Revenging Son-in-law

C116 Those Who Save People Should be Saved

C116 Those Who Save People Should be Saved

1After Qin Yuan received a call from his mother-in-law, he hurried back home.     3


When he opened the door, he found that there were a few more people in the living room.    


In addition to his mother-in-law and father-in-law, there was also a woman in her sixties, a middle-aged man in his forties, and an old man in a wheelchair.    


Qin Yuan was stunned. What? There was a guest at home? He hadn't gone down just now, so why were there suddenly three people? And it's midnight...    


Han Ying changed her bad attitude when she saw Qin Yuan. She waved at him and said, "Qin Yuan, come, look. Who is here? Sister Wang is the one who fainted from playing mahjong at our house last time."    


Han Ying pointed at the old woman in her sixties who was about her age and said.    


Qin Yuan took a look and found that it was indeed the aunt surnamed Wang who had played mahjong with his mother-in-law last time and had a sudden stroke of cerebral hemorrhage. After that, she was saved by him using Qi Returning Powder.    


"This is Sister Wang's son, and this is Sister Wang's old partner." Han Ying pointed at the middle-aged man and the old man sitting in the wheelchair and introduced them.    


Qin Yuan went forward and greeted them politely. He thought to himself why Sister Wang's family came to his house in the middle of the night. They seemed to be looking for him.    


Han Ying said, "Qin Yuan, the Qi Returning Powder that you gave Sister Wang last time. It worked quite well. Now Sister Wang's old partner's health is not good. So the family of three came to find you at night. I hope you can give the Energy Recovery Powder to Sister Wang's old partner last time. Perhaps it can cure his illness. "    


Qin Yuan immediately understood what was going on. After he used the Energy Recovery Powder to save Sister Wang last time. Sister Wang said that her old partner's health was also not good, especially his waist injury. The pain was unbearable. She hoped that she could buy a few bags of the Energy Recovery Powder from Qin Yuan. But she was rejected by Qin Yuan.    


Because the last time Sister Wang and the others played mahjong at home, they did not speak kindly to Qin Yuan, which made Qin Yuan very unhappy.    


Later, Sister Wang also asked Han Ying to come and ask Qin Yuan for a few Qi Scattering Powder, but he also rejected it.    


And today, Sister Wang's family of three actually came straight to the door.    


Sister Wang walked up and said apologetically to Qin Yuan, "Qin, aunty knows that you are a person with real ability. After eating your Energy Recovery Powder the last time, my illness has completely recovered. You are simply a godly doctor in this world. Now, Auntie has a presumptuous request. Look at my old partner. He's only over 60 years old and his body has already become like this..."    


Sister Wang sighed and pointed at the old man sitting in the wheelchair. "My old partner worked too hard when he was young and his body was overdrafted. That's why his waist was almost paralyzed when he was only in his 60s. His brain was about to collapse, and he was suffering from pain every day. It's better to die than to live. That's why Auntie is begging you. Please save my wife. "    


Qin Yuan looked at the old man who was lying paralyzed on the wheelchair. His eyes were lifeless and skinny. He looked like a walking corpse.    


After Auntie Wang was rejected last time, she actually brought her old partner to Qin Yuan's house to beg him.    


The middle-aged man standing next to her, Aunt Wang's son, stepped forward and said to Qin Yuan, "Brother Qin, I heard from my mother that you gave her a bag of Energy Recovery Powder last time. After that, you completely cured her illness. Little brother, you have returned to life. If the Godly Doctor was still alive, he would come to ask for help today, hoping that little brother would be able to help the world. Then, help save my father's life."    


This middle-aged man was tall and had an extraordinary temperament. He had a square face and his entire body seemed to be filled with righteousness.    


Han Ying whispered to Qin Yuan, "Sister Wang's son is the Chief of our Patrol Bureau. Even the Chief personally came to beg you, what are you still putting on airs for? Hurry up and take out that Qi Returning Powder of yours. "    


Qin Yuan was stunned. It turned out that this middle-aged man with a mighty figure was the Chief of the Patrol Bureau. Han Yuan and Xue Lingzhi were also members of the Patrol Bureau. It seemed that this middle-aged man in front of them was their boss. No wonder he looked so righteous.    


Qin Yuan looked at the old man in the wheelchair again. Although the old man looked skinny and skinny, it could still be seen that when he was young, he must have had an extraordinary temperament and was full of righteousness.    


Qin Yuan said, "Let me ask, what did this old man do when he was young? He actually made his body like this."    


The middle-aged man said, "My father also did patrol work for decades. He went from a minor police officer to the head of the police station. Seven years ago, he became the head of the police station. There was a malicious hostage situation in Linhai City. A four year old child was kidnapped. At that time, the robber was crazy and the situation was very urgent. Because of the poor eyesight, therefore, the sniper was unable to kill the robber as soon as possible. That child is in a very dangerous situation. "    


"As the head of the Patrol Office, my father stepped forward and took the initiative to exchange hostages. He used himself to replace the child, but he didn't expect the robbers to threaten my father. Tell the Patrol Officer to prepare five million yuan and a helicopter for them. Then, he took my father to the helicopter. Seeing that the robbers were about to escape, my father fought back at the critical moment. He fought fiercely with them on the helicopter. "    


"In the end, my father took care of all the robbers by himself, and he himself was seriously injured. Especially his waist, which was stabbed by the robbers with steel bars, almost pierced through his entire waist. From then on, he fell ill at his waist, and his body became worse day by day. After retirement, although I took him to many big hospitals, I found some famous doctors, but the effect was very little, until now, he has become like this."    


