Revenging Son-in-law

C251 He Was Shocked

C251 He Was Shocked

3Qin Yuan was about to leave, but in fact, just as he took a few steps, a loud shout came from the front.    


"Qin, stop right there!" It was the shout of a woman.    


Qin Yuan stopped in his tracks. The two girls who were about to send flyers to other places also stopped in their tracks. Including Lin Fei, they all looked up and followed the voice. In the end, they saw a valiant-looking woman in a police uniform, standing there with her almond eyes wide open.    


Huh, isn't this Xue Lingzhi?    


Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Chief Inspector Xue, what did you call me just now? Qin?"    


Previously, Xue Lingzhi had been respectfully calling him Master Qin. Now, she suddenly changed her way of addressing him as Qin. Furthermore, she had an angry look on her face, which confused Qin Yuan.    


Xue Lingzhi had short hair, a delicate and pretty face, and an extraordinary temperament. Qin Yu and the slightly plump girl at the side couldn't help but click their tongues.    


Xu Linlin's eyes widened as she looked at Xue Lingzhi who was walking over. She could not help but exclaim, "Patrol Elder Sister, why is she so handsome?"    


Xue Lingzhi ignored the gazes of the others and walked directly in front of Qin Yuan. She said to him, "I did indeed respect you before. You are also a master. That's why I called you Master Qin. But now you are not. "    


"Eh? What do you mean?"    


"Hmph, don't you know what you've done yourself? You are no longer worthy of me calling you Master Qin. "    


"Eh? What have I done?"    


Xue Lingzhi said, "Pretending. Continue pretending. Do you think you will really be fine just because you pretend nothing happened? You can hide it from others. Can you hide it from me?"    


"Eh? Inspector Xue, you came here in anger today. I am curious. What did I, Qin Yuan, do?"    


"You... you killed someone."    


These words stunned the two girls and Lin Fei.    


Xu Linlin said, "It can't be, right? This patrolling sister actually said that Boss Qin killed someone? He's the idol in my heart, sigh. How could he possibly kill someone?"    


Qin Yu was also stunned.    


Lin Fei's heart skipped a beat. This was bad. Last time, Brother Yuan killed his ex-girlfriend, Zhang Xiaoman, and Zhang Xiaoman's second generation boyfriend, Luo Sheng, in order to vent his anger for him. Furthermore, he didn't leave any traces behind. This matter wouldn't be exposed, right?    


Qin Yuan, however, raised his chin indifferently.    


"Inspector Xue, food can be eaten randomly, but words can't be said randomly. If you say I killed someone, who did I kill?"    


"You want me to expose you, don't you? You killed too many people. You killed the entire Lau Family, Octupole Sect, and Form-Intention Sect. "    


The two girls were even more shocked. Heavens, what was the meaning of this patrolling elder sister? She was saying that Boss Qin not only killed people, but also many people.    


Lin Fei was also stunned. He believed that Qin Yuan had killed Zhang Xiaoman and Luo Sheng because he had seen it with his own eyes. However, he didn't believe that Qin Yuan had killed so many people.    


Qin Yuan was stunned. He knew that the patrolling officer must have found out about his murder, but so what?    


"Hahahaha, Inspector Xue, this is a big joke. You said that I killed many people and many people. Where's the evidence?"    


"Evidence? Of course we have evidence. Also, didn't you personally admit it at the French restaurant that day? Did you kill them?"    


"Is that so? Did I say that? Did I admit it? I'm not that stupid, am I?"    


"What do you mean? Don't tell me you want to go back on your word?"    


"Haha, what can I do? I never said that I killed someone, okay? It's you, Inspector Xue, who is spouting nonsense here. If you really have evidence... I reckon you would have taken me away long ago. Why would you, Inspector Xue, waste your time here with me? " Qin Yuan said.    


"You..." Xue Lingzhi was speechless for a moment.    


Lin Fei heaved a long sigh of relief. That's right, what Brother Yuan said was right. If he had really killed so many people and there was evidence in the hands of this patrolling officer, he would have wasted his time with him. He would have taken Brother Yuan away a long time ago.    


Qin Yu and the other two girls immediately understood.    


Xu Linlin ran over and said to Xue Lingzhi, "Patrol sister, if Boss Qin really killed someone. The two of you would definitely have taken him away long ago if you had evidence, but Patrol Elder Sister did not seem to be here to arrest people today. So Elder Sister, you are joking with Boss Qin, right?"    


"I..." Xue Lingzhi was speechless again. That's right. If the patrolling elder sister really had evidence to prove that Qin Yuan killed someone, why didn't she just take him away?    


Qin Yuan smiled. "That's right. Officer Xue was joking with me just now. After all, both of us are familiar with each other. It is normal to make a joke."    


