Revenging Son-in-law

C503 Rebirth

C503 Rebirth

2Doomsday has come.     4


The entire world became dark.    


And it was silent.    


The image that appeared in the sky also disappeared.    


The Doomsday Boat was shaking in the sea, looking so lonely.    


People closed their eyes. They were afraid that this moment would come, but this moment finally came.    


The entire world seemed to have been thrown into a bottomless hell.    


Everyone quietly sat on the street with their eyes closed, holding the hands of their loved ones, waiting for this moment, for the moment of death.    


At this time, in the huge Doomsday Ship, Chen Qing was quietly listening to the sounds outside, but he could not hear anything.    


"Big Brother, why is there no sound outside?" Chen Qing turned his head to look at his big brother.    


However, Chen Bai did not answer him. He only raised his wrist to look at his watch and said, "Doomsday is coming. No, Doomsday is coming."    


After saying this, he was shocked in his heart. Immediately after, Chen Qing and Chen Lan were also shocked in their hearts. Then, the three of them fell into a series of silence.    


This silent silence continued for about half an hour.    


Then, with a bang, it shook the heaven and earth, as if a huge balloon had exploded in the world.    


Everyone was shocked. Then, they realized that light had suddenly appeared in front of them, and it was getting bigger and bigger. Slowly, the entire world was filled with light.    


"What's going on?" Someone suddenly shouted because at this moment, on the bustling street, sit! It was full. It was full! People, these were all people waiting to die! They snuggled against each other, some holding hands, some leaning against each other. They quietly waited for the end of the world, for the arrival of death. But suddenly there was light.    


"Are we not dead?" Another person shouted. Everyone was awakened. They opened their eyes and looked at everything in front of them blankly.    


"Didn't the end of the world arrive? Didn't death arrive? Are we not dead? "    


They couldn't believe it. They reached out and touched their faces, then pulled on their clothes. They realized that they weren't dead, but a living person. Then they looked at the people around them and found that the people around them were also living people.    


"We really aren't dead, we're still alive." The crowd began to stir, and even more people stood up.    


Then they jumped and cheered.    


"We're not dead, we're really still alive"    


"We survived the apocalypse, is this our luck? Or is it the blessing of the heavens?"    


"No, perhaps the end of the world did not come." A voice suddenly rang out in the crowd. Then, many people looked at this voice. They saw a young man with a crew cut. He was wearing a wrinkled suit. He looked a little haggard, but his eyes were shining.    


"What did you just say?" Someone asked.    


"I said the end of the world never came" The young man with the crew cut repeated this sentence and everyone fell silent. They all looked at him, seemingly deep in thought, but also seemed to not understand anything.    


A young girl mustered up her courage and walked to his side.    


"Little brother, what do you mean by this? You said that the end of the world didn't come at all?"    


"Yes, perhaps we were all wrong. There was no so-called end of the world. It was just a war in the mystic realm. Now that the war has ended, the world has returned to normal."    


The young man suddenly mentioned the secret space, so more people surrounded him, hoping that he could explain more clearly.    


The young man looked up at the people in front of him and said, "I have been studying another world, or another space. I know that other than our world, there is another parallel world. But after studying it for so many years, I still can't figure it out. However, regarding this secret space... I did manage to figure out some things about it."    


"That Qin Wuxu is the most important part of the secret realm space. There is a special magnetic field on his body that can change the secret space. It can even disband the entire secret space. He is like a balloon that has burst. "    


However, the people around him still had blank expressions on their faces, as if they didn't understand what he meant.    


"What exactly does that mean? We don't understand what exactly is going on with that mystic realm space?"    


Recently, there has been a widespread rumor that this secret realm is the handiwork of an inheritance. It has already started over a thousand years ago. In ancient times, many big shots were players inside. However, what exactly was this thing? Many people did not understand.    


"You can think of this secret realm as a parallel world, the system behind it. Even though I don't know what type of inheritance it is, nor do I know their background, I still don't understand. In fact, I haven't even seen them before, but I know that this is definitely a very powerful person. Perhaps it is two people, or perhaps even more. But these people are very awesome, they discovered the entrance to the parallel world... And so, they walked into Parallel World."    


