Revenging Son-in-law

C197 A Miserable Experience

C197 A Miserable Experience

0"Kid, who the hell are you?" Brother Ping realized how powerful Qin Yuan was and immediately shouted at him.    


"You don't need to care who I am. You only need to know that you used the loan as an excuse to bully my friend, and you even spoke arrogantly in front of me. So today, I will break one of your legs."    


Qin Yuan's words were spoken casually, but Brother Ping's expression had changed. He began to slowly retreat.    


"Kid, don't come over. If you dare touch a finger of mine, you will regret it."    


"Eh? Is that so? I've never tasted regret before. I'd like to try it today. " After saying that, Qin Yuan suddenly dashed towards Brother Ping like a gust of wind.    


A miserable scream was heard. Brother Ping was instantly knocked down to the ground by Qin Yuan.    


Qin Yuan raised his leg and was about to step on one of ___'s legs. Brother Ping was so anxious that he broke out in cold sweat. He shouted, "No, no, don't break my legs. I will return the money. Can't I refund you?"    


"It's too late." He kicked Brother Ping's leg hard.    


"Ah..." Brother Ping screamed like a pig being slaughtered. The veins on his face bulged, and his eyeballs almost popped out from the pain.    


There was a cracking sound in his scream just now. His leg was completely crippled.    


Qin Yuan did not intend to stop there. He slowly lifted his leg and looked at Brother Ping's other leg.    


Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "I forgot to cripple one of your legs. But you still have another leg. You can still let the loan sharks harm you. If that's the case, why don't I cripple both of your legs? I want to see if you can let the loan shark go when you're in a wheelchair in the future."    


"Don't, don't, don't. Spare me. If you cripple my other leg as well, my life will be over. I'll compensate you, and I'll compensate you, alright?"    


Brother Ping shouted loudly. There was despair in his voice. At that moment, a card fell out of his pocket.    


It was a bank card.    


Qin Yuan picked up the card and looked around. Brother Ping panted as he shouted, "Card, card, my card has exactly three million. I will pay, I will pay all. I only ask this little brother to be magnanimous. Uh, no, I beg this big brother to be magnanimous and spare my cheap life. I will never dare to let out a loan shark in the future. I will never dare to harm others again. "    


"Three million?" Qin Yuan suddenly smiled. It was a good thing. He had tried to get Lin Fei to pay him three million, but in the end, he spat out three million.    


Adding on the fact that one of his legs was crippled, hehe, it was about time.    


"Password?" Qin Yuan asked.    


"324321." Brother Ping told him the password without hesitation.    


"Alright, for the sake of this card, I will spare you." Qin Yuan raised his leg and kicked Brother Ping's butt hard. He shouted angrily, "Get lost!"    


Brother Ping felt like he had been pardoned and wanted to get up from the ground. However, his leg had been crippled. He couldn't get up even after crawling for a long time. At this moment, the dozen gangsters who had been knocked down by Qin Yuan had finally reacted. He stood up in a daze, and Brother Ping shouted at them, "What the hell are you guys still standing there for? Hurry up and take me away. Hurry up and send me to the hospital."    


A few hooligans quickly ran over. They lifted Brother Ping up and ran away quickly.    


Silence returned to the bar entrance.    


Qin Yuan took the card and walked in front of Lin Fei.    


"Fei, take this card. There are three million on it. Consider it compensation for Brother Ping bullying you."    


Lin Fei was still in a daze when he saw the card was forced into his hand by Qin Yuan.    


"Brother Yuan, when... when did you become so powerful? Even Brother Ping is not a match for you. You, you are really different from before." Lin Fei's heart was filled with emotions.    


Qin Yuan said, "I am different from before, but you are also different from before. Fei, if you still treat me as a friend... Tell me, what happened? Why did you become so poor that you borrowed from loan sharks? "    


Lin Fei could no longer hide it. An old man could no longer hold back his tears. The pain and despair that he had suppressed for a long time exploded at this moment.    


"Brother Yuan, I lied to you before. Actually, I'm not living well. Over the past year, I've been living a very miserable life. My parents have been in a very bad situation as well. I'm not a human."    


Looking at Lin Fei's miserable appearance, Qin Yuan knew that he must have encountered a lot of things in the past year. He was at the entrance of the bar now, so it was not convenient to say too much. Therefore, Qin Yuan and Lin Fei returned to the Night Fire Bar and found a quiet private room.    


Lin Fei could not control his emotions. He picked up a large bottle of beer from the waiter. He raised his head and drank all the beer. He wiped his tears and said, "Didn't I have a girlfriend a year ago? Her name is Zhang Xiaoman. I quite like her. Our relationship is also not bad. Her family is outside of town and she only has one daughter at home. So her parents all hope that I can go to their place. "    


"I know what this means. It means that when I go to them, I'll become their son-in-law. I don't want to do that, because I am the only son of my parents. If I leave, who will take care of my parents? But in the end, I still agree, because I love her... I don't want to lose her, and my parents agreed as well."    


"Just like that, I quit my job at Lin Hai. I took the three million yuan that my parents saved over the years and went to Zhang Xiaoman's city. I planned to invest and do business there and then stabilize it."    


"But who would have thought that not long after I got there, I found out that I was cheated. Zhang Xiaoman, that woman, did not really like me at all. She only wanted to cheat me of my money. The three million that I was prepared to invest in the business was cheated away by Zhang Xiaoman and her mother. I have nothing, and after deceiving me of my money, Zhang Xiaoman soon had a new lover and was with a rich second generation. "    


"I really can't be angry, because those three million were my parents' hard-earned money for so many years. Thus, I went to question Zhang Xiaoman. That day, her rich second generation boyfriend was also there. So, there was a conflict. I had no relatives there. And her second generation boyfriend called a large group of people to beat me up, and then threw me out like a dead dog. "    


"During that period of time, I didn't dare to go home, and I didn't dare to tell my parents what happened. I was afraid that they would worry, and I was also afraid that Zhang Xiaoman's boyfriend would take revenge on my parents. I was just that kind of person with scars all over my body. Wandering in an unfamiliar city like a beggar."    


"Later on, my parents called me and found out that I was abnormal... After all, they were my biological parents, and they realized that something might have happened to me here. So my parents hurriedly drove over to look for me, but they didn't expect to get into a car accident on the way. My father was killed on the spot, my mother... My mother was lucky, she was lightly injured and found me. She saw me in this state. She felt very uncomfortable. My mother was a very strong person. She brought me to Zhang Xiaoman's house and prepared to seek justice for me. But... "    


"But Zhang Xiaoman's second generation boyfriend beat me up again and took my mother away. I don't know what they did to my mother either. I called the police. It wasn't until a month later that the police found my mother in an abandoned building. My mother has been tortured beyond recognition by them... Zhang Xiaoman's second generation boyfriend would find many beggars every day. Give them money and let them insult my mother."    


" Because my body suffered a great injury, my mother was diagnosed with uterus cancer not long after she was found. Wuwuwuwu, I brought my mother back to Lin Hai and first took care of my father's funeral. Then, I transferred the supermarket my father ran to and sold our house. But my mother's illness still hasn't been cured, just a week ago... My mother, she... she died. "    


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