Revenging Son-in-law

C433 The Situation Isn't Good

C433 The Situation Isn't Good

4After listening to the supervisor's narration, Qin Yuan knew that the Chen Lei he had beaten up was that Chen Changsheng's illegitimate son.    1


To others, this was indeed trouble. After all, he was a Kingdom Knight, a person who had made special contributions to China and received special protection from China.    


But after thinking about it, Qin Yuan shook his head. "Just because he had left behind special merits for China, could his descendants use their power to bully others? I don't want to take this lying down."    


He still didn't take this matter to heart. He had no idea what kind of serious consequences this would cause. He just waved his hand and let the supervisor leave.    


In the following few days, Qin Yuan stayed in the capital. When the matters here were settled, he decided to return to Lin Hai.    


In these few days in the capital, that Chen Changsheng did not come to find trouble with him. Even that Chen Lei seemed to have disappeared, so Qin Yuan did not take it seriously. Before leaving, he had told Anna some things, mainly because he was afraid that after he left... Chu Zitan would have a conflict with Anna.    


Anna pursed her small lips and said with a smile, "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I won't fight for your sister-in-law. She is just a little girl, how can I lower myself to her level."    


Qin Yuan also smiled and only then did he relax. After this period of contact, he also had a certain understanding of Anna. This girl was quite mature and mature.    


Then he smiled awkwardly and lowered his voice to ask, "Um... Did my wife really look for you?"    


Anna did not hide it and readily nodded her head to admit it.    


"Yes, we did. That day, the two of us agreed to meet at the coffee shop and talked for a long time."    


"What did you guys talk about? It really was like my sister-in-law said. My wife wanted you to leave me. She probably misunderstood."    


"She didn't misunderstand. I did like you, Brother Qin, Qin Wuxu." Anna covered her mouth and chuckled.    


"But I really didn't know that you were my best friend's husband. If I knew that Qin Yuan and Qin Wuxu were the same person, I would have to consider it carefully."    


"That's why your wife got angry. She was afraid that I would snatch you away from her, so she negotiated with me and asked me to withdraw."    


Qin Yuan scratched his head awkwardly again and didn't know what to say.    


Anna laughed a few more times and said, "Guess how I answer her? I told her I won't quit, not only will I not quit. And I'll use all my skills to get your heart and take it away from you. "    


"You, you really said that?" Qin Yuan sighed and said helplessly, "You... you are adding oil to the fire, aren't you?"    


"Hahahaha, so you have times when you are afraid too. When you faced the leader of the Green Gang, Qingyun Tian, and the old ancestor of the Lu Family... But you didn't even blink. I didn't expect you to be afraid now. "    


"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I said those words to stimulate Zijing. The main reason is that her words are too infuriating. Why should I withdraw? I'm not Mo. I already said that I didn't know that Qin Yuan and Qin Wuxu were the same person! "    


" You... " Qin Yuan couldn't continue asking because he had no right to criticize Anna for these things. Of course, he could not blame his wife. Anyway, it was not easy to deal with. He could only laugh and fool her.    


After Qin Yuan returned to LinHai, he thought that his father had also returned. However, after asking Wei Ziqing, he found out that his father hadn't returned at all.    


Qin Yuan was suddenly a little worried.    


"Qin Yuan, Uncle Qin went to Shennong Valley for a few days already. Logically speaking, he should have come back. After all, he only went there to treat his eyes. It won't take too long. But..." Wei Ziqing said hesitantly.    


Qin Yuan's heart was suddenly lifted because when his father went to Shennong Valley with the Godly Doctor of Shennong Valley, he was worried. He had a feeling that something would happen.    


"Qin Yuan, don't worry. After all, Uncle Qin is very powerful. Even if you can't see him with your eyes, I don't think anyone can do anything to him." Wei Ziqing comforted Qin Yuan.    


"And that Godly Doctor. I think that although he is a little narrow-minded, he is not a bad person. Besides, he doesn't have any grudges with your father. He should be fine."    


Qin Yuan's brows were still tightly knitted. Although Wei Ziqing's words were reasonable, why did he always have a bad feeling?    


"If you are really worried, why don't I send some people to Shennong Valley to inquire about the situation?"    


Qin Yuan first shook his head, then took out his phone and started to call his father. Then he remembered his father. After coming out of the water prison, he did not have a phone, so he did not have time to buy a phone.    


He could only sigh and say to Wei Ziqing, "Ziqing, then I can only trouble you to send some people to Shennong Valley to take a look. But Shennong Valley has always been mysterious, and you didn't hear what that Godly Doctor said. Outsiders are not allowed to enter so you have to be careful of the people you send."    


"Don't worry, I will make arrangements." Wei Ziqing began to make arrangements.    


