Revenging Son-in-law

C451 Awkward

C451 Awkward

2After Qin Yuan told Chu Zijing about this, Chu Zijing said with a troubled expression, "Your father wants to meet us? I, I am not very willing to go."     2


"Zijing, we are all family from now on. It is very normal for us to meet. Father means that our family can have a meal together so that we can get to know each other better. Although we have been married for more than five years, my father has indeed just returned. He's still not familiar with you." Qin Yuan tried his best to do Chu Zijing's thinking.    


"Does your father really want to be close to us? Is there really no other meaning?" Chu Zijing was a little worried.    


"Qin Yuan, I don't know why, but I keep feeling that your father is very dissatisfied with me. For example, when I was in Xiangxi last time, the way he looked at me. Also, the way he talked to me, I keep feeling that he... really hates me. "    


This made Qin Yuan feel very awkward. His father did not just reject her, he also did not want him to be with this woman for the rest of his life. His father had already made it very clear that Chu Zijing was not suitable for him.    


Therefore, it would not be so easy for his father to propose that the two families meet, but he definitely could not say that in front of Chu Zijing.    


"Zijing, you think too much. How could my father not be satisfied with you? No matter what, you are my wife. This is something that has already been decided. He will accept you."    


Chu Zijing did not want to make things difficult for Qin Yuan. In the end, she nodded and agreed. Then, she went home and told her mother about this matter.    


"You want to treat us to a meal? It's not that I want to say that his son has been staying at our house for the past few years to eat our food and drink our flowers. Now that his father has returned, shouldn't he give us some compensation? Can we just have a meal? " Han Ying said.    


" Aiya, Mom, what do you mean by compensation or not? We are husband and wife. Don't tell me you still want to ask him if it is shameful to compensate when his father is here?"    


"Then what is there to be ashamed of? Five years ago, our family didn't even take a single cent of the betrothal gifts. At that time, we thought that he didn't have a father or a mother. Now that his father is back, shouldn't he make up for the betrothal gifts? If I had to say, not only would I have to make up for the betrothal gifts, I would also have to hold another wedding. All the procedures have to be done from scratch."    


Chu Zijing was speechless.    


"Mom, the father only treated us to a meal to get to know each other better. If you mention these things again, you don't have to go. I will go by myself."    


"How can that be? I am your mother. Okay, okay, okay. I won't bring this up anymore, okay? I want to see if they are in front of me or what they will say. "    


The dinner time was set at seven o'clock in the evening. Qin Yuan had already informed the Gathering Yuan Pavilion and decided to have dinner there tonight.    


However, when he waited at the entrance of the Gathering Yuan Pavilion for half an hour, he received a call from his father when he saw Chu Zijing and her daughter.    


"Father, why aren't you there yet? We are already at the Gathering Yuan Pavilion. Do you want me to drive to pick you up?"    


Qin Junwu said on the other end of the phone, "No need. You can come to the elegant building. I will wait for you here."    


Qin Yuan was stunned. Elegant building? Was this a restaurant? Why did this name sound so unfamiliar? It definitely wasn't a big restaurant. He searched the Baidu map and found that this elegant building was actually a small restaurant.    


What was his father doing? I have already booked a private room in Destiny Pavilion, why are you asking us to go to this elegant building?    


"What's wrong?" Chu Zijing walked over and asked.    


"Uh, nothing." Qin Yuan smiled awkwardly. This was the first time his father had a meal with someone from his wife's house. No matter what, he had to go to a decent restaurant. It was an elegant building. It was really too shabby.    


At this time, Han Ying somewhat impatiently muttered, "Are we going in or not? This person is already at the door, why is he still dawdling here?"    


Qin Yuan said, "Uh, that, Mom. Wait a moment with Zi Jing. I'll call my father."    


Then he took his phone and walked to the side to call his father again. The call was quickly picked up. Qin Yuan asked directly, "Dad, what are you doing? This is the first time our family has eaten. How can we go to an elegant building? That restaurant is a little..."    


"It's a little unclassy, isn't it?" Qin Junwu smiled on the other end of the phone and said, "Yuan, we are not family anymore. Your wife is the closest person in the world to you. So why should we pay attention to the extravagance when we go out to eat? "    




"Or is it that the people on your wife's side need to talk about the extravagance? I think if they really treat you as one of their own, they won't ask you to go to a restaurant to eat. When a family is together, what is important is not to eat there, but the atmosphere of eating. "    


Qin Yuan suddenly had nothing to say, but after thinking about it carefully, what his father said seemed to be right. If it was to have a meal with friends and relatives, then it would be good to choose a better restaurant to have face and extravagance. However, if they were to eat with their closest family members, these things were not important at all. There was no need for that.    


"If they want you to put on a show, it only means that they don't treat you as one of their own." After saying that, Qin Junwu hung up the phone.    


