Revenging Son-in-law

C421 The Fight

C421 The Fight

2When they reached the cave, there was no one inside. The previous Luoyue and the so-called God had disappeared.    


Yuan Ji said, "Although that person disappeared, I sensed that his real body was still here. It was just that his aura was concealed. Ordinary people could not see it."    


"Godly Doctor Yuan, then, what should we do now?" Someone asked carefully.    


"Don't worry, I will make that person appear now. I'll set up a formation here so that he can't escape or hide. However, this formation is extremely complicated, and nobody can be present. So all of you should retreat to the outside of the cave. Without my permission... No one is allowed to take a step into the cave. "    


After saying that, Yuan Ji ignored the crowd and walked into the cave with a wave of his sleeve.    


The rest of them stayed outside the cave, including Qin Yuan and the others.    


Wei Ziqing said, "This Godly Doctor wants to set up a formation, but why do I feel that the so-called God is not an ordinary demon or devil? Can he appear with just a formation?"    


Qin Yuan knitted his brows. A moment later, he said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."    


Qin Yuan had fought with that man before, although he wasn't sure of his exact strength. Also, he could tell the exact identity of that man. That so-called god wasn't as simple as he had imagined, and it wasn't easy to deal with him either.    


"I'm afraid that this Godly Doctor will die here today." Qin Yuan said again. Of course, his voice was very low and only Wei Ziqing and Chu Zijing could hear it.    


Wei Ziqing knew that Qin Yuan did not lie. He was never a person who spoke big words, so there was a trace of worry on her face.    


"No matter what, this Godly Doctor's treatment of illnesses and saving people is quite admirable. Although his heart is a little small, we need his help. We must not let anything happen to him."    


Chu Zijing also said, "Yes. Although this godly doctor's measure is a little small, I don't think he is a bad person. If he isn't a match for that god, then shouldn't you go and help him?"    


Qin Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. "I want to help him, but unfortunately, he doesn't appreciate it. You have seen his attitude just now. If I go over now, I will be hot on his butt and even anger him."    


After hearing this, the two women did not say anything else, because the actual situation was indeed like this.    


"It doesn't matter. Let's wait and see. Although this godly doctor isn't a match for that god, he isn't a pushover either. It won't be that easy to kill him."    


Everyone waited outside the cave for more than two hours, but they didn't see any movement in the cave.    


Someone finally became impatient and muttered, "It's been more than two hours. There's no movement in the cave. Does that godly doctor want to set up a formation? I wonder how it's going? "    


"Hey, how can the matter of the Fallen Flower Cave's woman be so easy to resolve? The Godly Doctor must have made sufficient preparations. Let's not be anxious and wait slowly. We believe that the Godly Doctor will resolve this matter."    


Thus, everyone continued to wait patiently. In the blink of an eye, another hour passed. Finally, a gust of cold wind blew from the cave.    


"Why is there wind coming from this cave?"    


However, Qin Yuan was well aware that the Godly Doctor had probably already set up a formation inside the cave and started his practice. It was even possible that he had already started fighting with the so-called God.    


Sure enough, the wind in the cave became louder and louder. There were even sounds of fighting mixed in.    


"You guys heard that there was a fight inside." Someone pricked up their ears as he spoke, so everyone pricked up their ears and carefully listened to the sounds in the cave.    


Indeed, it sounded like two people were fighting, and there was also the scolding of the Godly Doctor mixed in. "Who is it that dares to cause trouble here? Today, I will take you in as a way to get rid of evil for the people."    


However, a hoarse laugh soon followed.    


"Hahahaha, you want to take me in? I'm afraid I'll kill you before you take me in. Mind your own business. Today, I'll let you know the consequences of meddling in other people's business."    


Then, there was another burst of cracking sounds of fighting, and it was even more intense than before. Everyone's hearts were raised, and no one spoke. The entire cave was incomparably silent.    


However, this situation did not last for long. After a short five to six minutes, a miserable cry came from the cave.    


"Ah..." This blood-curdling scream sent chills down everyone's spine.    


However, very soon, someone heard it.    


"That was the Godly Doctor's blood-curdling scream. Oh my god, why would the Godly Doctor scream? Did he get defeated by that thing?"    


In an instant, everyone panicked. The reason why they were standing there without moving was because... The reason was because they felt that with the Godly Doctor's ability, he would definitely be able to solve the problem of the Fallen Flower Cave's woman and defeat the so-called God. However, it seemed like that was not the case now.    


"Not good. If the godly doctor is defeated, then all of us will definitely die."    


Someone shouted. As soon as he shouted, a burst of laughter came from the cave.    


