Revenging Son-in-law

C95 He Is My Boss

C95 He Is My Boss

1Brother Kun will be here soon. He's a loyal man. After all, they were all on the road. Furthermore, Huang Lin paid him a lot of protection fees every year. The two of them had a good relationship after being in contact for a long time. That was why he had just received a call from Panghu, saying that Huang Lin had been called. Brother Kun immediately called dozens of his subordinates and rushed to the food stall in a grandiose manner.    


When they arrived at the food stall, the boss of the food stall and the other customers saw Brother Kun's posture and were so scared that their legs turned soft. They hid far away from him.    


Panghu saw Brother Kun as if he had seen his savior.    


"Aiya, Brother Kun, you are finally here. If you don't come soon, Brother Huang and I will be beaten to death."    


Brother Kun waved his hand. The dozens of men behind him immediately stopped in their tracks. He said loudly, "Which blind man dares to touch my brother?"    


"It's this kid." Panghu raised his hand and pointed at Qin Yuan.    


Brother Kun raised his head and looked at Qin Yuan. This glance was not a big deal, but it gave him a scare.    


"Boss... Boss Qin?" Brother Kun thought he had seen wrongly. He rubbed his eyes hard and took two steps forward. Only then did he confirm that the person in front of him was his boss, Qin Yuan!    


When Qin Yuan saw Brother Kun, he was a little happy.    


"Yo, I thought it was someone else. It turns out that the Brother Kun they were talking about is you. Kun, you are a good kid. You have already become the big brother." Qin Yuan teased.    


It turned out that the Brother Kun Panghu and Huang Lin were counting on was Kun.    


Kun was the group of hoodlums who were bribed by Zhou Mingliang the last time and wanted to cripple Qin Yuan with a bunch of underlings. Later, he was bribed by Qin Yuan with money and was convinced by Qin Yuan's charm. He was willing to be Qin Yuan's lackey.    


Just yesterday, Qin Yuan also called Kun and asked him to investigate Zhou Mingliang for him.    


In fact, Kun was not a hoodlum, but was secretly carrying a target in this area. Although he could not compare to Hong Biao, he still had a reputation in this area.    


A small boss like Huang Lin who owned a game hall and billiard hall had to rely on Kun to protect him.    


Qin Yuan stood up and walked to Kun. "Kun, you are doing well. You are actually someone else's saviour."    


Then he looked at the dozens of underlings behind Kun.    


"What's wrong? You brought so many people here because you want to make a move on me?"    


Kun raised his hand and slapped himself on the face. He said with a smile, "Aiyo, Boss Qin, don't tease me. How could I dare to attack you? You are my boss."    


"Panghu called me and told me that Huang Lin was beaten. I never thought that it was you, Boss. You should know that it was you. I wouldn't dare to bring so many people here even if I was beaten to death."    


Panghu and Huang Lin were dumbfounded when they heard the conversation between Kun and Qin Yuan.    


Panghu walked up to Kun and said, "Brother Kun, it's this kid with the surname Qin. He hit me and Brother Huang. He..."    


Before Panghu could finish his words, Kun raised his hand and slapped his ear.    


"You f * cking blind thing. It's not good for you to offend anyone. You have to offend my boss. Not only did you offend my boss, you also called me and asked me to bring dozens of people to deal with my boss. I'm going to slap you to death."    


Kun cursed as he stepped forward and kicked Panghu's butt a few times, making Panghu scream.    


"Ouch, stop hitting me. Brother Kun, I really didn't know that this Qin guy was your boss. No, when did he become your boss?"    


Kun retracted his leg and said, "All of you, listen up. Qin Yuan is the boss of me, Kun. If you dare to offend my boss again in the future, I, Kun, will not let you off lightly."    


Huang Lin was also a fool. He thought that this Qin Yuan was really capable. Last time at the Oriental Dynasty KTV, even Hong Biao bowed to him. Wei Ziqing of Wei Family was also very polite to him. Now, even her savior Kun called him boss.    


No, isn't this Qin a useless son-in-law? How could he have such capability?    


