Revenging Son-in-law

C338 The War Was Imminent

C338 The War Was Imminent

2"Transfer the money." The three experts from Kunlun held their elbows and raised their chin high, looking very noble.    


The old man sighed helplessly, then said to his granddaughter, "Ziqing, transfer the money. Mr. Qin is our family's savior. No matter how much money it is, we will pay. As long as we can protect Mr. Qin."    


The army said, "Mr. Qin also saved me. Now that Mr. Qin is in trouble, how can I stand idly by? I will pay half of the money."    


Liu Haifeng said, "Since it is to protect Mr. Qin, then we must also pay."    


The other big shots echoed, "Since it is to protect Mr. Qin, then we are all responsible. I think we should each pay a little."    


"Who wants to pay to protect me?" A voice was heard. Everyone turned around and looked. They found Qin Yuan with his hands behind his back and walked over unsteadily. He was also holding a cigarette in his mouth. He even looked a little careless.    


Old Master Wei shook his head when he saw Qin Yuan.    


"Sigh, I knew Mr. Qin wouldn't go out and hide with his temper. He still came."    


The others sighed as well. They all felt that Qin Yuan was too stubborn. Actually, it was very simple to resolve this matter. Wouldn't it be fine to go out and hide for a period of time? Although this Qingyun Tian was powerful, it was impossible for him to find people all over the streets.    


But Qin Yuan just didn't hide, and didn't come to accept the challenge?    


Not only did he come, but he also looked very relaxed, showing no signs of facing a great enemy.    


The army shook their heads. "Sigh, why is Mr. Qin so stubborn? He really came, and he even looked so relaxed. He was really careless. He was too careless."    


As he spoke, Qin Yuan had already walked over. He took a puff of his cigarette. He blew out a smoke ring, then looked around and said, "There are quite a lot of people today. Isn't it just a fight with Qingyun Tian? Why are there so many people watching? "    


Hearing this, everyone's jaws dropped.    


Isn't it just a fight with Qingyun Tian? Was this a fight? This was not a fight between ordinary hooligans. Qingyun Tian was a big shot, a super big shot. He could even slap you to death with a single slap.    


"Cough cough..." Liu Haifeng coughs lightly before smiling and saying, "Mr. Qin, you are right. Isn't it just a fight with Qingyun Tian? What's so great about it? We can't be nervous or afraid. Yue The more we fear, the faster we die."    


"Afraid? Of course I'm not afraid. Why should I be afraid?" Qin Yuan replied with a smile.    


"Er... Yes, yes, yes. We need to have a better mental fortitude. Who cares? Besides, we have invited three experts for Mr. Qin today. With the protection of these three experts, Mr. Qin doesn't need to worry too much."    


"Experts? What experts?" Qin Yuan asked. When he walked over just now, he vaguely heard Old Master Wei and the others say that they had gathered some money and hired some expert to escort them.    


Liu Haifeng hurriedly pointed at the three Kunlun experts and introduced them, "Mr. Qin, these three are from Kunlun. They are definitely experts. We have gathered some money and invited them over to help Mr. Qin."    


"Eh? Is that so?" Qin Yuan suddenly found it funny. He followed Liu Haifeng's gaze and looked at the three Kunlun experts.    


At this moment, the three Kunlun experts looked at Qin Yuan. The one in the middle said, "You are Qin Yuan? The person who is going to have a decisive battle with Qingyun Tian today? No wonder they didn't hesitate to spend six hundred million to invite the three of us here. You are the only one like this. Qingyun Tian will probably kill you with a slap."    


Another Kunlun expert said: "I'm curious. Qingyun Tian is an expert after all. Why would he challenge a weakling like you? He even caused such a huge commotion. Wouldn't it be fine if he just slapped you to death? It's going to take so much effort."    


The last Kunlun expert said, "However, there are rules in the martial arts world. Since they offered to hire us, we will do our best to help you today and guarantee your safety."    


