The Magic Trading System

C571 Little Tai-mei

C571 Little Tai-mei

4"Brother, you're thinking too much. I don't want to do anything. I just want to get close to Tomoko Tojo and see how she suddenly became so powerful. I want to learn from her, is that not okay?" Wuyi Tojo blinked as she spoke.    


"Don't try to lie to me, I know where you want to go!" Wuyi, I will only tell you one thing, and that is: Even the Yamaguchi-gumi branch guild leader Takeshita Xiong does not dare to offend that woman! So, don't be so ignorant as to how high the sky is and how deep the earth is! " Donder scolded.    


Wuyi Tojo pouted. She felt that her brother was exaggerating.    


Tomoko Tojo was just an ordinary woman, and had no choice but to marry her own father to serve as a string of strings because she was in debt. What ability did she have to force Yamaguchi-gumi Major to submit?    


There must be something more to it, right?    


Humph! If you don't tell me, won't I think of a way to deal with this myself? See if I don't grab Tomoko Tojo and tie her to my father's coffin. When that happens, the whole family will look up to me.    


With Wuyi Tojo's little scheme in mind, she drove her brother directly to her father's old house.    


His father's coffin was there for a memorial service and would be sent to the funeral home to be cremated in a few days.    


Donlang Soo went to her room to shower and change her clothes.    


On the other hand, Wuyi Tojo hid to a secluded place and started to call Kimura Tomoko.    


It was already 5 in the afternoon. Kimura Tomoko and Zheng Hao had just come back.    


They visited several office buildings and rented a large office space in one of them. Then, the two of them agreed to register the company the next morning.    


They had just returned to the inn where they were staying when Kimura Tomoko's cell phone rang.    


Kimura Tomoko took out her cell phone and saw that it was a call from Wuyi Tojo.    


Kimura Tomoko frowned and thought to herself, Why would she call me?    


Sachiko answered the phone anyway.    


Just as the call connected, Wuyi Tojo's voice transmitted over, "Hello, Miss Tomoko! I have a very important item that I want to give you. Can we meet later? "    


Kimura Tomoko was very curious and thought to herself, "What kind of important items would Wuyi Tojo give me?"    


She asked, "What is it?"    


"My father's will said that it would be given to you. Can we talk about it when we meet?" Wuyi Tojo once again requested to meet up with him.    


"Alright then, you go ahead." Kimura Tomoko told him where she was.    


Seeing that she hung up, Zheng Hao asked: "Who?"    


"It's Mingzhi Tojo's daughter. She said that she has an important item. Mingzhi Tojo's will said that it's to be given to me. She's coming to find me." Kimura Tomoko said.    


"Zhi Zi, haven't you seen Mingzhi Tojo's will?" Zheng Hao asked.    


"I've never seen one before. They won't show it to me." Kimura Tomoko said.    


As the two talked, they returned to their hotel room.    


They wanted to wash up, change their clothes, and come out to dinner.    


Just as Kimura Tomoko finished changing her clothes, her cell phone rang.    


She saw that it was Wuyi Tojo's number.    


She answered.    


"Miss Tomoko, I'm downstairs." Wuyi Tojo said.    


"Okay, then I'll be right down. There's a café downstairs. We can go in there for a while." Kimura Tomoko said.    


"Alright, hurry up and come down. I'll be waiting for you downstairs." Wuyi Tojo said.    


After hanging up, Kimura Tomoko said to Zheng Hao, who was still showering, "Dearest, I'll go downstairs. I'll be back soon."    


"Go." Zheng Hao said.    


Kimura Tomoko turned around and left.    


However, when Kimura Tomoko left, Zheng Hao suddenly felt uneasy.    


He had a bad feeling about this.    


Zheng Hao quickly washed his body and started to dry himself with a towel. He planned to put on his clothes and go downstairs to check on the situation.    


At this moment, Kimura Tomoko had already descended the stairs. When she walked out of the hotel, she saw Wuyi Tojo and two other girls leaning against a car, looking at the entrance of the hotel.    


Seeing Kimura Tomoko come out, Wuyi Tojo welcomed her with a smile.    


The other two girls followed.    


"Miss Tomoko, I'm so glad to see you again!" Wuyi Tojo said.    


"Miss Donder, what exactly do you want to hand over to me? Can you take it out now? " Kimura Tomoko, however, was wary of them and didn't want to get too close to them.    


"It's in the car. It's quite big, so it's hard to take out. Come and take it off yourself." Wuyi Tojo said.    


"Really?" Kimura Tomoko was slightly doubtful.    


"Of course it's true. Come, come! Take it away, it's worth a lot, and I'll say it, my old man favors you the most. " Wuyi Tojo said as she pulled Kimura Tomoko's arm towards the side of the car.    


Kimura Tomoko didn't resist and followed Wuyi Tojo to the car.    


Wuyi Tojo opened the car door.    


A delinquent girl behind Kimura Tomoko quickly covered Kimura Tomoko's nose and mouth with a small towel soaked in ether.    


Kimura Tomoko fainted instantly.    


Wuyi Tojo and the two delinquents carried Kimura Tomoko to the car and left quickly.    


"Hahaha!" Stupid brother! They were still talking about how powerful Tomoko Tojo was now, and how difficult it was to deal with her! Just look at me, with a little trick, I can capture her and bring her to my father's Spirit. " Wuyi Tojo said while laughing extremely arrogantly.    


After Zheng Hao was dressed, he hurried downstairs.    


He went downstairs, and when he opened the door, he did not see Kimura Tomoko.    


Zheng Hao frowned. He asked the security guards at the entrance of the hotel if they saw where Kimura Tomoko went.    


The security guard told Zheng Hao that the three girls brought Kimura Tomoko to a Toyota Crown Vic and headed in that direction.    


The security guard pointed in Zheng Hao's direction.    


Zheng Hao immediately became angry.    


The people of the Dong Clan were so cowardly, they actually dared to cause trouble again.    


After walking a few steps, he used a Invisibility Spell in a hidden corner to hide his body. Then, he used a flying shuttle to fly into the sky.    


He chased in the air in the direction indicated by the security guard. After chasing for a while, he didn't see the car that the security guard mentioned.    


He felt a burst of irritation in his heart.    


Zheng Hao vaguely heard from Kimura Tomoko that Mingzhi Tojo's old house was located there.    


He opened up the Google Map and searched for a bit. Then, he locked onto the location and flew in that direction.    


Wuyi Tojo drove very fast on the fastest elevated road.    


It only took her about ten minutes to arrive at the outskirts of the capital where her old house was located.    


He parked the car in front of his house.    


Wuyi Tojo looked at the banner flying outside her old residence and felt a burst of bitterness in her heart.    


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