Omnipotent Cellphone

C1078 I Want to See How Much You Can Pay

C1078 I Want to See How Much You Can Pay

4"2 million!"     3


Head Servant's voice sounded again, but now, Goon still didn't have any reaction. Head Servant was already blushing.    


After adding money over and over again, the onlookers were no fools. They all knew how rich he, Head Servant, was.    


However, everyone knew how he got the money.    


"What are you guys looking at? Don't think that even Head Servant doesn't know about what you usually steal from me. I was just being lenient and didn't expose your situation to you. Now it's your turn to hide it for me. I want to see who dares to tell me about what happened today."    


Head Servant said to the innocent bystanders. Right now, he wanted to use his identity as Head Servant to seal everyone's mouths.    


As long as the things he did today were not leaked out, and he continued to work for Head Servant, two million was nothing to him. It would only be a matter of two to three days.    


If Chen family was like a big cow, then these two million was just like a cow's hair. With his identity as Chen family Head Servant, he could come in contact with tens of millions of dollars at any time. With just a finger, he could secretly hide several million in his own pocket, which was a very simple matter.    


After Head Servant said these harsh words, the innocent bystanders started to get scared. They normally only cleaned up here, so they didn't have any contact with big numbers. When Chen family was purchased, most of the time, they would just teach Head Servant their money, which was why today's situation was like this.    


These innocent Little Servant, at most, could only secretly take some things that his Chen family had already decided not to take.    


Now, this Head Servant actually used this kind of thing to threaten them. This already made Wu Tie a little dissatisfied.    


"I'll tell you guys, if any of you dares to talk about what happened to me behind my back, I swear I won't let him off easy. What are you guys watching? Hurry up and get the hell out of here!"    


"Seeing you bunch of useless things, I feel annoyed, a bunch of useless things!"    


Head Servant cursed at the innocent Wu Steelers. The anger that he had collected from Jiang Xiaobai was now all vented out to the people under his command.    


However, these Wu steelers also didn't seem to be easy to bully. They had often suffered at Head Servant's place, but now they had gotten hold of his weakness.    


It was the best time to pull Head Servant down from this position.    


At most, everyone would just die today. At that time, it might not even be possible for anyone to get into Head Servant's position.    


"Let's all work together and complain to Elder Chen!"    


"When Elder Chen returns, it will be when this guy gets kicked out of Chen family!"    


A few dissatisfied Little Servant immediately gathered all of the servants of Chen family to fight against Head Servant, who bullied them everyday.    


Jiang Xiaobai was watching the show from the side. He felt like he had nothing to do with himself now. However, the current situation was entirely due to him.    


"This liveliness is pretty good, all of you continue!"    


Jiang Xiaobai wasn't in a rush at all. He found a chair and sat down. He felt that it was rather interesting watching them perform.    


This Head Servant was simply like a movie empress. He changed from the beginning to the end, and now, he had already kneeled down in front of these Wu steelers.    




Head Servant, who was usually aloof and proud, kneeled down in front of the Wu steelers with tears and mucus all over his face.    


"Everyone, listen to me. Actually, there are both old and young people in my family. All of you still don't understand me. Actually, my life is a tragedy."    


"My mother is already over 80 years old. She has an incurable disease, and her cerebellum has shrunk to the size of a fist. She's just lying there paralyzed, no different from a vegetable."    


"My father used to be a driver. He had a very high income, but an accident took his legs away. Now I have to take care of my father who has no legs every day."    


"My wife has run away. Do you understand the pain I have to endure?"    


"She is the person I love the most in my life. I wish so much that our child would be my biological son, but no, when I came here to work, my most beloved wife fell in love with my cousin!"    


Head Servant knelt in front of all the servants and told them about his tragic life, hoping they would be touched by him.    


But he was wrong. His acting talent as a film emperor-level talent did not gain the recognition of these Little Servant people.    


"Don't pretend in front of us, which one of us doesn't know you? Your parents are already dead, and your beloved wife ran away with your cousin. She was your cousin's daughter-in-law in the first place."    


"It's you. You intentionally destroyed your cousin's family and forcefully tied him up in a hotel behind his back. You actually have the nerve to talk to us about such inhuman matters. You're really too much of a beast!"    


One Little Servant was Head Servant's neighbor, so he understood Head Servant's situation very well. On the spot, he exposed the lie Head Servant told them.    


"You, Puppy Egg, have you forgotten the reason why you can come to this place called Chen family?"    


"You're being ungrateful!"    


Head Servant's face alternated between red and white. This kind of humiliation almost made him lose all his face.    


"Don't call me a puppy egg, what ungrateful bastard. I have been working at Chen family for many years already, and it was you who recommended me to come over. But after eating my salary for so long, have you forgotten all about it?"    


"It's only been a year and you've already given me twenty-two hundred and twenty-two dollars. What do you mean by that?"    


"Isn't this clearly saying that I'm stupid?"    


"You have already swallowed so much of my salary. Today, you must spit it all out for me!"    


Little Servant did not want to be outdone. After so many years of being angered by Head Servant, he was going to get everything back today. The most important thing was his salary. Those were all his hard-earned money.    


"Right, that's right, this guy usually uses all kinds of excuses to seize our wages, and he also collects the money Elder Chen bought for him. He's been so rich all these years, we can't let him go so easily!"    


The other servants also didn't show the slightest bit of tolerance towards the leader of the servants, directly making Head Servant the target of public criticism.    


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