Top Campus Beauty System

C42 Give Me a Full Number 5 Billion

C42 Give Me a Full Number 5 Billion

4Hearing Ye Ling's words, everyone present almost fainted. They had nothing to say about his actions, because most of them couldn't afford to spend as much money as he did. They couldn't compare to him in terms of money, so they could only play dumb. They didn't dare to scold Ye Ling.    


This was the legendary style of bullying the weak and fearing the strong. It was the style of rich people.    


A rare smile appeared on the face of the ice beauty in room number 7, who hadn't changed for ten thousand years.    


In room number 2, San Linghong cursed angrily in his heart, Pretending to be strong!    


Hsu Rufeng and Qian Han in room number 5 immediately spat out the wine they had drunk halfway. They had never seen someone act so tall and mighty. Moreover, no one dared to say anything about him. Ye Ling's generous actions had already answered everyone's questions.    


I am a big shot! I am very rich, so don't provoke me.    


After five consecutive photos were taken by Ye Ling, all the guests present had become numb to it. They knew this gentleman was rich. However, there was a huge amount of auction after that. The big shots in the private room also started to make their move.    


"The sixth piece of land in the Golden District of Zhonghai. The starting price is one billion." Auctioneer said in a loud voice.    


It was the climax, and ordinary guests didn't even have the chance to participate. They could only watch the rich fight each other.    


In room 9, Ye Ling was enjoying Zhao Yan's massage when he heard Auctioneer talk about the land. His eyes lit up and he immediately became energized. This was the land Shen Teng needed.    


"Room number 3 called out 1 billion and 50 million. Is there anyone higher?"    


"Room 6 has offered 1100 million. Is there any higher price?"    


The other rooms raised their cards one after another.    


Room 7 had bid 1.2 billion.    


From private room number 8, he shouted 1.2 billion and 30 million.    


Room 5 called out 1.26 billion.    


The competition was fierce. Except for Ye Ling and San Linghong who did not participate, Room number one did not move. There was no movement.    


"Room number five has called out 1570 million. Is there any higher?" Auctioneer shouted. He raised his hammer and was ready to strike.    


In private room number five, Hsu Rufeng and Qian Han were waiting for the hammer to fall. They did not believe that anyone else would bid higher than this price. Moreover, their funds were added together by four people. There shouldn't be many people here who could compete with them.    


"Why didn't you see the bid from private room number nine this time? Don't tell me you don't have any money?"    


"It must be because he doesn't have money, or because the amount is too big, he can't afford it."    


That's true. He only bullies others. If he really meets a big shot, he won't be able to do it. "    


The guests discussed with each other and started to talk about Ye Ling. Just like that, when someone pulled him down from the altar, he would be attacked by the crowd.    


Unfortunately, Ye Ling wouldn't do as they wished. The person in booth nine spoke, and the first thing he said shocked everyone.    


"2 billion."    


"It's over. Did I say anything bad about room number nine just now?" A guest nervously said to the other guest beside him.    


"No, how could we be that kind of people, right? You must have heard wrong." Another guest said seriously.    


"This gentleman in room number nine is so powerful. Anyway, I admire him to the core." The guest next to him sighed.    


After he finished speaking, he was looked down upon by the people around him. He had never seen such a shameless person before. He was the one who scolded the guest in room number nine the most. Now, he was the one who praised the most. Shameless!    


Feeling the different gazes from the people around him, he scratched his head. Could it be that I was wrong in praising him?    


In the next second, the guests around him let go of their sense of superiority as rich people. Instead, they started to praise Ye Ling, as if it was a mistake compared to the one next to them.    


"The guest in room number 9 must be very handsome. Only handsome people don't care about money."    


"Anyway, I want to acknowledge him as my brother today. None of you are allowed to stop me."    


"Then I'll be his little brother."    


In the fifth room, Hsu Rufeng was furious. He did not expect that the kid in the ninth room would still have the funds. He discussed with Qian Han and bid again.    


"Room number nine offers two billion. Is there anything... higher?"    


Auctioneer was nervous because Ye Ling's bid had soared too quickly. It went from 1.5 billion to 2 billion. Auctioneer hadn't recovered from it yet. It was the first time in many years that Auctioneer had seen someone jump 500 million to bid. He really had no money to burn.    


Just as Auctioneer finished his announcement, the guest in room number five raised his card again. Auctioneer was shocked. There were still people bidding for this price. There were so many rich people tonight! He hurriedly shouted:    


"Room 5 offers 2.1 billion."    


"I say Four Bugs in Zhonghais, is 100 million plus 100 million interesting? Can't you increase it a bit more? " You guys are too stingy. " Ye Ling looked at the fifth room with disdain. In fact, he had already known through the system that the fifth room was occupied by Four Young Masters of Zhonghai and the others. That was why he wanted to teach them a lesson.    


As soon as he finished speaking, the guests were in a mess. Their words were shocking!    


"Pfft! Adding a hundred million is still not enough, my mother!"    


"Four Bugs in Zhonghai? Could it be Four Young Masters of Zhonghai and the others? Turns out they are in room number five!"    