Before she left, she suddenly said, "That... Is it convenient for you now? My grandfather wants to see you."    


"Eh? The old man wants to see me? Of course it's convenient. After I came, I already said that I wanted to go and see the old man. Has he been well recently? "    


" Not very well. "    


Qin Yuan was walking out when he heard this. He was stunned for a moment.    


"What do you mean not good? What's wrong?"    


Wei Ziqing hurriedly shook her head and said, "Er, it's nothing. It's just that my body has suddenly become weaker these few days and I am constantly coughing."    


Qin Yuan did not say anything else and went straight to Old Master Wei's place.    


After seeing Old Master Wei, he knew that the situation was a little serious. He heard the old man coughing as soon as he entered the living room of the villa. It was not like coughing because of a cold. It was the kind of very uncomfortable coughing that was squeezed out of the trachea.    


He also felt the death Qi the moment he entered. At that time, his heart sank. When he looked up and saw Old Master Wei himself, his heart tightened even more.    


Although Old Master Wei was not young, he had taken the pill that Qing Yan gave him. In addition to his diligent study, his face had always been flushed red. His spirit was no less than that of a young man. However, Old Master Wei's forehead had turned a little black. His body was faintly surrounded by some young and inexperienced death energy.    


This aura of death was only emitted by those who were about to die. Of course, only Qin Yuan could see it.    


How could this be? The old man's body was clearly in good condition. Although he was in a vegetative state because of his youngest son, his body had been in the best condition ever since he received his help. Why did it suddenly become like this?    


Could it be that the old man's birthday was coming?    


Qin Yuan knew very well that this man's lifespan was limited. Once his lifespan reached its limit, even the Divine Immortal wouldn't be able to revive him.    


There was a saying that if the Yama King wanted three people to die, who would dare to drag them to the fifth?    


Old Master Wei hastily stood up when he saw Qin Yuan.    


"Mr. Qin, you are back? I heard Ziqing say you were coming back this morning. I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Hahaha."    


The old man didn't know that his life was about to end, so he laughed loudly when he talked to Qin Yuan.    


The two of them quickly sat down in the living room, and the old man got someone to make tea.    


"The old man heard that you want to see me?"    


Old Master Wei chuckled and said, I heard that you want to see me." Sigh, I am an old man. I always have to trouble Mr. Qin with something. My body has been in good condition ever since I received Mr. Qin's help. I'm in a very good and comfortable condition, but I don't know why my body has suddenly become so weak these few days. It's accompanied by coughs."    


Qin Yuan didn't dare to tell the old man about the end of his life directly. He was afraid that the old man wouldn't be able to accept it.    


In fact, this was a little strange to him. When he treated the old man, he thought that the old man could still live for more than ten years. Why did his life suddenly come to an end?    


"Mr. Qin, you don't know. We, the Wei Family, have lived for a few generations. Ever since he was born, he had inherited a disease, a disease related to the trachea. If you mention this to my great-grandfather, my grandfather... And my father, they all died of this disease in the end. And the beginning of this illness is coughing."    


"Cough, cough, cough." As the old man spoke, he coughed a few more times.    


"Eh? There's actually such a thing."    


"That's why I have a bad feeling. Why do I feel uncomfortable in my trachea all of a sudden? I just wanted Mr. Qin to take a look at me."    


Qin Yuan observed the old man's expression carefully again. The seal was indeed very dark, and his eyes were wandering. His pupils were even dilating. The death Qi around his body was very obvious.    


That shouldn't be the case. There was no sign at all before this. Why did it suddenly...    


Seeing Qin Yuan's frown, the old man asked, "Mr. Qin, if you have something to say, just say it. I have lived for so many years, and I have long forgotten about life and death. There's nothing that I can't accept."    


Upon hearing this, Qin Yuan felt a little sour in his heart. However, he still couldn't say what his lifespan was about to reach.    


"Cough, cough, old man, you don't have to worry too much. There is indeed a problem with your trachea, but it is not a big problem. It is not as serious as you think."    


Qin Yuan still lied. It was a white lie, because he always felt that there was something strange about it.    


Before everything was clear, he felt it was better to hide it from the grandpa.    


Although the old man vaguely felt something, he still trusted Qin Yuan very much.    


"Haha, that means I think too much. Because my parents all died of windpipe disease, I couldn't help but feel worried when I coughed. Haha, people are always a little afraid of death when they are old."    


