Revenging Son-in-law

C292 He Fell from the Sky

C292 He Fell from the Sky

0Only Chen Chao and his son were left in the living room.    


Chen Chao still had some hesitation and struggle in his heart, because in fact, he had some feelings for Qin Yu. When he first saw this girl, he really liked her. However, his fate was under the control of his mother, so there were some things that he could not decide.    


"Mother, I really have to force her to marry me and then give her to me on my wedding night..."    


"What? You can't possibly still be a little reluctant, right?" Chen Meilian's face darkened.    


"Little Chao, I'm warning you, your money is really not worth a penny. You must know that when you first came into contact with this Qin Yu, you must treat her as a sacrifice. Instead of really treating her as your girlfriend, I have already told you about that a long time ago. Since your great-grandfather's generation, we have already started cultivating a type of cultivation that is the most difficult to figure out in the world. And it's also the most powerful magic."    


"This magic can make a family flourish and help you obtain everything you want. For example, how do you think I, a woman, can do business to this extent? How did I become a respectable and domineering female president? I relied on this spell. "    


"Your great-grandfather was also famous in the martial arts world at that time. He had a rich family background and also relied on this kind of magic."    


"This kind of magic is really too powerful. The more I come into contact with it, the more inconceivable I feel."    


"That's why I made you cultivate this kind of magic, Little Chao. Your talent is much higher than mine. In addition, in the past two years, you have been following my method to go outside and hook girls, to cheat their sincerity. In the end, they will willingly become your sacrifices, providing you with milk and Yang energy. If this continues, in at most another year, you will be able to step into the threshold of this spell. You'll even be able to reach the middle level."    


"This Qin Yu, although her foundation is not particularly good, it is fortunate that she used the cosmetics that you gave her. In fact, it is just something that is refined from human oil to promote the recovery of the body and to allow the blood of the human body to reach a perfect state. That Qin Yu is quite obedient. She used the kind of human oil cosmetics that she used for more than a year. Now that the blood in her body has reached a very pure state, take advantage of tonight's wedding night to treat her as a living sacrifice."    


" The magic technique that we cultivate must have a kind of ceremony as a cover. For example, this wedding ceremony, the wedding night of the wedding night, so tonight is very important to you. You cannot be soft-hearted. "    


"But mother..." Chen Chao hesitated for a moment and said stutteringly, "Mother, you keep talking about such a powerful magic. Why do I feel like it is an evil magic? Magic that is truly righteous doesn't need to harm people, but in these two years I followed your method and harmed so many girls..."    


" Shut up. " Chen Meilian angrily shouted and interrupted Chen Chao's words.    


"Why are you so stupid? ___ asked. Is this harming people? It's not an exaggeration to say that it's their honor that those girls can provide you with milk and blood and become sacrifices for this kind of magic. "    


" But mother, my great-grandfather, he... He was sacrificed alive by my great-grandmother. My great-grandmother's magic power has only reached its peak, and there's also my grandfather. My grandmother's power only reached the peak after she performed a live sacrifice for him. "    


"And my father, mother, didn't you and my father fall in love at that time? But in order to cultivate this spell, you actually treated him as... "    


"Shut up." Chen Meilian angrily shouted again and interrupted Chen Chao's words.    


"Whether it is those girls, your great-grandfather, your grandfather, or your father, it is their greatest honor to be able to sacrifice themselves with this kind of magic. "    


"But those are all our family members."    


"Don't say anymore, Little Chao. I know you're soft-hearted. Actually, you were a kind child in the beginning, but what's the use of being kind? Look at this society. A kind and weak person will only be bullied. Just like me back then, when I first entered the business world, I was also a kind person. But what was the result? I was bullied everywhere, if I didn't have this spell in my hands... I'm afraid your Chen family is still just an ordinary citizen. How could you have today's glory and today's prosperous life?"    


"You are my son. You have to listen to me."    


"Right, there's one more thing. I know that you will eventually find a wife. Those girls, including this girl called Qin Yu, are not suitable for you. They are not good enough for you. There is only one girl who is good enough for you. That girl is called Qiu Muxue. "    


Chen Meilian looked at her son.    


"Do you know how amazing this girl called Qiu Muxue is? She was born with the Eternal Physique, and in an instant, she became the Great Elder of Fire Voodoo Cult. Elder Huo Yun had taken a fancy to her, and had taken her as his disciple. Moreover, he had also given her a powerful magical technique. In just a few days' time, she had become the disciple of the Great Elder of the ___. That girl's body has already condensed into a Snake God."    


Upon hearing this, Chen Chao revealed a surprised expression.    