"Hahahaha, what kind of Godly Doctor is this? You want to set up a formation to take me in? How is it now? You've been defeated by me, right? I can kill you with a single move of my finger, and you actually dare to spoil my plans. None of the people outside can escape."    


Hearing this, the people outside the cave were all shocked. Someone reacted and shouted, "Everyone, run! The Godly Doctor has been defeated. That thing won't let us go."    


Thus, the people who were calm just now suddenly shouted and fled in all directions.    


However, it was already too late. At that moment, a gust of black wind blew out of the cave. It was like a tornado with a cool breeze. In an instant, it blocked in front of everyone and formed a circle. It surrounded everyone who wanted to escape.    


Those who wanted to escape were suddenly stopped by a gust of black wind. They immediately felt dizzy and staggered a few times before falling to the ground with a thud.    


"Hahahaha..." Accompanied by the wild laughter, a black thing slowly appeared.    


It was a person, or to be more precise, it could only be said to be a humanoid thing. However, he could not see his body nor his face clearly. However, Qin Yuan could recognize it with a single glance. This was the thing that he had fought before. It was the god Luoyue was kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy.    


It was strange. When he was in the cave, Qin Yuan could still see the clothes on this person and the movements of his limbs. It was just that he could not see his face clearly. But now, not only could he not see his face clearly. He couldn't even see his body movements clearly. He could only see a human-shaped thing standing there.    


What was even more shocking was that this human-shaped thing suddenly raised its hand. There was a person in its hand. It was none other than Godly Doctor Yuan.    


Although no one could clearly see this person's appearance, they could clearly see the Godly Doctor in its hand.    


At this moment, the Godly Doctor no longer had his previous arrogance and confidence. He was grabbed by the human-shaped thing and had his neck pinched. His face was covered in blood and his clothes were tattered. He looked really pathetic.    


No one dared to move or run because they knew they couldn't run. If they moved again, they might be killed by the human-shaped thing.    


However, they were extremely afraid, especially when they saw Godly Doctor Yuan in such a state.    


Even Wei Ziqing and Chu Zijing couldn't help but reveal panicked expressions.    


Wei Ziqing really had a sense of security by Qin Yuan's side, because she knew that this man was very powerful. He didn't even care about the international giants, but was this human-shaped thing in front of him a human or a ghost? Or was it some kind of demon or devil? She had no idea.    


Because of the unknown, he felt terrified.    


Although Qin Yuan wasn't as scared as them, his heart was still filled with worry.    


If he knew the origin of this thing in front of him, and the specific details of his identity, then... Even if he was stronger than him, Qin Yuan wouldn't have to worry about it. But the current situation was that he had no idea what this thing was.    


Qin Yuan knew nothing about him. Furthermore, he had knocked Qin Yuan out after just one exchange of blows in the cave. From this point of view, this thing was definitely not simple. Also, the Godly Doctor had only exchanged a few rounds with him and it had become like this. It could be seen how powerful this thing was.    


That human-shaped thing held the Godly Doctor in its hand just like that and it was very proud of itself.    


It laughed wildly from time to time.    


"Hahahaha, I was thinking of using a gradual method. I wanted to turn all of you into zombies and absorb your lifespan. But I didn't think that you would be so anxious to find someone to deal with me. It's just that the person you're looking for is too weak."    


The human-shaped thing shook the godly doctor in its hand as it spoke and said in disdain, "I can kill the person you guys are looking for with just a flick of my finger."    


At this moment, Luoyue's father suddenly took a step forward and shouted excitedly, "It's you who captured my daughter. You are the one who harmed my daughter. Where is my daughter now?"    


"You want to see your daughter? Alright, I will do as you wish."    


The human-shaped thing was not angry. After saying this, a loud and clear song came from the cave.    


The sound was very clear and pleasant. It was a mountain song unique to their Xiangxi side. If one heard this song normally, many people might feel relaxed, but now that they heard this song, everyone felt their scalps go numb.    


Luoyue's father was stunned because he could tell that the song was coming from his daughter.    


As the song got closer and closer, a person finally walked out of the cave.    


It was a young girl in a red bridal gown. When she walked, her body swayed. She had a small waist and looked like she was walking on water. As she walked, she sang a folk song.    


Luoyue was still so beautiful. She was so beautiful that it was soul-stirring. However, her face was completely bloodless. Her eyes were empty, like a puppet controlled by someone.    


When he saw his daughter, Luoyue's father was agitated again.    


"Luoyue, my daughter..."    


Luoyue's father only had one daughter. Ever since his daughter had been in trouble, he and his wife had been living in regret and pain.    


