Revenging Son-in-law

C34 Something Bad Was Going to Happen

C34 Something Bad Was Going to Happen

0After breakfast in the morning, Qin Yuan prepared to send Chu Zijing to work.    


He drove out the Ferrari 488 gifted by Red Flag Bank.    


This car was indeed very dazzling, especially under the sunlight. The strong red color of the car made people praise it.    


Even Chu Zijing could not help but praise, "A luxury car is a luxury car. Qin Yuan, are you going to drive me to the company today? This... Isn't it too conspicuous?"    


Chu Zijing had always liked to keep a low profile and did not like to be flamboyant. Even as the boss of a company, she felt that driving such a sports car was too conspicuous.    


Qin Yuan said, "This car has not been driven once since it was sent here. Today, I will send you to the company and treat it as a test drive."    


The two of them sat in the car one after another.    


However, just as the car was being driven, Qin Yuan suddenly felt dizzy. A memory rushed out of his head for no reason.    


A memory from five years ago.    


In a certain night five years ago, he was driving a Ferrari sports car and racing with several wealthy young masters on the endless highway.    


Five years ago, he was also a young master of a wealthy family. Qin Family was one of the top families in Huaxia and was deeply rooted.    


As a young master of a wealthy family, it was inevitable for him to be a bit of a playboy. For example, he often did things like racing in the middle of the night.    


However, he only remembered that he was once a young master of a wealthy family. The Qin Family was one of the top families in Huaxia. As for how their big family was destroyed overnight, and what exactly happened... However, he couldn't remember it at all.    


Every time he tried to think of this problem, his brain would feel an intense pain.    


So even though he really wanted to know the truth of the past, he didn't dare to think about it because he almost couldn't bear the pain in his head.    


However, when he sat in the Ferrari today, the memory of a race car five years ago swept over him. He drove the Ferrari at the fastest speed and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. However, just as he got rid of the other sports cars and was about to win the race, suddenly, a blurry shadow appeared in front of him.    


This caught him off guard. He instinctively wanted to step on the brakes, but his car was too fast. Moreover, the black shadow suddenly enlarged several times in an instant, blocking his way like a ferocious monster.    


Qin Yuan's pupils instantly enlarged. In the next second, with a bang, the Ferrari he was driving crashed into the black shadow.    


He only felt a roaring sound in his head. His body was flipped over along with the car, and then he was thrown into the air, and then he fell heavily again.    


Then, he didn't know anything. Until now, he still didn't know what the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him was.    


This memory suddenly surged into his mind, making him feel very uncomfortable. It even made him feel dizzy and short of breath. Cold sweat instantly seeped out of his head.    


What exactly happened on that day five years ago? He had an accident before? He couldn't help but think, but at that moment, that intense pain swept over him again. He almost couldn't bear it, so he had no choice but to step on the brakes. Then, he laid on the steering wheel and panted heavily.    


Chu Zijing, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, was shocked and hurriedly asked, "Qin Yuan, what happened to you?"    


Chu Zijing had never seen Qin Yuan like this before.    


Qin Yuan slowly adjusted his breathing until he finally calmed down.    


"I'm fine. I just remembered some things in the past." He said lightly, not wanting his wife to worry.    


Then he pretended to be calm and continued to start the car. Soon, he arrived at Chu Zijing's company building.    


"Qin Yuan, are you not feeling well? If you are not feeling well, go back and rest." Chu Zijing got out of the car and looked at him worriedly.    


"I am really fine. Wife, you work hard. I will come to pick you up after work tonight."    


After Chu Zijing walked into the company building, Qin Yuan turned the car around and quickly returned home to park the Ferrari.    


He looked at the dazzling luxury car and suddenly had a thought that he did not want to drive this car anymore.    


After that, Qin Yuan went to the park and riverside. He continued to absorb some natural spirit energy like usual. Although the effect was not obvious, he was more proficient in breathing and breathing.    


In the blink of an eye, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening after dinner. Qin Yuan went to pick up Chu Zijing from work. This time he did not drive the Ferrari, but drove Chu Zijing's Buick out.    


He went to the company building and called Chu Zijing. He found that she was still working overtime.    


Qin Yuan waited in the car for more than an hour. When it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, Chu Zijing dragged her tired body out of the company building.    


"Wife, are you tired? Recently, you have been working overtime every day until late. You have to take care of your health." Qin Yuan said as he started the car.    


Chu Zijing yawned and said, "I have no choice. After signing the contract with Beauty Makeup, everyone in our company is working overtime. After all, it is a big company. This is our first time working with them. We can't drag them down. "    


"Hey, Qin Yuan, our cooperation with Beauty Makeup's cosmetics company is very smooth. That morning, Anna and I brought the proposal that we rushed out from work to their company. We were going to talk to their boss in person. I didn't expect that we didn't even see the boss of their company. We only saw the vice president. However, that Vice CEO signed the contract with us without saying anything. "    


"I still don't understand why the Beauty Makeup cooperated with us so smoothly and actively. The president didn't even show up. He just sent a vice president and signed the contract with us. He really trusts us. "    


"Eh? Is that so? Wife, your company said that it shouldn't only belong to small and medium-sized enterprises. But the Beauty Makeup is a big brand in the country. You didn't know each other before. This time, they chose to work with your company. Even the CEO of their company didn't take any tests on you. He didn't even meet you before signing the contract. It's really surprising. Wife, do you know the CEO of Beauty Makeup? " Qin Yuan said.    