"Is she really that powerful? Mother, you have been practicing this kind of magic for decades. She has only reached the beginner level, but that girl can condense a snake god in her body in just a few days? Moreover, she has been chosen by the Great Elder all of a sudden?"    


Chen Meilian nodded, "What I said is true. I didn't exaggerate it. That girl seems to be a student of Linhai University on the surface, but in fact, she has already joined our Fire Voodoo Cult. Her future is limitless."    


"Little Chao, wasn't there a lot of strange suicide cases in this city a while ago? In fact, it was this girl who did it. She followed Elder Huo Yun's instructions and used the snake god in her body to absorb the Essence Qi and Yuan Qi of those people. It was for her own use, which was why those people had committed suicide in a strange manner. Do you understand what I'm saying?"    


" This girl listened to Elder Huo Yun very much and kept absorbing people's Essence Qi and Yuan Qi according to what Elder Huo Yun said. That's why she improved so quickly in such a short period of time. You must also learn from this girl. You must not have compassion. You have to keep improving for your own benefit."    


"I've already checked this girl's information in detail, her background is very clean. She has become so strong, and has even been valued by Elder Huo Yun. So she is the best candidate for your wife. Of course, you have to use all your skills to chase after her. Until you catch her."    


"As for that Qin Yu, after tonight's wedding night, you should forget about her and completely forget about her."    


Chen Chao lowered his head and did not say anything else.    


"By the way, there is one more thing. Ever since Elder Huo Yun took Qiu Muxue as his disciple, originally, with our status and strength, we weren't qualified to meet Elder Huo Yun. But if there is a chance, Mother still wants to try her best to climb up Elder Huo Yun's tall branch."    


"Son, this Elder Huo Yun is one of the three great elders of Fire Voodoo Cult. His status was definitely very high. Her mother had already planned this. Go and chase after Qiu Muxue first. After you have established your relationship with her... After you get on the good side of Elder Huo Yun through her, our family will be able to rise to glory in one fell swoop. "    


Although Chen Chao still had some hesitation in his heart, when he thought of the glory in the future, he still nodded his head.    


At this time, the two servants came down from upstairs and respectfully said to Chen Meilian and her son, "Director Chen, everything has been arranged. That Qin Yu has been dressed up completely. She is in the bed of the new room."    


Chen Meilian nodded her head in satisfaction and then said to Chen Chao, "Go. After tonight, your strength will increase a lot. Then you will start to chase that Qiu Muxue."    


"Yes, Mother." Chen Chao nodded his head and walked towards the second floor.    


Chen Meilian looked at her son's back as he walked upstairs and smiled in satisfaction. She then ordered the servants to make her a cup of coffee. She sat alone in the living room and leisurely drank the coffee.    


Chen Chao went to a bedroom on the second floor. This bedroom was already decorated with a new red blanket. The entire room was almost red with a festive atmosphere, but when he looked carefully, there was a gloomy atmosphere inside.    


At this moment, Qin Yu was forced to wear a red phoenix coronet and was tied up on the bed of the new room.    


Chen Chao walked towards her step by step.    


Qin Yu's eyes were filled with fear. She shook her head hard and said in a vague voice, "What are you doing? Don't come over."    


Because her mouth was already blocked by a piece of cloth.    


"Yu, I'm really sorry. After you die, don't blame me. I have no choice. You know that my fate has been arranged by my mother from the beginning. I can't resist at all."    


"Unfortunately, among so many girls, you are the only one who truly loves me. Unfortunately, this love was a mistake, Yu. You are an orphan. No one cares about you. No one takes care of you. You live in this cold world. You must be tired, since it is like this, why don't you go to another world... Maybe I'll be able to see your family. "    


Chen Chao approached Qin Yu and pulled out a sharp dagger from his waist.    


The dagger flashed with a cold light.    


The fear in Qin Yu's eyes became even stronger.    


At this moment, she suddenly realized that this man called Chen Chao was actually using her from the beginning. It was a trap from the beginning, and now she had finally fallen into this trap.    


Chen Chao wanted to kill her.    


"Yu, bear with it for a while. It will pass very soon. I only need one knife and I will stab it into your heart. You still don't know that blood flows out of your body, right? You used the cosmetics I gave you. Actually, it was refined from human oil, although it could make one's skin very good. I stabbed your heart with a dagger. Let the blood in your body flow out and I drink it. Then I will treat you as a sacrifice. I'll find you a good place to go, and from now on, you'll be able to live in the Elysian World. You won't have to suffer anymore. "    


Qin Yu couldn't stop her tears from flowing down her face. In the face of death, no one wouldn't be afraid.    


