Revenging Son-in-law

C437 A Huge System

C437 A Huge System

3After coming out of the old man's villa, Qin Yuan had mixed feelings in his heart. At the same time, he felt a burning sensation in his heart. Could it be that the old man really wanted to...    


No, this matter could not be delayed any longer. It had to be resolved as soon as possible.    


He clenched his fist and walked out in large strides. At this moment, his phone suddenly rang.    


He picked up his phone and saw that it was Chu Zijing calling.    


"Hello, wife, what's the matter?"    


"Qin Yuan, come back quickly. Something happened at home." Chu Zijing tried her best to suppress her emotions on the other side of the phone, but Qin Yuan could still hear that there was a trace of choking in her voice.    


"What happened?" Qin Yuan asked in a hurry.    


"It's Dad... He... He... Aiya, I don't know what's going on either. Let's talk about it when you come back. " Chu Zijing hung up the phone.    


Qin Yuan did not hesitate and rushed home. When he reached home, he heard Han Ying crying as soon as he entered the living room. Chu Zijing's comforting and sobbing were mixed in.    


This sound came from his father-in-law's study room.    


He rushed to the study room and found his father-in-law half-lying in the chair in front of the desk. His eyes were slightly closed and his body was trembling slightly.    


Han Ying and her daughter were surrounding him, shouting and crying.    


"Old man, wake up. What happened to you? Don't scare us."    


"Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you? Open your eyes and look at us. "    


Qin Yuan ran over in a hurry.    


"What happened?"    


"Aiya, you damn thing, why did you come so late? We don't have a home every day, and we can't count on you even if something happens at home. What's the use of raising a useless person like you? " Han Ying saw Qin Yuan and scolded him.    


But now Qin Yuan was too lazy to bother with her. He walked to his father-in-law's side and quickly examined him. He found that his father-in-law's breath was weak, his face was pale, and his pupils were a little unfocused.    


His heart was immediately kicked. Could it be that he had been borrowed by someone just like Old Master Wei? Could it be such a coincidence? Why were all the people around him borrowed for his longevity?    


However, when Qin Yuan asked what was going on, he realized that it wasn't what he thought.    


Chu Zijing said, "After I got off work, Mom was cooking in the kitchen. I was washing my clothes in the bathroom. Dad was reading in the study. Suddenly, Mom and I heard a thud at the same time. It came from Dad's study room, so the two of us went to the study room. In the end, we found that Dad fell to the ground, and his body was still trembling. "    


"At first, I thought Dad had some kind of illness, so I was going to take him to the hospital. But I know that Dad has always been in good health. Ever since you treated him last time, there has never been any problems with his body. At that time, Dad just woke up. When he heard that we were going to take him to the hospital, he refused to go. He said that he didn't have any illness at all. "    


"We had no choice but to let him lie on the chair in the study, hoping that he would get better after resting for a while. But... but it has already been two hours, and Dad is still like this..."    


Qin Yuan also realized that although his father-in-law's face was pale and his body was trembling, his consciousness was still very clear. He did not faint, so he tried to shout a few times.    


"Dad, Dad, I am Yuan."    


Sure enough, after hearing Qin Yuan's voice, Chu Gengnian slowly opened his eyes.    


"Dad, my dad is awake."    


However, Chu Gengnian did not look at his daughter and wife. Instead, he looked at Qin Yuan.    


"Yuan, you are back. I have something to tell you."    


Qin Yuan was startled. His father-in-law had just woken up and told him that he had something to tell him.    


His father-in-law then turned to Han Ying and her daughter and said to them, "You two go out first."    


Both mother and daughter were stunned when they heard that.    


"Old man, what do you mean? What can't you say in front of us? We are all your closest people." Han Ying said.    


However, Chu Gengnian did not explain too much. He said stiffly, "If I tell you to go out, you can go out. Cough, cough, cough, cough..."    


Chu Gengnian was so emotional that he started to cough violently. It scared the mother and daughter so much that they quickly stood up.    


"Alright, alright, alright. Old man, don't be agitated. We will go out now. We will go out now."    


Wait for the mother and daughter to come out. After the two of them went out and closed the door, only Chu Gengnian and Qin Yuan were left in the study room.    


"Dad, what is going on? Why are you suddenly..."    


Chu Gengnian raised his hand and interrupted Qin Yuan. He shook his head and said, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I just... just want to leave."    


"What do you mean by leaving? Where are you going? "    


"Yuan, don't be afraid when I tell you. Actually, I'm not your father at all. I'm your senior brother, eldest senior brother."    


Qin Yuan was stunned. He looked at Chu Gengnian in a daze. First of all, could it be that his father-in-law's brain had gone haywire?    