"I heard from my mother that Brother Qin is a godly doctor with godly medicines in his hands. That's why I took the liberty to ask him for help. Please, on account of my filial piety. Gift my father a godly medicine to relieve his pain. Of course, I won't ask for little brother's medicine for free. Little brother, give me a price. I will do my best."    


Qin Yuan waved his hand and said," I don't deserve to be called a Godly Doctor. Actually, my medicine isn't some kind of godly medicine. However, it shouldn't be a problem to cure your father's illness. "    


Upon hearing this, Sister Wang and her son were delighted.    


"Does this mean that Brother Qin agreed?"    


Qin Yuan nodded. Aunt Wang had begged him before. He had asked her to save his old partner, but he refused. It was because Aunt Wang's rude words had made him unhappy. But in fact, he did not really care about it. Doctors had the heart of a parent. Although he was not a doctor, he used the medicine in his hands to save people. What he did was exactly the same as what a doctor did.    


"Thank you so much, Brother Qin." The middle-aged man expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.    


Qin Yuan said, "You don't have to thank me. I only saved your father because of your father's example. Your father was hurt all over because of saving him. Those who saved him should be saved."    


Qin Yuan said as he took out a bag of Qi Returning Powder from his pocket.    


"You can give this Energy Recovery Powder to your father now. Because his body is weak and his breath is messy, he is on the verge of running out of energy. This Energy Recovery Powder can make his disordered breath gather again."    


"Energy Recovery Powder? This is the Energy Recovery Powder that pulled me back from the gates of hell the last time! It is precisely this divine medicine!" Aunt Wang immediately said excitedly when she saw the Qi Returning Powder.    


"Quick, guest of state, quickly feed it to your father."    


So the mother and son hurriedly fed the Qi Return Powder to the old man in the wheelchair.    


Originally, the old man's body was weak and his mind was disordered, and his consciousness was somewhat fuzzy. However, after consuming the Energy Recovery Powder for less than half an hour, the old man's messy eyes began to slowly gather. The chaotic aura also began to slowly stabilize, and the painful expression on his face also became much less. In the end, his consciousness also gradually became clear.    


The old man first closed his eyes, then opened them again. He looked around and said in confusion, "Where am I?"    


Seeing that his father's blurry consciousness had actually awakened, Xiang Gubin and his mother were wild with joy.    


"Godly medicine, it really is a godly medicine. My father's consciousness has been blurry for a long time, but now he has woken up. It has only been half an hour, and Brother Qin's Breath Returning Fruit is really a godly medicine. ” The guest of state couldn't help but sigh.    


Qin Yuan said," This Qi Returning Powder only gathers his aura, but his most fatal injury is at his waist. How about this, I have some Bone Recovery Pills with me. "    


As Qin Yuan spoke, he took out three bags of Bone Recovery Pills from his pocket.    


"Starting from tomorrow, give the old man one bag a day, and take three days in a row. The old man's waist injury should be more or less healed."    


The distinguished guest excitedly took the Bone Recovery Pills from Qin Yuan because he had the magical evidence of the Qi Returning Powder. So now he had no doubt about the efficacy of the Bone Recovery Pill. If it was really like Brother Qin had persuaded him to take three bags, it would be great if his father's waist injury could be healed.    


"Thank you, Brother Qin. How much is this medicine? Give me a price."    


Qin Yuan waved his hand and said, "This medicine can be a sky-high price, but it can also be free of charge. It depends on who the right person is, like your family's old man. I just said that he became like this because he wanted to save people. Now that he was saved by me, this can be considered a kind of blessing to him. I don't accept money."    


The mother and son looked at each other in shock. Such a miraculous medicine actually did not receive money?    


"Brother Qin, no matter what, I can't take your medicine for free. I am already very grateful that you can save my father. Little brother, please give me a price."    


Qin Yuan waved his hand again and interrupted him. "I said to give this medicine to your father. I won't accept a single cent. You don't have to say anymore. It's not early, so you should go back early. How about this? I'll prepare some pills that can strengthen my body in the next few days. Wait! Three days. After that! The old man's waist injury has healed. Come to my place and get some pills for him to consume. I guarantee that he'll be able to strengthen his body and prolong his life. "    


"Thank you, thank you so much, Brother Qin." As he spoke, he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Qin Yuan.    


"As the chief of the Patrol Bureau, I cannot be biased against the law. But if Brother Qin has any use for me, I will do my best. This business card has my work number and my personal number. Little brother, if you need anything in the future, just say it. "    


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