Omnipotent Cellphone

C1081 Roll with Passbook

C1081 Roll with Passbook

1Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect the two killers to be so tolerant. In that case, Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to expose them now. Anyway, the two killers didn't find Patriarch Chen steel and Chen Lingxi who were still in the car.     4


Right now, Jiang Xiaobai just so happened to be empty-handed in dealing with this shameless Head Servant.    


At this moment, Head Servant was also a bit confused.    


He didn't know what Jiang Xiaobai meant. The 5 million was obviously bribed by him to Jiang Xiaobai to shut up and not tell anyone about what happened to him today.    


But who would have thought that this Jiang Xiaobai would suddenly give the money to those pitiful Little Servant.    


Could it be that even five million wasn't enough to seal this kid's mouth?    


This brat's appetite is a little too big.    


Head Servant had a bad idea.    


"Brother Jiang Xiaobai, you gave the servants the money, what do you mean by that? Don't tell me you don't want the money?"    


Head Servant said to Jiang Xiaobai.    


Jiang Xiaobai just smiled at him.    


"You want to bribe me with this little money? You're a bit too childish, aren't you? People like you should take all the money with you, right? Take it all out."    


Jiang Xiaobai said to the head of the team carelessly.    


Actually, Jiang Xiaobai had already seen Head Servant's wealth for a long time. He didn't just bring this little money, Jiang Xiaobai also intentionally sent away all the other servants.    


The purpose of this was to prevent them from seeing how much money Head Servant had embezzled from Chen family. If this number was seen by the other Wu Steelers, then it would be difficult to change the attitude of the Chen family servants' team in the future.    


Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, two streams of cold sweat flowed down Head Servant's forehead.    


Jiang Xiaobai was right!    


This Head Servant was indeed the type of person that would carry around no matter how much money he had. Money was too important to him, he wouldn't feel safe leaving it at home. He just kept the money in the bank and took it with him.    


Only by doing this would he be able to make himself feel like the owner of the money at any time.    


"Big Bro Jiang, you've completely misunderstood."    


"How can I carry so much money with me? How can there be such a weird person these days? All my other bank cards are in our safe. "    


Although Head Servant's idea was already guessed correctly by Jiang Xiaobai, but he still quickly tried to quibble with Jiang Xiaobai as there was no money on him even if he bit Head Servant to death.    


If he admitted at this moment that he had brought all his money with him, then he would be a complete fool.    


Wasn't it obvious that he was waiting for them to take away the money he had painstakingly earned all these years?    


Head Servant wasn't stupid to such an extent. Although he knew that Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't believe him if he said that, he still said it like that.    


If Jiang Xiaobai believed it, he would have successfully avoided this great calamity.    


Jiang Xiaobai smiled disdainfully at Head Servant.    


"What are you pretending for?"    


"Don't think that I, Jiang Xiaobai, didn't notice that there are two bank cards in your left pocket, one for the bus bank and the other for the car bank."    


"There's a passbook in my right pocket. The balance on it is three million five hundred and eighty thousand."    


"And in the underwear, there's the promissory note that Mr Zeng, who was beaten up by me and still hasn't gotten up yet, wrote to you. A total of 2.8 million."    


"And under the insole at your feet, there are still two bank cards. Hurry up and take them out."    


Jiang Xiaobai said one word at a time, and clearly saw through Head Servant. The fact that he said it almost scared Head Servant to death.    


"You actually know all these?"    


Head Servant was completely shocked. Even if his dead mother came out from the grave, she probably wouldn't even know where he hid the money.    


Now, Jiang Xiaobai actually said everything at once, and there wasn't a single part of him that was wrong!    


It was too terrifying.    


Head Servant was on the verge of tears. Jiang Xiaobai was too strong.    


"Of course I know. Is there anyone in this world that can hide things from me, Jiang Xiaobai?"    


"With this little trick of yours, it's not even enough!"    


"Hurry up and take it out. If you keep bullshitting me, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will kill you now!"    


Jiang Xiaobai said to Head Servant.    


This time, Head Servant didn't say anything more. Jiang Xiaobai had already told him his entire background word for word, so Head Servant couldn't hide it anymore.    


Head Servant took out his bank cards and passbook from his clothes and put them in front of Jiang Xiaobai.    


"Find a rock and place it on the ground!"    


Jiang Xiaobai didn't directly extend his hand to receive it as he despised it. After all, these things were all taken out from Head Servant's dirty places.    


Jiang Xiaobai did have this obsession with cleanliness.    


Head Servant very obediently finished everything as per Jiang Xiaobai's instructions. Then, he respectfully kneeled in front of Jiang Xiaobai.    


"Big brother, this is my entire fortune. Would you let me off this time?"    


Head Servant asked Jiang Xiaobai.    


Jiang Xiaobai looked at him, then calmly said to him: "I'll give you two choices now. One, take nothing and leave. I can take back what I said before and not break your third leg for now."    


"Second, you can take away the passbook that was pressed under the rock. The few million that is written on it is equivalent to all the hard work you have done for so many years in Chen family. But because you offended me before, I will honor what I, Jiang Xiaobai, said before. It is to break your third leg, and from now on, you will have no descendants. "    


"Your punishment ends here. As for what you should do, you can decide between these two choices."    


Wu said to Head Servant, these two choices are already Jiang Xiaobai's biggest tolerance to him.    


At this moment, Head Servant plopped down on the floor.    


To him, these two choices were like pulling him from heaven to hell.    


But at this moment, he had no other choice. The two choices that Jiang Xiaobai gave him could only allow him two choices.    


Although money was important to him, it couldn't be compared to the happiness he had for the rest of his life.    


Other than the fact that Head Servant loved money, a normal person like him would not choose the second kind.    


"I choose one."    


Head Servant gritted his teeth and said those words with great difficulty.    


"Fine, take your passbook and scram!"    


Jiang Xiaobai told him that this was already the best result for him.    


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