affair with his father's lover, he hid it well. Why was there such a video on the USB?    


Guo Xiao and Guo Ming had already started arguing. At this time, Ye Ling did not forget to laugh at them.    


"The female lead in this video is Guo Xiao's lover, right? Her figure is really good!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at the father and son pair in surprise. They did not expect that the father and son pair would actually have sex with the same lover.    


"Dad, I..." Guo Xiao panicked and quickly went forward to explain to his father. However, when the words were about to come out of his mouth, he could not say anything.    


Guo Xiao could not stand the strange gazes of others anymore. At this time, he was already very angry. However, Guo Ming still dared to walk in front of Guo Xiao. Guo Xiao immediately kicked Guo Ming. He said angrily,    


"Stay away from me! unfilial son!"    


After Guo Xiao finished speaking, he left in a hurry. After all, Guo Xiao was a man of high status. He valued dignity very much. He felt very ashamed. After Guo Ming was kicked to the ground, he did not care about the wounds on his body. He quickly got up and went to look for Guo Xiao.    


Everyone present felt as if they were watching a show. This matter was too dramatic. Before they could react, the matter ended.    


The video had only been played for a short minute, but the plot had already been reversed. At first, Guo Xiao and Guo Ming wanted to send Ye Ling to prison. But now, they had an internal conflict. After Guo Xiao and Guo Ming left, There were only two lawyer and Legal Team left in the courtroom. They were in an awkward situation. As for Hee Tianhao, when he saw this scene, Sneaked away. He didn't dare to stay here alone.    


After closing the video, Ye Ling looked around the remaining people in the court and said with a smile,    


"Do we still need to continue the trial?"    


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