"But then again, this person will have such a day sooner or later. It's just one day earlier and one day later. Oh, right. I don't know if it's a coincidence or I'm thinking too much about it, but these two nights I've been sleeping, I've been dreaming about my late wife. She's also Ziqing's grandmother. "    


"My wife passed away a long time ago. Because I loved her deeply, I didn't restring my string ever since she left. But I haven't dreamt of her these years. I just don't know what happened these few days. Furthermore, in my dream, she seems to want to take me away. Mr. Qin, look. Even my wife couldn't wait to take me away. Haha! Is my time really up? "    


" It won't be. Old man, you're thinking too much. Maybe it's because you've been too worried and overworked these past few days that you have some problems with your body. It's very normal. Old man, you still have to relax. "    


"Haha, I know, I know. My granddaughter hasn't married yet. I, this old man, can't die either."    


The two of them looked at each other and smiled, but Qin Yuan's smile was indeed very forced.    


When he left, he gave the old man two pills that were not used up last time. The old man was very happy and expressed his gratitude to him.    


After leaving the old man's villa, Qin Yuan called Wei Ziqing and briefly explained the situation. Wei Ziqing was very shocked when she heard it.    


"What do you mean? You are saying that my grandfather's lifespan has reached the limit. He is about to..."    


"Ziqing, don't worry. It does look like that on the surface, but I feel that there is something strange about the matter. Don't worry. I will observe him carefully. It is impossible for the old man to become like this all of a sudden."    


Wei Ziqing was still considered a strong girl, but after hearing these words, because her grandfather had always been the most important person to her. If her grandfather suddenly left, she really didn't know how to bear it.    


Fortunately, Qin Yuan comforted her and promised her that he would definitely find out about this matter. Only then did Wei Ziqing feel relieved.    


In the blink of an eye, another two or three days passed. The old man's condition did not improve. But it did not worsen. It was still the same black mark. There was an aura of death surrounding him, and Qin Yuan had come to see the old man every day these two days. However, he did not discover anything, which made him very depressed.    


On the other hand, the people Wei Ziqing sent to Shennong Valley had news, but it was bad news.    


"Qin Yuan, the matter might be a little bad. Don't worry. Didn't I send a few people to Shennong Valley to gather information? The Divine Farming Valley was really mysterious. Outsiders couldn't enter at all. And the few people I sent actually only stayed at the outer perimeter for a few minutes. Guess what? All of them were actually tricked. Almost all of them died, and after they died, they became dried corpses. Only one of them came back alive, but he came back alive and told me about the situation before he died. He also turned into a dried corpse."    


Qin Yuan's heart was immediately lifted.    


"It seems that my father is in dire straits. There is something fishy about that Shennong Valley." Qin Yuan immediately made a judgment.    


"How could this be? We have met that Godly Doctor Yuan before. Although he is a little narrow-minded, however, he is not a bad person. Otherwise, he would not have come all the way to Xiangxi to cure those villagers of the corpse poison. "    


"I'm afraid that Godly Doctor isn't as simple as we think. Ziqing, did he really come all the way to Xiangxi to save people?"    


" What do you mean? He went to Xiangxi to recover those villagers who had turned into zombies. He even helped them remove the corpse poison. This is obvious to all."    


"I don't think it's that simple. However, it's not hard to know if it's like this or not. Wait a moment, I'll give Luoyue a call."    


Qin Yuan quickly gave Luoyue a call. Ever since Luoyue came to Linhai City, she had been doing her internship in a company arranged by Wei Ziqing.    


Qin Yuan asked Luoyue to call home, but the result was... The people in their village had all turned into normal people after being treated by the Godly Doctor in the past. However, these people had aged a lot in a short period of time. Their foreheads had turned black. Their bodies were surrounded by the aura of death, including Luoyue's parents.    


"Brother Qin, what do you think is going on? Didn't that Godly Doctor help the people in our village become normal people? He even helped them cure the corpse poison. Logically speaking, they should have returned to normal. But why did it become like this?" Luoyue asked anxiously over the phone.    


His forehead was black and his body was surrounded by the aura of death. He had aged a lot in a short period of time. Qin Yuan's lips revealed a cold smile. Wasn't this similar to Old Master Wei's situation?    


"Luoyue, tell Ziqing to apply for two days of leave, and then follow me to your hometown."    


Therefore, Luoyue quickly took a leave and returned to her hometown in Xiangxi with Qin Yuan.    


Qin Yuan had to personally go and take a look.    


In fact, when he arrived at Luoyue's hometown in Xiangxi, what he saw shocked him.    


Qin Yuan had seen Luoyue and the others in the town before. But now, their appearances had changed greatly. The old man had aged even more, and the young man had aged as well. Even their skin was somewhat shriveled.    


For example, a young man in his twenties should have had very flexible skin at that age. But now, his skin had also become shriveled and had no luster.    


And these people had a common characteristic, which was that their foreheads were black and their bodies were surrounded by death energy. They looked weak and did not look at all.    


His condition was indeed very similar to Old Master Wei's, but what exactly was going on?    


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