Top Campus Beauty System

C85 Buying Disney World

C85 Buying Disney World

1"It's that rich guy who bought fireworks to pick up girls. It should be more than 10 million! This is too amazing. "     3


"I'm impressed. Who can compare to someone who can pick up girls like this and release fireworks worth 10 million?"    


A large number of fireworks were being set off, and naturally, people came to see it. Because Disneyland had been booked by Ye Ling, many people could only watch outside the door. Many of them were single and could not help sighing with envy.    


As for Xu Ruoxin, she was already frightened by Ye Ling's surprise. She looked at the dream-like scene in a daze. The fireworks illuminated her delicate and pretty face, and the surroundings were filled with cartoon characters she liked when she was young. The brightly lit Disneyland seemed to have become her amusement park, and she really liked it.    


"Do you like it?" Ye Ling held the huge rose and smiled.    


Just as he finished speaking, Xu Ruoxin suddenly stared at him with tears in her eyes. She bit her lips and scolded, "Ye Ling, you are really annoying. We have only met a few times and you made me cry. And how did you know my birthday?"    


"I found someone to ask." Ye Ling found an excuse and blocked it.    


Xu Ruoxin naturally could tell that this was Ye Ling's excuse. She snorted unhappily and did not continue to ask.    


"Let's go! I'll bring you to play." Ye Ling was afraid Xu Ruoxin would get to the bottom of it. He quickly pulled her hand and ran to the entertainment area.    


They had played roller coaster, merry-go-round, cartoon character game theater, pirate ship, and so on. Xu Ruoxin's smile never stopped on the way. She covered her mouth and giggled non-stop.    


When they were playing Ghost House, Ye Ling took advantage of her and did not expect her to be afraid of ghosts. Halfway there, Xu Ruoxin was so scared that she could not walk. She laid her whole body in Ye Ling's arms and wanted to carry her, but unexpectedly, she was already hanging on Ye Ling's chest. She clung tightly to him and refused to let go no matter what.    


"It was you who wanted to hug me. Don't blame me after this." Ye Ling looked at her and said with a smile. He thought she would be reserved. Ye Ling did not expect her to shake her head and still hold her neck tightly.    


She did not come down to express her agreement. Ye Ling immediately used his hand to hold her butt. She was like a koala bear hanging from a tree. Ye Ling carried her out of the haunted house. Along the way, the two of them could not avoid physical contact. Xu Ruoxin did not pay attention to this because she was afraid. Instead, Ye Ling was enduring the torture.    


At the same time, outside Disneyland, a group of people scolded the guards.    


"Why don't you let us in? Can't you buy a ticket?"    


"Do you still want to open Disneyland?"    


"If you don't let us in, " Be careful, we'll report this to your leader! "    


The other people who wanted to enter Disneyland were all blocked by the guards, not letting them in.    


"This order is from our leader. If you want to complain to our leader, then go!" The guards ignored their words because they did not pose any threat.    


"Then you have to give us an explanation! Why did you say that you are not allowed in? Is it because the interior is being repaired?" The tourists asked.    


When the guards saw that the tourists were still unwilling to give up, they could only kindly remind them:    


"I'll tell you the truth! Tonight, Disneyland was contracted by someone else. " So come back tomorrow to play. "    


Disneyland is booked? That's impossible. Disney World's turnover is close to a few million a day. Who would know? You spend so much money just to play one night? "Do you think we're stupid?" The tourists didn't believe the guards at all. Spending millions to play with entertainment facilities like roller coaster rides, unless the person who booked Disney had money and had nowhere to spend it.    


"I advise you all to stop playing tonight. Come early tomorrow and see the Cayennes over there. It's very obvious that the rich second generation brought women over to play. It's very normal to buy Disney. Just now, he even set off tens of millions of fireworks. This bit of money is nothing to him." The group of single people beside them reminded the tourists.    


They had long been convinced by Ye Ling's skill in picking up girls.    


If she did not like it, then she would use money to make her like it. What a heroic way to pick up girls. They all sighed in their hearts. They had no choice but to accept it.    


Hearing the others' words, the tourists were all dumbfounded. Really booked? They could not help but curse secretly, "Truly squandering.    


After Xu Ruoxin was tired of playing, Ye Ling took her back and sat in the car. Xu Ruoxin had a happy smile on the corner of her mouth the whole time. She turned her head and looked at Ye Ling gently and said coquettishly,    


"Ye Ling, thank you very much tonight. I have never been as happy as today."    


"If you like, I can take you there every day." Ye Ling drove the Cayenne and nodded.    


Xu Ruoxin looked disappointed when she heard Ye Ling's words.    


"I'm going back to Yanjing tomorrow."    


Going back to Yanjing? Then my plan to chase Xu Ruoxin would be ruined. Ye Ling immediately realized this problem. He turned to her and said softly,    


"Can't you delay it for a few days?"    


As long as he had a few more days, he would definitely be able to catch up to Xu Ruoxin. Tonight, he had already won her good impression. After that, he would be relaxed. However, things did not go as he wished. He did not expect her to leave tomorrow. This made him very angry.    


Xu Ruoxin shook her head and said.    


"No, the concert over there is already prepared. My fans are still waiting. We cannot let them down."    


After saying that, he looked at Ye Ling apologetically. His eyes seemed to be begging for Ye Ling's forgiveness.    


He parked the car at Shangri-La Hotel. Ye Ling looked at her and patted her head gently.    


"We'll go together again when we have the chance."    


"Okay, it's a deal." Xu Ruoxin was so happy that she almost jumped up.    