But soon, he stopped thinking about it because he realized that when he asked someone to speak, he didn't seem to be joking at all. Instead, he looked very serious.    


"No, what I said just now wasn't right either. Actually, I'm not Chu Gengnian, nor your Eldest Senior Brother. Because you're the Sect Leader of Profound Sect now. Yes, Master Ancestor has already passed the position of Sect Leader to you. Since you are the Sect Leader of Profound Sect, then I am your disciple. "    


The sudden mention of the Profound Sect by his father-in-law made Qin Yuan feel that the matter was not something to be trifled with.    


But his father-in-law was just an ordinary man. Why would he suddenly mention the Profound Sect? But soon, a thought flashed across Qin Yuan's mind. He suddenly remembered the notebook that his father-in-law had placed in the study. At that time, he felt that his father-in-law's identity might not be simple and had some kind of relationship with the Profound Sect.    


"Dad, what's going on?"    


"Sigh, it's a long story, but as long as you believe me, I will tell you everything."    


"Yuan, erm, Sect Leader, I think you have heard about the annihilation of Profound Sect, right?"    


Qin Yuan nodded and said, "The annihilation of ___ was caused by the saintess, but it was only on the surface. Master had a special relationship with the saintess, that's why the situation was like that."    


"Although this is only on the surface, it's true that Profound Sect was annihilated. At that time, the saintess had almost gone crazy, forcing her grandmaster to come out and meet her. She not only persecuted my grandmaster's youngest and most beloved disciple, Qin Junwu and his wife. And he even slaughtered all the disciples of the Profound Sect."    


"But the Profound Sect is after all the Profound Sect! The disciples of the ___ aren't weak. On the surface, they were killed by the saintess, but in fact, their souls found another body and survived."    


"I understand." Qin Yuan suddenly nodded. He stared at his father-in-law and said, "Dad, you are actually the eldest senior brother of Profound Sect. You are just like the other disciples. You were killed by that crazy woman, but all of you are still alive. After the soul left his body, it was placed on another person's body. Keep living in the name of another person, just like you... Your soul was residing in my father-in-law's body, so you have become Chu Gengnian. And you have been living with his identity for so many years, right? "    


"You are very smart. As expected of the Sect Leader chosen by my grandmaster. Actually, you have already discovered my true identity. You have read my diary, right?"    


As Chu Gengnian spoke, he stood up shakily and took the notebook from the bookshelf.    


"I just feel that there is something wrong with this notebook, but it is locked. So I didn't open it." Qin Yuan said honestly. In fact, when he felt that there was something wrong with this notebook, it wasn't difficult for him to open it with his means, but no matter what, there were some private things in the diary, so he did not open it.    


Chu Gengnian stared at the notebook and said, "I have always had the habit of keeping a diary. After I attached myself to Chu Gengnian, he found out that this old man also had the habit of writing a diary. So basically, I write a diary every day. Of course, I don't write down everything. I just write down some important things, including the matters of the Profound Sect. Including my true identity, including the souls of my fellow brothers. Of course, this is classified information and cannot be discovered by outsiders. So I locked this notebook "    


"In fact, as long as my true identity is not exposed, no one would be interested in looking at this notebook. But do you remember the time when I was kidnapped by the Murong Family? They kidnapped me and brought me to an unfinished building. They forced me to reveal my true identity. At that time, I realized that nothing was foolproof. It turns out that the people of Murong Family have started to suspect me. This made my heart palpitate, but fortunately, you appeared at the last moment. You saved me. "    


" If it wasn't for you, my true identity might have been exposed. Once my true identity is exposed, then... the souls of the other disciples of Profound Sect... The identity of the inheritor will also be exposed, and the consequences will be unimaginable."    


Qin Yuan stared at the old man in front of him. It turned out that this old man was no longer his father-in-law, but the eldest senior brother of the Profound Sect who had attached his soul to this old man's body.    


"Ever since the establishment of Profound Sect, there have been more than a dozen Sect Leader. They had also experienced many calamities, and every time their sect was about to be destroyed... The Sect Leader you brought with you has allowed the Profound Sect to escape the calamity and regain its vitality. This time is no exception. Our ancestor had already predicted that the Profound Sect would be annihilated by the saintess, so we have made preparations in advance. It seems like our physical bodies were killed by the saintess, but our souls are still in someone else's body. We have to continue living and wait for an opportunity to be reborn, but we never thought that we would have to wait for so many years. "    


"But this day has finally come, Sect Leader..." As Chu Gengnian spoke, he actually kneeled down in front of Qin Yuan.    