Qin Yuan looked at the three experts of Kunlun with a smile that was not a smile. After they finished speaking, Qin Yuan said," You three want to protect me? And you even took their money? And it's six hundred million? "    


"What else do you think? We are the experts of Kunlun. Not everyone can hire us. If you don't give us money, do you think we will come? "    


Qin Yuan turned his eyes to Old Master Wei.    


"Old man, did you really give the three of them six hundred million?"    


Old Master Wei said, "This money was collected by everyone. We are doing this for Mr. Qin. After all, Mr. Qin is the backbone of our family now. We can't let anything happen to him."    


"Hahahaha." Qin Yuan suddenly laughed. This laugh confused everyone.    


How long had it been? The war was imminent, but Mr. Qin was still able to laugh.    


However, the three experts of Kunlun were unhappy.    


"What are you laughing at? You can still laugh when you're about to die. If it wasn't for the three of us protecting you today, Qingyun Tian would probably have killed you with a single move. So, you can count on the three of us."    


"I count on the three of you?" Qin Yuan stopped laughing and looked at the three experts from head to toe. Then he raised a finger and pointed at the three experts. He said word by word, "You? Wh, wh, wh, wi?"    


Hearing this, the three masters' faces immediately changed.    


"What did you say? Who do you think we are?"    


Old Master Wei's facial expression changed, because he had spent a lot of effort to invite these three experts over. So he quickly said to Qin Yuan, "Mr. Qin, don't be rude to these three experts. We are all relying on them today."    


"Depend on them? I just said, who do they think they are? And six hundred million? Hehe, let's find a place to cool down on the beach up ahead. Do I, Qin Yuan, need to rely on you? Do I need you to protect me? Ridiculous."    


" You..." The three experts were so angry that their beards started blowing.    


"Arrogant! You are about to die, yet you still dare to be so arrogant?"    


"Is there something wrong with your brain? You can't see the situation clearly, right? If it wasn't for the three of us protecting you... Qingyun Tian can slap you to death with a single slap. Not only do you not respect us... You don't want to please us, but you actually despise us? Are you sure you want to do this?"    


" Hehe, of course. You don't understand human language, do you? I'll say it again. Who do you think you are? Return the six hundred million to Old Master Wei and the others. Get the hell out of here. " Qin Yuan said.    


"You... Good, good. Don't regret it." The three experts gritted their teeth.    


Old Master Wei and the others were scared to death.    


"Mr. Qin, what... what is the meaning of this? We have spent a lot of effort to move three experts, how can you offend them, and even chase them away? They are all people who can save your life. "    


" Do I, Qin Yuan, need them to save my life? Get the hell out of here! Get as far away as you can! Damn it! I can't stand people who put on airs in front of me!" Qin Yuan waved his hand impatiently.    


The three experts of Kunlun were so angry that they were about to vomit blood. One of them even clenched his fist and wanted to make a move, but he was stopped by the other two.    


"There's no need for us to make a move. Let Qingyun Tian deal with this kid later."    


"Kid, you want us to leave? Sure, but when Qingyun Tian wants your life later... Don't ask us for help, we won't do anything. In addition, we can leave, but we won't withdraw the 600 million that has already been transferred. Not a single cent. "    


"Eh? You won't refund the money? Are you sure? Alright, I hope you can say that later." Qin Yuan did not force them to return the money. He just smiled. Then he turned his eyes to the sea and looked at the blue sea. He slowly spat out a smoke ring and then said, "Sigh, isn't Qingyun Tian looking for me to fight a decisive battle? Why hasn't he appeared yet? Stop dilly-dallying"    


Although Qin Yuan's voice wasn't loud, the people surrounding him also heard it. They all turned their heads around in surprise and looked at Qin Yuan.    


"So this person is the one who fought against Qingyun Tian." Someone pointed at Qin Yuan and whispered.    


"So he is Qin Yuan. He looks like a weak chicken, yet he still dares to fight against Qingyun Tian. Isn't this courting death?"    