But suddenly, she felt the jade pendant on his neck start to heat up.    


That jade pendant was given to him by the boss of Dragon Bay, Boss Qin.    


She also couldn't figure out what this young boss meant. Did he really like her? However, based on her intuition, this young boss wasn't a bad person. So when he gave her the jade pendant, she took it and kept it around her neck.    


Now, the jade pendant began to heat up, like a ball of fire burning on her chest.    


Qin Yuan and Qin Yu parted ways in the coffee shop at noon. Qin Yuan had already expected that her boyfriend, Chen Chao, would not let this matter rest, so he gave this girl a jade pendant. In fact, there was a tracking sensor hidden inside, and it was already midnight. Qin Yuan was lying on the floor and sleeping. Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation in his heart.    


He woke up immediately and stood up from the bed.    


Not good, something happened to Qin Yu.    


Without saying anything, Qin Yuan carelessly put on his clothes, opened the door, and ran out.    


At that time, Chu Zijing was sleeping on the bed in a daze and did not know what had happened at all.    


Qin Yuan quickly ran out of the neighborhood. He did not even drive a car and just kept running with his feet.    


He carefully sensed it. Through the tracking talisman, he knew Qin Yu's current location.    


With the guidance of the talisman, he quickly arrived in front of Chen Meilian's villa.    


He stopped in his tracks. After flying for such a long time, his face was not red nor was his heart beating. It seemed that during this period of time when he cultivated the martial arts of Profound Sect, his physical condition had also become extremely good.    


Through the connection of the talisman, he once again confirmed that Qin Yu was in a room on the second floor of the villa.    


He did not care about anything else. He directly climbed over the wall and entered the villa. Then, he opened the window from the outside and entered the second floor.    


At this time, in the bedroom that was decorated, Chen Chao held a dagger and forced it in front of Qin Yu.    


Chen Chao did not immediately kill Qin Yu. Instead, he lifted his hand and tore off the cloth that was stuck in Qin Yu's mouth. Then he said, "Yu, seeing that I used to really like you, I will give you a chance to leave your last words. Speak. If you have any last words or unfulfilled wishes, I will help you fulfill them. This is the last thing I can do for you."    


Qin Yu was almost at a loss for words. She could only shake her head with tears flowing down her face. "Why are you doing this to me? Ever since I became an orphan when I was eight years old, no one cared about me anymore. When I met you, I thought you were the only person in the world who cared and loved me. I didn't expect you to be such a person."    


" That's the truth, there's no helping it, sometimes the world is cruel to begin with, you have to accept this fact " Chen Chao shrugged and said.    


"Alright, I don't want to waste any more time. Leave behind your last words. Of course, if you don't have any last words, I can send you on your way now."    


Qin Yu looked at the sparkling dagger in Chen Chao's hand and closed her eyes in despair.    


"I don't have any last words. The only regret I have is not knowing you. Chen Chao, do it. I was blind."    


"Okay, then don't blame me for being impolite." Chen Chao said, raising the dagger and stabbing towards Qin Yu.    


At that moment, the bedroom door was kicked open.    


A person jumped in like an agile rabbit and quickly moved towards Chen Chao.    


Chen Chao was about to stab Qin Yu with the dagger when he suddenly felt a black shadow flash. Then he felt a pain in his wrist and let go of his hand. The dagger seemed to have been taken away by that person. Then... He heard a popping sound and felt a part of his body suddenly heat up. Then, his pupils suddenly enlarged.    


After Qin Yuan rushed in, he snatched the dagger from Chen Chao's hand at lightning speed and quickly stabbed it into Chen Chao's shoulder.    


Yes, it only stabbed into his shoulder, but it did not kill him.    


Then he kicked Chen Chao to the ground.    


This sudden change made Chen Chao unable to guard against it. When he finally reacted, he saw Qin Yuan, and his face immediately revealed a surprised expression.    


"You... Why are you here?"    


Chen Chao's first reaction was to shout for help.    


"Mother, quick..."    


However, just as he said a few words, Qin Yuan suddenly raised his hand and pressed on his acupuncture point. Chen Chao immediately froze there with his mouth still open.    


Then Qin Yuan turned his eyes to Qin Yu.    


"Are you alright?"    


When Qin Yu saw Qin Yuan, she almost couldn't believe that this was the truth. Oh my god, she thought that he would definitely die in Chen Chao's hands today. She didn't expect that the boss of Dragon Bay, whom she had just met not long ago, would actually descend from the sky. He appeared in front of her like a god and saved her.    


At this moment, Qin Yu could not tell what she felt in her heart. She only felt touched and warm. She only felt that this man in front of her was so great.    


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