Because after such a long time, Qin Yuan had gotten used to seeing Chu Gengnian as his father-in-law. Therefore, he couldn't accept the sudden change in his identity. He couldn't accept the old man kneeling in front of him, so he hurriedly reached out his hand to help the old man up.    


"Dad, if I'm not wrong, five years ago, when we took a leave to pretend that our family was destroyed, the old man said. It was Master Ancestor Shanxuanzi who saved me, allowing me to escape disaster. He also allowed me to change my identity and marry into the Chu Family as his son-in-law. The reason for this is because you are in the Chu Family. "    


Chu Gengnian nodded his head and said with some emotion," That's right. Otherwise, there would be so many wealthy families in Linhai City. Why did you choose the Chu Family? It's because my soul is attached to the body of Chu Gengnian, the family of Chu Family. That's why I let you stay here. I can take care of you as well. In fact, my soul is attached to Chu Gengnian's body. I was lucky enough to survive, but my strength has disappeared without a trace. Just like an ordinary person. "    


Qin Yuan nodded his head. He had already seen this point. After this senior brother possessed his father-in-law's body, his strength had been completely erased, just like an ordinary person.    


"That's why I didn't really protect you all these years, causing you to suffer a lot of coldness and ridicule, and even being bullied by others. I really feel guilty in my heart."    


"No, don't say that. You have already helped me a lot."    


During the five years that he had married into the family, Qin Yuan had been treated as a useless person and had been ridiculed by others. In fact, if it wasn't for his father-in-law protecting him, he would have been chased out by Han Ying a long time ago.    


"I want to know why you have become like this all of a sudden after being possessed by my father-in-law for so many years. Is something going to happen?"    


Chu Gengnian nodded and said, "Because the time limit for possession has come, and I have a feeling that Master Ancestor might be in danger. That huge conspiracy has been initiated."    


Qin Yuan was shocked when he heard this.    


"What do you mean master will be in danger?"    


Qin Yuan's heart could no longer calm down. Could Shanxuanzi be in danger?    


Although he knew that Shanxuanzi was the founder of Profound Sect, he was definitely very powerful and could even be called a Divine Immortal. How could he be in danger?    


"Also, what do you think about that big conspiracy?"    


Chu Gengnian sighed and said, "Although Martial Ancestor is very powerful, his opponent this time is also very powerful. Furthermore, they have a huge plot. They want to destroy the entire Hua Xia in order to achieve their secret goal."    


"What? They are targeting the entire Hua Xia? Their ambitions are too great. Who are they? "    


" It's an inheritance, an ancient inheritance. You should know about this even without me telling you. It's not in a country, but the entire world. All of you are extremely powerful. Let me tell you this. One of the emperors of our country, Qin Shihuang, is the Ancestral Dragon who unified the six countries. He is known as the One Emperor of all ages, such an awesome figure. However, he died long ago on the tour. And before his death, the First Emperor had sent people to look for the immortality medicine everywhere. But in the end, he didn't get the immortality medicine."    


"People think that the emperor died suddenly because of a serious illness, but think about it carefully, how is that possible? The First Emperor has been looking for the medicine for immortality, and at the same time, he has been paying attention to his own health. How could he not know that his body is ill? How could he suddenly die? "    


Qin Yuan widened his eyes in shock because he thought of a possibility.    


"Are you saying that the reason why Qin Shihuang died was because..."    


"It was because that inheritance was operating behind the scenes."    


"That system could actually control the death of an emperor?"    


"What is this? Do you know about Alishan University? A famous emperor from a foreign country died at such a young age. His death was the same as Qin Shihuang's, controlled by that system."    


"You should understand now, right? How powerful is this system? It can control the life and death of a country at will."    


"Since he is so powerful, then isn't it just a matter of seconds for him to secretly enjoy Hua Xia? Why is there a conspiracy?"    


"You're right. He can control the life and death of the First Emperor and Alexander at will. It's so easy for him to destroy a country. In fact, he also wants to do that, but he was stopped by Master Ancestor."    


"Huaxia is the root of the grandmaster, so how could the grandmaster watch the system destroy the entire Huaxia? But you know that the system is so powerful that even the grandmaster is no match for it. It can only be delayed for a while... "    


When Chu Gengnian said this, Qin Yuan suddenly thought of something.    


"I understand. Master has been hiding in that Gigantic Tripod Dimension all these years. He has never come out, even when the saintess annihilated the Profound Sect. He didn't come out. Everyone thought that he was afraid that the saintess wouldn't dare to confront that woman head on. In fact, that wasn't the case. It was because of his master... "    


" That's right. It was because his grandmaster was fighting against that system that he hid in that cauldron space. Once he leaves that space, that system will immediately use its means to destroy all of China. "    


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