Revenging Son-in-law

C6 Group Crisis

C6 Group Crisis

4Li Haoming, on the other hand, was still shocked. After a while, he said to Doctor Chen, who was also dumbfounded, "A person who knows Rebirth Acupuncture and can use acupuncture techniques to such perfection... He's definitely not an ordinary person. Little Chen, go and help me investigate. Who is this young man called Qin Yuan? "    


Doctor Chen said," Chief Physician Li, isn't he just a son-in-law of Chu Family? What's there to investigate? "    


"We can't just look at the surface. There's a kind of person who lives in a low profile. I think this young man is deliberately hiding himself. Otherwise, why didn't he save Chu Gengnian earlier? Why did he have to wait a year to save Chu Gengnian?"    


Little Chen suddenly thought of something. "By the way, they owe a month's medical expenses. They haven't paid yet."    


Li Haoming said impatiently, "What do you want to pay? A person who can use Rebirth Acupuncture to save a person is not an ordinary expert. What are you waiting for? Quickly go and investigate. "    


"Uh, okay, I'll go over here." Dr. Chen replied and walked out.    


Li Haoming was still stunned in the ward. He muttered to himself, "This young man knows Rebirth Acupuncture. Then wouldn't that old man from the Wei Family be saved? Because the situation of the old man from the Wei Family was almost the same as Chu Gengnian's situation. It was all without any warning. Suddenly, his brain died and he became a vegetable. "    


Thinking of this, Li Haoming quickly took out his phone and dialed a number.    


The call was quickly picked up. A girl's voice came from the other side. "Hello, Uncle Li. I'm Wei Ziqing."    


"Ziqing, your grandfather's illness is saved." Li Haoming suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.    


Wei Ziqing was stunned for a moment.    


"Uncle Li, what did you say? My grandfather is saved? How is this possible? My grandfather has been in a vegetative state for three years. In these three years, almost all the famous doctors in the world have come. He was also unable to wake my grandfather up a year ago. My father and I, Second Uncle, have also invested a large sum of money to recruit some medical experts. They formed a research team to study and cure my grandfather's illness. Although they also developed some new drugs, it was a pity that they didn't wake my grandpa up. "    


"Ziqing, I told you earlier that relying on those foreigners and experts is useless. Now, I have encountered a Godly Doctor. He is actually able to use the lost Rebirth Acupuncture to perfection. This person can save your grandfather. "    


"Eh? Really? Rebirth Acupuncture? It was the legendary Rebirth Acupuncture that could cure human flesh and bones? Wasn't it said that it had already been lost?"    


" It has been lost, but that young man really knows it. I saw it with my own eyes. He even saved a patient who had the same symptoms as your grandfather. So, Ziqing... This young man is the only hope to save your grandfather."    


"Then who is he? Where is he now? "    


"I only know that his name is Qin Yuan, the son-in-law of Chu Family. As for the rest of the information, you can only rely on yourself."    


"Don't worry, I will send someone to investigate right now." Wei Ziqing said. With their family's power, it was as simple as eating lollipops to investigate a person's background.    


"Ziqing, remember, this person is not simple. Perhaps in this world, only he can save your grandfather, so you must sincerely invite him and personally invite him, understand?"    


"I understand Uncle Li, thank you."    


Wei Ziqing hung up the phone and could not suppress the excitement in her heart. Although she felt that it was not possible, she knew that Li Haoming would not lie to her.    


Since Uncle Li said that person could save my grandfather, then he could definitely save him.    


The mother and daughter of Chu Family brought Chu Gengnian back home after a physical examination.    


Just like what Qin Yuan said, apart from Chu Gengnian's weak body, everything else was normal. This was unbelievable.    


In any case, it was great news to the people of Chu Family that Chu Gengnian was able to come back to life.    


However, no one blamed this credit on Qin Yuan. Both mother and sister-in-law Han Ying firmly believed that. It was because Chu Gengnian had done good deeds for so many years that he was moved by the heavens that he was able to come back to life. As for Qin Yuan, it was just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. It was just an act of coincidence. After all, this guy had been married into his family for five years. How could he not know how much weight he weighed?    


Even Chu Zijing thought that it was just a coincidence, because her useless husband, Qin Yuan, could not possibly have medical skills.    


Therefore, although the people of Chu Family were very happy, their attitudes towards Qin Yuan did not change. Han Ying continued to shout at him, and when she returned home, she kept scolding him.    


"Trash, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and help your dad to the bed so that he can have a good rest."    


"Hey, quickly go and get your dad a cup of water. Why is he so blind?"    


"Bastard, who asked you to sit on the sofa? Didn't you see that it was almost dark? Hurry up and prepare dinner."    


Facing the scolding, Qin Yuan remained expressionless. He did everything as he was told. Firstly, he was already used to it. Secondly, his father-in-law had come back to life. It was only natural for him to do something for his father-in-law.    


However, his father-in-law, Chu Gengnian, could not stand it any longer. He said to Han Ying and Chu Zitan, "I am fine now. Let Qin Yuan rest for a while. Can the two of you be nicer to him? We are family."    


Qin Yuan was busy in the kitchen alone.    


"Let me help you." Chu Zijing walked into the kitchen.    


"No need. I can handle it alone. Zijing, you go and accompany Dad." Qin Yuan said.    


An hour later, Qin Yuan finished preparing dinner. The table was full. The family sat around and started to eat.    


Because Chu Gengnian had recovered, the family was in a good mood. The atmosphere at the dinner table was still pretty. Although his mother-in-law and sister-in-law would scold Qin Yuan from time to time, Qin Yuan did not care.    


However, this kind of harmonious atmosphere did not last long. When they were halfway through the meal, Chu Zijing's phone rang. She pressed the answer button, and an anxious voice immediately came from the other side.    


"President Chu, because of the lack of funds, the company is about to stop operating. What should we do?"    


It was Chu Zijing's secretary and assistant Anna who called.    


"President Chu, we must raise funds as soon as possible. Otherwise, the company will really go bankrupt. Right, at this critical moment, the Yun family actually sent people over. If you want to buy our Chu Group at a low price, our Chu City Group is worth several hundred million no matter what. They actually want to buy it at a price of 50 million. Isn't this bullying? "    


"Also, some other companies are also eyeing our Chu Group covetously. They think that we definitely won't be able to pass this gap, so they want to kick us while we're down. They want to force us to sell the company to them at a low price, that's too detestable. "    


Anna was furious. Chu Zijing's good mood suddenly fell to the bottom.    


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