Revenging Son-in-law

C439 Magnificent

C439 Magnificent

2Qin Yuan was too worried about his father, so he decided to wait and go to Shennong Valley to find someone, but he didn't expect his father, Qin Junwu, to come back just as he was about to leave.    


This shocked him, because in his opinion, his father hadn't come back for so long, and there was no news of him. He must have been hurt by that Godly Doctor. Why did he suddenly come back? However, when he took a closer look, he found that his father was completely fine. He only felt relieved when he saw that not a single hair was missing.    


"Father, what exactly is going on?" Qin Yuan asked impatiently.    


Qin Junwu patted his son's shoulder and said, "I know you are worried. Look, I am back now. You guys have been thinking too much about Divine Doctor Yuan. Of course, you can't be blamed for this. It's because he purposely put on a very bad look on his face. You must think that those people in Xiangxi Town are borrowing his life force. "    


Speaking of the matter of someone borrowing his life force, Qin Yuan thought of Old Master Wei and asked hastily, "Father, didn't that Divine Doctor borrow the life force of these people? Including Old Master Wei."    


"They were indeed borrowed for their lifespan, but the person who lent them their lifespan wasn't Godly Doctor Yuan. The Godly Doctor only did this to lure that person out. If that person was really the Godly Doctor, then... The people of Xiangxi town and Old Master Wei were no longer in this world. But aren't they still alive?"    


Old Master Wei was indeed still alive, and those people in Xiangxi town were still alive. It was just that the situation wasn't too good.    


Qin Yuan still wanted to ask something, but his father patted his shoulder and said," Son, this matter is extremely complicated. I can't explain it clearly in one or two sentences. What I can tell you now is that someone is setting up a big game of chess. This game of chess has started a long time ago, and this person has ulterior motives. "    


"You are talking about that inheritance?"    


Qin Junwu was shocked.    


"What? You know?"    


"I heard from the eldest senior brother of Profound Sect that there is an ancient system. It was very powerful. He had been setting up a game of chess since a long time ago. This includes one of the founding emperors of our country, and Alexander the Great. They're all chess pieces. "    


"It seems like you already know about this." Qin Junwu said, "I just said that this person has ulterior motives. Not only is he in control of the whole world, but the whole world is also under his control. People from other countries don't know about this, but some of the ambitious people in our country. We can't just watch our country being destroyed by him, so we have already joined forces to resist him. It's a pity that the power of that system is too great. "    


"Speaking of which, if it wasn't for my master, Shanxuanzi, setting up a barrier in the cauldron all these years, that system would have achieved its goal."    


"Then, what role did that Divine Doctor Yuan play? Is he a good person or a bad person?"    


Qin Junwu chuckled and said with certainty, "I can guarantee that he is a good person. He is also one of the ambitious people that I mentioned just now. He had been living in seclusion in Shennong Valley, but in order to stop the conspiracy of that system, he has come out of Shennong Valley. "    


"Xiangxi's Fallen Flower Cave Girl, this matter is definitely not a coincidence. It's the work of that system. They have already started to take action. After the godly doctor found out, he immediately rushed to Xiangxi. On the surface, it was to treat and cure those people, but in reality, it was to further explore the true nature of that system. Of course, he was sincere in curing those people in the town. Otherwise... Those people are still zombies. "    


"After some experimentation and investigation, the Godly Doctor found some clues. He realized that the person who turned Luoyue into Luohua Cave Girl was one of the people in the system. He was quite powerful."    


Qin Junwu stared straight at his son. "Child, now you know why you were no match for that black shadow. That person was a member of that system. So it was normal that you were no match for him. It was because of this person's strength that the Godly Doctor was the first to beat him. When you went to the cave to deal with him, the Godly Doctor's attitude towards you was not good. In fact, he wanted you to leave on purpose so that you wouldn't get involved in this matter."    


"Then, the Godly Doctor pretended to treat my eyes and took me to Shennong Valley. There, he gathered many ambitious people in China, some important people, and talked in secret in Shennong Valley. They discussed how to stop this system's conspiracy because this matter was of great importance. Moreover, it could not be known by outsiders, so the formation outside Shennong Valley was activated. No one is allowed to take a step inside."    


" If anyone rashly enters, they will come into contact with the mechanism of the formation, and then be killed or even turned into a dried corpse. "    


After hearing this, Qin Yuan finally understood why the few people Wei Ziqing sent to inquire about the situation died there and turned into dried corpses. So that was the reason.    


"Now, my eyes have seen the light again. It's all thanks to Godly Doctor Yuan." Qin Junwu sighed.    