"Who was joking with you?" Xue Lingzhi was not convinced. She wanted to say something, but she suddenly remembered that she came today to invite Qin Yuan to do something, not to denounce him.    


When she came, the bureau chief had always reminded her to pay attention to her attitude, but she still could not control it.    


Qin Yuan asked, "Alright, Inspector Xue, let's not joke around anymore. What business do you have with me today?"    


"I..." Xue Lingzhi found it hard to speak for a moment. After all, you had just reprimanded him, and now you are asking him to do something.    


However, the bureau chief had given a death order. This matter had to be done no matter what. Otherwise, the bureau chief would have to personally invite Qin Yuan.    


Thinking of this, Xue Lingzhi cleared her throat and said, "That... There is something I need your help with."    


When she said this, the two girls and Lin Fei completely believed her. The patrolling officer was indeed joking with Qin Yuan just now. If Qin Yuan really killed someone, then... Not only did the patrolling officer not arrest him, he even begged him to do something. If this wasn't a joke, then what was?    


Lin Fei also heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. He was really worried that the matter between Luo Sheng and Zhang Xiaoman would be exposed and would implicate Qin Yuan.    


"Eh? You need my help with something? What is it? "    


" That's right... Recently, there have been a few cases of strange suicide. After some investigation, we found that this matter is a bit strange, but we have no clue at the moment, so we want to ask you... "    


"Not interested." Xue Lingzhi was interrupted by Qin Yuan before she could finish speaking.    


Xue Lingzhi was stunned and looked at Qin Yuan in disbelief.    


"What did you say?"    


"I said I'm not interested." Qin Yuan repeated his words again.    


"Didn't you just want me to help you solve the case? I'm very busy and I'm not interested. I don't have time either. Inspector Xue, please go back." Qin Yuan's lips curved into a mocking smile.    


"You... you dare to refuse?" Xue Lingzhi immediately became angry.    


I, a dignified Patrol Officer, personally came to invite you. I didn't even finish my words and you actually dare to refuse.    


Qin Yuan shrugged indifferently and repeated his words, "I already said that I am not interested. Patrol Officer Xue, do you want me to repeat it again?"    


"Qin, you have to find out your own identity and situation." Xue Lingzhi shouted at Qin Yuan.    


"We, the Patrol Officer, are asking you for help because we think highly of you. Don't put on airs for me. Alright, since you are giving me face and not giving me face, so now we're not inviting you anymore, I order you to follow me back to the police station to see our director. " Xue Lingzhi also had a violent temper, plus she was young and aggressive.    


However, facing her violent temper, Qin Yuan did not care at all.    


"You ordered me? What right do you have to order me? I'm not a patrolling officer. " Qin Yuan said.    


He was secretly pleased with himself. That day at the French restaurant, he had indeed said it himself. The Lau Family, Octupole Sect, and Form-Intention Sect had indeed been destroyed by him. But now, in front of Xue Lingzhi, he firmly denied it. He wanted to let this female patrol know that I, Qin Yuan, am not under your control. If I want to admit it, I will admit it. If I don't want to admit it, I won't. What can you do to me?    


If he was held back by the Patrol Officer from the beginning, then he would definitely shrink back when doing things in the future. This was definitely not a good sign.    


And today, if Xue Lingzhi asked him to help solve the case normally, he would definitely go without saying anything. After all, he had heard about the few cases that happened in the city recently. It was indeed quite strange.    


But today, the female patrolling officer's attitude made him unhappy, so he directly rejected her.    


Qin Yuan wanted to let them know that even if your patrol wanted me to do something, I would go if I wanted to. If I didn't want to go, I wouldn't go. Which one of you can make my decision? I am just so willful. What can you do?    


It was Qin Yuan's attitude that made Xue Lingzhi completely furious.    


"You have to go today. Even if you don't want to go, you have to go." Xue Lingzhi said.    


"Then I really won't go." Qin Yuan showed a careless look, which made the female patrol so angry that she almost vomited blood.    


"Qin, let me ask you one last time. Are you going or not?"    


"I will say it one last time, I am not going."    


"You... Fine, fine, you're awesome. You're not going, are you? Then don't blame me for being impolite. I told you that you have to go today. You have to go even if you don't want to. If you don't want to go, I'll arrest you. " As Xue Lingzhi spoke, she took out a pair of handcuffs.    


Lin Fei was stunned. He felt that things were going to get out of hand. The two girls beside him were so scared that their faces turned pale. These handcuffs were used to arrest people.    


When he saw the female patrol take out the handcuffs, Qin Yuan's face immediately turned ugly.    


