The Magic Trading System

C38 Mission Trading 1000 Tons of Coal

C38 Mission Trading 1000 Tons of Coal

2At this moment, Qian Yuling's shout came from outside the yard, "Zheng Hao, come out for a bit, I have something to tell you."    1


"Sister-in-law Yuling is here. Sofia, why don't you leave quickly?" Zheng Hao said to Lin Meifaang.    


"I'm not leaving! I'm not willing to waste my time with you tonight. " Lin Meifaang bit her lips, her eyes red as she lightly shook her head.    


Are you f * cking looking at my temper?    


However, when facing a woman, his heart truly couldn't harden.    


"If you won't leave, I'll let Sister-in-law Yulingzi in to talk." Zheng Hao said.    


"Up to you. I'm not afraid of losing face. I've lost my face a long time ago anyway." Lin Meifaang said.    


I'll do it!    


She actually dared to act so shamelessly with me. How could it be like this?    


Zheng Hao's face darkened, "Meifaang, I hope you can be more serious. I pity you and pity you, but you can't bully me because of this!"    


His tone became somewhat unfriendly.    


When Lin Meifaang saw Zheng Hao like this, she knew that Zheng Hao was getting impatient. It would be difficult to achieve her goal of taming this man with some tricks.    


She had been at the party for a long time, so she had a good grasp of a man's temperament.    


She sighed in her heart and said, Time to go, don't really bore him.    


"Zheng Hao, don't hate me. I just like you too much. That's why I'm bothering you like this. If you let me go, I'll go, okay? " As she spoke, her eyes sparkled with tears. She lowered her head and walked out the door.    


Zheng Hao followed her out of his room.    


He saw Qian Yuling standing in her own yard, looking over the wall.    


"Sister-in-law Yuling, what's the matter?" Zheng Hao walked over.    


"Eh, it's Meifaang. Zheng Hao, I'm so sorry, I didn't know there was someone in your family." Qian Yuling said.    


The lights were on in Qian Yuling's house, so she could clearly see the person who walked out of Zheng Hao's room.    


Lin Meifaang turned her head and forced out a smile, "Hello, Yu Ling. I'm also here to speak with Zheng Hao. The matter is over, I'm leaving."    


"Meifaang, come over to my house and play when you're free."    


"I will, I'll definitely play with you another day."    


After the two women exchanged a few polite words, Lin Meifaang walked out of Zheng Hao's yard and disappeared into the night.    


Qian Yuling winked at Zheng Hao and whispered, "Why not? It's such a good thing, yet you want to betroth a huge sum of money to someone else. How can you possibly find such a good thing? "    


Zheng Hao raised his eyebrows and said, "Sister-in-law Yuling, you are really sharp in the ears. You can hear everything."    


"That's right, they're just standing there with their ears erect. It would be weird if you guys could say something so loud, right?" Qian Yuling said with a light smile.    


"F * * k, I just don't know why she found me. I'm still confused." Zheng Hao shook his head with a bitter smile.    


"The reason I came to find you was because you're one of the few good men in the village. In the past few days, you've made quite a name for yourself in our village." "Everyone can see that you can't keep falling down like this. You will definitely be able to find a way to build a career, and that's why Lin Meifaang has her eyes on you." Qian Yuling said.    


"Let's not talk too much. Anyway, I have to thank Sister-in-law Yuling tonight. You helped me out." Zheng Hao said.    


"As long as you don't complain in your heart about me ruining your good fortune, that's fine." Qian Yuling laughed.    


"I don't think that's a good thing." Zheng Hao shook his head.    


"Eastbay Mode, what a famous service! If you're a man, your eyes will light up at the word. Don't believe that you don't want to try it out." Qian Yuling pursed her lips and smiled.    


"You're mocking me again. I'm not going to talk to you anymore, I'm going back to my room to sleep." Zheng Hao said.    


"Then I'll take a bath later, you're not allowed to peek at me again." Qian Yuling whispered.    


"Sister-in-law Yuling, if you block that hole, don't worry about me stealing a peek." Zheng Hao said.    


"If you don't block it, it will test your self-control." Qian Yuling said.    


This was already teasing him a little.    


Zheng Hao shook his head and said, "Sister-in-law Yuling, good night!"    


He went into his house.    


Zheng Hao lied on the bed and started to think, this old house of his is indeed a bit shabby. I have some money now anyways, should I build the house first?    


Rural people have a little money to build a house, to see who is poor or rich, the first target is housing.    


Actually, even if you build a small building, it would only take a little over 200,000.    


To build a grand house meant the rise of a family.    


To Zheng Hao, this thought was full of temptation.    


While he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard the system say in his mind, "Hello host, there is an urgent new quest that needs your cooperation to complete. This quest is, you must purchase 1000 tons of coal within two days and trade it to the system."    


A thousand tons of coal in two days?    


F * ck! One thousand tons was equivalent to one million kilograms. Two million city kilograms was not a small amount.    


How much is a meal of coal now? Zheng Hao really had no idea about this.    


After all, he had never been in contact with them before.    


He quickly took out his own hundreds of mountain smart phones and began to search for coal prices. Then, he found out that the current price of coal was 350 yuan per ton.    


A thousand tons would be 350 thousand yuan!    


Zheng Hao gasped.    


If he hadn't sold a bottle of beauty water to Lee Ting for one million yuan, he would have vomited blood just for this quest.    


If the System were to make such big moves every few days, he would not have enough money to deal with it.    


Building a small foreign house?    


Save it for now!    


"Host, please respond immediately. Do you want to accept this mission?" The System urged again.    


"I'll take it." Zheng Hao said.    


"Alright! After completing this mission, you will receive a generous reward. Then, I shall await the host's good news! " The System said.    


Zheng Hao knows that because burning coal has a great impact on environmental pollution, the whole country is restricting the production of coal right now.    


Many of the small mines had been shut down.    


Large state-run coal mines are also reducing production.    


At the same time, coal prices have fallen sharply.    


Where could he go to find a thousand tons of coal?    


Tomorrow, Zheng Hao thought, he would see if there was any coal in the nearby small mines.    


That night, Zheng Hao didn't sleep well because he was worried about this mission.    


The next morning, he got up early. He looked at the pigs in the pigsty and found that everything was normal. He then ran to the fields to check. The growth of the corn was also very pleasing.    


He came back to eat breakfast, then went to find Liu Changjun.    


Liu Changjun rode his motorcycle to the town with him, so Zheng Hao went to the counter to pick up 40 thousand yuan and gave it to Liu Changjun. He said to Liu Changjun: "Uncle Changjun, I'll give this job to you. Take someone to do it for me, I have other things to do."    


"Fine, go back to work!" Your work is not complicated and is very easy to do. In at most ten days, I will be able to build the courtyard wall, the pig house, and even the dorms where the workers live. " Liu Changjun patted his chest and said.    


"I don't need to worry about Uncle Changjun working!" When this pig farm has been completed, I will invite you all to this town to have a feast! If the quality is really too high, I still have a bonus for you guys! " Zheng Hao said.    


After sending Liu Changjun back, Zheng Hao bought a motorcycle at a shop selling motorcycles at Donghsing Town. Afterwards, he roared on the motorcycle towards a small coal mine closest to Donghsing Town.    


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