"Really? Father, you can really see it with your eyes. " Qin Yuan was also very surprised. After all, a person's eyes were very important.    


"I can indeed see the light again. This shows that the Godly Doctor is a good person. You shouldn't doubt him."    


"It's because I was too worried about you that I couldn't help but suspect him. I hope father won't take offense."    


Qin Junwu smiled and said, "Alright, this cannot be entirely your fault. Because you didn't know about these things before, but now you know about it. You have to be more careful in the future. You can't judge a person by his intuition."    


" I'll remember that. What should we do next, father? "    


"I have my own plans for the future." When Qin Junwu said this, he suddenly sighed. The expression on his face became gloomy.    


"I have a vague feeling that Master is in danger. Although he is still in that dimension of the cauldron... That place is definitely not a safe place, so we don't have much time left. Oh right, my Big Senior Brother who was killed previously, their souls should be in your hands now, right? "    


Qin Junwu said while looking at a certain place on Qin Yuan's body. There was a small jar in his pocket. Inside was his senior brother's soul, and he could already feel it.    


"Yes, I just found out about it. It turns out that after the destruction of my family... In fact, their souls didn't vanish into thin air. Instead, they chose to live in a mortal body. They survived in another form, and now Eldest Senior Brother's soul is in this small jar on my body. It's just that the souls of the others haven't gathered yet."    


"Mm, there's no hurry. The most important thing to do now is to meet my dear big brother and second brother first."    


"You mean Qin Junshan and Qin Junwei? Father, you can still call them big brother and second brother calmly. These two beasts are not worthy to be your Big Brother and Second Brother. Back then, the two of them persecuted you. You have suffered so much, but don't worry father. I will definitely seek justice for you."    


Qin Junwu smiled and said, "Son, I have said it just now. You can't judge a person based on their appearance."    


"Eh? Does father mean that my uncle and second uncle are actually not bad people?"    


"No, they are definitely bad people, and they are very bad. However, in the entire chessboard, they are just a very small chess piece. They are not worth mentioning, so you don't have to pay too much attention to them. If you want to talk about a bigger chess piece, if you want to talk about a bigger chess piece, you will be my good father. "    


"Are you talking about my grandfather, Qin Tianjun? You said he was a bigger chess piece. What do you mean, father? What does grandfather have to do with that system? "    


Qin Junwu didn't answer directly. Instead, he smiled meaningfully and said, "Your grandfather really hid it well. However, he couldn't continue pretending anymore. Yuan... Tomorrow is your cousin Qin Lei's engagement day. It's time for us to go and take a look."    


" En, I also have such a plan. Although they didn't send us an invitation, as relatives of the same race, we should congratulate them on such a big matter. "    


Speaking up to this point, the father and son looked at each other and smiled.    


"Oh right, father, I think we should hurry up and save Old Master Wei and those people from Xiangxi town. No matter what, they were borrowed to extend their lives. We can't let this continue."    


"Don't worry, they won't die."    


As Qin Junwu spoke, he took out a small black bottle from his pocket.    


"Father, what is this?"    


Qin Junwu opened the small bottle and vaguely saw a black pill inside. It was very small and exquisite.    


Qin Junwu took out a pill from the bottle and put it in his palm. He said to his son, "Give this pill to Old Master Wei. He will recover in less than three days."    


"Eh? Is that so? Is this pill really that magical? Didn't they say that they could get their lifespan back just by eating a pill that they borrowed from someone else?"    


"This pill was personally developed by Godly Doctor Yuan and there was something magical added to it. It was specifically used to suppress some evil things. As for whether the lifespan that was borrowed could be returned, I don't know. But as long as you let Old Master Wei and the others consume this pill, you can guarantee that they will recover to their original state. "    


Qin Yuan no longer hesitated. He firmly believed in his father's words, so he reached out and took the black pill. Without saying anything else, he hurried to the old man's villa.    


As soon as he entered the villa, he met Wei Ziqing and found that her eyes were red. It was obvious that she had just cried.    


"Ziqing, what's wrong?"    


Although Wei Ziqing had always been a strong person, when she saw Qin Yuan at this moment, she could no longer hold back her emotions. She actually threw herself into Qin Yuan's arms and cried.    


"My grandfather... He may not be able to do it anymore. When I went to see him just now, I found that his entire life force was on the verge of dying. He might run out of oil at any time."    


Qin Yuan was shocked, but thinking about it, this situation was also within his expectations. Because the last time he saw Old Master Wei, the old man's condition was already very bad.    