Qin Yuan helplessly sighed and could only walk over. He said to Chu Zijing and Han Ying, "That... Purple Thorns, Mom, do you think we should go somewhere else to eat?"    


Han Ying was somewhat dissatisfied and muttered, "Change places? Isn't this Destiny Pavilion pretty good? Don't you know Hong Biao, the boss of this place? No matter how good it is to eat at an acquaintance's place. However, what's more, we've been waiting for a long time. Hurry up and go in. "    


Han Ying said as she lifted her foot and walked into the hotel. Qin Yuan braced himself and stopped her. "That, Mom, my father said that we should go to the elegant building to eat. He is already waiting there. Why don't we go there?"    


"The elegant building? Where is it? Why have I never heard of it?"    


Qin Yuan thought to himself. Elegant building is just a small restaurant. You have never heard of it, but I have never heard of it.    


"Elegant building? This name is quite elegant. It should be a very big restaurant, right?" Han Ying's face revealed a smile.    


"Is it that this grade is even higher than the Gathering Yuan Pavilion? That would be great. As I said, we have come to the Gathering Yuan Pavilion to eat a few times. It's good that we are tired of eating and change places. Let's go. Let's go to this elegant building. "    


Thus, they drove the car and pulled the mother and daughter toward the elegant building.    


When they reached the place, they parked the car and the three of them got out of the car. Han Ying immediately became silly.    


Because she discovered that there was indeed an elegant building next to it, but it was a very small restaurant. Moreover, the main dish was Sichuan Cuisine. She could not eat spicy food the most. Moreover, she normally wouldn't even look at such a low-class restaurant.    


"Wretch, you won't tell me that this is the elegant building you talked about, right?" Han Ying was suddenly a little angry.    


Qin Yuan also did not expect the name of the elegant building to be so high. It was just that the scale was a little too small. Looking inside, there could only be six or seven of them in the hall. There was a private room on the table, but it was also pitifully small. He estimated that it could only fit five or six people.    


Chu Zijing was also a little surprised, but she did not say anything on the surface.    


"Let's go. My father is already waiting inside. Let's go in."    


"Why should we go in? I don't want to enter such a low-class restaurant. Moreover, the hygiene standards here are not up to standard. Do you dare to eat the food here?"    


"Hey, what do I mean by your father? Just treat us to a meal. He even brought us to such a place. Is he trying to embarrass us? "    


Han Ying shouted loudly, causing the people on the side of the road to turn around to look.    


"Mom, lower your voice." Chu Zijing said, then turned her gaze to Qin Yuan and asked, "What exactly is going on?"    


"Ahem, ahem, Zi Jing, listen to me. Today, it is just us family eating together, so there is no need to talk about extravagance. Having a family to eat together is important to the atmosphere, so it doesn't matter where we eat or where we eat. Isn't that so? "    


"What doesn't matter? Of course it's important. Is your father just trying to disgust us? Is he mocking us for not being good enough? "    


Chu Zijing's heart was also somewhat stifled, but since they were already here, if they turned around and left, their relationship would probably become stiff. Furthermore, she thought of her own father-in-law, Qin Junwu. He wasn't very satisfied with her in the first place. If they were to have a meal in a small restaurant, how could they continue their relationship?    


Furthermore, after thinking about it, Qin Yuan was right. It didn't matter if they were family.    


So Chu Zijing hurriedly pulled her mother. "Alright, Mom. Since we are all here, let's go in and have a meal together. Maybe it is because my father-in-law is used to being thrifty. After all, these years have been tough. That's why he chose this small restaurant to eat. "    


In the end, the three of them went in together.    


Qin Junwu was currently sitting in the only private room in the restaurant. Of course, the private rooms of the big restaurants in this private room could not be compared.    


"What is this smell? And this private room is so rotten. Look at this table. Why is it greasy? What kind of work does the waiter do? He didn't even wipe it clean? " Ever since Han Ying entered the private room, she had always been picky. She kept muttering.    


Qin Junwu was already sitting in the private room. When he saw the three of them enter, he simply greeted them and then picked up the teacup to drink tea. This made Han Ying even more dissatisfied.    


The first time they met, the in-laws' attitude was so cold, as if our family owed them. Han Ying said indignantly in her heart. She raised her head to look at Qin Junwu. She found that this man had an extraordinary bearing and did not seem like an ordinary person. Although his clothes were very simple, it still could not conceal the extraordinary aura that he emitted.    


Moreover, this man should be around his age, but he looked to be in his thirties or forties. He was still very young.    


Han Ying was almost sixty years old this year. She thought that Qin Junwu would be fifty or sixty years old no matter what, but she did not expect him to be so young. This not only made her feel a little uncomfortable.    