Huang Lin climbed up from the ground in a sorry state and walked to Kun's side. Just as he was about to say something, Kun kicked him to the ground. He pointed at him and scolded, "Huang, you provoked my boss, but you didn't say anything. If I don't teach you a lesson today... You don't know my boss's surname is Qin. "    


After that, Kun went forward and punched and kicked Huang Lin, causing him to beg for mercy.    


"Stop hitting him, stop hitting Brother Kun. I was wrong. I was blind to not recognize Mount Tai. I shouldn't have provoked Boss Qin..."    


Only then did Kun stop. He turned around and looked at Qin Yuan with a smile. "Boss Qin, my two dogs offended you because they didn't know what was going on. If you still don't vent your anger, I will kill them right now."    


Upon hearing this, Panghu and Huang Lin felt their hearts tighten.    


Panghu was so scared that he fell to his knees in front of Kun. He said with a sad face, "Brother Kun, Brother Kun, we are brothers. You can't be so cruel. Spare us. We won't dare to do it again."    


"Humph, it doesn't matter if I can spare you or not. You have to ask my boss."    


Huang Lin and Kun crawled to Qin Yuan's feet like two dogs and begged for mercy.    


Qin Yuan looked at them with disdain, then said, "Huang, do you dare to have any thoughts about my sister-in-law in the future?"    


"No, I won't. I won't do it again. Even if you lend me a hundred guts, I still won't dare. Boss Qin, please be magnanimous and spare me." Huang Lin begged for mercy. At this moment, he wished he could slap himself to death. The last time he was in the Oriental Dynasty's KTV, he had clearly witnessed Qin Yuan's power. Why did he provoke him today?    


Huang Lin swore in his heart that he would never provoke Qin Yuan again.    


Qin Yuan said, "Alright, admitting your mistakes will make no difference. Kun, let him go this time, but I don't want to see a next time."    


"Don't worry, boss. I guarantee that they won't dare to do it again." Kun said.    


Qin Yuan nodded. "Alright, stop kneeling. Tell them to get lost. A good meal was ruined just like that. How disappointing."    


Kun raised his leg and kicked Huang Lin and Panghu hard. He scolded, "Didn't you hear my boss ask you to get lost? Get lost quickly."    


Panghu, Huang Lin, and the dozen or so people who were with them ran away in a sorry state.    


Kun went forward and apologized again. Then he said to Qin Yuan with a serious face, "Boss, didn't you ask me to investigate Zhou Mingliang's matter?"    


Qin Yuan said, "How's the investigation going?"    


Kun lowered his voice and said, "There's a situation. Zhou Mingliang has gone missing."    


Qin Yuan was stunned when he heard this.    


"Missing? What do you mean?"    


"Boss, ever since you crippled him last time, that guy disappeared, as if he had vanished from the face of the earth. And according to my investigation, Zhou Mingliang appears to be the eldest son of the Zhou Corporation. He is a rich second generation, but in fact, he has another hidden identity."    


"Another hidden identity?" Qin Yuan was even more shocked.    


"As for what this identity is, I haven't found out yet. However, this Zhou Mingliang's whereabouts had always been very mysterious. Every month, he would disappear for a few days. In short, it was very mysterious. Now that his boss had crippled him, according to his usual arrogant personality, he would definitely come and take revenge on his boss, but he did not. Not only did he not come to take revenge on his boss... Furthermore, his family was not worried at all after his disappearance. They didn't even call the police."    


Qin Yuan said," Tell me more clearly. Why did Zhou Mingliang disappear? And what is his hidden identity? "    


" Boss, I really can't find out about this in a short period of time, but don't worry boss, I will continue to investigate. "    


Qin Yuan frowned. He had always felt puzzled. Where did Zhou Mingliang get that kind of poison? It was colorless and odorless. Even medicine could not detect it. As a result, after giving his father-in-law this kind of poison, it caused his father-in-law to become a vegetable.    


Now, it seemed like Zhou Mingliang's identity wasn't that simple.    


"Kun, you have to continue investigating. You have to find out Zhou Mingliang's true identity."    


"Yes, boss."    


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