It seemed that there was no time to waste. He did not say anything more. He immediately pulled Wei Ziqing and went to the old man's villa to enter the bedroom. He found that the old man's grandfather was still lying on the bed, holding his last breath.    


Wei Ziqing thought that her grandfather was about to leave and could not help but cry again. Qin Yuan said to her, "Ziqing, don't cry. Quickly go and pour some water. I will help the old man down with this pill. He should be fine."    


Hearing this, Wei Ziqing was suddenly stunned.    


"What did you say? You can save my grandfather?" Although Wei Ziqing had always known that Qin Yuan was an extraordinary person, she still had some doubts. After all, his grandfather was on the verge of death. Could he still be saved?    


However, when this girl saw the black pill in Qin Yuan's hand, her eyes lit up. Although she didn't know what this pill was, the moment she saw it, she had a different feeling.    


"What is this?"    


"Don't ask so much. There isn't much time. Hurry up and do as I say."    


Wei Ziqing hurriedly wiped away her tears and nodded. Then she poured a cup of warm water as fast as she could and carried it to her grandfather's bedside.    


Qin Yuan gently placed the pill into the old man's mouth and drank a few mouthfuls of water.    


Wei Ziqing widened her eyes and looked forward to the miracle to happen. She thought about this pill. Her grandfather would definitely recover after eating it. But she never expected that after a few minutes, the old man suddenly closed his eyes. There was no sound at all.    


Wei Ziqing was shocked and the bowl of boiled water in her hand fell to the ground and broke.    


"Grandfather, my grandfather seems to have already..."    


Qin Yuan was also shocked. It shouldn't be. The old man should have gotten better after taking this medicine. Why did it become serious again? He quickly put his hand under the old man's breath and found that the old man still had breath. Although it was very weak, he also checked it again. He found that although the old man's body was motionless, the breath inside his body was constantly circulating. Only then did he feel relieved.    


"Don't worry, the aura in the old man's body still needs to circulate rapidly after he takes the medicine. This is a sign that he is getting better, perhaps because his body has been too weak these few days. Taking the pill suddenly has an impact on his body. "    


"Really? Does that mean my grandfather isn't dead? "    


Qin Yuan nodded and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, the old man will be back to normal in three days. Ziqing, don't be too anxious. You have to believe me."    


Wei Ziqing nodded heavily. Of course she trusted Qin Yuan.    


In fact, after a few hours, the old man slowly opened his eyes. Although his body was still in a very weak state, it was much better than before when he was on the verge of death.    


Then, Qin Yuan told Wei Ziqing about Qin Junwu's return. According to Qin Junwu's instructions, Wei Ziqing sent a few people to Xiangxi with the bottle of pills. After letting the other people in the town who had their lifespans borrowed eat it, they quickly recovered.    


The next day, Qin Junwu and Qin Yuan appeared in Jiangnan.    


In the center of Jiangnan City stood a huge building. This building was famous throughout Jiangnan City, but the most famous building was a hotel. Its name was Magnificent Golden.    


The decoration inside was indeed Magnificent and Magnificent. Only rich and powerful people in the country or even overseas could set foot in this hotel. It was imaginable how high the standard of this hotel was.    


And today, such a high-end hotel was completely booked.    


Because there was a wedding booking here today.    


Both parties involved in the engagement were reputable people. The man was once the number one family in China, the third generation of the Qin Family, Qin Lei.    


The woman was Zhang Shuixiang, the precious daughter of Zhang Daoxian, who had a high status in the world of cultivation.    


At this moment, the hotel was filled with luxury cars and all kinds of luxury cars.    


Qin Yuan and his son only drove an ordinary Passat, which appeared a little shabby among the many luxury cars, but the two of them did not care.    


The father and son looked at each other, then walked into the hotel with big steps. However, they were stopped by the security guards at the door.    


"Who are you? Today, our family has booked all these luxurious hotels. No one is allowed to go near them. "    


Qin Junwu said, "Go and inform them that Qin Junwu and his son are here to attend Qin Lei's engagement banquet."    


When the security guards heard this, they immediately felt a little strange, because they were originally from the Qin Family, and this father and son in front of them also had the surname Qin.    


Could it be that this father and son were some people from the Qin Family or some relatives of the Qin Family?    


"What are you still standing there for? Quickly go and inform them. Could it be that they want us to barge in?" Qin Yuan said coldly.    


A few security guards saw that the father and son were not here to cause trouble, so they gave him a look. One of them quickly went in to report.    


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