Initially, the onlookers didn't know who Qin Yuan was, but now, a few of them heard what Qin Yuan said. Knowing that he was the one who was going to fight against Qingyun Tian, their faces revealed looks of pity or helplessness. They were certain that Qin Yuan would die.    


There was an old man who was watching from the sidelines. He was wearing a white training uniform. He shook his head and said with regret, "Although this young man is young, he looks strong and strong. He is a good seedling for practicing martial arts. If he was slapped to death by Qingyun Tian today... That would be a pity. "    


Therefore, the surrounding people looked at Qin Yuan as if he was a dead man.    


Even Old Master Wei, Liu Haifeng, and the others felt helpless. They even felt a little disappointed in Qin Yuan. This Mr. Qin really knew how to do things. He had actually offended three experts of Kunlun. It was over, it was over now.    


The three experts of Kunlun didn't leave. They just stood in the crowd. Because they wanted to see how this arrogant disciple called Qin Yuan was killed by Qingyun Tian. Only then would they feel happy. Anyway, they had already gotten the money. They could still watch a good show from now on. Why not?    


At this moment, the calm sea surface suddenly began to churn.    


Someone shouted, "Look, it seems like the wind is blowing."    


Everyone looked towards the surface of the sea. The waves were higher than the waves. They came from the furthest place where the sky and the sea met.    


Everyone was shocked. At first, they thought it was a gust of wind, but later they realized it wasn't because the waves were coming from below. It definitely wasn't from the wind blowing from above.    


When the waves rolled towards the shore more and more violently, suddenly, with a swoosh, a person jumped out of the sea and splashed a water column more than ten feet high.    


"Wow, who is that? He actually jumped out of the sea? Like a rocket. "    


" Who else could it be? It must be Qingyun Tian. Didn't they say he was training in the water just now? Now he finally came out. "    


"Look, after that person came out of the water, he actually stepped on the surface of the sea and walked over step by step."    


Everyone was shocked, because that person was wearing a navy blue robe. The old man with white hair and a white beard actually had one hand behind his back. His feet firmly stepped on the surface of the sea, and he walked towards the shore step by step.    


In ancient times, it was said that there was a kind of divine technique called walking on water. There were many people who had cultivated it before, but none of them had succeeded. Think about it, how great would it be to be able to walk on water like it was flat ground? How could an ordinary person be able to cultivate it?    


But now, Qingyun Tian walked over very easily as if nothing had happened.    


"Qingyun Tian is here. The decisive battle is about to begin." Someone shouted again.    


Looking at the person who walked over, the three experts revealed gloating expressions on their faces. They turned to Qin Yuan and said, "Kid, your opponent is here. Just wait for your death. We won't attack later."    


"Die? It's not certain who will die later. I don't know if I will die or not, but if the three of you don't return the money, you will die for sure." Qin Yuan said to the three experts.    


"You, you are about to die, yet you still dare to be so arrogant. Do you believe that I will kill you?" One of the experts was infuriated. He clenched his fist and was about to attack Qin Yuan. Another expert pulled him back and said, "Don't be angry, Qingyun Tian will turn him into a dead man in a while. So what if he is the one who pretends to be quick with his words?    


At this time, Qingyun Tian finally walked to the shore. Then he jumped from the sea to the beach on the shore. Then, with one hand behind his back, he stroked his beard with the other. Then, he said, "Who is Qin Yuan? Come out and face your death."    


Upon hearing this, Old Master Wei's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Mr. Qin would really die in Qingyun Tian's hands today?    


Wei Ziqing nervously grabbed her grandfather's arm and said with a trembling voice," Grandfather, what should we do? Qingyun Tian is so powerful and the situation is urgent. Quickly think of a way."    


Old Master Wei said, "It's too late. Qingyun Tian is already in front of us. What else can we do?"    


Hearing this, Wei Ziqing's heart was about to shatter.    


"Could it be... Could it be that we can only watch him die? No, Grandfather, I don't want him to die."    


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