The atmosphere at the table was a little awkward, because in fact, Qin Junwu was not very enthusiastic. After everyone had arrived, they started to order dishes, and the dishes they ordered were cheap home-cooked dishes. Of course, this restaurant was small to begin with, so there weren't many expensive dishes.    


The dishes were quickly served. Because the restaurant's dishes were arranged there, the dishes inside were definitely not very delicious. Han Ying was full of dissatisfaction. Seeing that the dishes on the table were not as delicious as the ones she made, she felt really depressed.    


Chu Zijing was also very embarrassed because at the table, the dishes were not as delicious as the ones she made. This father-in-law of hers basically did not say a word. He ate and drank. He acted as if there was no one else around. As her daughter-in-law, she actually still wanted to say a few words to her father-in-law. However, she did not know what to say. Moreover, even if she wanted to say something, her father-in-law might not want to hear it.    


Sometimes, Han Ying could not help but mutter a few words in a low voice. Qin Junwu pretended not to hear it, as if he did not take it to heart.    


In fact, the most awkward one was Qin Yuan. He really hoped that his father could get along harmoniously with his wife and mother-in-law. After all, they were family. But looking at his father's cold face, without even saying a word, his mother-in-law's face was almost squeezed out of the water.    


Qin Yuan kept looking for topics to talk about, wanting to make the atmosphere at the dining table lively, but no one responded. It was really as awkward and awkward as it could get.    


This meal was really too dull. It was not easy to finish it. Qin Yuan was going to pay the bill, but Qin Junwu waved his hand and said, "Today is the first time we meet. I will pay the bill. Consider it as me treating you to a meal. "    


Then he waved to the waiter. The waiter looked at the menu and said to him, "It's a total of 189 dollars."    


Qin Junwu said, "We have only ordered less than eight dishes. Why is it more than 100 RMB? It's too expensive."    


Han Ying's face immediately darkened when she heard this. How could a restaurant of this level be considered expensive? What did he mean? Are you mocking us, mother and daughter, for not being able to match up to this kind of standard?    


Chu Zijing's face turned gloomy.    


Qin Yuan hurriedly came out to smooth things over. He took out two hundred-yuan notes first and handed them to the waiter. He said, "No need to look, no need to look."    


After they left the restaurant, Qin Junwu said, "It's rare for us to have a gathering today. We were a little full just now. Why don't we walk around and digest our food? There's a park ahead."    


Han Ying said with a dark face, "The park is good. The park is free. You don't need to take a penny. My dear, you really have a good plan. Our mother and daughter are so worthless in your eyes, right? Only worthy of visiting a free park? "    


Chu Zijing hurriedly gave her mother a look, indicating that she should not say things that were too ugly.    


Qin Junwu did not seem to care about him and said, "We are all one family. It is not important to show off those things. It is just that if our in-laws insist on showing off, then we will go to a more expensive place to play."    


Then Qin Junwu turned his questioning gaze to Chu Zijing.    


"What do you think, Redbud?"    


Chu Zijing said, "Well, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the family stays together. We... We might as well take a walk in the park in front of us."    


Qin Junwu nodded. "Yes, let's go then. Actually, there is nothing wrong with the park. There are flowers and grass inside. The air is fresh and can calm the irritated heart."    


Then he looked at Han Ying. "My dear, you should go to the park more often. This way, your temper won't be too bad."    


"What do you mean? Are you mocking me for being impatient? Even if I am short-tempered, I don't need to go to the park, a place where only lowly people come. I don't want to go, if you want to go, then go. Forgive me for not being able to accompany you. "    


Han Ying fiercely flicked her sleeve, then turned around and left.    


"Mom, don't..."    


"Oh right, Zijing, you follow me too. We, mother and daughter, are not so lowly as to go to a small restaurant to eat and then go to a free park." Han Ying turned around and pulled her daughter.    


"No, Mom..."    


Chu Zijing wanted to say something but was pulled by her mother and walked forward.    


Chu Zijing was very embarrassed and could only turn around to look at Qin Yuan. Qin Yuan wanted to stop him but was stopped by Qin Junwu.    


"Yuan, since my biological mother and daughter-in-law do not like this free park, then let them go. There are some things that cannot be forced."    


So Qin Yuan could only watch helplessly as his mother-in-law pulled his wife away. The mother and daughter soon reached the door and took a car and disappeared.    


Qin Yuan was quite depressed.    


"Dad, what are you doing?"    


Qin Junwu smiled and said, "I just want you to see something clearly. Son, you should see it clearly now, right?"    


"See what clearly? My father, I know you don't like my mother-in-law. She is a bit snobbish and mean. But... but... she is my mother-in-law after all. Aren't you embarrassing her by doing this today? Isn't it a little too much?"    


"No, not at all." Qin Junwu shook his head and said with a serious face.    


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