"By the way, what the hell is a Four Bugs in Zhonghai? It feels so inferior!"    


When it reached Hsu Rufeng's ears, he nearly vomited blood. When he heard medicinal Four Bugs in Zhonghai, he suddenly thought of something and exclaimed.    


"You are Ye Ling?"    


"Amazing. I didn't expect that you, as a bug, could guess that it was me." Ye Ling sighed.    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Hsu Rufeng didn't even consider the meaning between the lines. He sneered.    


"Of course! That little trick of yours can fool me."    


As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd burst into laughter.    


At this moment, Hsu Rufeng realized that he had said something wrong. He cursed in Ye Ling's direction.    


"How dare you make fun of me?"    


"What if you make fun of me? Come bite me!" Ye Ling said with a cold snort.    


"Ahem! Mr. Ye, do you want to bid?" Auctioneer pretended to cough.    


"Give them some face! Just like that, "No matter how much they pay, I'll pay a million more than them. Actually, I don't want this piece of land, either. But I have too much money and too much money. It's also a problem. I can't not spend it! " Ye Ling said helplessly.    




Everyone was speechless. This was the first time they had heard of someone who had so much money that they could not spend it all.    


Hsu Rufeng was burning with anger. He never thought that Ye Ling would make such a suggestion. It would always be one million more than what he offered. He was so angry that he almost knocked his head against the wall.    


In the end, Ye Ling bought this piece of land for 2.01 billion. Hsu Rufeng was so angry that he had nothing to say.    


The seventh item also started at one billion.    


At the beginning, Ye Ling started bidding.    


"Let's start with 2 billion! Remember to keep up."    


Hsu Rufeng and Qian Han started to scheme.    


"2.5 billion."    


Hua ~    


The guests looked at the fifth room. Could it be that they had become enemies with Ye Ling and wanted revenge? The guests became excited and excited!    


They turned to look at Ye Ling's room, looking forward to how much Ye Ling would pay.    


Very quickly, in room number nine, Ye Ling said casually,    


"I said before, in terms of money, I won't lose. Three billion."    


The guests trembled. Even the big shots in the room were shocked by Ye Ling's actions. He was not someone ordinary people could afford to play with.    


Everyone thought that Four Young Masters of Zhonghai would not bid anymore. They did not expect that they would bid again. They mocked Ye Ling.    


"Haha, you will definitely lose, 3.8 billion."    


Was he crazy? This was what everyone thought.    


Everyone looked at room number nine in fear.    


"I told you not to compete with me in money, why didn't you listen!? Give me a complete number!" Ye Ling still said helplessly.    


The guests heaved a sigh of relief when they heard Ye Ling's words. Luckily, the price had increased by 200 million. They were afraid that they would not be able to take it, so Ye Ling added.    


"En! Then let's make a full count! 5 billion."    


Dong ~    


The moment the price was placed, everyone was shocked. They all looked at Ye Ling with disbelief. Why would there be such a person? This was the second time that the big boss in the room was shocked by someone who didn't care about money at all. It was much bigger than the first time. An item had been sold five times over. How could he still make money?    


Everyone thought that the price should stop at five billion, because no one would spend money like Ye Ling did. It was not to earn money or to keep it. He just felt that it was fun.    


Just as Auctioneer was about to use his trembling hand to hammer down the 5 billion deal, a voice called out from the fifth room.    


"I told you I would win this time, 6 billion."    


The guest was already numb to it. He knew that Ye Ling would definitely make another bid. Now, it was time to see how he would bid. He hoped that the price wouldn't be too terrifying.    


"Damn it. I already told you that I won't lose." Ye Ling was furious and cursed.    


After he finished cursing, he stopped for a moment. Ye Ling said again, "I will not lose.    


"Alright! Seeing that you guys are so eager to get the auction item, I will lose once for the sake of the good principle. Hahaha, congratulations on obtaining the auction item, Four Bugs in Zhonghai."    


As soon as he finished his words, the guests fell to the ground. The ones who fell the most were Hsu Rufeng and Qian Han in room number five. They looked at each other. This was called stealing a chicken and losing a handful of rice. Furthermore, this rice was a little big, a total of six billion.    


Originally, the two of them had planned to cheat Ye Ling of a sum of money. Because they were very sure that Ye Ling would fight to the death, they wanted to keep increasing the price. They wanted to squeeze out almost all of Ye Ling's money, so they stopped.    


They estimated that Ye Ling would stop when he shouted eight billion, but they didn't expect him to stop in advance.    


Now, the two of them were crying their eyes out. Qian Han was alright. He seemed to have predicted that something would happen, so he did not gamble everything. Hsu Rufeng was going to be in trouble. He would have to pay at least five billion. This number completely shocked him.    


Although they had brought 10 billion yuan with them this time, they were prepared to use it for the final auction. They had already spent one-third of the money, and the money belonged to the four of them. It was not his own.    


"It's over." Hsu Rufeng muttered to himself.    


Qian Han thought for a moment and said,    


"Boss, it's fine. We'll pay with six billion first. We'll think of a way to win the final auction later."    


"That's all we can do now. We must get the final item." Hsu Rufeng recovered quickly and said coldly.    


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