"So now you all understand, the so-called pocket dimension is actually a parallel world On the surface, they built a pocket dimension, but in reality, they only brought those people into the parallel world. They named this parallel world the pocket dimension. "    


" Many scientists have been researching the parallel world, but we have yet to come to a conclusion. I am also researching, I dare not compare myself to those scientists, but I feel that parallel worlds exist, and this world is our world's relative or perhaps the same... If I want to truly understand this world, I need to find the entrance to this world, but unfortunately, I've been looking for it for so many years, but I haven't been able to find it yet "    


"However, that so-called inheritance might have used some method to find this parallel world's entrance. It can freely enter and exit inside, and then imprison some great figures from both ancient and modern times inside. Then, they used some special methods to make them the players inside. They were ambitious. They wanted to use this parallel world to destroy our world, making this parallel world the only real world. And they would become the rulers of this world."    


"However, the arrival of a single person has broken this balance and destroyed their plans. If this person isn't, then the other person is Qin Wuxu"    


"I used some special information to obtain some information. This is the first time Qin Wuxu entered the secret realm to accept the mission inside. However, under the circumstances that he did not complete the mission, when he broke the rules of the secret realm, the heavenly thunder did not dare to strike him. It's because his magnetic field is very special, and even some things in the secret realm are very scary. "    


"And after he was brought into the pocket dimension by Chen Changsheng for the second time, the magnetic field on his body played an enormous role. After all, not only did the pocket dimension not kill him, it even made him more and more afraid of him. It was even controlled by him, if my guess is correct. The players in the space, those who wanted to kill him... For example, in the end, not only did Chen Changsheng fail to fulfill his wish, he was instead killed by this Qin Wuxu."    


"As for those scenes we saw in the sky, that person holding the enormous axe in his hand, he was Qin Wuxu. It was because of the secret realm space. Err, no, it should be said that it was a scene in a parallel world. It's reflected in the sky of our world, that's why we saw it. "    


"Those international giants wanted to besiege Qin Wuxu, they wanted to kill him. But in the end, they died in his hands. Qin Wuxu might have already seen through that system's scheme. He also seized his weakness and weakness and eventually destroyed that system. That secret realm naturally shattered due to the huge magnetic field on his body. That's why it disappeared. "    


"Therefore, it's possible that the parallel world no longer exists. It was destroyed by Qin Wuxu. Therefore, from this moment on, there is no parallel world left. Only our world is left."    


"As for the so-called end of the world, it was simply some rumors spread by some people. During this period of time, the weather was abnormal. Plus, the sky and earth had suddenly darkened. It wasn't the end of the world, but the precursor to the destruction of the parallel world. "    


"Even though the parallel world is relative to our world, it might still be the same. But when it perishes, it will affect our world as well. That's why the weather on our side is abnormal. Of course, it could also be that the arrival of those international giants affected the weather "    


"All of this is possible, but it has nothing to do with the end of the world"    


The young man patiently explained a lot, and as a smart person, he finally understood.    


The young girl blinked her beautiful eyes and nodded, then said, "Little brother, I seem to understand what you mean. What you mean is that there is no end to the world at all. The reason why the weather is abnormal is that this secret realm space, which is also the parallel world that you mentioned, is about to be destroyed. Before the destruction, some abnormal changes occurred, affecting our world. That is why we saw that the weather was abnormal, and some people were spreading rumors with ill intentions. So people naturally believed in the end of the world."    


"And now, Qin Wuxu has used the huge magnetic field on his body to shatter the secret realm space, or rather, the parallel world. It no longer exists. Thus, our world has returned to normal."    


This young man was extremely happy that someone could understand his meaning. He smiled and nodded as he said loudly, "Yes, that's right. Finally, someone understood."    


"What's the matter with that giant dragon?" Someone raised a question, which was also a question in many people's hearts. Because they had previously seen Qin Wuxu in the sky chasing that giant dragon with a giant axe in his hand, and that giant dragon was formed by light grey fog. However, at the last moment, it turned into a golden color, like a true dragon.    


