Revenging Son-in-law

C298 A Locked Notebook

C298 A Locked Notebook

0"The child of Qin Junwu and Bai Ruxue was left in the Qin Family, and the old man of the Qin Family treated that child very well. He kept him until he was in his twenties, until five years ago... The Qin Family was destroyed overnight. It's said that all the people of the Qin Family died, and that child disappeared without a trace. "    


Lau Ying'er stopped talking and looked at Qin Yuan.    


"Master, you are the son of Qin Junwu and Bai Ruxue. Your parents have no news of you, and you were left behind in Qin Family. So, you should know everything that happened after that, right?"    


Qin Yuan's expression was extremely serious. He didn't say anything for a while. After a long time, he finally let out a long breath.    


"Extinguishing the family? Another family was annihilated. That year, the Profound Sect was annihilated. Five years ago, the Qin Family was annihilated. The Profound Sect was annihilated by the Murong Family and the Mystery Sect. What about the Qin Family? "    


" Who was the one who annihilated the Qin Family five years ago? What happened again?"    


"Master, didn't you stay in the Qin Family? You should have been there when the Qin Family was destroyed five years ago. Don't tell me you don't know about it?"    


Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "I have lost most of my memories. So there are many things that I don't know about now. In fact, I wasn't there five years ago. I was racing with someone else. Actually, it was because of my master, Shanxuanzi. It was him who hid his lifetime's worth of power into my body, causing my appearance to change. After that, he arranged for me to marry into the Chu Family and become my son-in-law. That's why I was able to avoid this calamity. "    


Lau Ying'er's face revealed a shocked expression.    


"Does this mean that Master doesn't know the truth behind the annihilation of the Qin Family?"    


Qin Yuan shook his head again.    


"I don't know. I really don't know what happened. It seemed like everything had changed overnight. Even my life had changed. "    


"Don't worry master, I will do my best to investigate this matter, I will definitely find out the truth" Lau Ying'er said.    


"I'm afraid it will not be so easy to find out." Qin Yuan sighed.    


"One should know that the Qin Family is a deep-rooted family in Huaxia. In terms of strength, they are even stronger than the Murong Family. However, they were annihilated overnight."    


"Huang Yuzhi, think about it carefully. Someone who could annihilate the mighty Qin Family overnight must not be a simple person. All of their actions were watertight because they didn't want the world to know the truth. I'm afraid that it won't be easy to find out. "    


"The destruction of Qin Family wouldn't have anything to do with Murong Family and Mystery Sect, right?" Lau Ying'er said.    


"I don't know." Qin Yuan raised his hand and rubbed his temples. Indeed, he didn't know about it.    


"But no matter how difficult it is, I have to get the truth. I have to find my parents." Qin Yuan said firmly.    


There were two ways to know the truth. One was to wait for his memory to recover, or the other was to ask Qin Yu.    


Only now did he know that after the Qin Family was destroyed five years ago, only he and Qin Yu survived. He had lost his memory and became the son-in-law of the Chu Family.    


Qin Yu seemed to have lost her memory as well, because she could not recognize Qin Yuan at all. She even said that she had become an orphan when she was eight years old. It could be seen that this was all planned by someone.    


There were still many doubts in this, waiting for Qin Yuan to uncover them one by one.    


"Alright, Huang Yuzhi. It's already very impressive that you can help me find out these things. Leave the rest to me. Next, you have to go to the Murong Family to continue observing the situation there and report to me at any time."    


"Yes, master."    


Just as Lau Ying'er finished speaking, footsteps suddenly sounded from the other side.    


"Someone is coming. You can leave first." Qin Yuan said.    


Lau Ying'er responded again, then turned around and left.    


Before the footsteps approached them, Qin Yuan also left quickly. He clenched his fists and said to himself, "It's okay. One day, I will reveal the truth."    


But Qin Linyuan also knew very well in his heart that now he had to work hard to improve his own strength. Because when the truth was revealed one day, when he needed to save his parents, his strength must become very strong.    


At this moment, he was so eager to improve his strength.    


He thought of Changbai Mountain and the ginseng that had become a spirit.    


The urgent matter at hand was to make a trip to the Changbai Mountain as soon as possible and obtain the Ginseng Spirit that had been there for more than 3000 years. With this good thing, he would be able to refine some high grade pills to aid his cultivation.    


