Super Asura System

C940 Destroy Everything

C940 Destroy Everything

4Soon it was the next morning, after everyone woke up for breakfast, the whole fleet went on alert, and both sides began to approach each other.     0


As usual, they had to say some nonsense first. Everyone answered the call and gave the acoustic stone to Chen Jun. Chen Jun said loudly, "You guys are really bold, to actually dare to come and cause trouble for us."    


Zhao Yiming said coldly, "If you dare to rob our merchant ship, you should have thought that this day would come. I don't care how long you roam the sea. It's your bad luck to provoke me."    


Liang Dapeng said in a calm voice, "We are pirates. It's normal to rob merchant ships. Besides, we didn't kill you guys."    


Gong Yingming immediately asked, "If you said it wasn't your doing, then who did it? That ship only belonged to you and the people of Tan Family. It must have been your doing."    


Chen Jun roared, "If it was me who did it, I wouldn't have the courage to deny it. If you want to wrongly accuse me, then stop daydreaming.    


We were the ones who robbed those goods, but we can only blame their bad luck for offending someone we shouldn't have offended. That's why someone ordered us to snatch the goods.    


However, we have always been aiming for wealth and not death. As long as they don't resist violently, we can only injure them. Although a few of them are seriously injured, even if they die, there are only a few of them. "    


Jiang Mochen chuckled and said," I wonder who the merchant group offended to actually give orders to pirates like you. Why don't you say it out loud and let us experience it? "    


Liang Dapeng said coldly, "You rebels don't need to talk here. We won't tell you anything. However, this is definitely a big shot, a big shot that you can't even dream of."    


Qiao Lingyun said with a smile, "He's just Great General Sun Haiqiao, the subordinate of the Sea King. He can't be considered a big shot, can he? We can't even dream about it. What are you bragging about? "    


Chen Jun had a fiery temper after all. He shouted loudly, "Compared to that big shot, not to mention Sun Haiqiao, even the Sea King is nothing..."    


He seemed to have his mouth covered by someone. The rest of his words were squeaky. However, this had revealed a huge piece of information. There was indeed another force besides them, and it was a very powerful force.    


Xie Tianyao's cold voice was heard, "You dare to kill my husband? Our Tan Family will never let this matter rest. Today, we will let all of you die here."    


Sun Xiuli said with a smile, "You don't have to say anything here. After I help you deal with this, we will send all of you to that place to reunite. Perhaps, we can reorganize a big family.    


I wonder if everyone has agreed or not. Once we've agreed, we can act. We don't have mercy on pirates like you. If you offend the Ming Cult, you will be punished even if you are far away. "    


Chen Jun shouted loudly," You guys are really arrogant. Today, I will send all of you to the sea to feed you bastards. For a noble woman like you, I will conquer every night and kill you. "    


The few warships that had been prepared in advance also pressed the fire switch. Dozens of missiles shot up into the sky and shot towards the enemy.    


These pirate ships all activated their defensive formation. A light shield covered them. To be more precise, they made these ships a type of Mechanical Vessel.    


Moreover, although the overall performance of these Mechanical Vessel was not as good as the Sea Clan's regular army, in some aspects, they were indeed much stronger. This was to satisfy their special requirements.    


Although these missiles looked powerful and powerful, they were actually only Level Four Mechanism Apparatus. Under the full-fledged attack, they could only blow up five of the enemy's ships.    


As the enemy got closer and closer, their crossbows began to display their effects. Arrows as thick as an arm shot out, wanting to hit the ships.    


The Fire God defensive cannons on the warships quickly rained down fire. Not only did they blow up these arrows, but they also shot out the speedboats, turning them into fireballs.    


The pirates were all on fire and fell into the sea. These flames were very strange. They did not extinguish in the sea and continued to burn.    


The second batch of missiles was fired. The two ships of Tan Family were also turned into a sea of fire. Apart from the dozen or so powerful men of sacrifice, the rest were already dead.    


Xie Tianyao stared at them angrily, but at the same time, she was terrified. The enemy's war machine was too powerful, and it was already the third wave. Could it be that they really had so many in reserve?    


However, after another two waves of missiles, the pirates only had two flagship left. With the support of the defensive formation, the pirate ship had been damaged in many places.    


The remaining ships had all turned into fireballs, and the sea surface was filled with burnt corpses. Chen Jun and Liang Pengpeng's eyes were about to tear apart.    


This was clearly a one-sided massacre. They didn't even get close to the enemy's warships, and it was easy for them to withstand the cannon fire and rush over, but they were torn into pieces by the rapid firing Mechanism Apparatus.    


Whether it was Gong Yingming or Jiang Mochen, they were all dumbfounded. They had long known that the Ming Cult was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be this strong.    


One must know that if it was their two sides, they wouldn't be able to kill these pirates so easily. It was as if they were destroying everything, not giving the enemy any chance to get close.    


Both of them looked at each other with burning eyes. If they could obtain this Mechanical Vessel, they would definitely make the other party suffer.    


At this moment, Bai Tingting reported, "We've used up all the missiles in our inventory. It will take about a day to transfer them from Ming City. We can still use the Fire God Machine Cannon twice."    


Sun Xiuli waved her hand and said, "The soldiers have been slaughtered. They are all experts. You men should also exercise and get on the boat to kill them all.    


Gao Yuan, you lead Ye Hong and Bai Jiu to capture Xie Tianyao. As long as she stays alive, I want to ask her a few questions."    


She looked at everyone and said like a queen, "What are you doing here if you don't go? Don't tell me you don't know how to fly. Hurry up and go."    


Zhao Yiming shrugged his shoulders and left in a flash. The rest of the people immediately followed behind him. They borrowed the corpses on the sea and jumped onto the pirate ship.    


Currently, those guys on the pirate ship were also on guard. When they saw that the other party wasn't attacking, they knew what the other party was planning.    


However, they were no longer in the mood. It should be said that they needed to wait and see how much fighting ability they could display after their morale was taken away.    


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