At this moment, Ye Ling took out a beautiful gift box from the back of the car and handed it to Xu Ruoxin. He smiled and said,    


"It's your birthday gift."    


Xu Ruoxin took the gift and was suddenly touched. She said in a delicate voice,    


"Ye Ling, I am very happy to know you."    


After she finished speaking, she suddenly kissed Ye Ling's face. When Ye Ling came back to his senses, Xu Ruoxin had already gotten out of the car. She could only hear her smiling explanation from afar.    


"This is a kiss of friendship. Don't think about it incorrectly."    


Ye Ling touched the red mark on his face and could not help but smile. You dare to mark my face? Xu Ruoxin, don't even think about running away.    


After that, Ye Ling drove the Cayenne and disappeared into the dark night.    


Xu Ruoxin returned to the hotel and quickly took off her high heels. She jumped onto the bed and fiddled with her white and delicate feet. She stared at the gift box Ye Ling gave her without moving. After looking at it for a while, she suddenly blushed.    


She felt very strange herself. She had just left Ye Ling, why did she suddenly miss him a little? Every time she thought of him, Xu Ruoxin felt her heart itch. She had the urge to see him.    


She shook off the thoughts in her mind and gently opened the gift box that Ye Ling gave her.    


When she opened it, a beautiful diamond necklace appeared in front of Xu Ruoxin. The first time she saw this necklace, she liked it. She took out the necklace and gently put it on her white neck. It was beautiful and noble, looking like a beautiful princess from afar.    


Xu Ruoxin saw that the necklace matched her very well. Her face could not help but turn red. She snorted lightly. "I did not expect that he would choose a gift."    


Then she looked at the necklace and muttered to herself, "But this necklace shouldn't be cheap! At least a few hundred thousand, why would he buy something so expensive? How stupid!"    


Xu Ruoxin could not help but complain that Ye Ling bought expensive things. After all, it was just a birthday present.    


Fortunately, there were no professional appraisers around. Otherwise, Xu Ruoxin's words would have made them angry.    


This necklace was the most expensive jewelry in the entire Hong Kong. It was worth one hundred and eighty-six million. It was known as the most beautiful piece of jewelry, Planet East. This was only the original price. If Ye Ling wanted to buy it, who knows how much money he would have to spend to buy it. Therefore, this necklace was far more than this price.    


At this moment, Xu Ruoxin didn't know anything about it. She was wearing several hundred million on her neck.    


The next morning, Xu Ruoxin called Ye Ling to tell him that she did not need to give Ye Ling the plane in the morning. Her gentle tone made Ye Ling shudder. The next second, he could not help but feel depressed.    


"I am just a little bit short. One more day and I will be able to take her down."    


At this time, Tang Jiayi and Xu Jing also woke up. Today, Ye Ling was going to take them to the seaside to fish and go out to play. After they packed their things, they hurried to the port.    


When they arrived at the port, they found that there were many people leaving the port and it seemed that there was only one yacht left in the port.    


Tang Jiayi immediately jumped onto the yacht excitedly and shouted at Ye Ling and Xu Jing. "Brother Yezi has one more."    


At this moment, a tall man also jumped onto the yacht. The yacht shook and almost shook Tang Jiayi into the water. Not only did he not apologize, he even smiled.    


"I'm sorry, the three of you. We rented the last yacht."    


As soon as he finished speaking, seven or eight men and women appeared behind him. They chatted and laughed as they got on the yacht. When they passed by Tang Jiayi, a girl dressed in revealing clothes saw that Tang Jiayi was prettier than her and ridiculed her with jealousy.    


"You can go down now. We want this yacht. You can slowly wait for the other boats to come back!"    


"Alan, don't be like this."    


A slightly handsome boy noticed Tang Jiayi's beauty and stopped the girl. He then excitedly introduced to Tang Jiayi.    


"Do you want to go out to sea with us? We have barbecue. Fishing and swimsuit parties! Look, this yacht is a two-story luxury yacht. It's absolutely comfortable. "    


When the others on the yacht heard the man's words, they realized that it was a luxury yacht. They all shouted at Tang Jiayi.    


"Beauty, come on up! We have everything here."    


"If you're worried about those two friends behind you, you can ask them to come up together. We don't mind."    


At this time, Ye Ling slowly walked to the side of the yacht and shouted at Tang Jiayi.    


"Jiayi, quickly jump down. I caught you. Our yacht has arrived."    


Tang Jiayi heard Ye Ling's shout and immediately jumped off the yacht without saying anything. She threw herself into Ye Ling's arms.    


"We have a boat. Why did you snatch such a low rent boat? Are you stupid?" Ye Ling lightly scratched Tang Jiayi's pretty nose and said with a smile.    


Tang Jiayi blushed at Ye Ling's words and said shyly.    


"I don't know. Brother Yezi, you didn't tell me. Humph."    


"He actually said that our yacht is low. Do you know how much this yacht costs for a day? It's a total of 100,000 yuan! " Do you have the money to rent it? How dare you say low? " The tall man snorted coldly at Ye Ling.    


"He just likes to talk big. Ignore them. Let's go! It's a pity for that little beauty."    


"Is she as hot as me? I can satisfy you. "    


"Let's go! Don't waste your time on them."    


A group of people were laughing at Ye Ling and the others on the boat. After that, the tall man went to drive the boat.    


"Wait a minute. A big boat is going to enter the port. We will leave after it enters the port." The man who hit on Tang Jiayi just now shouted.    


Then everyone looked at the ship that entered the port. However, when the ship entered, their eyes immediately lit up. One of the women could not help but exclaim.    


"It's actually a super large luxury yacht."    


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