The Magic Trading System

C557 Bad Play

C557 Bad Play

2Under the bright lights, Yamamoto Michio could see that the palace was no longer the same as it was before.    




Just who could have such tremendous strength that could cause such a huge pillar made of iron, copper, and alloy that only four or five people could carry?    


After some careful thought, Yamamoto Miche became even more terrified.    


He believed that this might truly be an existence like the God of Heaven.    


One had to know that it was impossible to turn the palace into something like this without the strength of several tens of thousands of kilograms. Not even engineering machinery could do that.    


Moreover, under strict surveillance, no one could do this without anyone knowing.    


Yamamoto Michio had already checked the security cameras around him.    


The surveillance didn't show anything about the destruction, but it had all of a sudden turned into this.    


No one could do that.    


Is this God's punishment?    


Yamamoto Michio thought with fear.    


Yamamoto Michio led his followers into the shrine.    


As soon as they entered the compound, the police officers in charge of investigating the case would come over to investigate from time to time.    


"Sir!" Three quarters of the hall's nameplate had been destroyed, or even more! Inside the hall, there are bits of paper everywhere, and the Divine Name Thread has been torn into pieces and thrown all over the place. "    


"Sir!" There are less than three quarters of the divine tablets in the main hall, so there is a high chance that they have already been burnt in the courtyard. "    


"Sir, we've searched all the closed-circuit television surveillance systems and found no trace of the criminal."    


"Sir!" There was a strange video footage recorded by a camera near the shrine. A large pile of divine tags appeared in the open space outside the hall in an instant. Then, a liquid descended from the sky and a divine flame landed on the tablet.    


Yamamoto Michio hurried off to check on the security cameras.    


He took a look, and indeed, it was as his subordinate had reported. He could not see the suspect at all, everything had happened suddenly.    


It was as if a powerful god had used his invisible hand to play a trick on the shrine, turning it into a scene of devastation.    


Too terrifying.    


How could this case be solved?    


The news of the destruction of the shrine would probably spread all over the world in an instant.    


How was he supposed to report back to the people!    


Yamamoto Michio was very worried.    


"This must be God's punishment! God must be dissatisfied with our performance in recent years, so he used such behavior to warn us! That must be it! "    


"That's right!" No one has the ability to do such a thing, and only God can do it. "    


"This is divine wrath! Absolutely! We should follow God's will! "    


Yamamoto Michio heard some of his subordinates whispering to him.    


He sighed in his heart.    


In fact, his heart was in agreement with the discussions of his subordinates.    


However, he still said harshly, "Please do something as soon as possible! "Stop talking nonsense about those weird things!"    


Only then did his subordinates stop talking and get busy.    


That night, all the Japanese were shaken.    


This was especially true after the photos and surveillance videos were released. Almost everyone believed that this was a divine revelation.    


That night, Zheng Hao slept soundly.    


He barely even had a strange dream.    


Daybreak had arrived.    


He woke up at seven in the morning and washed up. He thought he would go to the Tokyo District Court later.    


After all, it was still early.    


Zheng Hao went downstairs to look for food.    


I actually found a Chinese restaurant nearby, where there were Chinese style fast food such as beef noodle, potato flour, cold skin, meat buns and so on.    


Zheng Hao smiled and thought to himself, "Let's eat here."    


Last night he had used a Super-Power Glyph, but he had overdrawn quite a bit of his strength, and now he was starving.    


"Good morning, sir! What do you need? "    


After Zheng Hao sat down at the dining table, a delicate and pretty girl walked over and asked. It was Japanese.    


Zheng Hao raised his head and looked at the girl.    


She was about 1.6 meters tall, slender, attractive and pretty.    


"You're Japanese?" Zheng Hao asked.    


"Yes, I'm Japanese." The girl nodded.    


Zheng Hao shook his head, thinking to himself, It seems that Chinese restaurants are not necessarily run by Chinese people.    


"Give me twenty bowls of beef noodle soup first!" Zheng Hao immediately said.    


"Huh?" The girl was taken aback. "Sir, do you have any other friends coming to eat?"    


"No, it's just me. I can eat better, can't I?" Zheng Hao blinked and said with a smile.    


"Oh! Excuse me, I'm sorry for offending you. " The girl quickly apologized, afraid that what she said just now would offend Zheng Hao.    


"It's nothing! Do it quickly! Each bowl will increase the noodles by half, I can add money to it. Each bowl of noodles was originally 500 yuan, so I can add 200 yuan to each bowl. " Zheng Hao said.    


"Alright! Please wait a moment, sir. " The girl said with a surprised expression and went inside to report her meal.    


It was not even 8 in the morning yet, there were only a few people eating. Zheng Hao alone ate more than 20 people.    


Zheng Hao took out his phone and wanted to see the news again.    


At this moment, his phone rang.    


He took a look and saw that the caller was Tomoko Tojo.    


What did she mean by calling me so early?    


Still, he answered.    


"Lady Dong Li, good morning!" Zheng Hao greeted.    


"Mr. Okamoto, good morning!" Where are you? Something terrible happened yesterday, and I don't know what to do now. " Tomoko Tojo said.    


She was indeed a little flustered.    


"Oh? Did Mr. Mingzhi Tojo die? I just saw that news too, ma'am, and I'm sorry. " Zheng Hao said.    


"Yes, Senator Eastbar has become a god. It was all too sudden. I didn't sleep last night and was busy dealing with the aftermath of Mr. Senator. I was a little lost and didn't know what kind of fate was coming for me." Tomoko Tojo said.    


Isn't the death of Mingzhi Tojo a good thing for you? You are finally free to leave that old eunuch. What are you still lost in?    


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