Revenging Son-in-law

C513 The Camouflage Was Forced

C513 The Camouflage Was Forced

0"Third Uncle, forgive me, but I just want you to see one thing clearly." As Qin Yuan spoke, he suddenly raised a finger and lightly tapped it. Then, all the signs in front of him changed, including this dazzling and resplendent Great Sovereign of the Imperial Family.    3


The once magnificent Imperial Palace had now become dilapidated. Furthermore, the guards and public enemies who were guarding the palace had turned into wooden blocks that stood there motionlessly.    


Even the elegant Imperial Concubine in front of him had turned into a plaster statue, a white plaster statue.    


Qin Junhua was immediately shocked.    


"This... What's going on?" Qin Junhua looked around, unable to accept the great change in front of him. He panicked.    


"What's going on? Where is my palace hall, where are my guards and palace maids, and where is my beloved concubine? Why is it all gone? What is this place? How can it be so dilapidated?"    


He turned his eyes to Qin Yuan and asked," Is it you? What did you do? Did you bring me to another place?"    


Qin Yuan shook his head and said," Don't tell me Third Uncle still doesn't understand what is going on? I didn't bring you to another place. We are still in the palace hall. It's just that this palace hall has revealed his true appearance. Look at this magnificent palace hall. It's a dilapidated cave."    


"Look at those guards and palace maids before you, they are not humans at all, they are just pieces of wood."    


"You're looking at my third aunt. She's also fake, just a white plaster statue."    


Qin Junhua's eyes are completely stunned, staring until his boss does not dare to accept this reality.    


"No, this is impossible. I have lived here for many years. How can it be fake?"    


"All of this is just an illusion of yours. Or rather, someone is using what you think in your heart. You have set up a very clever trick. Third Uncle, do you understand now? You think that everything you have is just another person's illusion, and you have only lived in your own illusion for so many years. "    


"In other words, this is an illusory dream that grandpa created for you. He knew then that you would not hesitate for the sake of that woman called Lingzhi. He said that if he really killed you, it would damage his reputation. So, he simply put you in this dream-like dream. Now, Third Uncle, you should wake up. "    


Qin Junhua collapsed onto the ground. Although he wasn't willing to admit that this was the truth, his intuition told him that Qin Yuan wasn't lying to him. Every word he said was true.    


"So, all these years, I have been living in my own fantasy, living in other people's imaginary dreams. Are they all fake? Even the Lingzhi is fake? But after being with her for so many years, I have always felt that she is a living person. "    


" With my grandfather's personality, how could he really let you be with Aunt Ye? He hated a woman very much. If it wasn't for that woman's appearance, uncle Ye, you should inherit his position now and incite the wrath of the Qin Family. It's a pity that I have disappointed my grandfather, so I'm afraid that Third Aunt has already..."    


Qin Yuan didn't finish his sentence, but Qin Junhua had already understood what he meant.    


He raised his head and looked at the white plaster statue in front of him, and could not help but cry out loud.    


"So my Lingzhi is already dead. All of this is fake, fake..."    


Qin Yuan looked at him from the side. Everyone said that his third uncle was a very strong man. But at this moment, he was like a child who had been wronged. He was crying so sadly. He didn't know how to comfort him. He could only wait for her to calm down.    


After crying for a while, Qin Junhua finally accepted this fact. He raised his head and looked at Qin Yuan, then asked, "How did you know all of this? Why did you come here? You knew that if I had the choice, I would immediately live in this fictional dream. Never wake up. "    


"Third uncle, you underestimate your grandfather too much. Do you think he fabricated a beautiful dream for you? He will let you keep doing it. He won't. One day, you will be awakened by Grandpa and he will personally shatter this beautiful dream of yours. I'll let you return to reality, how will you accept it then? "    


"Why would father do that? If he hates me, just kill me. "    


Qin Yuan said, "I've said it before. Grandpa doesn't want to be charged with the crime of killing his son. Of course, it's also possible that it's not the time yet, just like how he doesn't want to kill my father. Instead, he threw my father into the water prison and tortured him for 20 years. "    


"What did you say?" Qin Junhua looked at Qin Yuan in shock.    


"You mean Fifth Brother was thrown into the water prison by his father? Could it be that father also took action against Fifth Brother?"    


"It's a long story. At that time, Third Uncle, you were already in a fictional dream. So, I don't know what happened, but it's no longer important. No matter what my grandfather's goal is, his plan is now broken. "    


"If I wake you up from your dream ahead of time, it would be the same as ruining his plan, but what can I do about it? My grandfather is no longer capable of fighting back. "    


"What exactly happened?"    


"Third Uncle, there are some things that I can't explain in a short period of time. Why don't you leave this place with me first and I'll tell you slowly when I have time. "    


Qin Junhua nodded.    


Then, he stood up and discovered that he was still wearing that dragon robe. He immediately felt a bit sad and took off those dragon robes. He threw them to the side and said, "All of this is fake. Anyway, these dragon robes are real. But to me, it's meaningless. "    


Qin Yuan brought him out of the cave. The sun was shining on the outside. It gave people a very warm feeling. Qin Junhua raised his head and let the sun shine on his face. He instantly felt extremely comfortable. He sighed and said, "I never thought that after living in this dark cave for so many years, I would finally be able to see the light of day."    


Then he turned to look at the group and said, "Nephew, where are we going now? Can I go and see my father and personally ask him why he made up some beautiful dreams for me?"    


"Don't worry, you'll see him. I'll take you to see someone else now"    


"Who are you taking me to?"    


"It's Uncle and Aunt Ye. They also live in Grandpa's fictional world. However, that world is different from your ancient world. It's a mountain forest that lives in seclusion."    