So, on the way, he took out his mobile phone and made a call to Wei Ziqing.    


"Hello, Ziqing. I have already arranged everything here. Tomorrow, we can set off for Changbai Mountain."    


"Okay. Mr. Qin, I will tell my grandpa. We will leave tomorrow."    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Yuan went back home.    


It was not an easy task to go to Changbai Mountain tomorrow. It would take more than ten days to come back. Even if it went smoothly, it would take seven or eight days.    


So he decided to say goodbye to Chu Zijing and at least greet her.    


However, when he returned home, he found that the house was quiet, as if there was no one there.    


Because it was still early, perhaps Chu Zijing had not gotten off work yet. Ever since the company's business started, this woman was very busy.    


Her mother-in-law, Han Ying, was also not there.    


It was rare for Qin Yuan to have a moment of leisure, so he sat on the sofa in the living room and turned on the television. At that moment, a scream suddenly came from his father-in-law's study room.    




The scream came very suddenly, but it was also very short. It only rang for a while and then there was no sound.    


But this time, Qin Yuan was extremely shocked. His entire heart was lifted up. He turned his head and looked at his father-in-law's study room. She could tell that the scream just now was from his father-in-law.    


So his father-in-law was at home.    


Could something have happened? Qin Yuan hurriedly turned off the TV and stood up. He walked quickly to the study room and pushed the door open.    


After opening the door, the scene in front of him stunned him.    


His father-in-law was sitting on a chair next to the study desk. He was lying on the table with a pen in his hand, drawing something on the paper. As he slid, his entire body trembled. It was unknown what he was mumbling about. His emotions were extremely unstable, as if he had been provoked.    


"Dad..." Qin Yuan called out, then walked into the study. However, his father-in-law acted as if he did not hear him at all and maintained the same posture. He excitedly used a pen to draw something on the paper.    


Qin Yuan walked over and looked at the paper. He was shocked because his father-in-law was holding a brush in his hand. He kept writing two words on the paper - Profound Sect.    


The words Profound Sect were written all over the paper.    


If it was another word, it would be fine, but it was the word Profound Sect.    


It was needless to say what' Profound Sect 'meant to Qin Yuan. He was very sensitive to these two words.    


But what surprised him was that why was his father-in-law so excited that he kept repeating the word '___'?    


"Dad, dad, what happened to you?" Qin Yuan felt that something was wrong with his father-in-law.    


However, his father-in-law turned a deaf ear to his words, as if he did not hear it at all. He kept repeating the words' Profound Sect 'on the paper with a pen, and his body was trembling more and more violently. His head and body were even covered in cold sweat.    


"Dad, dad, what happened to you?"    


Qin Yuan finally couldn't hold it anymore. He raised a hand and placed it on his father-in-law's forehead. He was shocked because his father-in-law's forehead was cold.    


Yes, it wasn't heat, it was cold.    


It was as if he was touching a piece of ice. This was too scary. How could a person's forehead be as cold as a piece of ice? There was almost no temperature at all.    


If this person's body didn't have any temperature, wouldn't he become a dead person?    


Not good. Qin Yuan secretly cried out that something was wrong. Then, he suddenly raised two fingers. After a few popping sounds, he pressed on the acupuncture point on his father-in-law's back a few times. His father-in-law's body suddenly trembled, then he loosened his hands. His body collapsed onto the chair.    


"Dad..." Qin Yuan quickly helped his father-in-law up and helped him to the living room, letting him lie on the sofa.    


Qin Yuan then returned to the study room. He felt that something was not right in the study room, so he carefully looked at it.    


His father-in-law's study room was not big. It was only thirty to forty square meters. There were bookshelves on both sides of the wall. There were books piled up on the bookshelves. The calligraphy and calligraphy that his father-in-law usually collected were also piled up on the bookshelves.    


At first glance, there did not seem to be any abnormalities, but Qin Yuan checked very carefully. Finally, he stopped beside the bookshelf on the left.    


He swept his gaze across the entire row of bookshelves. Soon, his gaze stopped beside a book on the third bookshelf.    


Then, he quickly stretched out his hand and pulled out one of the books.    


He did not know why he was staring at this book. It was an intuition. Instinct told him that there was something wrong with this book. In fact, when he took out the book and read it... He discovered that it wasn't a book, but a thick notebook.    


Because this notebook was very thick and was placed together with the books, it was very easy for people to think that it was a book.    