"What's wrong? Don't tell me you still want to use these handcuffs to handcuff me?"    


"What else do you think?" Xue Lingzhi said, "You have killed so many people. You are a criminal to begin with. What's wrong with me handcuffed by you?"    


Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes. "Then you have to see if you have the ability to do so."    


"Then let's try. I don't believe that a dignified patrolling officer like me doesn't have the right to arrest you?"    


The atmosphere became tense all of a sudden.    


Qin Yuan actually didn't want to fight with this female Patrol Officer, because from the beginning until now, he had a pretty good impression of this female Patrol Officer, but he didn't expect this woman to be so twisted.    


If this female patrol didn't know what was good for her today and insisted on offending him, then he wouldn't mind teaching this female patrol a lesson.    


However, at this moment, a voice was suddenly heard. "Who wants to capture Mr. Qin?"    


Everyone turned around and saw a black BMW approaching them. The BMW stopped and the door opened. A man walked out of the car.    


This man was tall and sturdy. One could clearly see the scars on his bare arms. He was bald and his eyes carried a trace of indescribable ruthlessness.    


Hong Biao?    


Qin Yuan didn't expect Hong Biao to appear at this time.    


Lin Fei's heart couldn't help but tremble when he saw Hong Biao. He was also a local, so he was very familiar with Hong Biao's name.    


Hong Biao was the underground emperor of the entire Jiangbei. He was backed by the big tree, the Wei Family. No one would dare to offend him in the entire Jiangbei.    


To an ordinary person like Lin Fei, Hong Biao was like a high and mighty Divine Immortal.    


Qin Yu and Xu Linlin's facial expression changed as well. Although these two girls didn't mix in the martial world and didn't know who Hong Biao was, they couldn't help but tremble when they saw this man's domineering and sinister temperament.    


"Hong Biao, why are you here?" Qin Yuan said.    


Hearing this, Lin Fei's face turned pale. Brother Yuan actually called him Hong Biao and called him by his name? He was the underground emperor of Jiangbei.    


What happened next stunned Lin Fei even more.    


Hong Biao, the famous underground emperor of Jiangbei, actually walked up to Qin Yuan. He slightly lowered his head and respectfully called Mr. Qin.    


So respectful? That was Hong Biao, how could he be so respectful to Qin Yuan?    


"Mr. Qin, you made it easy for me to find you. You didn't even pick up the phone when I called you. I had no choice but to come here."    


"Why are you looking for me?" Qin Yuan said.    


"Well, to be precise, I'm not the only one looking for you. There are a lot of people looking for you." Hong Biao said.    


Qin Yuan frowned slightly. "Many people are looking for me? What do you mean? Who is looking for me?"    


" They are already here. Mr. Qin, please take a look. " Hong Biao suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the left side of the road.    


He saw luxury cars coming one after another from the other side of the road.    


Maybach, Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz S600.    


There were more than ten of them, forming an extremely luxurious and huge fleet.    


So many luxury cars lined up in a row and slowly drove over from the other side of the road. It was a very spectacular scene, causing pedestrians to stop and watch as they discussed animatedly.    



Xu Linlin saw so many luxury cars and immediately covered her mouth in shock.    


Qin Yu's small face also had a look of shock. She and Xu Linlin were both commoners and normally being able to see a luxury car was already incredible but now seeing so many cars at once, how could she not be shocked?    


In a moment, these luxury cars arrived in front of Qin Yuan and stopped one by one.    


Although this place was the city center, because the Dragon Bay had not started construction yet, the place was very spacious. Not to mention more than ten luxury cars, even a hundred of them could be accommodated.    


After the car stopped, the doors opened one after another, and then a person walked out from the car. Some of these people wore black suits and had extraordinary temperaments, while others had short bodies. They were wearing big gold chains around their necks, and some were big and big. Some of them had tattoos on their bare arms, while others were gentle and refined.    


These people were of different ages. Some were in their thirties, some were in their forties, and some were in their sixties or sixties.    


But no matter what age they were wearing? Age? Anyone could tell that these people were not simple. They were definitely not ordinary people. Could ordinary people drive such luxury cars over?    


This scene made the two girls and Lin Fei not dare to speak. Even Xue Lingzhi was stunned.    


What happened next shocked them to the extreme.    


After these big shots got out of the car, they walked towards Qin Yuan one after another. They cupped their hands and called out to Qin Yuan. "Mr. Qin..."    


"Master Qin."    


Everyone's attitude was so respectful.    


Qin Yuan was also stunned. He looked up and found that he didn't know any of these people.    


These people were all so respectful to him. He turned his eyes to Hong Biao and asked with a frown, "Hong Biao, what are you doing? Who are these people? "    


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