Then, he said, "Third Uncle, close your eyes."    


Qin Junhua closed his eyes. He felt a cool breeze sweep past him. Then he felt his body being pulled up by an unknown force. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was no longer in front of the ruined cave. Instead, he had arrived at a place with beautiful scenery.    


"Did you use magic just now? Why did you bring me here all of a sudden?"    


Qin Yuan smiled and said, "I didn't use magic. I used the body transfer technique in Profound Sect. Because I came to that illusory world last time, I could easily enter this time."    


Then he looked around and pointed at the flowing waterfall. "Third Uncle, look at the beautiful scenery here. The air is fresh. Wild flowers are everywhere. The river is gurgling. How beautiful."    


"Yes, this is a paradise in the human world."    


"It's a pity that everything here is fake. It's just an illusion."    


"You're saying that everything here is the same as the world I was in before? It's all fake, made up? Right, didn't you say you wanted to find your fourth uncle and fourth aunt? Where are they? "    


" Don't worry, don't you think they're over there? " Qin Yuan raised his hand and pointed in a direction. Qin Junhua followed his finger and looked over. He saw a middle-aged man and a woman walking toward the river with their hands clasped. When they reached the river, the woman was washing her clothes, while the man was using water buckets to fetch water. The two of them were laughing from time to time. They looked very happy.    


"They really are my fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law."    


The two of them walked forward. After hearing the footsteps, Qin Junwen and his wife raised their heads. When they saw Qin Yuan and his third brother, Qin Junhua, they were both shocked.    


Yuan? Jun Hua? Why are you all here? " Qin Junwen put down the bucket in his hand, stood up and said. His wife also stood up.    


"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Aunt, I'm sorry. I came late and made you suffer." Qin Yuan said.    


"What are you talking about? We live very well in this secluded world. We are very happy every day. How could it be suffering? Oh right, you haven't told me how you came here yet. Father told us that this place was very hidden, and ordinary people wouldn't be able to find this place. Yuan, you did come here once last time, but this is the first time Mo has come here today. "    


" Mo, you've been gone for so many years. I didn't expect us brothers to meet again. At that time, because of that woman called Lingzhi, your father was annoyed. Someone said that you eloped with that woman. Some people said that Father actually killed you, but I really didn't expect that. One day, we will meet again."    


"Ling, sigh, it's hard to say a word. We were all deceived by our old father."    


"Why would Mo say that? Although father has done some things very excessively, he shouldn't be lying to us. What do you mean by lying to us? "    


"This is the only place you think is a paradise. It's just like the ancient world I thought was also a decoy. It's just a money-breaking cave."    


In a hurry, Qin Junhua told them everything that had happened. After Qin Junwen and his wife heard it, they were very shocked.    


"Mo, what you mean is that Father didn't kill you all these years. He didn't make you run away from that Lingzhi, but rather let you stay in an illusory world. You think you're the emperor there, and Lingzhi is your Imperial Concubine. Actually, that world was all fake. Are you saying that our utopia is also fake?"    


" Fourth Uncle, if you don't believe me, then please look here. " Qin Yuan said. He raised a finger and pointed in all directions. The sky immediately darkened, and the sound of flowing water also disappeared.    


However, after a while, the sky returned to normal. However, everything in front of him had changed. It was no longer a paradise with beautiful scenery and wild flowers. Instead, it had become a desolate mountain range.    


This mountain had been abandoned for a long time. It was full of weeds, stones, and messy graves.    


"Ah... How could this be?" Qin Junwen's wife shouted, because the barren mountain they were in right now was too desolate. The sound of wolves seemed to come from the forest in the distance, and there was a whistling north wind blowing in the air. It still made one's hair stand on end.    


Compared to the beautiful and beautiful paradise from before, the difference was simply too great.    


Qin Junwen was also shocked. He let go of the bucket and the bucket fell to the ground. He looked down and saw that it was not a small stream. He had fetched water from a stinky ditch with dead rats inside.    


"Ling, now you know that what Yuan said is true, right? This is the true face of that utopia."    


Qin Junwen and his wife were stunned for a long time before they finally came to an end.    


"I told you that your damn old man didn't have any good intentions. How could he be so good to us? He arranged for us to live in a secluded paradise. It turns out that all of this was a conspiracy. What kind of paradise is this? This is clearly a desolate mountain range. I really don't dare to imagine that we husband and wife actually stayed in this lousy place for so long. They even enjoy themselves every day. When I think about it, I'm afraid."    


After Qin Junwen recovered from his shock, he remained silent.    


"This is indeed a trick, a trick aimed at us husband and wife. Why did father do this? Wouldn't it be fine if he hated us for directly killing us? "    


"Grandfather must have his own motives for doing so, but I don't know what exactly his objective is. But all of this is no longer important, because Grandpa's plan has failed. All of his schemes have been shattered. "    


"However, if you are interested in this conspiracy, you can go back and ask my grandpa personally. Now, we are leaving this place"    


"Yuan, where are we going?" Qin Junwen asked.    


"Let's leave this ruined place and go to a new world, a brand new world."    


"A brand new world personally created by me" Qin Yuan added, then turned around and walked forward with a smile.    


A sun suddenly rose. The sunlight illuminated the area, making people feel warm.    


"This is a world full of sunshine and enthusiasm."    


"Yuan, how is my daughter doing now?"    


"Don't worry. Cousin is very good now. She is waiting for me to bring you guys back to reunite with him. Oh right, let me tell you some good news. Cousin is in love."    


Qin Junwen and his wife looked at each other.    


"Is Yu really alright? You said she is in love? What kind of man is she?"    


" Don't worry, she's definitely a very reliable man. Let's go. "    


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