What exactly was that giant dragon? Why did Qin Wuxu chase after that giant dragon with the ax, and what happened in the end? Was this giant dragon killed by him, or had it disappeared?    


Everyone looked at this young man as if this young man was the only one in the world who could give them an answer.    


The young man didn't answer immediately. He frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "I can't give you a definite answer, but I can tell you my speculation. I think that dragon should be the system behind it."    


Everyone was shocked.    


It was because during this period of time, they had always heard that there was a mysterious inheritance behind it that created this secret realm. It was ambitious enough to devour the entire world, but what exactly was this system? They didn't know. Now, this young man actually said that the dragon was this system.    


"I said it before, even though I don't know the true identity of this system. He must be a very powerful and powerful figure, or perhaps a few figures. That dragon might be the true form of this system. This system can actually create a dragon. It can be seen how powerful he is."    


"And why did Qin Wuxu chase after this giant dragon with his axe? It was because if he wanted to destroy that parallel world... In other words, that so-called secret realm space, he must first eradicate this inheritance behind him. He must have discovered that giant dragon, the true body of this inheritance. That's why he chased after me with the axe."    


"As for what happened in the end? I think Qin Wuxu must have killed that giant dragon. The giant dragon is dead. It also meant that that legacy had completely vanished. Thus, this secret realm space had already been destroyed. Only then did our world truly return to normal. "    


"So that's what happened." Most of the people understood what he meant, and they all sucked in a breath of cold air.    


"This means that we were merely making a false alarm. In fact, it's not the end of the world. It's just a contest between Qin Wuxu and this system."    


"That's right. This is a contest between Qin Wuxu and this system."    


"That's great, that's great. I thought the end of the world would come. We are all going to die. So it was just a false alarm. We're still alive, and our world has returned to normal! That means we can still live a normal life like before "    


"Although it was just a false alarm, it's worth reflecting on, if the end of the world really comes, shouldn't we cherish the people and things in front of us? I've decided from this moment on, to work hard and live every day well, to love the people I love, to do what I like... I will not leave any regrets in my life. "    


At that moment, in the house in the luxurious villa.    


Anna and Chu Zitan were already in despair. They held their hands tightly and sat there, waiting for the end of the world.    


Previously, these two women were fighting because of Qin Yuan, but now, it seemed like they had already forgotten their past grudges.    


At that moment, Anna even said, "I just didn't think that my life would end in such a way, and I never thought that I would be with you before I die."    


Chu Zitan smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't think that I would actually die in the end of the world. Furthermore, the only person I saw before my death was you. How funny, but this was the will of the heavens. It's a pity that we didn't see my brother-in-law before. It seems that my brother-in-law isn't as powerful as I imagined. He won't be able to change the end of the world. "    


"We can only wait for death. Fortunately, the two of us can still be together. After death, we can still be companions."    


As the two of them spoke, they slowly closed their eyes. Because at that time, heaven and earth were pitch black, and the end of the world was about to arrive. After waiting for about half an hour, there was suddenly a bang. It was as if something had exploded. It was deafening. The two of them were shocked. They opened their eyes at the same time. Then, they realized that there was light in the pitch black room. There was light outside too.    


The two of them immediately stood up.    


"What's going on? Are we already dead? Are we already in the netherworld? "    


But soon, the two of them found that they were still in the sun, in the house of the villa they were staying in. Nothing had changed. Moreover, they pinched their arms hard and found that they were still alive.    


After thinking for a long time, the two of them still couldn't figure out what was going on. Didn't they say that the end of the world was coming? Didn't they say that they were all going to die? Why did everything suddenly return to normal?    


However, no matter how they survived, it was a delightful thing. So after the two women reacted, they unconsciously hugged each other and sobbed, "Great, we're not dead, we're still alive."    


"I have a feeling that the end of the world has passed, and we've survived this disaster. We'll live well."    


"That's great"    


Anna asked, "Anna, should we walk out of this house?"    


Thus, the two of them directly picked up the stool in the room and smashed it towards the door with all their strength. The two of them worked together to break open the door and ran out.    


The sky outside was already completely bright, and there was even sunlight. Everything seemed to be flourishing.    


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