What was surprising was that the two sides of the notebook's cover were very thick, very solid, and even locked.    


A locked notebook made Qin Yuan very puzzled.    


There was actually a locked notebook in his father-in-law's study room.    


Why was it a locked notebook?    


Father-in-law had a habit of writing diaries, so there was no need to lock it up. Could it be that there was some shady secret?    


That was also impossible, five years of time, of course. He knew that his father-in-law was an honest and honest old man who did not like Zhang Yang and was down-to-earth. What kind of secret could such a kind and low-profile old man have? Furthermore, he was in his own house. What secrets would he hide from his family?    


Qin Yuan checked the lock. It was actually just an ordinary lock. It was just like the kind of lock used to lock doors, even if he didn't use a key. Qin Yuan could easily open this lock, but... after all, this was his father-in-law's thing. If he opened it, wouldn't that be very rude? It was the same as peeking at someone else's letter.    


People had to maintain the minimum respect between people, even if they were family.    


Therefore, even though Qin Yuan was very curious about the contents of the notebook, he held it in and did not open the lock.    


He looked at the notebook with the lock and shook his head. He was about to put the notebook back, but at that moment, a cough suddenly came from behind him. He was shocked. He turned around and found his father-in-law standing at the door of the study. At that moment, he was staring at him.    


"Dad, you..." Qin Yuan couldn't believe his eyes. Just now, his father-in-law was trembling with excitement. He went to the sofa in the living room and fell asleep after Qin Yuan tapped his acupuncture points. Why was he standing at the door of the study all of a sudden?    


"Dad, are you alright?"    


Chu Gengnian did not answer Qin Yuan's question. He stared at the locked notebook in Qin Yuan's hand.    


Qin Yuan noticed that his father-in-law was not happy. He felt a little awkward and quickly said, "Uh, dad, I... I was just looking at it."    


Chu Gengnian's face sank.    


"I told you at home, don't enter my study room if you have nothing to do, and don't rummage through my things."    


"Yuan, not only did you enter my study room, you also rummage through my things, and you even dug out my most precious notebook. Don't you know it's rude to do this?"    


Father-in-law's tone carried an indescribable blame.    


This was the first time his father-in-law spoke to Qin Yuan in such a tone. This was because his father-in-law had always been kind to Qin Yuan. He had never said anything serious or blamed him.    


In the past five years, even though Qin Yuan was a wimp, his father-in-law had never looked down on him. His attitude towards Qin Yuan had always been very friendly.    


But now, because of this locked notebook, his father-in-law seemed to have turned hostile.    


"No, Dad, I didn't flip through your things. I just... I just wanted to take a look at this notebook because it's quite special."    


"You opened this notebook before?"    


"No, no." Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "Dad, you have to believe me. I have never opened this notebook. I swear to God, I just looked at it casually."    


Hearing this, his father-in-law's face eased up a little. He walked into the study room. He walked to his side and took the notebook from his hand. Then, he carefully put the notebook back into the bookshelf.    


Then, her father-in-law turned around and said to Qin Yuan, "Yuan, remember this. In the future, don't enter my study without my permission."    


"Uh, okay, Dad. I know. Actually, I didn't deliberately go to your study. Just now, when I was watching TV in the living room, I suddenly heard your scream coming from the study. That's why I ran in."    


Qin Yuan was very puzzled.    


He thought to himself, Father-in-law, what is going on?    



Just now, a scream suddenly came from the study room, and then his whole body trembled. He kept writing the words' Profound Sect 'with a pen. Qin Yuan pressed on his acupuncture point and placed him on the sofa in the living room. But in the blink of an eye, he looked like a normal person again. He was fine.    


Why did father-in-law keep writing the words' Profound Sect 'with a pen?    


Also, was there really some secret hidden in his locked notebook?    


He was just casually looking at the notebook, but he didn't open it. However, his father-in-law seemed very nervous, as if he was afraid that he would open the notebook.    


"I'm fine. I was just too tired just now and looked nervous. Yuan, you can go out. I want to be alone in the study for a while."    


Before Qin Yuan could ask anything else, his father-in-law had already ordered him to leave.    


Qin Yuan did not want to stay any longer. He could only nod and walk out of the study.    


"Close the door for me." His father-in-law said.    


Qin Yuan turned around and closed the door of the study room.    


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