Revenging Son-in-law

C50 The Difference Was like Heaven and Earth

C50 The Difference Was like Heaven and Earth

2Chu Zijing said, "Aunt, is this money for our family? No, your family doesn't seem to owe us money, right?"    


Han Yu said, "Zi Jing, our family does not owe you money. But didn't I say it before? When our family is in trouble, your family has helped us a lot. What was that saying again? A drop of water should be repaid with a spring of water. Now, our family has money. Our son-in-law Du Fei's annual salary is five million. He really doesn't lack this bit of money. Just treat it as repaying the kindness you have shown us in the past few years. "    


Han Ying said," Eldest Sister, you are treating us as outsiders now. We are biological sisters, and we share the same milk. Shouldn't we help each other? "    


Han Yu said, "Second Sister, you are right. We should help each other. When our family was in trouble, your family helped us. Now that your family is in trouble, shouldn't we help you?"    


"That what? I know my niece's company is in trouble and is about to go bankrupt, right? And my brother-in-law... "    


Han Yu looked at Chu Gengnian as she spoke," Brother-in-law became a vegetable a year ago. He spent a lot in the hospital, right? Although he has returned to normal now, he can't go out and make money anymore. As for your son-in-law... "    


Han Yu glanced at Qin Yuan." Although your son-in-law is a man, he is really useless. He cannot shoulder the responsibility of supporting the family. He cannot be compared with our Du Fei. That is why your family now relies on my niece, Zi Jing, to support it. Furthermore, her company is facing difficulties. It's not easy. "    


"So, Second Sister, you must take this money."    


"There's no need, Eldest Sister. Redbud's company has already overcome its difficulties." Han Ying said.    


"Hey, don't be polite with me, Second Sister. Although this money isn't much, it's enough for your family. At least it's enough to support your family, right? Sigh, who asked my niece, Zijing, to have a bad life. Not only can I find a man who can't support half of the sky for her, I even have to rely on her to support me. Isn't this the same as finding a burden?"    


Han Yu said as she looked at Qin Yuan with a look of disdain.    


"Alas, it's a pity that my niece has such good conditions. She actually... actually married a man who doesn't have the ability to work and can't help at all. Sigh, but Second Sister, it's alright. Don't you still have us? In the future, if your family is in trouble, just tell Eldest Sister. In the past, it was you who helped Eldest Sister. Now, Eldest Sister is helping you."    


"Come, come, come, take this money." As Han Yu spoke, she lifted the box filled with a hundred yuan notes and stuffed it into Han Ying's hands.    


"This... How can this be done? Actually Eldest Sister's home is not as difficult as you say. You do not need to give our family money." How could Han Ying accept so much money from Eldest Sister for no reason?    


Chu Zijing said," Eldest Aunt, we appreciate your good intentions, but there is really no need. Our family is not short of money now. Previously, my company did encounter some difficulties, but it has already been settled. My father's health has also recovered."    


Han Yu said, "Settled? Zijing, I heard that your company encountered a lot of difficulties. Why did you settle it so quickly? Are you trying to fool Aunt Ye? "    


"I'm telling the truth. The reason why my company was able to overcome these difficulties... It was all thanks to Qin Yuan. He was the one who invested 400 million into my company. He had helped my company survive this crisis and had even expanded its scale. So, Aunt, you really don't have to give us money. " Chu Zijing said truthfully.    


She was telling the truth, but she did not expect Han Yu's family to laugh after hearing this.    


"Hahaha, what did you say just now, Zi Jing? Is it because of Qin Yuan that your company got through this crisis? He invested 400 million into you? I say, niece, you must have fooled Aunt Ye. Your useless husband can't even earn a single cent. How can he invest 400 million yuan into you?" Han Yu said.    


Luo Zhilan also could not help but laugh, "I say cousin, it's okay if you are embarrassed to accept this money. How can you find such a dignified reason? I believe that your company has overcome its difficulties. But if you say that it was because you, a useless husband, invested 400 million into your company that you survived the crisis, then you're lying through your teeth."    


Du Fei also said, "Second Aunt, you really don't need to be polite with us. I, Du Fei, earn 5 million a year. If I take out this small amount of money to help you, it will be a piece of cake. You guys should quickly accept this money. If you keep pushing and pushing, then you will be treating me as an outsider. "    


As he spoke, Du Fei pretended to look at Chu Zijing. When he saw Chu Zijing's peerlessly beautiful face, his heart trembled once more.    


"Cousin, I heard from your cousin, Zhilan, that it is not easy for you to open a company by yourself. Although you are very capable and rely on your own efforts to make the company big, you see, your company is facing difficulties now. How tiring it is to not have a man to support you, but don't worry. If you have any difficulties in the future, just tell us. I, Du Fei, am not a big shot. There are some things that I can help you settle. If you lack money... Just tell us. Don't be polite with us. "    


Luo Zhilan said," Yes, cousin. Cousin knows that you are proud and arrogant, but she married a useless person. She must be unwilling to accept it, but we are all on the same side. You don't have to care about your face in front of us. Your husband is clearly a useless person. How could he invest 400 million? You don't have to say anything about those shameless things. If you treat us as a family... [Take this 500 thousand.] If it's not enough... Say it again. Du Fei and I will help you. "    


When Luo Zhilan said this, she was secretly pleased because she was born in the countryside. Furthermore, in terms of looks and abilities, she was not as good as Chu Zijing, so she had always been jealous of her cousin. Why? Why is Chu Zijing stronger than me in every aspect?    


Especially today, Luo Zhilan was not a fool. She realized that her fiancé, Du Fei, had been staring at Chu Zijing ever since he entered the room. She was very unhappy in her heart and secretly scolded Chu Zijing for being a vixen.    


However, when she saw Chu Zijing marry a useless husband, she felt even better in her heart.    


Chu Zijing, Chu Zijing, even if your figure and appearance are above mine, you are still better than me. So what? So what if my background is inferior to yours? In the end, I married a good husband. You soared to the sky, but you married a useless person. This is the difference.    


It is said that a woman's marriage is her second life, and it is also her second chance to change her fate.    


Now, Luo Zhilan found a good son-in-law like Du Fei. It was equivalent to changing her own fate, and her cousin Chu Zijing's fate was originally pretty good. However, she married a good-for-nothing, which also changed her fate. However, the two of them, one was changing for the better. The other was changing for the worse. The difference was like heaven and earth.    


When Luo Zhilan was studying in the city, she had always stayed in Chu Zijing's house. Even though Chu Zijing's family treated her very well and treated her as a family member, but Luo Zhilan always felt that Chu Zijing looked down on her and always felt that she lived under the halo of Chu Zijing. This made her feel very aggrieved in her heart.    


Now it was good. The heavens had eyes and allowed her Luo Zhilan to find a good job and a good husband. In an instant, she surpassed Chu Zijing, so she had to take a good breath and step on her cousin properly.    


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