" How is that possible? How can a small company like us know the boss of a big company? Anyway, we are quite lucky this time. The Beauty Makeup trusts us so much, we must do our best. We can't let them down. "    


Chu Zijing casually talked about her company with Qin Yuan. At this moment, when Qin Yuan drove to a road, Chu Zijing suddenly said, "Stop, quickly stop."    


Qin Yuan hurriedly stepped on the brakes and the car stopped.    


"Wife, what's wrong?" Qin Yuan asked.    


Chu Zijing raised her hand and pointed to the front of the car.    


"Look ahead. That seems to be my sister's sandalwood."    


Qin Yuan followed her finger and indeed saw a Maybach parked not far away from the road. Two young girls wearing sexy makeup and makeup stood by the car. There was also a young man in a white suit.    


The three of them chatted and laughed by the car. It was very eye-catching even in the middle of the night.    


And wasn't the young girl wearing a black suspender and a short skirt her sister-in-law Chu Zitan?    


"It's already so late. Why is the sandalwood here?" Qin Yuan also felt puzzled.    


His sister-in-law was currently in university. Shouldn't she be sleeping in the dormitory at this time of the day? After all, it was already ten o'clock at night. Why would she appear here now? And she was dressed like this?    


If Qin Yuan didn't look carefully, he really wouldn't be able to recognize his sister-in-law. Although her usual style of dressing was very fashionable, she was still a student at school and knew to restrain herself.    


However, her sister-in-law was wearing such sexy clothes tonight, and she was wearing thick makeup. She looked like a Feng Chen girl.    


Chu Zijing saw her younger sister dressed like this and stood by the side of the road at night. She was a little angry.    


"This wretched girl, why is she wearing this in the middle of the night? Why is she wearing this in the middle of the night?"    


What made Chu Zijing even angrier was that at this moment, the man in a white suit standing beside Maybach suddenly put his hand on Chu Zitan's shoulder. There was an ambiguous smile on his face, and then Chu Zitan and another sexy girl followed. They followed the man into the Maybach.    


The car drove away very quickly.    


Chu Zijing's heart skipped a beat.    


"This girl actually got into a car and left with me in the middle of the night. Could something have happened? Qin Yuan, quick, quickly catch up. " Chu Zijing said.    


Qin Yuan also suddenly realized that something was wrong. He quickly started the car and followed Maybach in front of him.    


Chu Zijing took out her phone and dialed her sister's number.    


"Hello, Redwood. Where are you?"    


Chu Zitan's voice came from the other end of the phone, "What is it, sister? Why did you call me this late at night? I'm at school. "    


" Stupid girl, you're still lying to me? Are you really at school? I don't believe that I saw you just now. Why are you standing by the road? Furthermore, you got into a car and left with me. Who is that man in a white suit? Do you know him? There are too many bad people now, and you are simple-minded. Don't let anything happen to him." Chu Zijing was worried about her sister, so she sounded a little anxious.    


However, Chu Zitan said impatiently, "Aiya, Sis. Why are you so long-winded? Alright, I am indeed not at school. It is like this. It's our classmate's birthday tonight. Didn't we just finish eating? Originally, they were going back to school, but they shouted that they were going to sing karaoke. That's why we decided to go play for a while."    


"Why don't you take a look at what time it is? Do you still want to sing karaoke? You are a student... "    


"Aiya, Sis, why are you so long-winded? I'm a university student, not a primary school student, alright? What's wrong with our classmate going out to play occasionally? You're too much of a busybody, aren't you? Alright, alright, I won't tell you anymore."    


" Hey, don't hang up. Where are you guys going to sing karaoke? " Chu Zijing asked hurriedly.    


"Oriental Dynasty karaoke is not far from our school. After we finish singing, we will go back. Don't ask so many questions. I will hang up." After Chu Zitan said that, she did not hesitate to hang up the phone. Obviously, she did not want her sister to care.    


Chu Zijing became even angrier.    


At this moment, Qin Yuan was chasing that Maybach and happened to arrive at the villa area where he and Chu Zijing lived.    


Qin Yuan said, "Wife, you can get off the car and go home to rest first. You are tired after being busy for a day. Leave the matter of the sandalwood to me. Don't worry about it."    


Chu Zijing said, "Qin Yuan, you will follow them to that Oriental Dynasty KTV right now. Bring the red sandalwood back for me. This wretched girl. What kind of messy friends did she make? She still had to sing karaoke at night, and even dressed like that. What if he drank some more wine and got taken advantage of? What if something happens? "    


"Why doesn't a girl know how to be self-important?"    


"That's enough, wife. Go home. I'll bring the red sandalwood back." Qin Yuan parked the car at the entrance of the villa. Chu Zijing got out of the car. In a row. She told Qin Yuan several times to bring his sister back. Only then did she drag her tired body back home. She was indeed too tired. And she had to rush back to the company early in the morning to deal with a lot of things. So she could only leave this matter to Qin Yuan.    


He didn't know why? Chu Zijing had a bad premonition the moment she saw her sister. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.    


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