On their side, the Fallen Flower Cave girl was talking about a girl who had signed a contract with God in order to achieve some sort of wish, or in other words, to get rid of some sort of misfortune and become God's maid.    


Luoyue's father had always thought that his daughter was in the same situation, but now it seemed that it was not because of this so-called God. In fact, it was a manifestation of a certain demon and demon, not a real God. His daughter was just controlled by him.    


"Luoyue... Luoyue, I'm your father. Look at me." Luoyue's father shouted as he walked towards his daughter. However, Qin Yuan was quick to react. He pulled him back and gave him a look. "You can't go there. Your daughter is in danger now."    


"No, that's my daughter. Why can't I go there? I have to save her. I have to take my daughter home. " Luoyue's father was very stubborn. Now, he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to bring his daughter home.    


When Luoyue saw her father, it was as if she did not know him. She did not even blink. Her mouth was still humming that clear mountain song.    


And her singing became more and more mournful and sinister. People who heard it felt their hair stand on end. Some people could not take it anymore and raised their hands to cover their ears.    


But soon, as the song spread, everyone present let out heart-wrenching cries of pain. They fell to the ground and rolled around nonstop.    


This also included Luoyue's father.    


Even Wei Ziqing felt a dull feeling in her chest. It was as if a thousand pound heavy stone was pressing down on her, making her unable to breathe.    


As for Chu Zijing, she was just an ordinary person after all. After hearing the song, finally, she groaned and her body went limp, but Qin Yuan held her up. Then he turned to Luoyue and the human-shaped shadow and shouted, "Enough. Put away your trick."    


This shout immediately caused Luoyue's singing to stop.    


And the Godly Doctor that the human-shaped shadow was holding also fell to the ground.    


When the singing stopped, the people who were rolling on the ground were in a much better situation.    


The human figure had already turned his gaze towards Qin Yuan.    


"You were hiding in the cave, and now you have appeared in front of me. Let me kill you first." After saying that, the human-shaped shadow turned into a black fog and rushed towards Qin Yuan.    


Wei Ziqing shouted, "Be careful..."    


In an instant, Qin Yuan clashed with the black fog.    


For a moment, the fight was inextricably locked.    


On the surface, it seemed like it was difficult to determine who was winning and who was losing, but in fact, Qin Yuan already felt that it was a little difficult when they had just exchanged blows. This was because he felt that this human-shaped black fog was emitting a strong Qi when it was fighting him.    


This Qi carried a kind of evil Qi that directly entered his body, causing his limbs to feel weak, and he even felt like going limp.    


What kind of Qi was this? My strength is so formidable, yet I am still unable to resist the invasion of this aura.    


Qin Yuan was secretly shocked, but at the same time, he kept guessing the origin of his opponent. He was actually able to transform into a so-called god and control Luoyue. Then he used Luoyue to turn the people in the town into zombies. For his cultivation.    


In fact, he could not think too much about it because the demonic aura emitted from the black shadow was increasing. The pressure on him was also increasing and he almost could not bear it.    


Qin Yuan parried the attack while his brain was working rapidly. He wanted to think of a way to deal with it, but unfortunately, he had searched his mind and all the skills in Profound Sect, but he was unable to find a way to deal with it.    


He tried to use the Three Flame-True Fire Art, but he failed because the fire that he spat out from his palm could not cause any harm to the Qi. Instead, it made the Qi become stronger and stronger, which made him even more shocked.    


Then, he tried to use the Jade Sea Life Art, but he also failed because the Qi emitted from the humanoid shadow seemed to be impervious to fire and water.    


In an instant, Qin Yuan's forehead was covered in cold sweat. A deep sense of worry surged out from his heart. This was the first time he had such a feeling on his way here.    


Could it be that he had died here today? The reason why Qin Yuan said this was because he had a bad premonition. That was because that aura made her feel very dangerous, and it could even make him lose his life.    


Therefore, in that instant, he suddenly had a feeling of regret. It seemed that although the Profound Sect's martial arts were powerful, it was still a pity. However, they weren't invincible in the world, and they would still encounter their opponents. It was all his fault for being too careless during normal times. He didn't make the best use of his time to improve his strength. If his strength increased by a level, then this aura might not have such a great pressure and influence on him.    


If he died here today, then everyone would have to die, including Wei Ziqing and Chu Zijing.    


No, I can't die. Qin Yuan's heart suddenly became firm. Even if I have to die today, I have to drag this person down with me.    


At this moment, he seemed to have the mentality of fighting to the death, but the truth was the truth. A moment later, that powerful Qi pressed down on him again.    



This time, Qin Yuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a loud cry. His body almost flew out.    


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